
sweetskitz tarafından

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Read on and find out ha! Sorry, not sorry. Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 2 Ethan's point of view
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - part 1
Chapter 26 - part 2
Chapter 26 - Part 3 Ethans point of view
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - ethans point of view
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Final chapter

Chapter 12

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sweetskitz tarafından

I look around the foyer at the bright fairy lights decorating the high ceiling with the flowers wrapped nicely around the surrounding pillars, there's a lot of effort gone into the presentation here and I'm surprised to find such a large space this building holds.


I turn to see a well dressed man in a suit stepping up to me with a smile on his face. He's quite handsome with blonde short hair and dimples appearing on his cheeks as his smile grows from me acknowledging him

"It's stunning they did a great job" i smile back at him

"I wasn't talking about the decorations" he replies smirking at me

I blush from realising he's talking about me as it's only us two standing here with a few people down from us chatting away. I mentally huff out at the thought of a stranger complimenting me as my own mate didn't say a word about my dress.

He extends his hand and not wanting to be rude i go to shake his hand

"Alpha Reynolds and what is your name gorgeous?" He says bringing my hand up and gently kissing the top of my hand

I retract my hand slowly trying not to offend him as it just felt uncomfortable

"Mia" I say smiling back with my hand safely back by my side

He smiles sweetly at me as he holds out his arm slightly turning in the direction of the big open doors ahead, I look through the doors and see so many people.. Some still standing and some already seated from what i can see.

"Would you be so kind to let me escort you in? as it's about to begin" he says casually

I look around the room I'm in for Ethan he said he was going to be back in just a second and told me to wait here but it's been longer than a second. I look back at alpha Reynolds, so this is the guy Ethan was talking about I'm not sure what to make of him. apart from his forwardness he seems ok.

"I don't bite" he says still smiling back at me raising an eyebrow

I nod my head as I step forward placing my arm in his as we walk towards the doors entering the large room

There's so many tables and there's people scattered everywhere the hall is massive if that's even what this place is?

He walks me past many tables heading towards the front. there's a stage at the end with a micro phone place in the middle

I get odd looks from people as we pass them by

"Told you she's just after an alpha"

I snap my head to the direction I heard the comment to see a girl I kind of recognise she's now dressed in a pretty light pink dress, I frown at her realising that's Stacey I only met her briefly a few nights ago but I'm sure that's her.

What was that suppose to mean? I'm not power hungry and even if my mate was a omega I would still feel the same. I mentally chuckle to myself. if my mate was an omega I'm sure he would have been a lot easier to talk to

We round a table that is placed at the front but to the side on the end as he looks at the name tags

"I'm sure we can fit you here somewhere" he says looking over the names

He goes stiff as he than looks back to me

"Mia right?" He says frowning now

I nod my head and feel weary of his sudden mood change.. What is with alphas and there stupid mood swings? I've never really been that close to alpha Hanes Though I never noticed him being like this.

"Your alpha wests mate?" He asks letting go of my arm and bringing his hand up to his mouth as he seems to be unsure now

"Yes" I say just looking at him wondering what's going on

He smiles back at me as he now seems to relax

"Lucky bastard" he says under his breath..but I caught it

He steps around me and pulls out a chair for me to sit.

"I guess you have a seat at this table after all" he says happily

I eye him suspiciously though the mood swings with the men lately are not foreign to me. I take the chair and sit down as he pushes it in for me and sits down next to me.

"So are you nervous?" He asks casually like he's known me for years

"Ah sought of" I say honestly

I'm just trying not to think about it as I know I will begin to panic.

I look past him as I scan the tables around us there's so many people here I couldn't  even begin to count how many tables

I look up to the large open doors across the room to see people still entering, I see Chloe walk in.. She looks beautiful she spots me quickly and gives a small wave. My smile instantly drops at the sight of Ethan walking in behind her. he looks stiff as Chloe says something smiling to him as she turns and heads to a table near the middle of the room. I turn back to alpha Reynolds feeling hurt yet angry at myself for thinking this way.

Am I jealous? I've never really felt jealousy this strongly and I hate that he's making me feel this way. he never said where he was going when he left me to wait in the foyer but it's odd that he comes walking in with Chloe.

"Mia did you hear what I said"

I focus on alpha Reynolds

"Sorry" I say softly

"Don't worry about the amount of people here these things are pretty cruisy don't let it overwhelm you" he say chuckling at the end

I'm comforted by his voice and the niceness in his tone as I find my self relaxing next to him

I look up to the chair being moved next to me as Ethan than appears and sits down next to me

"Alpha Reynolds, Mia" he says coldly as  I look up to his face to see him guarded and tense

Great he's still in his shitty as mood

"Good evening alpha west late again I see" alpha Reynolds says playfully next to me

Late again? Does he always show up late to these things? I find his comment annoying me more than it should

"And your still annoying as ever" Ethan speaks just as playfully as I feel his mood lighten

I'm a little surprised at Ethan's response as he seemed slightly angry when he sat down. That was maybe only the second time I've heard him talk playfully he's usually so dam serious.

Alpha Reynolds huffs before I hear a soft chuckle from him

"Good even alphas, Luna" Sean says as he pulls a chair out joining our table along with another man I've never seen before

I smile up to Sean and look to the man sitting down next to him

"Mia this is Carson my beta" alpha Reynolds says introducing the man to me

He looks quite young for a beta more around my age or younger but looks are always deceiving when your a werewolf he could be mid 30s for all I know

I smile at him as he nods his head in return looking away from me quickly which I found a little bit odd

Ethan hasn't spoke to me since he acknowledged me when he first sat down I turn to him and just before I can speak the lights go dim and a lady appears on the stage walking towards the mic in the middle

"Welcome alpha west and alpha Reynolds thank you all for coming

We apologise for the late start but don't worry dinner will be served shortly and then we will proceed with the ceremony officially  welcoming our Luna to fallen moon and a new member to horizon dawn" she says happily

Everyone claps and I hear some people whistle as I clap along with them

Horizon dawn pack? I've never heard of them but Ethan did say they keep low key. The room erupts in chatter as I see waiters appear everywhere carrying plates of food to all the tables there so quick and efficient. There's a plate placed down in front of me it's some sought of chicken dish and it smells delicious I look to see what Ethan has and of course there's a massive steak on his plate the same as alpha Reynolds though Sean and Carson seem to have the same as me

"Do you not like it?" I turn to Ethan as his dark brown eyes are on me

I look back to my plate and pick up my fork taking a piece of the chicken, wow it's amazing there is so much flavour with the taste of the slight white sauce its dressed in

I look back to Ethan as he's just staring at me and I smile sweetly as if to say yes it's perfect. I actually don't feel like talking to him right now it may be childish of me but I'm sick of his crap and I just want to enjoy myself tonight

I hear Sean start a conversation with Ethan but I don't pay to much attention to them as I look to alpha Reynolds

"So you have a new member joining your pack too?" I ask casually

He nods his head smiling

"she was a rouge she crossed my border a few months back she was heavily beaten pretty much on deaths door" he says taking another bite of his meal

That's a bit rough I think to myself so what he fixed her up and is now letting her join? You don't hear many rouges joining packs it's not unheard of it's just rare

"So you trust her enough than to let her join you?" I ask just wanting to clarify my theory

"Yea she's had it tough and she's earned her spot within my pack" he says picking up the wine bottle in the middle of the table that I've only just noticed

"May I?" He says reaching for my glass

I nod my head as he pours wine into my glass half filling it as he than pours himself one. his eyes flick to Ethan's behind me as I'm facing alpha Reynolds

"Well i didn't see anyone else offering the lady" he says as a fact

I turn to look at Ethan as his face has no emotion. his eyes look from mine back to alpha Reynolds he must have given alpha Reynolds some kind of look for him to say that and I mentally chuckle to myself that alpha Reynolds seems to hold himself well against Ethan as if they have known each other there whole life. Ethan doesn't say anything So I turn away from him as Sean catches the corner of my eye. he's looking at Ethan suppressing a smile. I try and ignore them and not give it another thought as I reach for my glass and take a sip, it's a little bit sweet for my liking but it will do.

The table fills with conversation again but I tune them out and look back to alpha Reynolds. He picks up his wine glass and holds it up in between us

"To new friendships"

I flinch from the growl right behind me, knowing it's Ethan but I ignore him and pick my glass up

"To new friendships" I repeat

Alpha Reynolds cheers my glass as I listen to the sound of the glasses making contact

I take a sip to see Sean holding his glass towards me

"New friendships? .. I'm kind of new" he says cheekily

I can't help but laugh at him as I bring my glass tapping his as Carson joins in with his glass, my mood has picked up as I actually feel like I'm having fun so I turn to Ethan to see if he will join in too

He has a small smile on his lips as I hold my glass up to him feeling slightly unsure

He eyes me curiously as he reaches for his glass and holds it up

"Love to one, friendship to a few and goodwill to all" he's says with a slight smile raising an eyebrow

I frown at his choice of words not exactly knowing what he means by it but I bring my glass forward tapping his glass gently and give him a small smile in return

I'm the last to finish my plate as the waiter than comes around and clears the table

I look around the table frowning as I realise I'm the only female sitting here. being curious as I always am I want to ask them where there mates are but I don't want to come across as being to personal or rude.

I glance over to Ethan looking at him to see if I should just ask him surely he would know

He looks back at me eyeing me suspiciously

He raises a eyebrow as if encouraging me to speak. He feels relaxed as I then lean into him with my mouth close to his ear. I feel him go still, he seems to be doing that a lot tonight..

"Where are all there mates?" I whisper into his ear so no one else can hear

I lean back to see his eyes have darkened in colour but I think I saw lust in his eyes before it vanishes being replaced by a blank face

He looks at me for a moment before nodding his head in Sean's direction

"Sorry I didn't mention to you earlier Luna, my beautiful mate is dying to meet you" he says happily

Ethan obviously told Sean I was asking about her as I'm thankful I didn't have to bring it up

"Is she here" I ask a little to eager

Sean chuckles as so does Ethan. I look to Ethan smiling, I'm happy to see him laughing again

"Frances doesn't really like attending these things but she's here helping out in the kitchen she's an amazing cook" Sean says cheerily

His whole face lit up as he was talking about her and I begin to think will Ethan and I ever be like that?

"I'm excited to meet her too" I say honestly

"I guess it's just me than that hasn't found the one" I turn to see alpha Reynolds  looking deep into his glass

Sean laughs

"Well your never short of the ladies" Sean says chuckling

Alpha Reynolds smiles back at him as he raises his glass to Sean and takes a sip

I look over to Carson to see amusement on his face looking at his alpha

"Carson you have found your mate?" I say happily finally finding something to talk to him about

"Yes about a year ago we met ..we just had our first pup so she wasn't up for a big night" he says smiling back at me

I mentally laugh at the term him calling his baby a pup well technically he's correct but it just sounds weird hearing it out loud

"Congratulations to you both, how old?" I ask taking another sip of my wine

"She's only 3 days old she's a real cutie" he says as I can feel the love he has for his baby

"Ladies and gentle man"

Our attention is drawn to the woman on the stage as at the same time I notice Ethan is no longer sitting at the table. I feel annoyed he just keeps disappearing on me and never telling me where he's going.. Am I that needy mate that needs to know his every move I cringe at the thought. I hope not

"If we could all take our seats the ceremony will begin"

I look back over the tables as I see a few people moving around as they start disappearing into there seats

The lights go down as the stage becomes brighter. I start to feel anxious and my nerves are going beginning to go crazy.

Im surprised I feel my wolf is unsettled as I haven't felt much from her since we arrived here. Alpha Reynolds than stands excusing himself and leaves the table disappearing into a small door nearby. I wonder if that's where Ethan went as I can't seem to find him.

I take a deep breath to try and calm myself

"You will be fine"

I hear the soft voice of Carson as I look over to him

Is it that obvious that I'm nervous? He smiles at me I think to calm my nerves but it's not working.

"Does it hurt?" I blurt out starting to panic

His smile fades to just a small smile as he shrugs his shoulders

"I personally don't know but I've heard from others it's not that bad" he says sounding unsure

I somewhat don't believe him

My head snaps to the stage as I felt him before i saw him as Ethan appears on the stage and approaches the microphone

I huff out at his model like appearance and curse to myself does he ever have a bad day? no one can be naturally that good looking

"Good evening"

"Tonight we will be presenting a new member to horizon dawn

"Leah miles"

Everyone claps as he says her name as I wonder if it's just out of courtesy to there alpha or they actually know who she is? I see a young girl walking from the tables and up the side steps as she goes and stands next to a table behind Ethan. Alpha Reynolds appears onstage as he walks over to her smiling and stands tall next to her looking back out over the room

Ethan's eyes catch mine as everyone quiets down

"It will begin with your new Luna of Fallen Moon"

"Mia cole"

Everyone starts clapping as I hear the hush whispers again. My heart begins to race as I just sit there frozen not wanting to move. I don't do public appearance well I usually try to avoid them and knowing the spot light will be on me at some point I shrink back just wanting to run back home. I watch Ethan as he gives me a nod and I suddenly wish I wasn't here.

"Luna it's time to join them on stage" I hear Sean's soft voice as I slowly look over to him

Not wanting to cause a scene I nod my head to him pushing my chair out as I stand. My legs feel shaky as my thoughts wonder to Jason. How I want him here with me right now. I frown as no matter how angry I am towards him I just want him here supporting me telling me it's going to be ok. Why the hell am I so scared? I think the realisation that I will be permanently  separated from my pack my brother and alpha has come at me all at once. No longer is midnight blue my home or my family soon i will be bound to fallen moon under Ethan as my alpha.

I make it up on the stage thanking the gods I didn't trip and make a fool of myself as I walk towards alpha Reynolds and the girl he said was Leah.

I watch as an older man walks to stand next to Ethan he quietly says something to him. Ethan than turns and comes over to stand next to me.

He frowns as his eyes meet mine. I'm surprised that I'm even still standing here as I look around me for a way out.

I shake the thoughts as right now I know I have to be here. I have to go through with this. what? would I really just run and go back home? I'm sure Ethan would drag me back kicking and screaming.

"It's going to be ok"

I flinch as I realise Ethan is leaning down so close to me

I grab his hand as I hold it tightly my body just moving on its own. The touch has me slightly relaxing but it's not enough to calm my nerves.

I look out over the crowd as I hear the sounds of clapping again. The old man must have been talking but i didn't hear a word he said.

The old man than turns and smiles at us all approaching the very decorated table in the middle.

It has an old looking book open with shinny writing over the yellow pages.

There's a small pointy knife placed on a red cloth next to a silver bowl with the most gorgeous white flowers I have ever seen.

Ethan goes to let go of my hand but I stop him as if I'm hanging on for dear life. Breathe Mia! I feel myself getting angry at the fact I'm working myself up why can't I just relax I knew this was coming. But the overwhelming feeling is suffocating me. The room darkens even more as I just want to hide myself in the darkest part possible.

I feel arms wrap around me blocking the view of all the eyes in front of me.

I close my eyes taking in his scent as I try my hardest to get a grip on everything. Feels like were standing like this for ages as I feel my heart beat begin to steady itself and my body begins to relax. Ethan steps back as he looks down to me with what looks like concern on his face.

Wanting to be strong for him as I know his whole pack is here to witness the event I nod my head to let him know I'm ready.

His mouth twitches a he looked like he was going to say something but he doesn't. he turns and takes the few steps to table with the old man on the other side.

I look over at the crowd as the dim lights shine down on them there would have to be at least a thousand people here. How many people are actually in his pack? My heart drops as I think it's now my pack too. The weight of it all feeling to heavy for my shoulders as I begin to think that Ethan actually has all these people under his care.

I feel so naive. 

I listen to the words the old man is speaking as I look back to him not understanding a word he's saying. I never paid to much attention when this was done with alpha Hanes I just remember the blood.

The old man than picks up the pointy knife as Ethan holds out his hand. My eyes are wide as the old man than takes his hand and pushes the knife into his palm near his thumb slicing it deep and long across, to just below his pinky finger.

Ethan doesn't make a move or even show any discomfort. I can't see his face but I'm sure he's holding no expression as he than makes a fist holding it over the silver bowl. we all watch the red blood running from his hand into the bowl. I close my eyes briefly to keep myself calm. Give me a fight or blood from an injury but doing this! This just creeps me out as I feel my stomach swirl.

I watch Ethan step back and hold his hand out for me. I mentally chuckle to myself that if he held out his hand with the blood on it I would of ran.

I block everything from my mind as I just want this over and done with.

I step forward taking his hand and stand next to him. It's like he knew I needed him touching me and keeping me calm as the old man begins to talk in his gibberish lingo.

I don't take my eyes off him as I feel the words he's saying are calling out to me and it has my eyes locked onto him. I feel myself panic its all happening so quickly. Ethan squeezes my hand letting me know he's right next to me as I take a deep breath.

I feel a tightening sensation in my head as it feels like it's just getting tighter and tighter. My body goes stiff as it's beginning to hurt. I squeeze Ethan's hand trying to release some of the pain.

The old man is talking faster now but I can no longer  hear him as my head feels like it's getting ripped apart

My hand raises on it's own as I feel the old man take it and holds it gently.

He brings the knife up still tainted with Ethan's blood as he pushes it into my palm. It was so fast I didn't even brace myself as I stand there stiff. I'm confused as I watch him slide the knife across my palm as I don't feel it. It's as if it's not even my hand. The pain in my head suddenly goes to tight for me to handle as I scream out in pain letting go of Ethan's hand as I feel the connection to midnight blue snap!

It's as if someone had pulled a rubber band so far that it ends up snapping and the impact of it bouncing back is what I felt  only so much stronger in my mind.

My breathing is heavy as I feel Ethan's hand back over mine holding it tightly.

The pain in my head is slowly disappearing as it feels like it's just throbbing now. The old man has already turned my hand over as I watch the blood dripping from my hand into the bowl. I clench my hand making a fist as I remember seeing Ethan do that as the blood than runs smoothly off my hand.

I feel so alone.

I almost feel empty.

This must be what rouges feel when they have gone without a pack for a long period of time or there strong enough to break the connection on there own.

I know Ethan's holding my hand but I feel like I'm all by myself now and I guess technically I am

The old man begins his words again as I feel the throbbing pain in my head fade away quickly being replaced by something heavy.

I stumble back as it hits me full force. I feel the connection wrapping itself around my mind as I feel it permanently imbedding itself into me.

So many voices crash into my head as I can't understand any of it there's just to many.

"Mia block your mind" I hear Ethan say firmly next to me

I do as he says and block my mind off completely as I'm met with silence.

I open my eyes not realising I closed them as I see Ethan looking down at me. I frown at him as to why he's leaning over me

I mentally curse as I'm half lying on the ground with Ethan crouched down next to me holding me up with one arm behind my back

I look away as I feel a little bit embarrassed knowing everyone has just witness what I went through. He helps me back up to my feet as he takes my hand and leads me back to our spot where two chairs are now placed. he sits me down as he takes a seat next to me.  

I look back to the crowd now hearing there clapping with people whistling and cheering.

Ethan hasn't let go of my hand as he sits quietly next to me i dare to look over to him as his eyes than look from the crowd to me. His face holds no emotion as he raises my hand and gently kisses the inside of my palm where it was cut. My eyes go wide as I expected to than see my blood on his lips but there's nothing as he than lowers it watching me curiously as I take my hand from him and look at my palm.

The cut is completely healed with just a few small red stains of where the blood had been. I flex my hand as I test it out but it all feels normal.


I snap my head to Ethan in shock as I hear his sweet voice in my head. I don't even know why I'm in shock as I knew it would happen.

But to hear his voice in my head sent goosebumps throughout my body

I chuckle as I look up to him

He just looks back at me with no expression but I can see slight happiness in his eyes

"My alpha" I say softly

He smirks at me but I'm not sure to what he's thinking, maybe at the fact that I have finally acknowledged him as my alpha.

I'm distracted by a scream as I look towards the sound to find Leah standing at the table clutching her head with one arm. Alpha Reynolds is beside her as I see the blood dripping from her hand.

I look back out to all the eyes looking back up at us. There's not a sound as the only thing I can hear is the strange words the old man is saying.

The ceremony comes to an end as we leave the stage. Ethan walks me back to our table as I see Sean and Carson still seated there. He pulls the chair out for me and I take a seat. I expect Ethan to than sit down next to me but he doesn't I look around for him but he's gone.

"So I guess it does hurt?" Carson says carefully but I think he's trying to make conversation even though he just made it awkward

"A little bit" I say not really wanting to think and relive those moments

He nods his head and smiles

"So what do we do now?" I asklooking from Carson to Sean

"Well Luna I have someone wanting to meet you if you would like to accompany me to the kitchen" Sean says sounding excited

I chuckle back at him

"I'd love too" I say smiling

I stand as Sean walks around the table and I follow him out the small door in the side of the room

We walk down a long corridor full of doors and passing waiters as they look to me bowing there heads. I feel a certain connection to each and everyone of them now as I smile back at them.

It's kind of an unreal feel as the connection to fallen moon feels stronger than all the years I was with midnight blue. I wonder if that's because I'm no longer just a member i am now the Luna of the pack.

Sean pushes open a door as he walks through with me following close behind. We step into a very large kitchen holding a lot of people rushing around as I hear all the noises of plates and glassware with the strong smell of food in the air. I watch as Sean approaches an older woman just a little bit shorter than him and give her hug as he places a kiss on her cheek. She smiles sweetly to him as her eyes than land on me.

Her face lights up as she lets go of Sean and pats her apron down stepping over to me

"Luna it's a pleasure to finally meet you my names Frances I've heard so much about you" she says with so much excitement

I smile to her as my eyes flick over to Sean as he has a smile yet a guilty look across his face. I look back to Frances

"The pleasure is mine I was pretty eager to meet the woman who made Sean's face glow when ever he spoke about her" I say happily

"Your too kind" she says looking over to Sean with a smile

"Will you be joining us soon" Sean says casually

"Yes I've just got a bit more here to clean up and I'll be straight out" she says sounding flustered now

I look around to everyone rushing about I guess to clean everything up before they join the party

"Would you like some help?" I ask seeing how much there is actually to do back here

She looks at me shocked as she shakes her head

"No no that's fine Luna" she says now smiling

Her red hair is done up in a bun with little pieces fallen down around her face. She has big green eyes that seem to sparkle when she smiles and I can see the beauty within her that I'm glad Sean's mates someone as down to earth as she is. 

"Alpha west would not allow that Luna" Sean says sounding semi serious

I look to him frowning, is he serious? The idea of Ethan not allowing me to help out is just ridiculous

I open my mind slowly to test it out as the thousands of voice I heard earlier are gone

"Well Ethan isn't here" I say looking at him with a smirk

He looks surprised to hear my voice in his head as it's soon replaced by a big smile appearing on his face as he nods.

"As you wish Luna" he says still smiling

Frances looks between us not sure on what's going as Sean kisses her on her cheek and steps back

"Luna will be helping you out sweetie be sure to return her in one piece" he says chuckling now

I laugh along with him at his happy presence. Frances shakes her head looking from Sean to me

"Ok Luna well I guess you can finish helping me with packing these foods separately into these containers" she says casually like I've been in the kitchen all night   

I follow her as she turns back to the silver bench and start helping with the food

She then told me about how her and Sean first met. they were both from this pack and worked it out once she tuned 16yrs old. The age you can sense your mate. He was the hopeless romantic and swept her off her feet. I laugh with her as that totally sounds like Sean.

We finished packing the left over food away into the large walk in fridge. I'm not sure how I'm managing all this in heels but Frances it making it more fun than it actually feeling like work.

No one else has said anything to me as they all seemed focused on cleaning up the kitchen. but I can tell there listening in to our conversation as I get a small smile here and there from people passing me by.

"Mia where are you?"

I jump to the sound of Ethan's voice in my head. My heart rate increases from the angry tone he used

Remembering what Sean said about Ethan not allowing me to help I try to think quickly

"I'm with Frances we're just talking" I say trying to sound calm in my words but I think I came across to obvious 

Frances looks at me funny I think she can tell I was mind linking. It actually feels good to be able to hear someone in my head again. I don't hear back from Ethan and I begin to relax again as I continue placing the glassware back in its holder.

"How are you liking it here?" Frances says happily

"It's definitely not what i expected" I answer truthfully

She looks at me knowingly as she nods her head

I pick up a cloth to polish the glass in my hand

"That doesn't look like just talking"

I drop my glass at the sudden sound of him behind me. The glass shatters on the floor at my feet leaving little glistening specs everywhere. Why the fuck does he have to keep sneaking up on me! I can't catch a break. Everyone freezes from the sound of the glass and I guess than seeing there alpha in the kitchen.

"Alpha west you scared the poor girl!" Frances says next to me shaking her head at him

I carefully turn around with the sound of the glass crunching under my shoes before I get all the way around Ethan picks me up bridal style and turns and carrys me out of the kitchen placing me gently back down on my feet outside the door.

"You know I'm going back in there to clean that up" I say looking at him annoyed

My face than drops at the deadly glare he's giving me.

"Can you ever just stay put in one spot?" He says clearly sounding angry but his body looks relaxed

Stay put? Nice choice of words!

"I'm not a dog Ethan" I say with a hint of anger

He than smirks at me as I frown back at him in disbelief why the hell is he smirking at me now?

"I agree your not.. A dog would obey" he says losing his smirk and his face becomes emotionless

I just stare at him. I can't believe he just said that.

"You're an asshole!"

I don't look at him as I than turn and head back down the corridor and out through the small door back into the large area where we were all seated earlier.

I don't feel Ethan following me but I don't dare to turn around as I walk past the tables only seeing a few tables still with people seated at them. I don't make eye contact as I head for the large open doors mentally cursing to myself as it seems this is where everyone has gone. There all standing around with drinks in there hands and chatting away. I slow my walk as I approach the doors and start to step through the crowd. I just want to get out of here. What a great Luna I am not even wanting to socialise with the pack and can't even be around my mate for more than an hour without disagreeing about something.

Someone grabs my arm as I turn around to yell at them but instantly stop as I'm met with Chloe's face

"Hi Luna where are you going in such a rush" she asks speaking slightly louder as the music is flowing through the room. 

She looks happy with a hint of concern on her face but being this close to her I frown as I don't feel any anger towards her.

"Um no where really" I say hesitating

I'm not really going to say I'm bailing because your alpha is a douche bag.

"Wanna join us for a drink" she asks with a small smile

The sound of having a drink right now has me wanting to stay and do all the socialising I need to have not one but a few.

"Sure" I say smiling back to her

She leads me over to a table a few metres from where we were standing

"Everyone meet your Luna" she says proudly giving me a slight nudge forward

"Please just call me Mia" I say softly not liking the word Luna that much at the moment

There's 2 girls sitting down at the table they both smile back to me

"Take a seat Mia us girls are just checking out the men of horizon dawn" she says giggling

I take a seat down next to the chirpy sounding girl, she has brown hair in tight curls that fall just above her shoulder Wearing a beautiful red dress.

"I'll go get us some drinks" I hear Chloe say as I turn to see her disappear into the crowd

Looking back to the table I catch Ethan standing just a few feet from me talking with some men I don't recognise. He looks perfect.. for an asshole . I hear the men laugh in the conversation as Ethan just smiles along with them. His eyes look to me for a moment before looking back to the men and joining in on the conversation. I turn away from him and look back to the girls at the table.

"What about him?"

The girl in the yellow dress secretly points somewhere behind me

"No way he's too old" the chirpy girl says I go to turn around

"Mia! No" the chirpy girl shout whispers to me

I look at her surprised

"Don't make it obvious" she says sounding panicked

I laugh out with the the girl in the red dress

"Sorry" I say chuckling

"I have drinks and I have shots!!"

Chloe says sitting down next to me and placing a large tray filled with drinks and full shot glasses circling the tray

Looks good to me I think. I welcome the distraction.

Chloe passes the drinks out as we all take a sip. I'm not sure what it is but it tastes good.

3 drinks later and 5 shots down I'm laughing and having a great time with the girls. They have checked out nearly every guy in view of our table tho never mentioning Ethan as he has stuck close to us this whole time but hasn't approached our table.

People have started dancing down from us as the lights were darkened awhile ago it feels a little bit like a night club in here now or maybe it's the drinks gone to my head.

"I think you and alpha west make a cute couple" chirpy girl says swaying in her seat, I found out her name is actually Belinda but chirpy girl suits her better

"Your so lucky He's so dreamy" Kelly says looking over to him

Chloe and I both burst out laughing at the girls expression as they look back to us smiling. For some reason them talking about him in that way doesn't bother me. I kinda feel proud to have him as my mate as everyone here has never really said anything bad about him.

"What about alpha Reynolds? he's mate less and easy on the eyes too" I say voicing my first comment about the men here.

The girls look at me surprised before giggling and join in describing all the handsome things about alpha Reynolds.

I hear the girls say hi to Stacey as I turn to see her sit at the end of table smiling at everyone as she says hi.

"So who are we talking about" she says sipping on the drink already in her hand

"Oh just how good looking alpha Reynolds is" Chloe says laughing at the end

She nods her head taking another sip

"Not really my type" she says laughing now with Chloe

"You really need to get over alpha west you haven't had his scent on you in months" Belinda says sounding annoyed

At the same time Kelly elbows her in the arm giving her an angry look

Shock crosses Belinda's face as it turns to guilt looking at me

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that" she says weakly

So I guess Chloe isn't the only girl Ethan was sleeping with it makes me wonder about who else he's been with or even how many? should it even matter to me as I didn't even know him then? 

"It's fine" is all I say

I'm not sure if it is fine though I'm his mate and he has made no attempt to be with me in that way. Though he was clearly sleeping around before he met me.

"So you have a thing for alphas?" Stacey says directing her question to me

I smile back at her knowing where she is going with this

"Only one" I say keeping the smile on my face

"That's not what it looked liked earlier with you and alpha Reynolds" she says twirling the straw in her drink

I smile at her clearly aware what she's trying to do here. I have found the sheep in this pack taking suzi's place but I'm over it. and I'm not going to play her game.

"I think that's enough Stacey" Chloe says softly to her breaking my eye contact with Stacey

"No let her speak she obviously has something to say" I say giving Stacey a look as if to I dare her to say it 

The girls go quiet as they look in between Stacey and me

Stacey eyes me for a moment before raising her glass to us and taking a sip looking away from me. Well she's not as brave Suzi sheep but there's still something about her I need it keep an eye on. The

"Well since that's settled can I just warn you all that there's a tall and handsome headed our way

A man comes up to our table asking if we would like another round. He looks sweet as the girls rattle off our drink order and he smiles stepping back away

"I call dibs" Kelly says watching the man retreat

We all laugh as alpha Reynolds than approaches the table

"Ladies" he says happily nodding his head to us all before his eyes stop on me

"Would you like to dance as honouring our new friendship?" He says holding his hand out to me smiling

"Don't even think about it" I hear Ethan's voice in my head sounding annoyed

I mentally roll my eyes at least he's not angry

"I'm not really the dancing type but I'm sure one of these beautiful ladies would love to dance with you" I answer casually waving my hand around the circle of us girls. Dancing is definitely something I choose to avoid.

He smiles back at me before looking over the girls at the table

"Anyone interested in a dance" he asks smoothly

"I would love to" Belinda says shyly

His smile grows as he moves his hand in her direction and Belinda places her hand in his and he gently holds her as she stands up and walks her over to the dance floor.

Seeing his reaction I have a feeling that he planned that, knowing I would have no choice but to decline him. I chuckle to myself as that was kinda smart of him.

Before I look back to the table the tall handsome man appears with our drinks

"Luna" he smiles as he bows his head to me placing the tray on the table

I give him a smile as he than turns to Kelly

"May I have this dance" he says sounding a little bit nervous

Chloe elbows me, softly laughing next to me looking at Kelly

Kelly looks at us with a big grin as she than stands and goes with the man out to the dance floor

"That was sweet" Stacey says finishing her drink and putting the glass back on the table

"Looks like we will lose another" Stacey says looking behind me

Chloe and I both look at Ethan as he sits down where Kelly was sitting across from me.

He nods to Stacey and Chloe giving  a small smile to the two girls before looking back at me. Though He doesn't say anything.

Stacey and Chloe stand at the same time as Chloe pauses

"I might see you later on" she says happily

She reaches over and grabs the last two drinks off the tray and follows Stacey into the crowd

I look back to Ethan narrowing my eyes at him

"Did you tell them to leave?" I ask already accusing him

He shakes his head saying no

I stare at him not sure whether to believe him or not as he just looks back at me curiously

Its strange that I have never sensed that he's lied to me..ever.. I don't know if he's just really good at hiding the truth or he has actually been nothing but honest with me?

"So you don't like to dance?" He asks casually, breaking the silence looking over to the dance floor

I follow his gaze to see the dance floor is full with people dancing together
It looks fun but I've never really danced before, Jason and I always skipped that part. I can't see Ethan dancing either though the thought of it has me smiling

"Do you dance?" I ask curiously

He takes a deep breath as he leans back in his chair almost looking annoyed and frustrated.

"How will I ever get to know more about you when your constantly answering me with a question? He says raising an eyebrow with a hint of a smile on his lips

He's right.

I don't mean to do it my thoughts get carried away sometimes well most the time. I mentally chuckle to myself maybe it is me too, to why we are so standoffish with each other.

"I don't really know how to dance" I say honestly back to him

This is me trying. What if I try harder maybe that will work for us

"Me neither" he says chuckling

I shake my head at him as I laugh. I actually thought that maybe he could dance.

He laughs with me as I feel like we just had our very first real moment as being ourselves.

"Is this drink yours?" He points to the half empty drink in front of me

"Yeah" I say looking back at him confused

He reaches over and takes my glass finishing my drink.

I look at him with my mouth slightly open as I can't believe he just did that

He places the glass back in its spot looking at me with a small smile

He winks at me still smiling as he than stands and holds his hand out to me

"You think I'm going to come with you after you just finished my drink?" I state seriously but not being able to hide my smile

He looks at me curiously as his smile widens

I'm pretty sure no matter how much this man pisses me off I would no doubt follow him to the ends of the earth.

"Yes" he simply says

I take his hand and he leads me through the crowd of people

"Alpha west"

We stop as I see a man smiling at Ethan. He extends his hand as Ethan lets go of my hand to shake his.

"I'm sorry I had to leave early during the ceremony Catherine wasn't feeling well you know women " he says chuckling

Ethan goes stiff at his words. I step out from behind Ethan hearing the men talk and just felt awkward standing behind Ethan

"I understand tony please give Catherine my best" he says turning into his alpha mode 

The tony guy looks at Ethan weirdly before his eyes land on me noticing my small figure compared to them

"Why hello there miss it's unlike alpha Reynolds to leave his date unattended" he says with a smile

My smile instantly drops as I feel a wave of anger flow off Ethan. Why does this guy think I'm with alpha Reynolds besides him walking me to my table that's as close as I have ever been to him.

Tony looks in between us before visible paling. 

"Tony let me formerly introduce to you Mia cole fallen moons Luna" he says with no expression but his voice holds a hint of anger

Tony nods his head as he realises what he has just said. Looking back to me he smiles

"My Apologise Luna I did not know" he says surprised but I can hear the honesty in his words.

"Are you both heading out now?" He asks looking back to Ethan with his cool composure slightly gone

"Yes" Ethan answers in a clipped tone

He nods his head as he looks back to me looking slightly uncomfortable as I'm sure everyone can feel the faint dark aura appearing around us

"Lovely to meet you Luna" tony says with a small smile stepping back into the crowd

Ethan doesn't say anything as he than grabs my hand firmly and leads me through to the side of the room and out two large doors onto an open area. The ground if paved with a pretty pattern covering all the way over to the end. I didn't realise we were so high up as past the walkway is a incredible view of the land. you can see past all the little lights of the houses down below over to the large Forrest with mountains in the far distance. it's beautiful just when I thought this place couldn't be any more amazing than what I have already seen I'm met with this. We walk to the side of the lookout to one of the chairs that sits closest to the edge.

"This place is amazing" I say sitting down on the chair looking out to the view

I glance to Ethan as he sits down not taking his eyes off me. He shows no expression but he doesn't feel angry anymore just stiff

I look at him wondering why he is the way he is? thinking will he always be like this?

"About before alpha Reynolds didn't know who I was.. He only walked me to our table" I say carefully

Maybe if I'm just straight up with him we can move past this tension between us. I'm willing to try anything right now.

He smiles softy at me as he than looks out to the view

"I know" he says softly

That's right I forgot he knows everything.

"I don't know everything Mia" he says looking back at me smirking

I freeze

Did I just say that out loud? No I'm sure I didn't

He's still watching me curiously

"What you read minds now?" I ask feeling slightly paranoid

He laughs out shaking his head saying no. But I don't find it funny.

"No but u have left your mind wide open for me..being my Luna now.. You haven't protected your mind completely" he says slowly with his gorgeous smile

I feel around in my mind and try and sense him. I still as I can feel where he is..how did I not notice him there?.. I push him back and pull up a wall blocking him from my unspoken thoughts.

His smile grows as he was watching me just sitting there trying to work it out as he nods his head and looks back out to the view

"Can I see into your mind like that?" I speak before I think it through

I suddenly want to find a way into his mind to know just how he thinks. But every way I try I hit a dead end

He looks back at me his eyes slightly darker and his smile is faded but he still seems happy

"You could if I ever let you" he says with no emotion in his voice

I frown at his words I didn't really expect anything else from him though I did promise myself I would try

"Will you let me?" I ask curiously

He takes a deep breath as he leans back on the chair looking down at me thinking something through

"No" is all he says

I'm getting no where

"why" I ask sounding frustrated

A pained expression crosses his face before it quickly vanishes. He reaches out taking my hand again as he rubs his thumb on the back of my hand. The sparks have erupted between us and I feel the tension leave my body.

"There's a fine line between the light side and the dark side" he says softly

Meaning? I lean back on the chair resting my shoulder against his. I'm getting use to him being so confusing but it doesn't mean I like it

It's quiet out here no one is around as the sound of the party is drowned out by the beauty of the night sky I look up to the moon and just clear my mind.

I glance at Ethan and notice he's doing the same. It feels nice just sitting here with each other enjoying the silence with my mate so close to me

"Just when I thought love would never be apart of me you came along.. you showed me happiness" he says softly looking at me

I smile at his words as I feel my wolf fill with excitement I mentally chuckle at her happiness and that she's starting to show herself again

He leans down closing the distance between us and kisses me softly. I feel his arm come under my legs as he picks me up and sits me on his lap. I wrap my arms around him and deepen the kiss feeling the need to be with him exploding within me. He pulls away placing a firm kiss on my forehead as he pulls me into him hugging me tightly.  I smile to myself as this is the most affection he has ever showed me and honestly I love it...  I love him.

I glance over having brought back down to earth as I see people walking out to the area we are in some people are already across from us looking at us with curious faces.

The place becomes crowded quickly as I go to move off Ethan's lap feeling a little bit awkward now. but he tightens his grip on my not letting me budge

"It's about to begin" he whispers in my ear

I frown up at him as I suddenly snap my head to the sky to the loud crackling sounds and bright colours in the sky. I rest back on Ethan as I finally feel connected to him and that each day I'm getting closer and closer to my mate.

I feel my body completely relax as I watch the flashing of the lights.

Smiling that I'm with him and he seems happy to be with me. Before the dreaded feeling comes into my mind of how long will I feel like this.

Okumaya devam et

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