Interviewing and Reviewing The Writer's: Benji143

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Your Online Name: Benji143

Book Name: Rivalry's Key; The Children of Aurel.

What is your favorite thing about writing?: I enjoy expressing myself through my writing and I really like writing things that make people happy or give them something to read when they need it. I just love writing, it's a way from me to disconnect from the world and I get to be in my own little world where I make all the rules and everyone's happy!

How long have you been writing?: I've been writing for about two years now. Nothing major and nothing that I've let anyone see.

Have you started a career in writing? If so, whats the best and worst thing about it?: No, I haven't.

Are you planning on starting a career in writing?  No, I don't think I'll start a writing career. Actually, if I improve my writing skills enough and people think I should then I might consider it!(:

Who's your favorite chracter in your book?: My favorite character would have to be Anca Tudor.

What do you base your stories off of?: I try to be original with my stories and I read a lot so it gives me a lot of ideas and things to write about. I'm not very good with coming up with imaginitive stories on my own.

Who do you base your chracter's off of?: Everyone! I'm a person that takes things in by first impressions. My characters could be about anyone that I've recently met. mostly they're based on my friends though!

Whats the best thing about writing? The best thing about writing is to be able to go into your own world and do whatever you want, write whatever you want, make the impossible possible!

Whats the wrost thing about writing? The worst thing about writing is when you try really hard on something and people don't like it.

What's your favorite book(On here and Not On Here)? Favorite book on here- Hell Has A Name: The Seven Sons of Skeda (Awesome book! I really love it!) Off of here- Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause!


I laughed when I read this. It was funny and I like the main character. This story has werewolves in it, a different kind. One where it takes a while to transform, and all her emotions are jumbled up. Iliked that, something not really written about much anymore. You also don't even begin to turn into a wolf, it takes a course of times when you start to change. To me it's kinda like working on a puzzle putting it together piece by piece. This book was hilarious, and I really loved it. Go check it out!

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