.:Heaven and Hell [Jared Leto...

By sowiesixx

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This is my first story about 30 seconds to mars! <3 I have moved this story here from Quizilla. I hope you... More

Characters & Prologue
Chapter 1; The First Meeting
Chapter 2; Sówïe's Studio
Chapter 3; The Start
Chapter 4; Meeting Shannon
Chapter 5; Memories
Chapter 6; What's happening?!
Chapter 7; Into the Wild
Chapter 8; Sweden part 1
Chapter 9; Sweden part 2
Chapter 10; Closer to the edge
Chapter 11; Florida
Chapter 12; What to do
Chapter 14; A weird turn
Chapter 15; Going home?!
Chapter 16; Trouble?!
Chapter 17; Trying to figure it out!
Chapter 18; The Reason?!
Chapter 19; Willing to risk it?
Chapter 20; Is it over?
Chapter 21; Australia
Chapter 22; 100 suns
Chapter 23; sleeping in the wrong bed?!
Chapter 24; Given a chance!
Chapter 25; Missing you
Chapter 26; Tears
Chapter 27; A talk with Shannon
Chapter 28; The past
Chapter 29; The whole truth
Chapter 30; the birth and end of the story

Chapter 13; A surprise

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By sowiesixx

Sówïe looked at Jared and he looked down at her and smiled then he kissed her cheek. After that, Sówïe turned her head to Sophia.

‘Do you wanna go somewhere quiet and talk?’ She asked and pointed backstage.

‘Yeah sure, that would be great!’ Sophia said and then they walked away from the guy’s. Sówïe showed the way, they reached the room she was in earlier, and they sat down.

‘So…how have you been?’ Sówïe asked her former BF, breaking the silence. She was still somewhat shocked that she was actually here. And she wondered why!

‘I’ve been good! How about you?’ She said and smiled softly.

‘The same here, I’ve been good.’ She said, but she knew not everything had been that good, she had a scar to prove that. She had lied, to the people she has come to love, for 5 years and she had really missed her daughter, even if she was only 4 months when she left. She had also missed Sophia, she wanted to call her so many times but felt she had no right to. However, despite that she has had many good moments too, meeting Jared, Shannon and Tomo, opening her own photo studio and making a name for herself. Going on Tour with the boys, seeing the world and finally after 5 years although in odd circumstantial she told Jared that she loves him and then of course now she’s pregnant.

‘What have you been doing sense you left? Or start with why you left?!’ Sophia said after a moment of silence. Sówïe looked down at the floor and felt slightly ashamed.

‘Uhm…I left because of Joel, he was hitting me and I told my sister and as I thought then, she did not believe me, so I left…a weird move I know but I can’t do anything about it now! And what have I done…I’ve worked as a tattoo artist and then I opened my own Photo Studio in LA. I really haven’t done that much more, I’ve spent a lot of time with Jared, Shannon and Tomo. I’ve bought a house and I’ve spent 2 weeks in the hospital…And for the last 3 months or so I’ve been on tour with 30stm in Europe.’ She said and looked up at Sophia.

‘Joel, Tattoo, Photo, LA, 30stm, house, tour and hospital! What happened that made you stay in the hospital for so long?’ She said hoping she didn’t push anything.

‘Joel happened…he found me, I had just about bought my house and Jared was upstairs showering, Joel broke in and stabbed me in the stomach. I was only minutes from being dead. But Jared and Shannon helped saving me.’ She said in a slightly uncomfortable voice.

Then the boys were finished and came backstage to where the girls were and interrupted.

‘Sówïe are you ready to leave?’ Shannon hollered just before they reached the room. He reached them and saw she had company Sówïe smiled at him. She looked at Sophia.

‘Do you wanna come with us to the hotel or do you have anything else you’re doing?’ She asked her and then she rose from the sofa they were sitting in.

‘No, I can come with if it’s okay?!’ She said and rose from the sofa. Then they all left for the hotel. Jared walked beside Sówïe and then he took her hand. Sówïe hadn’t told Sophia anything about the two of them yet.

Back at the hotel, Sówïe and Sophia continued talking they sat down on a sofa.

‘Okay I have to ask! You said Jared was up stairs, the day Joel hurt you, and when we meet today, he kissed your cheek and when we walked to the car, he took your hand! Are you two…’ She said and smiled at Sówïe.

‘Yeah…I guess we kind of are!’ She answered and smiled softly back at her.

‘You guess?!’ She said confused.

‘Yeah it’s kind of a long story!’ She said and then they talked for about 45 minutes and then the clock showed 12.30am and Sophia felt she needed to get back to her hotel. Sówïe offered to make her company and then they left, but out in the hall they bumped into Tomo. Who wondered where they were going. Sówïe told him and then he insisted on joining them, he didn’t want Sówïe to go by herself back here. At Sophia’s hotel, they exchanged numbers.

‘We’re going to Orlando in a few hours and after that the tour continues somewhere else. How long are you staying here in the states?‘ Sówïe said and looked at Sophia.

‘Uhm, I was planning to stay 3 weeks!’ She said.

‘Okay!’ Sówïe said and then she looked at Tomo and then back at Sophia.

‘Why don’t you come with us?! We can catch up even more if you do!’ She said smiling.

‘Are you sure that’s okay?’ She said and looked at Sówïe and then over at Tomo and back.

‘Yes of course. They have nothing to say about it!’ She said and smiled at Tomo who stood a good 13 ft away.

‘Come on let’s get your things and get back to our hotel, you can stay with us seeing we’ll leave at 6am.’ Sówïe said and smiled. Sophia said yes and they went and got her stuff and walked back to their hotel again. Back in the hotel room Jared and Shannon was both in Jared and Sówïe’s room. Jared was writing on his computer and Shannon was clinking on Jared’s guitar. They both looked at Sówïe when they entered the room she smiled at them.

‘Sophia is coming with us for the next 2-3 weeks.’ She stated to them, she walked over to Jared, and sat down beside him. Sophia stood just beside the door looking at the four other people in the room, she felt she didn’t really know any of them.

‘Hey, Sophia! Come sit down!’ Shannon said to her and smiled, and when Shannon smiles you can’t do other than obey, it’s just as when Jared smiles, you totally melts inside. Sówïe looked over at Shannon and then Sophia and smiled as she got a vision in her head. She bumped Jared on his arm, he looked at her and she motioned for him to look at his brother, and he did and then he smiled too.

About 2½ weeks later at May 15, they were back in Los Angeles for a show. Sówïe’s belly has grown and she is now 11 weeks & 4 days into it. She couldn’t lie about it anymore, because now it looks like a pregnant belly, that’s because while in St. Louis Sówïe went on an ultrasound and they told her she is having twins! Sówïe was there alone and she was about to freak out when she got the news. ‘OMG twins?! This is crazy!’She thought and then she left and went back to the guy’s and Sophia. She still haven’t told her she is pregnant. She must have had a weird look on her face when she entered the bus again.

‘What’s wrong S?! Is everything okay?’ Jared said and rose from his seat and walked over to her. Sówïe just looked at him with a blank expression. Then he grabbed her shoulders and then she blinked at looked at him with her light blue eyes, she looked into his gorgeous eyes for a moment and then she swallowed and opened her mouth.

‘We’re having twins!’ She said in a shocked voice, still looking into his eyes. Jared’s jaw dropped and then he got a big smile on his face.

‘What?! Are you serious? That’s awesome!’ He said in a excited voice.

Sophia looked at Shannon with a shocked expression.

‘Dude, we’ve spent 6 days together and it haven’t even crossed my mind she would be pregnant! I must be an idiot!’ She said softly.

‘Girl, it’s not that easy to suspect, considering the clothes she wears!’ He said to comfort her and then he smiled.

Sówïe didn’t even bother hiding her belly anymore, she wore more normal clothes nothing that was too big for her, maybe just one or two jeans.

She sat on a chair in her kitchen reading a newspaper and eating breakfast, she has slept in her own bed the last 2 nights, and she had really missed it, although hotel beds are great, there is really no place like home! Sophia was still asleep in the guest bedroom.

Jared parked his car outside her house, he stepped out of the car and walked over to the front door and he opened it without knocking or ringing the doorbell. He walked over to the kitchen and when he reached it, he stopped in the doorway and just looked at Sówïe, who didn’t even notice him. Jared stood there for a few minutes but then when he shifted his weight the floor screeched and Sówïe looked up from her reading, when she first saw him standing there she got a feeling of fear. She backed off her chair and bumped into a kitchen counter and she slid down to the floor, she has had her eyes on Jared the whole time, but not registering it’s him. But just before she slid down to the floor she saw who it was and down on the floor a big smile spread across her face.

‘OMG, don’t ever do that again.’ She said looking at him.

‘Do what?’ He said playing stupid. But he actually got scared himself by her reaction.

‘Dude, you scared the crap out of me.’ She said and then rose from the floor, Jared was now right by her side. They walked over to the table and sat down.

‘Wait, what are you doing here?’ She asked confused after a moment.

‘To be honest! Shannon wanted me to go get you two, because its Sophia’s last day with us and I think Shannon has a crush on her.’ He said and smirked.

‘You don’t say. I can bet everything I own that he has a crush on her.’ She said and looked at him with an obvious look.

‘However I can’t come with you, I have stuff to do at the Studio. But take Sophia with you and I’ll join you later when I’m done!’ She said.

1½ hours later Sówïe entered her studio and she met Hailey who she hired last time she was home, just so that she would be able to have the studio opened for at least small jobs.

Before she sat down at her desk, she put a disc in her stereo and hit play. It had songs she hadn’t listened to for about 4½ years. And the first song that started to play was;

Mikael Wiehe – Flickan och kråkan (The Girl and the crow) (it has an amazing lyrics, I’ve translated it for you guy’s)

I sat the other day and read the news

a day like so many before

And I thought of all those dreams that you dreamed

one by one, they have ended

Then I saw a picture of a girl

with a wounded crow in her arms

she runs through the woods

as fast as she ever could

And she runs with fluttering curls

she is running on skinny legs

And she begs and prays and she hopes and believes

that it won’t be too late

The girl is small and her hair is so bright

and her cheeks are so flickering red

The crow is clumsy and croaking black

in just a moment it will be dead

But the girl, she's running for life

of a wounded bird in her arms

She runs toward safety and warmth

for what is right and true

And she runs with shining eyes

she is running on skinny legs

for she knows that it's true, what daddy has said

that if there is life, it is never too late

And I start shaking in agony and distress

I shake with fear and horror

for I knew quite clearly

that it was a picture of me that I’ve seen

For my hope is a wounded crow

and I am a running child

who believe there is someone who can help me still

who believe there is someone who has answers

And I'm running with a beating heart

I am running on skinny legs

And I beg, and pray, all though I know

that it is already too late 

And when she heard the song she got feeling from back home, when she lived in Sweden. Then the next song started;

Lars Winnerbäck – Elegi (an even better song and lyrics!) (I’ve translated this on too)

You see the second half of the sun when it falls in the West

I sit here alone and wondering where we’ll end up next

With you on the other side of the world I get time for nothing

While the night shed blue, cold shadows around here.

We could do anything, we would never say no

And what you entrust to me, I will entrust to you.

A storm is on the way tonight, examine and confess

Son of God will come down from heaven again.

You have to stand naked in front of the truth and the earth’s all torments.

He will test your strength, he will test your morals.

We stand silent in front of crossroad, where the summer ends

As teenage children on their way home after yesterday's debut

Now nothing would be the same, we were in a different league

We could hear the autumn dark water roaring under the bridge.

We could do anything, we would never say no

And what you entrust to me, I will entrust to you.

And just now, I heard your laughter

And you say that you miss me tonight, so do I

It is so quiet from the street bellow, thou it never is

It is as if the night here have seen everything and gently sings along.

An elegy for all the sorrows that this horrible fall was about

For a mother who has fallen ill, for a child who never came.

For the shade over the yard where the sun never shined

For a strength that was not there, you miss mine, I miss yours.

For a silence between the walls that cut through the cement

Two pairs of eyes in the emptiness from September to Advent

For a man who went to work as if nothing had happened

For a woman who said "everything is destroyed, everything is burned”.

An elegy for all the roads that we have not yet walked

For a time, that just goes and never comes again

We could do anything, we would never say no

And what you entrust to me, I will entrust to you.


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Ordbok - Visa detaljerad After that song she turned over to the radio instead. And the first song she heard was;

Adele – Make you feel my love (if you haven’t heard it, you got to listen to it!!)

And she couldn’t help but thing of Jared, she got a huge smile on her face and after the song she started doing what she came there for. 2 hours later she was done at the Studio, so she said goodbye to Hailey and made her way to Jared’s house.


That was chapter 13! Please send a message and tell me what you think of my story so far, it would meen alot to me! :)

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