
By SusanGarod

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This is the sister book to Compulsion. Captivation presents Caitlin's and Jared's story. The man walking be... More

Captivation Introduction/sample
Captivation Part 3
Captivation Part 4
Captivation Part 5
Captivation Part 6
Captivation Part 7
Captivation Part 8
Captivation Part 9
Captivation Part 10
Captivation Part 11
Captivation Part 12
Captivation Part 13
Captivation Part 14
Captivation Part 15
Captivation Part 16
Captivation Part 17
Captivation Part 18
Captivation Part 19
Captivation Part 20
Captivation Part 21
Captivation Part 22
Captivation Part 23
Captivation Part 24
Captivation Part 25
Captivation Part 26
Captivation Part 27
Captivation Part 28
Captivation Part 29
Captivation Part 30
Captivation Part 31
Captivation Part 32
Captivation part 33
Captivation Part 34
Captivation Part 35
Captivation Part 36
Captivation Part 37
Captivation Part 38
Captivation Part 39
Captivation Part 40
Captivation Part 41
Captivation Part 42
Captivation Part 43
Captivation Part 44
Captivation Part 45
Captivation Part 46
Captivation Part 47
Captivation Part 48
Captivated Part 49
Captivation Part 50
Captivation Part 51
Captivation Part 52
Captivation Part 53
Captivation Part 54
Captivation- Epilogue- Part 55

Captivation Part 2

144 5 0
By SusanGarod

"I mind." He told her bluntly with a smile in his voice as he waited for her to respond. This was definitely more fun than he'd expected. The evening had been tedious. Until now.

Caitlin could feel his contained laughter. That annoyed her. Her lips pursed. Enough. She'd had enough. He might find her amusing. She didn't find him in the slightest bit amusing. Not one iota. And those stupid fantasies she'd held about being in his arms, were dispelled. Well, discarded, for the moment, at any rate.

"I'd like to return to the hall." Caitlin forced herself not to cross her arms or stamp her foot, but she made sure that her tone conveyed the fact that she expected him to do as he was told. It was about time she made this man realize she was not one of his bimbos, and did not simply fall in to suit his demands. "Now." She'd used the tone on many occasion, she knew it was effective, yet here she was, with him grinning as if her demand was nothing more than flirting.

He grinned. Ok, he acknowledged with utter delight, she could be feisty. That was something he hadn't anticipated. She seemed a touch staid when he'd watched her socialize earlier. Not exactly lightweight, but he hadn't expected anything other than froth. When he'd studied her earlier, he thought she had participated without truly engaging. She seemed to have a smile pinned to her lips and yet her eyes seemed rather cool and distant. She had maintained her position at the periphery rather than take the opportunity to step into the centre circle. She did little more than acknowledge comments that were directed at her specifically. To him, she had seemed bored.

"You've gone to an awful lot of trouble, why not just enjoy the moment. Then cross me off your list and move on." Jared told her calmly as he quickly took stock of the woman standing beside him. Not at all his type. Prim. Very conservative. Snooty from the tone of voice. Arrogant from the demand in her voice. Boring in bed, he imagined, given her dress code. He wondered what she would do if anyone ever tried anything other than the missionary position with her. That had his smile turning into a grin as he imagined her naked. Then he wished he hadn't, for strangely enough, he quite fancied seeing her naked.

"My list?" Her eyebrows shot upward. Caitlin could see that he was enjoying winding her up and while she recognized the fact, she didn't know how to stop reacting to his baiting her. That in itself was unusual. She was usually more in control of her emotions, her responses, her demeanor. But not with him. Something about him had her being her natural self, the self that only usually emerged when she was with her immediate family.

"Yes, although Lisa tells me I'm your number one target, I'm sure you've got a short list of potential candidates. So, if one dropped off the list it shouldn't cause you too much inconvenience. Especially if the one that dropped off the list was someone of my ilk. Your father, trust me, would be happier for a start. And you'd still have plenty of choice."

"Candidates?" Caitlin gritted, even as she re ran his statements in her mind. Lisa? What had Lisa said to the man? And what list was he talking about?

"Yes." Jared looked directly at her. His eyes flicked from her lips back to her eyes. The laughter left his eyes. "How did you decide which guys to target? Got criteria for your perfect man?" Though he sounded as if he was genuinely interested in her response, Caitlin didn't hear that sincerity. All she heard was the cool arrogance.

"Sure, sense of humour is top of the list." Caitlin told him bluntly, folding her arms and adopting a defensive stance. This really was getting to be too much. First he invited her to dance, then he didn't even bother to take her into his arms, instead he led her out, and to top it all off he seemed to be suggesting that she had targeted him in some way. Her? Target him?

"Oh, I have a sense of humour." Came the laconic drawl. His eyes lost all vestiges of humour as he told her with an obvious sneer, "I just don't find anything remotely funny in becoming husband material for some staid, high-maintenance, prim, snooty, daddy's girl." He wasn't sure quite why he had tacked on so many adjectives. But they seemed to fit her style. She was staid, given what she was wearing. And from what he'd seen that evening, very prim and snooty. Her body language telegraphed proud. And he knew for a fact that her father was a well respected member of the community, so it was hardly surprising that people treated her like royalty. But he wasn't people. And if she was going to cramp his style by leading people to believe that he was hers, then he had every intention of making sure that she corrected that impression, fast.

"When I come across a staid, high-maintenance, prim, snooty, daddy's girl, I'll be sure to tell her." Caitlin all but snapped at him. Years of ingrained manners kicked in, and laced her words with a tranquility she was far from feeling. Ok, so years of training had not prepared her for these types of dangerous men. She'd clearly only honed her skills on the safe ones. This male specimen did not fit that criteria, and she was close to loosing her temper with him. How dare he think she was prim, snooty, staid! Her?

"Mirror right over there." Jared returned rudely and without any hesitation, and then watched as her eyes sparked with instant fury. Oh yeah, she was not quite as staid as her appearance suggested, if that spark was anything to go by. Suddenly intrigued he took more detailed inventory of her features. Kissable mouth. Perfect lips to tease and devour. High cheek bones, tip tilted eyes, with long dark brown eyelashes that would be perfect at butterfly kissing. Close up she was prettier than he had thought when he first set eyes on her. But that did not mean he intended to quietly accept her plans, especially when her plans seemed to imply commitment. He had no intention of getting involved with her, let alone marry her. No matter what she thought.

Caitlin tipped her head back, and drew herself up to her full five foot six height, "I think you owe...."

Automatically Jared's lips twitched as he continued to bait her. She was so stuck up. So sure that her father's standing in the community was enough to guarantee her vaunted position. She obviously thought that her father's standing in the community guaranteed access to any man because any man would be only too pleased to be part of her inner circle. Pity she'd chosen the wrong man in this case. "Look, Caitlin, sweetheart. I can call you Caitlin, can't I? Given that you have me top of your list." He loved the flash that appeared in her eyes. Felt his body react and wondered why. She glared ferociously, but before she could say anything, he continued with a cheeky, and rather annoying grin, "Perhaps you feel your father's standing in the community means I should be grateful to find myself on your wish list." Her eyes narrowed but she remained silent as he continued to tell her, in what she now considered his odious voice, "But I choose who I date. Don't get me wrong. I'm flattered to make it onto your wish list, but you really aren't my type." He looked her up and down, and then said with a twinkle in his eye. "And I seriously doubt I'm yours. We play in different leagues, sweetheart. Different games, different rules, even. Mine would probably make you faint."

"What?" Caitlin's eyes rounded as temper, frustration, and the urge to hit him fought for precedence. She was sure he was deliberately obnoxious, just for her benefit. Being crude just to upset her.

His eyes swept slowly from the top of her dark brown hair to the pretty standard black stilettos on her feet, "You don't look like you need to use your father to snare you a man." He told her as if he was doing her a favour by condescending to acknowledge her potential ability to attract men. His eyes were quite happy as he continued taking in detailed inventory. Good figure under those prim clothes he thought as he watched her chest rise as she fought to control her agitation. His imagination kicked in as he undressed her in his mind.

"You're right. I don't." Caitlin glowered at him, her eyes sparking in fury and exasperation. Then she spoilt it by demanding with a furrowed brow, as his earlier sentences registered again, "What wish list?"

The image of her naked blinked out of existence as he registered her question, "Nothing personal, sweetheart. We don't have much in common." He was sure she knew his background, just as he knew hers. Now. And the fact was that they really did come from the extreme ends of their community. Her father would no doubt have a fit when he heard his youngest daughter had kept company with this particular man. But then, if she was going around telling people she had him in her sights, then perhaps daddy dearest was ok with her wish list. Either that or she was so spoilt, her father would allow her to do whatever she wanted. But even her father would have to realize that she and Jared were simply not compatible.

She wore a topaz coloured pencil slim long skirt, it was topped with a black silk shirt. Elegant she might be, but a nun would show more flesh than she did. Conservative, prim, and no doubt tediously dull in the bedroom, he thought again, as he gave her another quick once over.

"No, you're right. Manners for one." She did her best to keep calm, she hadn't missed his sweeping stock take and the conclusion he had reached was as equally obvious. So he didn't rate her appeal. She on the other hand could see why he would appeal to any woman with a pulse. He was tall, a good eight inches taller than her five foot six, and he was good looking without being poster boy pretty. He looked like he had experienced life, she could see it in his eyes, and in the very way he carried himself. He looked interesting rather than suave. And usually the type that approached her were anything but interesting. Unfortunately the one man who was interesting, was doing his best to offload her. Typical.

"So, I'm off your list." He watched her eyes. Wondered why the spark had disappeared. Now that he'd put an end to her plans, he felt somewhat at a loss. It was stupid, but there was a tiny voice in his head that told him he'd just made a huge mistake.

Caitlin banked her anger, and rather than bother to find out what list, she raised her chin and bestowed a frosty smile on the man. He banked his grin as she announced with regal hauteur, "Consider it done."

"That simple?" His lips twitched. Perhaps dull in bed wasn't right, But definitely repressed. Most of the women he knew would have been insulted by his approach, most would have flayed him alive, or verbally taken him down a peg or two, or at least tried, something pithy, may be a slap. But not her, she was calm. Regal. Very cool. Icy almost. An ice queen. The bubbly personality he had seen not so long ago was completely frozen over as she masked what she felt.

"Would you like me to walk round you and chant 'I don't want you'?" The frost hardened within her gaze and her tone remained polite but clipped as she told him, "I'm sorry if you've been inconvenienced or embarrassed through this perceived association." She tried to ensure there was some degree of sincerity in her tone, but knew that she failed when she saw his eyes flash with laughter. Caitlin wanted to scream with frustration and fury, instead she disengaged with a brief and softly spoken. "So, now, if you'll excuse me."

"Look, I'm sure there are guys out there who'd be interested in dating you." And for some odd reason that suddenly rankled. "But trust me sweetheart, we play in different leagues." Perhaps he'd been too blunt. He thought for a fraction of a second that she had looked hurt. But he felt he needed to be straight, and remove himself from her list before she had him at the wedding altar in her dreams. "Caitlin." She liked the sound of her name on his lips. She stopped, turned and looked pointedly at him. Jared made sure he looked straight at her, "A word of advice, don't use your father to bully, buy or intimidate men for you." He thought about telling her to loosen up, relax a little. "With a bit of effort," his eyes told her he clearly didn't rate her attire or appearance, " less frost," the smile in his voice told her he didn't rate her personality, "and you won't need to use your father's reputation to help you get a man." She was good looking but the untouchable air was definitely a no go sign, and if she just relaxed a little he was sure she'd get a date without having to resort to using her father's name to pressure guys into going out with her.

"My father?" She knew exactly what he was talking about. It was why she never dated Goan guys. Since she'd turned sixteen, and had attended her first Goan social, she'd known that guys would react differently when they learnt who her father was. They either tried to impress her to impress her father or, as was more often the case, they backed off very quickly when she told them her father's name. He was an icon in the community, and as a consequence had a degree of status that resulted in guys approaching with caution and awe. If they approached at all. So she had developed a reserve. Polite, but aloof when in Goan company.

"Yes, it's common knowledge he gives his girls whatever they want." Jared took her elbow, she glanced at his hand then looked icily and directly into his eyes. "It might have worked for your sister, but she didn't include me on her list." He saw her eyes flash, but decided to make sure she got the message, "I'm not for sale, sweetheart."

"Believe me, I shop selectively." She stated quietly, but all vestiges of politeness had fled. She looked pointedly at his hand, and said with clear demand and icy sarcasm, "Now take your hand off me." Her lips curled as she added with obvious derision, "Sweetheart."

He actually had the nerve to smile. He liked the fact that she stood up to him. That she took umbrage but didn't back down. He wondered whether she was just naturally uptight or whether years had conditioned her behaviour. His hand remained at her elbow, "You need to lighten up. I was extending you some courtesy," and his lips curved as he added with what she was sure was years of practiced charm, "Sweetheart."

"Fine." She said through gritted teeth. Courtesy, he had a nerve, preaching to her about courtesy when his actions, his language, his whole demeanor was downright patronising and rude. Arrogant bastard. With saccharine sweetness and a feigned smile she said, "Please, remove your hand." She looked him up and down and added, "And for the record, I'm not your sweetheart."

Jared banked his grin. "I was being gentlemanly. Or don't you think someone with my background would know how?" He let go of her arm, but with his hand in the small of her back, he helped to usher her toward the group. His social background could not have been more different to hers. His mother was a drunk. He didn't know who his father was. He had grown up in a rough part of Auckland and he had learnt early on, that social background opened and closed doors. Of course he knew who her father was, knew who she was, had seen her at some of these events before, but had never approached her. She was, in a different ball park. Or so his subconscious told him.

Caitlin threw him a speaking look. "I know nothing about your background." What was so special about his background, she wondered. She put some space between them as she wondered what his background had to do with the conversation they had just had. From what she knew, most of it through the grapevine, he was a much sought after eligible, somewhat rebellious, male. Most of the women she knew had at some stage either swooned or drooled when they spoke about him. Though, from this short experience this evening, Caitlin did not understand their fascination with him. A good looking guy, if you wanted arm candy, but surely women wanted more in this day and age.

"Really?" He clearly didn't believe her. "I'm sorry to have been blunt. Your selection was affecting my social life this evening." He told her honestly as they walked back toward the room.

"Doubt it." She snapped, as temper fought to be released. Then she added sarcastically, "Would you like me to make an announcement?"

"Announcement?" Puzzled, Jared looked at her. Saw that the ice was still in her eyes, and wondered what sort of an announcement she would make.

"I could announce you're off my list."

"Not necessary." He shook his head. "Look, don't take it hard. You're..." he petered out, not sure how to describe her as prim and conservative without it sounding like a put down. "You don't even look as if you've been kissed. Do you know how to kiss? Really kiss, if you know what I mean." And he suddenly had an urge to kiss her. To teach her how to kiss. That surprised him, for she really wasn't his type. He liked experience. Women who knew the score. Women who knew how to score. This one didn't even know how to keep score. She'd probably run screaming if he attempted to kiss her.

Caitlin rolled her eyes but didn't bother to correct him. She walked with her back ramrod straight and her eyes sparking with fury. With her back to him he missed the fireworks. It took a few minutes to reach the main hall. Then without another word they stepped into the hall again. He trailed her back into the hall, escorting her back to the group, and as they walked back, he noticed that something was different.

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