Innocent Sorrow: A Tale of Tw...

Oleh SnowDarby

639 39 7

The Princess of Fire with hair of black and eyes of violet, The Spirit of Ice with hair of Snow and eyes of Q... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Section Break Time Skip
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Eight

15 2 0
Oleh SnowDarby

“Lift your arms… Step into this… Turn… Close your eyes. Smile. Stand straighter.” Hilda’s stern but gentle voice directed her movements as she was prepped and dressed for the upcoming event. “Oh Hilda! Do you think my parent’s will like how I have grown? I don’t have either of their heights but I do think I have filled out rather well…” Hilda smiled gently as she laid another swath of silk along the dress. “It matters not what you look like child. Your heart is large and your compassion boundless; that is what will make your parents happy.” Hilda had studied the dress that had come from the tailor and deemed it too plain for an unwed Princess though she didn’t say why the garment was so average even though both knew why. The Queen had been the one to order the dress but Hilda wouldn’t have that, not for her little one. Helping Feli off the dressing stand, the black haired girl made her way to a full length mirror that sat in the corner by the terrace entrance. Now that she was fully dressed and her hair had been put up before hand, she was ready to find out how she looked. What she saw reflected stole her breath away.

The dress had a corseted top instead of the normal under-corset with a sheath, it made her breasts press tightly against the ribbed fabric and seem bigger for the slight swell as they strained against the curving metal but she didn’t mind, it was comfortable enough. Her waist was tapered down before flaring out at the hips and buttocks. The corset itself was white with black ribbing and black laces. Since it was the Winter Gala, the colors were black, silver, gold, blue and white; luckily all colors Feli looked lovely in. The skirt was a full A-line split style with the overlay in snow white and the underlay revealed by the panel deep black. The hem of the white skirt was embroidered with black lace ivy while the black panel was embroidered with the same in white. The entire thing was covered in beautiful silk but on the skirt, to match the ribbing on the corset, Hilda had cut up a black velvet curtain and sowed on matching stripes. The embroidery, embellishments and split style had been done by Hilda who found some matching white silk and took the remaining black velvet to create detached sleeves since the dress had none. The dark black velvet was laced tightly around her upper arms with white silk ribbons and the white silk started at her elbows, falling loosely around her forearms to end at her wrists at the top yet the lower hanging silk went almost a foot beyond her fingertips.

Her long hair had been gathered up except for two strands at the front and her bangs which were curled to frame her face and stand off slightly from her forehead. The two long strands went just past the top of her corset. In the back, her hair had been split into a few braids and some messily curled strands that had been piled on her head intricately and beautifully. They were held in place by two clips and two crisscrossing hair pins. The clips were decorated with black and clear diamonds while the pins were carved out of ivory and had two black stripes painted on the ends. On top of her head sat the tiara her Father had left her, its gems glittering softly at the crown of her skull. Around her neck hung her mother’s necklace and a simple black velvet chocker with soft white lace ruffles was buttoned into place around her throat. Her shoulders were lay completely bare and her collar bone almost completely exposed except for that one silver heart. Her feet rested in high heeled shoes with rounded toes in a rich black and a white ribbon that wrapped around her ankle. She wore a pair of short bloomers underneath and no socks or stockings so her legs were free and quite beautiful though none could see them for the long skirt though she did lift the skirt to examine how the shoes rested and if she wobbled at all.

Turning to Hilda with a brilliant smile she hugged her maid. “Oh it’s wonderful! Thank you so much Hilda, oh you are absolutely amazing.” While Feli gushed, Hilda just smiled and smoothed her hands over Feli’s back, careful of the black laces that stitched it tightly together. “The only reason this looks beautiful is because you are beautiful to begin with. All I did was enhance it. Now I want you to go down there and wow them my beautiful child.” Feli brushed the stray wetness from her eyes and smiled at the old maid before walking towards the door. Hilda would come down a bit later, after the main gathering had started with Valkea who would be dressed up and brushed out for the event as well. Her shoes clicked loudly on the stone steps and when she reached the bottom, she looked around a bit before noticing Bren standing by the arches to the main castle. He was dressed in black slacks and a white dress jacket, black dress shirt and brilliant white tie. He had glossy black, leather shoes and silver cufflinks to finish off the stylish but simple outfit. At his hip was the sword given to Generals yet wasn’t used for battle, a light weight silver sword with an ivory hilt and a spiraling, golden guard that covered the hand when held.

He looked over at the sound of her shoes and gaped openly at the beautiful girl turned woman standing before him. She flushed softly and suddenly found the flag stone incredibly interesting. “Is it acceptable, young General?” If Bren hadn’t known her so well, he might have been offended by the suddenly formal speech. Instead, the young brunet stepped forward and reached for her hand, bringing the knuckles up to his lips and pressing a gentle kiss against them. “You are beautiful Princess, I am certain the Queen will be very jealous as will every male who is not escorting you.” Feli blinked at him, eyes slightly wide and mouth parted ever so slightly to reveal perfectly straight, white teeth. When she composed herself, a confident smile spread over her lips and her eyes softened though deep within was the strong shimmer of pride. “Thank you Bren. Now, let us hurry before we get in trouble for being late.” Her voice conveyed her honest gratitude.

Bren smiled and straightened up, offering an elbow which she gratefully accepted and together, they made their way towards the Ball Room. To the few maids left in the halls, they were the perfect match. Beautiful, sweet, strong, powerful, wealthy…they had it all and none could pretend that they weren’t amazing together. Whether it was the way she looked at him or the way he smiled at her, you could sense how deep their companionship went. Feli managed not to trip over the high heels though she rarely wore such things and, with a bit of small talk, they made it to the large double doors where many were walking in and out for the doors were positioned directly across the hall from the main entrance. Carriages bringing important people to the Gala sounded from beyond the doors as they stepped into line behind a young couple. “Names please?” Feli’s violet eyes flickered over to the young guard who was smiling brilliantly at them for he already knew who they were. “Bren Strussten, General of the First Quadrant escorting Feliciana Lidia Beldan, First Princess of Beldan.” The boy smiled wider if possible and moved back to the doors as the couple before them was announced and entered the room. Now they stood, just inside the door way, staring out at the most beautiful scene either had ever laid eyes upon.

Long, soft gossamer curtains created drapes along the doorway, windows and walls, tied with heavy black velvet ties. The high gold chandelier had long gossamer ribbons streaming along the vaulted ceiling and tables were strewn along the back walls covered in beautiful white lace table covers as well as mountains of food and drink. A few smaller, round tables held ice sculptures. At the top of a long white marble staircase where they stood, Feli could see beautiful, ice blue ribbons wrapped around the banister on both sides and down the center of the stairs a snow white thin carpet with gold embroidery created a path. “Now entering Bren Strussten, General of the First Quadrant of Reicks, is escorting Feliciana Lidia Beldan, First Princess of the Fire Land, Beldan.” The loud voice of the announcer boomed out over the music causing all other occupant to turn towards them. Feli suppressed a chuckle as the guard added his own flare to their entrance. Bren smiled at her before squaring his shoulders, puffing out his chest and taking a step forward, carefully leading her towards the steps. She released his arm so he could take her hand and walk a few steps before her, making sure she didn’t trip on the carpet in her heels and everyone applauded politely when they reached the marble floor with no mishaps. Feli nodded regally to all those gathered and Bren moved them away from the stairway so the next couple could be announced.

“You will just have to grace me with a dance later Princess, after your parents and the King and Queen has arrived. I must see how you fare in those torturous heels.” Feli laughed softly and nodded. “Yes, I must teach you some time how to walk in these. It is my understanding that if you lose the barrack drinking contest in May that you will be requesting some of the maids’ clothes and shoes.” Bren stuttered embarrassedly at the comment but was saved from having to answer by the announcement of the King and Queen.

“Now entering King Harold of Reicks is escorting Queen Adrianna of Drystil.” The announcer’s voice called everyone to gather at the bottom of the stairway where they all curtsied or bowed to their rulers. Feli curtsied quickly before pulling Bren up to the King to place a kiss on his cheek. “Uncle Harold! This party is so wonderful, you certainly outdid yourself.” She spoke quickly, her eyes glancing up to the top of the steps every few seconds for she knew her parents wouldn’t be far behind. “Why thank you Feli. Oh my, don’t you look absolutely stunning! Bren, you must be honored to have such a wonder on you arm.” Bren smiled and nodded. “Of course sir. I could never be more honored than to be the escort of the princess.” Before Harold could say anything more, the Queen butted in. “Yes, she does look lovely but I wonder if the dress isn’t just a bit much for one so young. She is a princess after all.” Feli flushed with indignation, her eyes flashing as she took in the Queen’s own garish gown. The high collared garment was in a dark gold color that didn’t compliment anything on her body and the sapphire/diamond necklace offset the dress horribly. The skirt, which was stretched tightly over a hoop, was embroidered with silver and the lower half of the sleeves, which were loose like Feli’s, were made of silver silk. Her long copper hair was piled on top of her head, some strands falling down from it were curled and the whole bun was decorated with strands of pearls. King Harold on the other hand was dressed simply yet grandly. His main outfit consisted of a long black dress coat that was made of silk and lined with velvet and black silk slacks that ended at black leather boots. Over his shoulders, with the great symbol of Reicks was a long cloak lined with deep black fur and made of the same white deer skin and Feli’s earlier shawl, the insignia was died on in deep forest green. Before she could speak up, the guard called out her parents’ entry.

“Now entering, the visiting royal family of Beldan, King Gregory Beldan escorting his wife, Queen Matilda Beldan nee Frieda.” the announcer’s loud voice boomed out and quickly, all the people backed away to make room for the two while Harold, Arianna, Bren and Feli moved next to the far banister, waiting for the other royal couple to appear. A blond headed man wearing a wreath of woven gold and rubies on his head and a woman wearing a tiara of silver and sapphire upon beautiful black tresses walked down the steps with all the grace of swans. They were stunning…and they were her parents. Feli rushed out to the bottom of the stairwell to await them, her body nearly vibrating with excitement as she stared at her loved ones.

Matilda wore a full length dress similar to Feli’s but with a small under ring to make the dress press outward slightly. The dress it’s self was made out of soft velvet in an amazing ice blue that practically shone in the bright lights of the ball room. Just like Feli’s, the dress had a slit in the front but instead of the panel, Matilda’s was an upside down V coming from the apex of her hips, widening until it reached the ground. The fabric in the panel was silver silk and ended four inches higher than the rest of the dress so that you could see her silver heels. Along the bottom of the long swaths of velvet, silver silk was crumpled to create ruffles; half way up the skirt and along the waist line where fitted top met skirt, had the same crumpled silk. The collar of the dress was squared to show a delicate collar-bone and a lovely locket Feli had never seen before. The shoulders were fitted to her slim frame and were tight against her upper arms but trailed into split sleeves at the elbow. It left her pale forearms bare but with trailing pieces of velvet that fell long past her fingers. Her long black hair was left down her back but intricate braids wrapped from the front to the back creating a halo of ebony that was held in place by two sapphire hair clips and the tiara.

King Gregory was dressed much more simply. He wore black slacks, black leather boots, a decretive sword similar to Bren’s and a regular black silk button up. What made him stand out besides the golden coronet was the long trailing cape of deep, endless black velvet. The material was layered to make it thick and warm and embroidered loud and clear in the middle of it was the blazing fires of the Beldan Crest. Crimson threads so bright that the more she stared into the insignia of her home, the more she wished to feel the warm blazing sun of summer. When the two royals made it to the marble floor, Feli rushed forward into her father’s open arms. “Father!” she shouted, her long arms clenched around his neck. His own long, strong arms wrapped around her waist as he spun them around to the sound of her laughter. When he sat her done again, mother and daughter reconnected with hugs and fleeting kisses to each other cheeks. Matilda’s hands locked on Feli’s waist, holding her at arm’s length so she could get a look at her child.

“Feliciana Lidia Beldan, since when did you get so beautiful! You’re going to put your mother to shame soon, child.” Feli laughed softly and smiled at her mother, bright amethyst meeting deep sapphire before those blue, blue eyes skittered towards Bren. The young General had come to stand behind Feli and as soon as she was released by her mother, bowed to the Queen politely. “Greetings, Queen Matilda; I must say, I see where our lovely Princess gets her looks from.” Matilda arched one elegant brow as her daughter elbowed the boy who stood before her. “Who might this be Feliciana?” It wasn’t Feli who answered. Instead, Queen Adrianna, who was tired of being ignored, butted into the conversation. Gregory and Harold stood off to the side of the group talking like old friends while their wives were distracted but they both turned at the sound of the Reickian Queen’s voice. “That would be our youngest General, Sir Bren Strussten. He is escorting Lady Feliciana since they are…sweet on each other.” Feli blanched at that and her mother stared at the woman in an appraising way. It wouldn’t be the first time the pair had faced off but it would be the first that Matilda had heard such blatant dislike of her daughter in the woman’s voice.

“I see, well they make an adorable pair and I trust he is being gentleman?” at Feli’s nod, the Beldanian Queen continued. Her normally musical voice was tight and cutting yet polite enough to pass when it came to the other nobles present though none were focusing on the group, figuring they were just exchanging pleasantries. “I shall assume then that my daughter knows how to choose her own friends and that he is a fine young man. If you will excuse me, Lady Adrianna, I wish to have a moment with my child…alone.” The obvious dismissal made Adrianna flush in embarrassment and anger but she had no choice other than to turn away, walking back to her own click of Noble Women. Matilda already knew that more rumors would be spread reflecting on her commoner behavior but she just turned and smiled at Feli and Bren.

“Sir Strussten, I do hope you can forgive me but I am going to steal my Princess away for bit so we may catch up, it has been quite some time.” Bren smiled and bowed to the Queen. “Of course not you’re Highness, have all the time you need.” He walked away swiftly and Feli allowed her eyes to trail him momentarily as he joined a group of soldiers. “Feliciana, it is wonderful to see you letting loose for once.” Her mother’s voice made her eyes snap over to meet brilliant blue. She was a bit embarrassed considering the words Adrianna had spoken but just staring into those accepting and loving eyes, she couldn’t help but smile softly. “Yes…despite the fact I miss you all terribly, I do love it here. The people other than Adrianna and her followers are sweet as could be and everyone is very accepting of me.” Matilda smiled. “I am happy for you sweet heart. Now, let me fill you in on the gossip from Beldan.” Her mother’s blue eyes twinkled with mischief as the pair linked arms and walked towards the back of the room, chatting and laughing to themselves as they exchanged words.

It was so relaxing to be around her mother again and the woman looked as though she had barely aged. Not a single gray hair sat in her long black mane and her face was completely free of lines. They caught up excitedly, constantly hugging or touching in some way as though to reaffirm that the other was truly there. At some point during this, her father stepped up and asked Feli to dance, pulling her onto the floor with a smile while Bren shockingly asked Matilda to grace him with a dance. The lights of the chandelier spun around her vision till she felt dizzy and her mind became foggy. She danced and laughed, spoke and spun till suddenly, the song was cut off and the confused voices of the crowd murmured behind her. She turned swirling violet orbs on her father, trying to meet his stormy gaze but his own eyes were glued to the top of the steps. She turned her head, trying to spot what her Father was watching but all she could see was the same man who had announced all their entrances.

“Please pardon the interruption but we would like to announce the entrance of his majesty, Prince Alexei Moroz Nyek.” Following this single sentence, the crowd that had previously been trying to figure out what was happening, rushed towards the stairway. Each person now murmured thoughts on what the reclusive prince might look like or if the rumors of his battle prowess were true. Feli released her father’s hands and moved forward slowly, remaining to the back of the crowd yet she was just as curious about the elusive royal as anyone else. Finally, though she had to stand on tip toe, she saw a glimpse of pure white moving towards the steps and walking down. She was shocked at the handsome male taking measured steps towards the crowd.

Prince Alexei had medium length, almost curly white hair that put the color of snow to shame. It bounced slightly and gave him a boyish charm you normally wouldn’t see in one who held his station. His skin was two shades paler than porcelain and reminded her of a block of ice in its perfect pallor. His outfit consisted of a bright white tux with an ice blue cummerbund and matching bowtie. The blue was the only color on him. As he drew closer to the crowd Feli’s keen vision could make out hard silver eyes and a gentle smile that didn’t reach his hard stare. She couldn’t repress a shiver as that flicking gaze met her own. She knew him to be about twenty years in age but the longer she held eye contact, the harder it became to believe he was just a young man and not some war hardened General. When something in those eyes shifted though…something that made her body tremble with nostalgia, Feliciana looked away, searching for anything other than the Prince to stare at.

She walked away from the crowd slowly after a few moments. Knowing that everyone would be caught up in greeting the young prince and asking personal questions as to why he has never been seen in public before, Feli felt no need to join in the fray. She almost felt sorry for him since she remembered all the questions from her debut on society. Feli certainly wasn’t expecting a cold hand to grab her own, nor was she expecting the soft voice that reminded her of the bitter winter winds that raged during blizzards. “You…you’re Princess Feliciana, right? The hidden princess! I would recognize those eyes anywhere. You really are the Princess right?” She spun quickly, meeting that silver gaze again to see a surprisingly childlike expression on the young man’s face. His grip was tight and cold, making her wish to pull her hand away. Even more so when he bowed to her and pressed an icy kiss to the back of her wrist, grinning up at her.

“I am Prince Alexei. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Feliciana. I have heard much about you.” It took her a moment but slowly, she nodded. Feli was unable to pull her gaze away from his and the whole introduction made her skin crawl with uncertainty. Using her free hand, she curtsied awkwardly and returned the greeting. “I am Princess Feliciana and the pleasure is mine. I have also heard so much about you; it truly is wonderful to finally meet you.” The smile she got in return was blinding and made her keenly aware of the fact he was still holding her hand. When she tried to discreetly remove her hand from his, Alexei tightened his grip and his smile took on a cutting edge as those eyes tightened slightly. “Please, would you honor me with a dance? I’ve longed to meet you, Princess.” She looked over his shoulder steadily, meeting the gaze of her father who nodded slowly, obviously having heard the question. Feeling all eyes on her and knowing she couldn’t decline, Feli gave a slight sigh and fixed a smile on her face. For proprieties sake, she would dance with the Prince regardless of how odd he was. “I would be honored, Prince Alexei.”

He gave her another bright smile and led her towards the center of the room. The orchestra started again and, with another bow, he pulled Feli close, his hand holding her hip almost as tightly as he held her hand. “Please, call me Alexei. I really don’t like all those formal things.” Feli blinked slowly before smiling, feeling a little more comfortable with just that single request. “Of course Alexei; and please, in return, call me Feli. I don’t really like being called by my full name, it’s rather awkward.” He nodded and took on that childish look again as they danced swiftly but precisely. It was as though dancing was second nature to him. “I’m sure it must be very weird! I mean, you were raised as a boy for eleven years and only announced as a girl seven years ago. It must have been hard getting used to things. Lady Natalia was worried about you since, as she put it, Queen Adrianna isn’t exactly a warm woman. She asked me how I would feel if she fostered you but the treaty was clear so there was nothing she could do… Lady Natalia isn’t prefect either though so I don’t quite see how she could foster you any better than Adrianna. Does she ever listen to me, of course not! You would think after all these years she would, too!” He laughed but the sound was neither kind nor warm, instead it was off pitch and colored with cruelty.

Feli could only stare in bewilderment before busting out in soft giggles. She couldn’t help it! This young man spoke with the excitement of a five year old telling you about his first horseback ride and yet he was talking about political secrets! Even better was the fact he spoke about his mother as if he were the parent! At his confused expression, Feli sobered as much as she could and smiled kindly. “I’m sorry Alexei, it’s just, the way you speak about your mother…it’s almost as if you two aren’t mother and child.” Alexei tilted his head to the side uncomprehendingly before a frown marred his sharp features. “Ah yes…mother, she is isn’t she? We never act as such at home so sometimes I forget that fact when out in public. Then again, this is why she never lets me out.” His voice raised in pitch slightly as he apparently mocked the Empress of Nyek. “’You always say the wrong things and never worry about the consequences Alexei! Why should I let you out when all you do is get in trouble. Maybe I should put you back in that cage so you learn your lesson!’” He snickered at his own words but something in his eyes darkened considerably.

Feli’s soft smile changed into a frown as she cut him off abruptly. “What do you mean cage? You were locked in a cage at some point?” Feli felt an odd sense of anger bubbling up inside of her at thought of this child like man being locked away in some dark place. Instead though, he shook his head slowly and something dark flittered across his face before his smile was fixed firmly in place. “It is…hm, ah! An expression! She doesn’t mean a literal cage, Natalia means my room when she says cage which I only get locked in if I do something bad. She has never locked me up for long though so you have no need to fret Feli, I’m okay.” Feli nodded slowly and took the chance to drop the topic. Alexei moved onto safer subjects like how it was so cold in Nyek and only slightly warmer in Reicks but how warm and beautiful it usually was in Beldan. Alexei was odd, despite the fact that the look in his eyes seemed much too dark for one his age, his personality spoke of a sheltered boy who couldn’t be past his fifteenth summer.

Feli listened intently and laughed at the appropriate moments, completely loosing track of how many songs they had danced too. She didn’t notice the eyes on them, didn’t notice the glares she received from the other girls nor the odd stare Bren gave her. No, she noticed nothing except the warmth that slowly seeped into frozen silver and the chill of his skin against her bare hand. At least she noticed nothing until a hand appeared over Alexei’s shoulder, tapping him and bringing an end to their dance.

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