The Banshees Vol. 1

By TheNewNarrator

419 16 53

"This is gonna become war," Blake said, his head down. "And this is our war." A family torn apart, a corrupt... More



39 1 0
By TheNewNarrator

She grunted in annoyance as she lurched back from the burning hot engine.

"Jesus." Kate said, wrapping her hand in the cloth she used.

Kate'd been at the petrol station for hours, the ute was dead and she didn't have the foggiest idea why, and she had a pistol she stole from one of the cops-barely any ammunition in it-tucked just behind the hood.

She saw a figure out of the corner of her eye approaching. She straightened in preparation to strike with her ninja-skillz.

The figure approached at a fairly relaxed pace and she-

She turned casually towards him, destroying any and all suspense with a simple "Hello."

"G'day," He greeted. He was clearly true blood Australian, thongs and all. "I saw you were havin' some trouble."

"Uh, yeah. What about it?" Kate said, wiping grease off her hand.

Such a people person.

"Ya' want some help with it?" He asked, squinting an eye from sunny glare. "Thanks for the offer, but I don't need, nor want any help." She said, turning back to the ute and slipping on her sunnys.

"You sure?" He said. This kid's really punchable. "Yes, now bugger off." She sighed, annoyed by his persistence. "Um," He said.

"BUGGER OFF!" She yelled at him, exasperated by his presence. He began to walk away slowly, clearly startled by her sudden anger.

When he was out of sight, she turned back to the ute. "Bloody hell."

She never actually did anything like this, so really the only thing she thought would help was twisting as many things as she could with the wrench. "It looks like it's doing..."

Nothing, Kate, it's doing literally nothing.

She cracked the knuckles of one hand against the hood, the other hand derping over the engine. "Oh, you son of a fridge." She mumbled. 

As Kate worked away, she heard something, something that should of been a welcomed sound, oh, but how unwelcome it was.

A siren.

She turned away from the engine slowly, not trying to attract attention, and saw a car screech to a halt.

She held the pistol behind the engine, staring at the the car.

"This is... bad." You don't say? Really? I thought we should go have a parade, personally. Shoot off our bloody guns.

The doors opened and 3 policemen stepped out with ''It's hit the fan" looks on their faces.
Kate turned away as they glanced over at her through their heavily tinted aviator sunglasses, her heart rate rising.

One of them wasn't looking away, and Kate knew that when the impact of realisation hit the copper. She had to get moving. "Hey, guys..." He spoke aloud, "Isn't that Kate Mc-" He barely got through her name when she was off. Man, she was glad these guys had less brains than Trump.

"Briaaaaan!" He said in an extremely whiny voice. "I told you not to say important information like that out loud!" One bickered, pulling out his pistol as Kate sprinted. "It'll make them harder to shoot." A round shot off, stumbling Kate as it skidded by her foot. Another bullet from the 40. calibre bounced by. She grinned a cocky grin.  All Kate needed to escape was a mere bound to get over the fence ahead. 

Her feet were quick, her skin thick... she was unstoppable. 

Kate ran towards a wooden crate to bounce off of to gain height. Her foot made contact with the box and she went flying, soaring through the air... well, no, actually. Sorry to rain on my parade, but that feeling she had was not, in fact, flying, but falling. Face planting, actually.

Really, as soon as box tapped heel the thin, tattered wood gave in and she fell through, onto the dirt.

She lifted herself up and felt her face. Blood. Her lip was bleeding.... just as her nose was, with that really annoying pain you get when you hit your nose. A racing start and she was off again, scraping up and over the fence into and she was in a backyard. But she had no time to take a breath as the one of the policemen were already climbing over the fence. Another backyard and another one, until she found herself against a wall, so she examined her options;

A: She turns herself into the police, get put on trial and die in prison.

B: Run out on the street, into the open, easy to shoot.

C: Take her firearm and kill all dem mofos.

If you guessed A, I'm sorry to tell you you're an idiot, but if you guessed C, you're absolutely right. Kate reached for her pistol and came up with nothing.

"Shite." She said to herself, frantically patting around for her gun. Y'know, I think she might have left it behind the hood. Well, she might have to put those Karate lessons she did when she was younger to use... what? Deus Ex Machina? What are you on about? I would never be so lazy as to use such a technique.

She walked over to a clothes line, and snatched her hand through some jeans, and the other through a t-shirt.Kate spun them round her hands to match boxing gloves. She heard their feet, she prepared to fight.

They jumped over and she swung for ones face, blood instantly gushing from their nose. Kate ducked a fist and swung a left jab to his abdomen, sending her converse to his teeth as a finishing blow. A round-house kick met the 3rd as he landed on the other side. He slammed against the fence, a sound of rattling metal. Another kick went high into his face accompanied by another rattle. A right fist to jaw, and her left swung out in front of his face but stopped. He barely reacted as she slowly pulled her fist back, and as she looked at him she realised that his eyes were glazed and half shut, his mouth slack jawed, and he barely stood straight.

Turning away, Kate heard a thud as the cop's knees gave in and he collapsed, either dead or unconscious, she didn't know, she didn't care. The only one left conscious was still writhing in pain, but Kate couldn't take any chances, she took the pistol from Tooth-fairy's belt and loaded it.

"Please, NO!" He screamed as Kate aimed the pistol. "Tell me why you're here." She said, not hiding the deadly intent in her voice. "I'm cop! I'll arrest you!"                                                                                                 "I'll kill you."

"You won't get away with this. You know that."

"I will if there aren't any loose ends."

"There're too many, you'll have to kill the entire police force."

"Who says I can't?"

"We're well over a 2 thousand, and growing."

At this, Kate paused. "How?" The man smiled through his missing teeth. "They pay well, and we can do whatever we want to the Undesirables." He hissed, his final word dripping with disgust. "Undesirables?" Kate hissed, "People like you, the ones Der Teufel hate." The policeman hatefully exclaimed. Kate chuckled, "He doesn't like the Irish, heh?" Bemusement flashed across the cop's face. "Yeah," He returned the chuckle, "But no, 'cause you're a girl who thinks she can beat a man's world." He laughed. Kate turned, picked up a 2x4, lifted it above her head, and swung down on his knee. He screamed the most pain filled, hateful scream she'd ever heard. "Sorry, what was that?" Kate said, stepping on to his now shattered kneecap. He screamed and sobbed,  but Kate wasn't going to let it go. Now, you see, Kate was raised alone by her mother, grew up a feminist, and she kinda idolised Sonya Blade. So, if some man thinks he can go and talk to her that way, they good as dead already.

"I hope you burn when the Flamer Unit gets to you and those Mick brother's of your's!" He hissed, an angry smile breaking out on his face again as Kate gave a worried expression. But frankly, Kate wanted him to shut up.

A couple fists to the face later he wasn't doing much talking.

Kate stood up and rubbed her knuckles, thinking about what the cop had said. Der Teufel, who was he?

"Who the hell're the Flamer Unit?"

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