The Long Run (Prequel to Time...

By Alice_the_Doctress

18.1K 839 102

"I've been running this marathon my whole life. And I've ran so much, it's like I've forgotten how to stop."... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Series Info

Chapter Three

1.2K 52 0
By Alice_the_Doctress

~September 1958~

This was my third year at Oxford and I already grew accustomed to the setting. I made a small group of friends and got along with the crowd.

Being a literature major wasn't easy so my nights were spent working on twenty-page essays that were due the next day and tons of coffee. Tons. My roommate, Darlene Cobbleston, was the exact opposite. She was the social butterfly of the group and grades weren't exactly her top priority. Yet somehow, she always scored high marks.

"Come you knit wit," Darlene hassled, placing her hands on her hips as she stared down at me.

I didn't glance up from my laptop as I spoke, "What? Where?"

"Don't be an imbecile. The party of course!" She gushed.

"And why would I go..." I arched a brow in confusion.

"Because you need a break for once and maybe you'll meet a nice lad over at the pub," Darlene insisted and tossed a dress at me, "Now put this on. Cab's coming in twenty."

"I hate you," I muttered not so quietly.

"No you adore me," she laughed and walked out the room to let me change.

Once I finally got dressed and we got into a cab, I started to have second thoughts. "Look I'm not so sure about all this..."I muttered nervously.

"Oh stop being such a ninny," Darlene rolled her eyes, adjusting her burgundy dress.

"Parties aren't even really my thing. And it's not like I'll know anyone there," I insisted, trying so hard to convince her to take me back.

"Why don't you want to go so bad? Don't you love parties?" She asked.

Well, I guess I did enjoy parties. The dancing and the drinking was fun. It was just the people. And by people, I meant me. I was really afraid that I'd mess things up like I usually do.

"You wouldn't get it," was all I said in response as the cab slowed down in front of the pub. I payed the cab driver 8 pounds and we got out the car.

Once we entered the pub, we were greeted by a huge crowd and loud music. Some people were crowded around the corner, cheering someone on. I couldn't really see that clearly but I was guessing they were having a drinking competition or something.

I let Darlene go off to the crowd while I wandered over to the bar. "Mind if I have a seat?" an accented voice asked. I turned to see a guy with short black hair and brown eyes.

"Go ahead," I shrugged, taking a sip of my drink.

"Thank you," he sat down and smiled, "Pardon me asking, but you don't seem like the type of lady who enjoys these kind of parties. What brings you here?"

"My room mate dragged me here," I sighed. For a guy who I literally just met a minute ago, he was already prying way past my boundaries. However, me being the polite person I am, I knew I couldn't assume the worst of him.

"That accent. You're American?"

"Well technically no. Argentine. But I was raised in America," I told him. I didn't even know who this guy was and for some reason I was telling him my whole life story. "Look I should go. This clearly isn't me..."

"No stay," he persisted, "Let me get you another glass."

"I don't know..."I hesitated.

"I insist. It's on me," the guy flashed a bright smile.

"Fine. Just one," I complied.

"Two scotches for the lady and I," he ordered, then glanced back at me, "My name's Piers."

"Isabelle," I muttered and the bartender brought us our drinks. I glanced over to the side, trying to spot my friend through the hoards of drunk college students.

"That's a beautiful name," Piers mentioned, causing me to turn back around. He handed me my drink and I quickly took a sip.

~Time Skip~

"Where are we going?" I slurred as Piers carried me over his shoulder, going through the back exit of the pub.

"Don't worry about it. Relax," was all he said as he stalked through a dark alley. My vision was blurred and I could barely hear or see anything.

"Hey, where are you taking her?" another unrecognizable male voice asked.

"This is none of your concern lad. Walk away," Piers told him.

I wasn't sure what happened next but I could tell it wasn't good.

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