Luna? No sir i'm a Marine

By NotJustAGirlWithWifi

11.2M 352K 65.3K

They say i'm the Beauty and he's the Beast, but my life is far from a fairy tale. I thought I had everything... More

And the adventure begins
The wolf whisperer
My Angel
Questions but no answers
Shopping trip
Were what?
War, What is it good for
Meeting Damien
Formal Event
Blast from the past
Not quite a happy ending
Back to my roots
Training begins
Birthday bash
Turning my world upside down
Not exactly love letters
Eyes wide shut
Sink or swim
Meeting the parents
Story time
Surprise after surprise
Trick or treat
New Ink
Marine corp style
Pups gone wild
Something that can wash off the pain
Did I forget to mention?
The rescue
Bumps and Bruises
Merry christmas
A little white church
Picture perfect
Suspicious behavior
Is this my happy ever after?
Happy New Year
To sequel or not to sequel

Proving myself

120K 4.5K 778
By NotJustAGirlWithWifi

As the motion of the car came to a sudden stop instinctively my eyes opened. Whether it was out of habit or fear I don't know. I took in my surroundings, evaluating the darkness when a husky voice broke the silence.
"We're at the edge of a forest. It is no mans land, no pack owns it. Therefore this is where we hold most pack meetings."
Absorbing the information I did nothing but nod. My eyes still fixed on the forest, just waiting for something to jump out.

The three musketeers in the back began to stir. They stretched and yawned but that was it, not a word was said until Luke resumed talking.
"This is only half the journey, the other half is done in wolf form. You will sit on my back and I will carry you there, but this won't be easy. Women are only allowed to these meetings in certain circumstances and humans are frowned upon. Princess you tick both those boxes so this won't exactly be smooth sailing."
Shifting my gaze to Luke I could see the seriousness in his eyes, his jaw clenched at the notion of me not being accepted.

Standing outside the car Luke draped his jacket around my shoulders. Bonnie opened the boot and took out a big gear bag. She placed it on the floor, simultaneously Aaron, Zach and Bonnie walked around to the other side of the car and began talking.
"Why did they-" Luke cut me off knowing what my question would be.
"Respect. They're not going to watch me change, especially with you standing right beside me."
I laughed, I can be quite stupid sometimes. Obviously they're not going to watch him strip however I have no problem with it.

With no shame I stood there openly oogling my boyfriend.
"Enjoying the view?" Luke gave me that cocky smirk
"Yes, very much so" after I replied I heard wolf whistles, laughter and the musketeers shouting things that would make a nun faint.

Luke was left only in his boxers, rolling his eyes at our immature friends he pulled me flush against him. Luke buried his face in my neck
"No matter what happens, i'll stay by your side. The pack will stand with you. Everything will be ok, I promise"
With a kiss he stood back and shifted.

Those words of reassurement appeared to be more for his benefit than my own. I wasn't nervous until now. Damien now stood before me in all his glory. He walked towards me and I gave into my urges. I reached up and grabbed his wolfy cheeks, in the voice that only comes out when I talk to animals I embraced my inner Dr.Doolittle,
"Hello, well aren't you still the cutest thing i've ever seen. Yes you are. Yes you are, and you're so fluffy. Oh so fluffy and adorable-"
I rubbed behind his ears and his chest. Damien's tail began to wag as he leaned into my touch.

Our interaction was cut short by someone clearing their throat. I turned around to see the three of them desperately attempting to contain their laughter. Bonnie was the first to crack, she jumped up and down squealing.
Aaron stretched out his arm and pulled Bonnie into him to calm her down. Feeling the blood rush to my cheeks and turned and buried myself in Damien's chest.

I nuzzled my face into his chest so much I moved all the fur and made direct contact with his body. The heat that he is radiating sure to keep my face at it's current crimson colour. With a big sigh I braced myself before pushing myself off Damien's chest. I was not yet out of his fur when a low growl halted my movements. I'm not quite sure what he's indicating but I knew it meant stop moving. Turning my head slightly to clear an airway, I just embraced this moment. Enjoying my cuddles with Mr. Wolfy McFluffy.

Seconds after I embraced the hug I heard the all too familiar sounds of bones shifting. They cracked and popped, like when you stretch in the morning. Someone is shifting. I remained in my position until Damien stood back, indicating it was clear to look.

I am now the only human. Damien nudged the bag, using his nose he pushed it until it rested at my feet. They surrounded me, looking at me expectantly. The bag lay open on the ground. Their gaze shifted from the bag to me. They wanted me to zip it up, I did not do so straight away. My thoughts were already running away, imagining four wolves without thumbs trying to zip up this small bag. Zach would just pounce on the bag, Aaron and Bonnie would strategically work as a team and Luke well in true Luke style would just find a suitable place to hide it. The images of them struggling with this small bag left me keeled over, with tears streaming down my face laughing. They just stared at me, obviously none of them on my wave length. I steadied my breathing and wiped my eyes, placing a hand on my side where I had got a stitch from laughing too much. Once I regained control of myself I zipped up the bag and held it up to Damien's mouth. He looked shocked.
He lifted his top lip up in a snarl. It was only a small warning snarl, I could do better.
"Nearly but not quite, open"
Frustrated he emptied his lungs through his nose in a huff before giving in to my request. I placed the bag in his mouth and he closed his jaw.
Patting him on the head in my sweetest voice I said "good boy".

Damien laid down, his belly flush against the cold forest floor. Standing by his side I grabbed onto the scruff of his neck and hoisted myself up, just like riding a horse. I got a firm grip on his fur and pressed myself onto his back, securing myself in place. Digging my heels into his sides for safety and also as an indication that i'm as ready as i'll ever be Damien stood up and began to run.

Like riding in a convertible with the top down my hair defied gravity as it whisped around me. All I could hear was the blood rushing in my ears. The adrenaline began to pump as Damien jumped over logs and dived through trees. We made our way into a clearing. It was dark and all I could make out is an area of flat, clear land with low grass. This contrasted greatly to the miles of forest that we just passed through.

Damien stood in the middle of the clearing and bent so his front paws are now flat. He bowed his head, allowing me to easily slide off his back. Once on my feet I fixed my dress which had ridden up a bit on the journey. Examining the area all I wanted to do was go exploring or lie in the grass and watch the sunrise. I went to take a small step when Damien voiced his displeasure. This time I knew I had to remain where I was so I did exactly that. Slowly they formed a circle around me. Each of their butts and tails facing me except one. Damien's crystal blue eyes never left mine.

In seconds he went from a giant wolf to the man I love, in human form....butt naked. It took every ounce of self control I had to maintain eye contact. His signature smirk plastered on his face, daring me to look. He winked at me as he bent down and unzipped the bag. I watched as the muscles on his back contracted and relaxed. His defined back peppered with scars, my hands itch as they beg to run over each of the marks.

He has a past, he has his demons. At night after I jolt awake from my nightmares he wraps a comforting arm around me and answers my question of the night. He explains a tattoo or a scar, talking until I fall asleep. It has become our little routine, our thing.

I must have spaced out because Luke waving his hand in front of my face brought me out of my thoughts. I looked him over, his outfit not what he was previously wearing. In fact he is now dressed in a suit and tie. I raised an eyebrow. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him as I heard shuffling behind me.
"You didn't think we'd let you get all dressed up for nothing did you?"
I continued to look at him puzzled.
"It may be in the middle of no where in the dead of night but this is still a very formal meeting"
I hummed in response finally understanding what was happening.

As the others changed Luke explained this meeting to me in detail. It starts at midnight and will run until we are finished. It is split into two parts the first half is all business talk and very serious. However the second part sparked my interest. In an attempt to smooth over any problems and the end of each meeting they have some kind of bonding session that involved a different activity each time. Like a group of troubled teens at a summer camp.

We stood in silence, I copied Luke as he stared at the forest line. My arms behind my back and my feet shoulder width apart. Anticipating what is to come, I waited.

It wasn't long until I heard the pounding of paws on the earth, it sounded like a stampede. They were here and they wanted every one to know it. In groups wolves began appearing. As soon as their fur was visible through the trees Luke grabbed my waist and in one swift movement spun me around to face him. I collided with his chest but his erratic heartbeat warned me that maybe this isn't the right time to question him. He pulled his jacket around me tighter, his cologne surrounding me. The way he is holding me indicates that he is hiding me, protecting me.

There is a low hum as more people begin to arrive. No doubt greeting one another. I wondered how long it would take before someone noticed I don't belong here. I must have jinxed myself. Tension hung in the air, even hid in Luke's chest I know it's going to take one seriously big knife to cut this. The conversation died down. It was as if it was back to only us alone in the clearing.

Luke's chest rumbled as he cleared his throat. He is willingly drawing attention to himself, to us, to me....THE HUMAN. His arms dropped from around my shoulders and rested on my waist. He gave me a little squeeze and nudged me with his shoulder. Taking a deep breath I turned around, still in his arms.

Within seconds the forest came alive. However, as expected, it wasn't a nice greeting. Many laughed, most snarled but all of their eyes raked up and down my body. One man, in his forties stepped forward, still baring his canines.
He glared at me. Sticking is nose up at me, something in me snapped. I pushed Luke's arms off me and I myself took a step forward. Luke made no attempt to stop me, he knew this is something I have to do. I have to prove myself. My confidence and bravery shocked a lot of people. Many looked at me wide eyed and some gasped but this was nothing compared to their reaction when I spoke.

My time with Luke taught me that no werewolf liked to be referred to as a mutt. The big oaf growled at me. It wasn't playful, just threatening. I suddenly felt Luke's broad frame behind me.
"Oh Luke, the next time you bring a toy for us to play with make sure it has a muzzle" glaring at him I noticed something off. In his late forties, he should have a mate by his side. A luna to run his pack but he does not. That position remained empty like his heart. His eyes gave it away, also no werewolf with a mate would even look in the direction of another person not to mention imply that I am some sex toy.

"If i'm not mistaken it should be the other way around. I will not be referred to as an 'it'. You made a point of announcing that I am a human so treat me like one. As an Alpha I am sure that on more than one occasion you have encountered people who you do not like but have to be civil to. I wish for you to extend the same courtesy to me. I am a human but that does not define me. I will respect you when you respect me."

At first I wanted to rip his head off but determined that it might not be the smartest decision. So I settled for a tactic that worked in the past, on Luke's dad. I stood awaiting an answer. The clearly shocked Alpha in front of me remained silent.

"Alpha Carson, I'd like to introduce to you Alexandria Smith, my mate and Luna of my pack"
Finally Luke spoke up. His fingers trailed across my bare hips. Alpha Carson's aggressive demeanour shifted as I saw nothing but sadness wash over him as he plastered a fake smile across his face.
"I do apologise for my earlier behaviour. You have a strong spirit I cannot deny that. You are fiery and no doubt will be a good Luna but you do not belong here"

I admired him for apologising but as he came to an end I lost that admiration once again. I heard Luke growl behind me but I chose to ignore him. Aware of all the eyes on me I began to speak again.
"Titles are important in the werewolf community, are they not"
Alpha Carson took a moment to consider my question before answering,
"They are"
"Mates are important in the werewolf community, are they not?"
"They are" this time he sneered, my question undoubtedly bringing back memories that he'd rather forget.
"So what is a Luna exactly?"
This time he huffed before answering.
"A Luna is the Alpha's mate, mother of the pack and barer of the next Alpha."
"A Luna is the female version of the Alpha, his equal. Am I mistaken?"
His patience dwindling as he curtly answered me "no"

That was my final question.
I took a step forward with each sentence.
"I am an Alpha's mate"
"I am Luna of my pack"
"I may be human but you cannot change that."
I couldn't take another step forward. This is as close as I am willing to get.
"Something awful happened to your mate and for that I apologise but that does not excuse you. It is not my fault and I will not let you punish me for it. I am here due to werewolf custom, brought to be introduced to the other high ranking were's out of curtesy. I was brought by an Alpha, an Alpha who you equal in rank. You and I both know that means two things. 1, no matter how much you dislike me it is not your decision whether I go or stay and 2, I also equal you in rank. So take a step back Mutt, we have business to attend to."

Everyone stood in shock. The diamond engagement ring dangling from his neck reflected the light of the moon as he stood, mouth slightly open. I guess my speech was jaw dropping. He emitted authority and power, some Alpha's even coward in his presence as he approached. Losing your mate is the worst thing that can happen. I assume he became ruthless, aggressive and reckless. Unpredictable and unstable no wonder they feared him and I had just challenged him.

The silence unlike our eye contact was broken.
"You remind me of her. She never backed down, you will make a great Luna. I am sorry."
Luke froze behind me, I guess this doesn't happen too often.

Extending my arm, I put my hand out awaiting a handshake.
"Willing to start over?"
He simply shook my hand in response.

Moments after this action chaos erupted. The hustle and bustle started. People began welcoming each other, catching up and no doubt discussing the scene that had just unfolded.
Alpha Carson turned his back to us and disappeared into the crowd of people. I felt a tug on my arm as I turned around. The three of them stood there, still in shock. Luke just smiled, pride written all over his face.

"How the hell?"
"It's like you have nine lives!"
"Are you a witch?"

They blabbered on for a bit, I only caught a few sentences. Finally Luke spoke up,
"You handled that very well. You gained his respect. Alpha Carson is feared, more than me. You earned his respect, in turn you've earned his protection. You have been accepted"

Looking into his eyes, I'm struggling to process his words. I knew it was a big deal to Luke. If they did not accept me then there would be tension between the packs.
I've been accepted.

The meeting was nothing like I was expecting. The atmosphere changed rapidly and constantly. There was no table and chairs, no formal structure. They discussed matters amongst themselves. Every now and then an Alpha addressed the entire group but that happened rarely. It wasn't like circle time. You did not get the talking stick, you had to make your point be heard.

It passed in a blur. After the first hour I stopped paying attention and occupied myself with various other activities. On many occasions I found myself making conversation with Beta's and guards. Luke wasn't joking when he said that women were not welcome. Many were here at the start but soon dispersed. Luke however did not even entertain the notion of me leaving his side. It brought me comfort.

As the meeting ended Bonnie took me away from the clearing. Luke gave me a quick kiss before I was escorted away.
"What are we doing?"
Bonnie looked at me with a smile on her face, "the Alpha's are having their bonding time so I'm bring you to the Luna's"

Soon a large cabin came into view. Bonnie didn't knock before entering. A blast of warm air hit me, wrapping around me and dragging me into the comfort of this cosy cabin. I could hear women in the kitchen, some must be upstairs sleeping and the living room was fairly full. Each had made themselves at home. A few children laid sleeping on their laps, my heart swelled. They must be exhausted.

The low murmur came to a stop as we entered the room. All eyes were on me. Bonnie pushed me further into the room before announcing "Luna of the Blue Moon pack".
Their eyes shone with happiness, an older woman piped up
"I'm so happy Luke found his mate. By the looks of it darling you were well worth the wait"
I blushed slightly.
They asked many questions, mostly requesting to hear all about the lovey dovey  side of Luke. I just laughed.

It is my turn to ask some questions.
"Why are you all here and not out there?"
One woman, Dinah I believe, spoke up
"Things can get pretty heated at those meetings. We only come to these meetings so they can focus on the task at hand, knowing that we're safe and close, and to calm them down if needs be. As for the activity, i'm not quite sure. We've just always stayed here."

Year after year they stay cooped up in here while their mates are off 'bonding'. Luke dragged me all the way out here and he has another thing coming if he expects me to sit in here all night.

"Bonnie lets go" she stared at me, mouth full. One of the women had just baked a batch of cookies and Bonnie was first in line.
"I'm not sitting around here all night just because i'm a women. Now lets go."

Dinah smiled "Strong spirited, Luke was never the type to settle for a submissive girl." I gave her a sweet smile as I slipped on Luke's coat.

"Do any of you know what the activity is this year?"
Trisha stood up and retrieved a set of keys from the fireplace "Everything you need will be in the garage. Do this for the girls" chuckling I nodded.

Bonnie and I opened the garage door. The sight in front of me made me grin from ear to ear. The room was filled. Paintball guns, targets, paintballs, protective gear and jumpsuits were spread out across the floor. This will be fun.

There was boxes on the floor each containing a different, arranged to resemble a rainbow. One box lay untouched, inside were fluorescent pink paintballs. Stereotypical men.

Bonnie and I loaded our guns and suited up. Soon we were on our way. Tying up our hair and rolling in dirt, we masked our identities. Like predators we made our way into the forest. Howls erupted throughout the forest, indicating someone had been shot. This is a battle to the death, the last team standing.

Bonnie and I worked in perfect unison, tracking and attacking. They were easy to find. They were too focused on each other to notice our small frames. Hiding in trees and bushes, like silent killers we never missed a target. Surprised and frustrated they would let out a howl before disarming themselves and making their way to the clearing.

We are yet to be found but that is because no one is looking for us. I have lost track of the time and the amount of times we have almost blown our cover. They take this game a little too seriously.

From a high vantage point my past came in handy. No Alpha could match a sniper with a gun in her hands, even a paintball gun.

As the game progressed we came across fewer people and time between these encounters increased. Slowly we made our way towards the clearing. The scene in front of us was quite comical. Both Luke and Aaron were covered in red paint, a result lf friendly fire. I guess they missed the concept of team work. However they refused to back down, repeatedly shooting each other. The other Alpha's laughed at their childish nature.

With one final howl they came to a halt. Minutes later Alpha Carson entered, his camo jumpsuit now splattered green. A group of 3 followed right after him, shouting 'we are the champions' at the top of their voices. Looking at Bonnie she smirked. They were a bit too cocky for our liking.

Taking aim we fired.
"Oh no we've been hit, we've been hit."
Dramatically they fell to the floor. Are they all this immature?
We had left the Alpha to last. Confused everyone stared at the two drama queens.
" one took the pink" one voice erupted through the crowd.

Stepping out from our hiding place we stalked towards the Alpha who now had his back turned to us. All eyes were on us but he was none the wiser. We stood either side of him with our guns aimed at his temples.
He froze and huffed. Dropping his gun, he put his hands up. I kicked his gun away, we had won. Stepping back slightly and looking around. They all were glaring at us, trying to figure us out. While we were distracted the Alpha made a dive for his gun. Before he could reach it, two pink paintballs splattered against the back of his helmet, eliminating him from the game. Declaring us the winners.

In sync we took off the helmets, letting our hair flow over our shoulders. We wore a proud smirk as we looked at their shocked faces.

But one voice stood out "princess?"

Laughing I cockily asked "So how does it feel to be beaten by a human girl?"

Now I feel like i've proved myself.
Now I feel like I belong.
Author's Note :

Heeeeeeeey hope ye enjoyed this chapter!
I'm home sick from school so i'll be writing all day.

Comment, Vote, Eat Pizza and enjoy!

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