STYLES in Disguise *slow edit...

By xScribbling_Conceptx

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Before, I thought I already know myself but when a tragic accident came into my life, everything has change. ... More

CHAPTER 1: The Necklace
CHAPTER 2: Please be Strong
CHAPTER 3: The Moment of Truth
CHAPTER 4: It's Time
CHAPTER 5: A Brand New Start
CHAPTER 6: Confrontation
CHAPTER 7: Roller Coaster Life
CHAPTER 8: Ride here, Ride there
CHAPTER 10: Group Chat
CHAPTER 11: Good turned Bad
CHAPTER 12: Poor Louis!
CHAPTER 13: Second Chances
CHAPTER 14: Let's Go Crazy, Crazy, Crazy
CHAPTER 15: Girlfriends
CHAPTER 16: Reminiscence
CHAPTER 17: First Day
CHAPTER 18: Nothing's Fine I'm TORN
CHAPTER 19: Heartbreak
CHAPTER 20: First Dance
CHAPTER 21: It's time to get up!!!
CHAPTER 22: The Plan
CHAPTER 23: Party @ 18
CHAPTER 24: Text Message
CHAPTER 25: Bad Day
CHAPTER 26: Harry, what's wrong?
CHAPTER 27: Who's HES?
CHAPTER 28: Not a good idea!
CHAPTER 29: Is This A Sign?
CHAPTER 30: Little White Lies
CHAPTER 31: Pool Party!
CHAPTER 32: Reject it or Not
CHAPTER 33: Nialler!!
CHAPTER 34: Ranting Styles
CHAPTER 35: Harry VS. Stacey
CHAPTER 36: Four vs. One
CHAPTER 37: That Should Be Me
CHAPTER 38: Let Me Be The One
CHAPTER 39: Last First Kiss
CHAPTER 40: Revealed!!
CHAPTER 41: Game Over!!
CHAPTER 42: Bestfriend
CHAPTER 43: Fangirl
CHAPTER 44: Look who's here
CHAPTER 46: New Girl
CHAPTER 47: Favor
CHAPTER 48: Spaces
CHAPTER 49: Me vs. Me
CHAPTER 51: Destiny
CHAPTER 53: They Don't Know About Us
CHAPTER 54: Big Mistake
CHAPTER 55: Big Day!!

CHAPTER 50: The Plan ver. 2.0

114 13 5
By xScribbling_Conceptx

(Karen's POV)

"Niall, I don't know if this gonna work but I'm still hoping that they'll be okay again."

"Yeah, it's pretty bad how fast they ended up. I'll talk to the other lads for this plan."

"Just make sure Harry will be there because I'm definitely bringing Stacey with me. Don't spill any details if he'll ask. This is a surprise."

"Sue love. Let's do this."

"Bye. See you after New year." Then he hung up. My head aches due to being drunk last night. However, I'm not deaf to hear what Stacey told Harry. She's in love with him but sad to say, Stacey said goodbye. So me and Niall planned something to make this lovebirds get back together again. I know it is quite difficult and we're risking our friendship here but this is all that we've got. Hope this will work.

"Karen, can you help me find my slippers?" Stacey walked in the room. I wish she didn't heard anything.


(Stacey's POV)

"I'll help you to find it if only we could talk about what happened last night." Karen stated, crossing her arms.

"Nevermind. I'll find it myself." I ranted. For the whole day she kept on asking me what happened last night. I don't want to talk about it, I swear. But she's too stubborn and I know she'll never going to surrender.

"You know, you're so stubborn. How many times do I have to tell you that I don't like to talk about it." I sassed.

"I don't know what is your problem with Harry. And if you feel so torn, broken right now, it's because you're trapping yourself." She pointed out.

"I don't want to argue with you." Then, I walked out.

"Me neither. But it seems you don't trust me or something. If you'll continue doing this, I guess you will not lose only Harry but all of us." Karen mumbled and I gazed at her.

"What? Did I hear it right? You'll surrender our friendship because I don't tell you what happened?" I gushed.

"You know Stacey, starting when you went here. You've changed a lot it's like I already don't know you."

"Fine. I'll tell you." I said, irritated tone in my voice.

"You don't need to tell me everything. I just want you to realize that it's not just Harry that you're pushing away but all of us. You have everything but you're not giving it any importance. Harry loves you but what are you doing? That guy is exerting effort to make you believe that he is sincere. You kept on looking for something, not realizing that you have what you are looking for. Stacey, I don't want you to regret this so think about it."

"It is just, I was hurt so much." I muttered.

"then you'll just keep on hurting yourself if you won't end up what you're doing."

"It is not that easy to forget especially when you hold to a promise." I stated.

"What promise?"

"Remember HES?" I bit my lower lip.

"Yeah, why?"

"He's Harry." I blurted out.

"What?" Karen gushed. "Are you kidding me?" she added.

"Do I look like a clown?" I sassed.

"So you have to be happy then." She smiled.

"He broke his promise and he lied to me."

"Really? How?"

"He promised me that I'm going to be his first girlfriend but he broke it. Then unfortunately, I caught Niall and him fighting because Harry owes him and that's for him to act as HES. I can understand why he broke his promise but faking me up is another story. Then after, I would like to reconcile to Harry but he kept on pushing me away. Now, he's with another girl. So what should I do? Let go and move on right?" I cried and Karen hugged me.

"Do you really love him?" Karen whispered over my ear.

"Yes, I do."

"Then fight for him."

"What about Kendall?"

"I'm not a fan of 'Hendall'. And Niall told me that she's just a media act. However, I can feel that she likes Harry too.

"I don't know where to start?" I wondered.

"Start it with forgiving. It will set you free from hatred and you'll be in peace." Karen smiled.

"Do you think I should?"

"It's up to you. But don't cry if it's too late."

"Thanks. I will think about it." Then I hugged her.

I was kind of relief after that. Maybe I've been so selfish and egocentric about my decisions and stuff. Now I realized that hatred really doesn't help me out instead it worsened everything. I thought about what my best friend had told me and she's right. I have to do what is right.


January 1 (7:00 pm)

"Karen, where are you taking me?" I sassed. Karen's pushing me by my shoulders. Voices are just audible. It's pretty hard to see where we are going when your eyes are covered with a handkerchief.

"Number one clue, we're at the nearest amusement park. But wait... don't uncover your eyes yet." Karen cheerfully said. As a best friend I trusted her.

"Make sure that I'll be surprised." I teased then she laughed.

"of course, your highness."

"I love you Karen." I laughed.

"Love you too. Hey, when I say 'go', start counting from 1 to 60. After that, you're free to uncover your eyes." Karen instructed and I just nodded my head.

"But why do I have to,..." then she cut me off.

"Okay, step you right foot forward and bend your back so that you can fit inside. Then, the other foot. That's it." She instructed.

My heart pounded when I felt where I was sitting was swaying but I didn't utter a word. Then suddenly, there's someone seated beside me. I told myself that it's just Karen. She won't leave me there alone right? Hearing something being locked, the thing I am riding, I guess, started to move so I accidentally held somebody's hand.

"Go!" I heard Karen's signal and started to count from 1 to 60. Afterwards, I removed the handkerchief. I was riding a perris wheel for the first time; my biggest fright. How dare her?

I looked to my right and I can see small individuals running, walking and making their lives busy. But when I stared to my left, my heart beats even louder. A familiar face greeted me with the same startled look on our faces.

"Harry?" my jaw dropped.


A/N 1dizarie

Hello fellas.. this is a cliffhanger, I guess.

Oh my Gosh!! I really don't know where this story heading..hehe.

I missed you guys so much and thanks for supporting this book.

I'm sorry for the errors and stuff. feel free to tell me if there is.

What do you think about this chapter? Is it boring?

who say's 'fight for Hacey'?

I love you guys<3

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