Sterek Ficlets

By sabadonightupdate

357K 10.8K 1K

A collection of Sterek One-Shots. More

Author's Note
The Best Part
Once. Twice. Thrice...
A Father's Day Special
Hold Me and Never Let Me Go
Head Over Heels
Like Diamonds in the Sky
Kings Never Die
Puppy Love
Puppy Love - Epilogue
It's Going to be Alright
Believe Me
Stress Baking at its Finest
The Feeling is Mutual
Until We Meet Again Part 1
Until We Meet Again Part 2
When the Sun Rises
Today and Everyday
Pole on the Floor
My Son's Dating a Werewolf
Highway to Hell Part 1
Highway to Hell Part 2
Highway to Hell Part 3
Living with Sourwolf
When Angels Cry Part 1
When Angels Cry Part 2
When Angels Cry Part 3
When Angels Cry Part 4
When Angels Cry Part 5
Mark Myself
On the Line
A New Year's Kiss


8.8K 297 14
By sabadonightupdate

Stiles knew that Derek was going to leave after the things that went down in Mexico. He knew that the Hale wolf would eventually get sick of all the people dying and even though he cared about the pack, it doesn't really surprise Stiles that he'd pack up and leave.

"So, you're really going, huh?" Stiles asked as he tried not to look into Derek's eyes. He didn't want to tear up in front of the wolf. He didn't want the man to see him as some pathetic teenager who has a crush on him.

Derek chuckled as he tossed his bag in to the compartment of the Toyota. He turned to see the teen fiddle with the hem of his plaid shirt and he sighed at the sight of how much Stiles has grown.

He made his way towards Stiles and took his hand, "I want waffles, scrambled eggs and sausages when I come back."

Stiles looked up and blinked twice before he found something to say, "Hey! You're supposed to have a fruit bowl as well, you, Sourwolf. It's going to be the perfect, healthy breakfast."

Derek laughed softly as he drew the young man close to wrap his around his slender waist and bury his nose in to the crook of Stiles' neck, he breathed in the scent of Adderall, the sweet scent of chocolates and the musk of teenager. He pressed his lips there and when he pulled away, he said, "Wait for me to come home, okay?"

Stiles nodded timidly as the tears came rushing down his face, "You have to bring me a bouquet of roses, okay? I'm not cheap. I want you to wine and dine me first before you around pushing me against walls and having your way with me. Don't forget about the curly fries. Text me whenever you can... I know that you unlimited texting just for me."

The wolf nodded as he pressed his lips against Stiles' forehead and then walked away.


Six years had gone by and Stiles stood in front of his mirror as he brushed his teeth. He hears his dog bark loudly as it entered the room but he shrugged it off.

He quickly rinsed his mouth and went on to his room, only to see his husky/wolf mix pup rolling over his already-made bed.

Stiles groaned and said, "Ace... buddy, do you want me to get the squirt bottle again?"

The pup jerked to a stop and jumped off the bed; he sat on the floor with his tongue lolling out of his mouth, his ears perked up innocently and Stiles rolled his eyes, "You know, it terrifies me how much you understand the words 'water' and bottle. But then again, it doesn't really surprise me. You want breakfast, boy?"

The pup barked in response and then followed Stiles to the kitchen.


Stiles lived in a four bedroom house in the middle of the forest, just a few minutes away from where the Hale house used to be; a master bedroom, an office slash library and two guest rooms for when his Dad or any of his friends came over and spent the weekend with him.

He was still in Beacon Hills; he graduated high school alive and still in one piece, went to college at NYU then came back after finishing. He started writing a book which Lydia found and decided to help with publishing it.

The Lone Wolf Series became one of the best selling novels in the country and in some parts of the world. It was about his life from the moment Scott got bit; of course, he changed the names and locations. Dr. Deaton said it was alright to work on it. It was the reason why he could afford this home he made for himself and for Derek, if he chooses to come back.

Stiles never got over Derek; the wolf was one of the reasons why he wrote the book. He wanted to keep something that will remind him that not all monsters do monstrous things just like what Lydia had said. He wanted to keep those memories close to his heart and that when people look at werewolves, they'll see that not all are killers.

He glanced at the clock on the wall that said '6:45' and he cursed under his breath. He quickly gathered ingredients from his pantry and settled them on the counter. Ace sat quietly on his hind legs and watched his owner flail around and say, 'I should check on him' and then quickly grabbed his phone from the counter.

The dog barked once and Stiles looked down to see that he hasn't given his pup food yet. He sighed and said, "Thanks for reminding me, Ace. Here ya go."

Once the dog was fed, Stiles went back to making waffles, scrambled eggs, sausages and a fruit bowl good for two.

He was, after all, making a Welcome Home breakfast for someone special.


Derek rubbed his eyes roughly as he passed the 'Welcome to Beacon Hills' sign. He was thankful that he drove his Toyota instead of his Camaro. He loved the space it gave him. He glanced at his phone that lit up when a text. He smirked because he knew who it came from.

He made a quick stop at the flower shop; he bought a small bouquet of white carnations for his family's crypt and for a bouquet of roses for someone special, and some tulips. He drove down to the cemetery and quickly made his way to the Hale crypt.

He said his  prayers and made his way to Claudia Stilinski's grave. He got down on one knee and placed the small bouquet of tulips and said, "Hi... I know you probably heard a lot about me from your son... I just... I wanted you to know how much he has changed my life for the better. So, thank you for Stiles."

And when he stood up, he took one last look at the grave and smiled as he walked towards his car.


Stiles smiled at his work. He glanced at the clock, it was already 7:10 and he scowled. He fished out his phone and sent a quick text to Derek.

But before he could place his phone down, the front door opened and Ace was running to the front, barking happily. He could hear a familiar voice telling his pup that he was a good boy.

And when Derek came in to the kitchen, with a bouquet of roses and huge grin on his face, Stiles said, "Welcome home, Sourwolf."

Derek placed the roses on the table and made his way towards Stiles. He snaked his arm around his waist, pulled towards his body and kissed those pink lips, and when he pulled away, he said,

"I'm home."


A/N: On second thought... I think I'll keep this going :)

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