Where Secrets Lie

By Smilefunny777

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Sarah is a ordinary girl. Or that's what she thought. When suddenly she meets this guy name Zavior everything... More

Chapter 1 - The no name Boy
Chapter 2 - Master Zavior
Chapter 3 - Date check
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 4 - Lost within confusion
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 5- Wanted
(Sarahs POV) - Chapter 6 - All it took was one phone call
(Zavior POV) Chapter 7 - Answers, with more questions
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 8 - Mind Tricks
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 9 - Unexpected
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 10 - Nightmare?
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 11 - Get Set!
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 12- Rise and shine
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 13 - Emotional
(Zaviors POV) Chapter14 - Hopes
(Sarahs POV) chapter 15 - Sneak attack
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 16 - abandon ship
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 17 - Round one
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 18- Short recovery
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 19 - Home?
(Sarah's POV) Charter 20 - Hot
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 21 -Late night swim
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 22- Mission impossible
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 23- Confession
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 24 - No time for talk
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 25 - Ally or foe
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 26 - Training
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 27- Jealous
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 28 - Ex??
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 29- Once was a bitch, is now also a witch
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 30 - Cooking
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 31- Miniature
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 32 - 30 feet tall
(Jackson's POV) Chapter 33 - Sleepy Fog
(Jeff Ling Zoe's POV) Chapter 34 - Now we're moving
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 35 - Locked away
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 36 - The hunted house?
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 37 - A long maze through hell
(Unknown POV) Chapter 38 - Looking through the crystal ball
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 39- Face to face with what you'd call the Devil
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 40 - New exit route
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 41 - Greetings One
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 43 -Cutting it short
The prophecy
Book Two??

(Sarah's POV) Chapter 42 -Face to Face

42 7 17
By Smilefunny777

I have arrived, but is this what I really want? I came all the way here, but for what reason?

The wooden door slowly creeks open. My heart quickens, my breathing rate accelerates, my palms start to sweat.

This is what I've been waiting for. I'm sure of it now. I have been on pause long enough. I need answers. I need the truth.

Something squeezes my hand, startling me from my thoughts. I look down to see someone's hand in mine. I slowly look up the arm to the adjoining head to see Zavior. He's sexy crooked grin slowly appears, making me mentally drool.

I know. I'm the worst at being mad at him and ignoring his hotness.

As the small smile begins to creep up on my face, I quickly turn my head towards the door. At least I'm trying.

The door fully opens, showing a middle aged man with a fluffy beard, starting to show. He's brown eyes lighter than normal. All of his hair starting to grey. His clothes are slightly baggy. His shirt has a videogame remote on it and he's wearing grey sweats.

This was not what I was expecting. I was going for handsome (not saying he's bad looking) guy in a purple bathrobe and a matching pointed hat. At least a magical appearance.

He gives off a chest full, chuckle.

"I know. I know. Nothing of what you expected." He says while waving his hands around. On each hand there is a couple rings. I couldn't decipher what they looked like, but they seem important. Powerful.

"I'll tell you everything soon." He finishes slowly, staring at me. He fiddles with on of his rings, completely silent.

"Why don't we come inside?" Jackson states, always the one getting down to business.

The One looks shaken up at first, as if not sure where he is, but quickly comes back to his cool nature. He steps back, he's eyes still on me, then finally walks back inside.

Everyone slowly trickles in, but I stay at the door, Zavior still holding my hand. Zavior softly tugs our intertwine hands, making me look up at him. He's giving me one of his famous crooked smile, nodding his head toward the door.

Fuck it.

I slowly walk over the threshold. I don't know why, but I felt like I just accomplished the greatest thing ever. Well I guess I did.

Right after crossing, I feel a light peck on my cheek. Already knowing its Zavior, I blush. I know, I know. I suck at this whole being "angry", but my motto is "fuck it". So that's what I'll do. Oh my, scratch that. Ugh. When did my mind get so dirty.

When I meet Zavior.

Well of course it did.

I shake my head and look around the place.

It looks like a regular home. Like I just walked into someone's living room. A tan looking couch, a blue beanbag chair, a nice flat screen tv. I mean nothing looks overly expensive, just nice and comfortable.

Alex walks past as and plops his self down on the beanbag chair, making himself at home. I should say brother. Since he IS my brother. On the way back, while he was carrying me, he told me how he was sorry if I felt uncomfortable. That he was...is only trying to be protective. I was happy when he told me. I dont know, it just feels right.

"Why don't we just get the answers we came for." Jackson states crossing his arms.

I guess he's going for the bad guy look. Jack has it where he likes to act like a certain character. I came to realize that he really is just a big teddy bear. I learn most about this guys when we were stuck in that hotel room. I was observing, but I didn't really take any of it into consideration. I thought my real parents were dead. Well they probably are, but how can I really know.

"Well... How about something to drink?" The one ask slowly, still staring at me. I mean, hello?! Is anyone home??

"I think we're good." Jack states for all of us, still playing the bad guy role.

The One looks around shocked, as if one of us will randomly say 'just kidding, surprise!'

"Well okay then," he starts when none of us say anything, " I think I shall start with my name." He continues, yet pauses again.

Something inside me erupts. Its like that bottled up emotions, explodes. My hands begin to sweat, my mouth becomes very dry. If a person was afraid of heights and they were on a helicopter and the only way out is to jump (they have a parachute) and those emotions are all build up and is finally let out on the fall. I feel like that person, with the fear of heights, jumping for their life, who just wants to hurry up and get back to the ground. I know I'm not making any sense. But its like this secret balloon in me, popped. And everything in it... Sucks.... Ass.

"Just let it out already!" I shout, completely losing it.

I've came so far and now I'm just through. I want answers. I dont want any more assumptions, no more PAUSES!

Everyone is completely silent. All staring at me shocked.

My fist are beside me and my head is cocked out. I lost Zaviors hand sometime, not sure when. I stare at The One, but he's simply staring at me, calmly. He hasn't even flinched.

Out of no where, he gives a whole hearted laugh.

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