Interviewing and Reviewing Th...

Oleh TheReviewer

305 2 3

This is a "book" as I like to call it, it's not exactly a magazine, but not a book either. I interview and re... Lebih Banyak

Interviewing and Reviewing The Writer's
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Interviewing and Reviewing The Writer's: LilyAvenue

22 0 0
Oleh TheReviewer

Your Online Name: Lily Avenue

Book Name: Give Up Already!

What is your favorite thing about writing? Being able to escape into a world of my own, and have things happen the way I want them to. It's cool to have that sort of control when in real life one normally doesn't.

How long have you been writing? Since I was 8 years old, I've loved making up stories. I never got serious about it though until I was around eleven. I've loved doing it ever since my first story assignment in 5th grade.

Have you started a career in writing? If so, whats the best and worst thing about it? I have not, but I hope to one day.

Are you planning on starting a career in writing?

Who's your favorite chracter in your book? Oddly it's the villain. No one will understand for quite some time, but when I reveal some things about him, I think everyone will understand. Although I do love Molly, she's fun to write with.

What do you base your stories off of? My imagination, really that's all I can think of. I get inspired by something, and then just make a story out of it. Not much of my writing is based on experiences, except maybe how the character thinks or reacts.

Who do you base your chracter's off of? Sometimes they are based off of characters in books I've read (but made my own) or movies. Sometimes they are based of real life people I have met or know. Depends I suppose.

Whats the best thing about writing? Getting to create your own reality for some nonexistent person, and then share the reality with others.

Whats the worst thing about writing? Writer's Block is pretty evil.

What's your favorite book(On here and Not On Here)? On here: "The Boy Who Sneaks In My Bedroom" but there are so many others... Not on here: Firefly Lane


The story start's off with a mystery. Molly is running away from a mysterious man with a girl named Delilah. She has run far and traveled around the globe just to get away from him. At first I thought she must be scared of him, but then I read deeper and realized She was scared, but not of him. But for her duaghter Delilah. I found out other stuff about them, but I can't tell you any of that, Shhhh. I go read it for yourself. I found no mistakes in your writing, and I loved it. I'll be reading it.


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