By Almasi254

549 54 24

Loosing a mother who was her whole world Blake is forced to move across the world to a father who she hasn't... More

Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 18
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19: Will's POV.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Author's note

Chapter 8

19 3 2
By Almasi254

I finally got to do five questions after my jumping and rock star acts of excitement and got three right so I was confident about the CAT. I walked in class feeling a bit ready in my head Wills words kept bouncing from wall to wall. I will do this.

Mr Povftoff walked in handing out question papers and in a definite bad mood.

"When you finish you can leave,I don't want to see your ugly faces till Monday"

A few hands were lifted up but he ignored them and continued talking like he saw nothing. "The results will be up on this site by eight tonight."he walked to the board and wrote the site. All hands were tucked back and he mumbled something to himself.

The cat wasn't that hard at least five put of the eleven questions I was sure I got them right.

"Hi," I stopped when someone called from behind.

"Hi." I turned to see Will approach me.

"How was it?" he hugged me.

"I am still trying to find that scar on my for head." we laughed heading to the cafeteria. "Are you taking me to the cafeteria."
I regretted saying that immediately it came out.

"I will leave you at the door, can't enter there." he tucked his hands in the front pocket of his worn out black jeans.

"We continued our walk to the cafeteria quiet but not missing the stares we got from people around us. Some how I felt odd. Will moved closer when we almost reaching the cafeteria.

"Will you drop by at lunch and I was hoping alone and don't bring any food." we had reached the cafeteria.

"I have to run by Judy first. I think she had something." I pointed over to where Judy was with Chris.

"Already did, she is ok with it. Unless you don't want to."He was too confident with such a question.

Are you kidding me, I can come now if you want me to.

"Ok then, I will be there."

He walked away, not even looking back at me.

"He walked all the way to the cafeteria?" Jess, who I had no idea where she came from, stood beside me looking at Will's sexy back. "That's a new from him."

"Yeah." feeling deprived of his warmth that came with a hug.

I wasn't going to talk about Will with someone like Jess so a nod and I was on my heels heading over to Judy and Chris' table.

"What has you all bummed out today? " Judy asked as I took my screwing her face behind making me turn.

Jess was behind me with two more girls. I hadn't noticed her when we were outside. She had changed her two corn rows for a longer flowy weave that had blond endings. She had changed her sun glasses for much bigger ones but this time she hadn't worn them instead she held them. Her big boobs showed over her fitting tee and she had legs for days.

"Can we join." It was more like a statement than a question.

she pulled a chair and sat, the look on Judy's face was enough to burry her six feet deep. "Hi Chris?"

"Hi Jess." he waved over the table at her.

Her two friends were more like minions. They were quiet, waiting for Jess to make them do something or tell them wbat to do. One had short curly hair, kind of like mine but shorter with blond highlights. I kind of liked it. The other one had dark box braids. I have to say they looked good.

"So there is this party at my house on Saturday, you all should come." it was more to Chris than to Judy and I.

"Sorry I have a small party too." Judy answered so fast, clearly showing everyone she doesn't like Jess.

Jess brushed her off and looked at me for an answer. "Sorry, I go where ever she goes." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Chris What about you?"

I think I just vomited in my mouth, girls can be dumb and I hate judging but Jess just showed us how she is a slut. She arched her boobs popping them toward Chris and then her voice. What happened?

"Sorry, already got invited to her party." Chris picked his books and put them in his bag. He grabbed his coffee, gave Judy and I a bye hug before leaving the cafeteria.

Ouch, talk about being blown off.

Jess together with her friends left the table leaving Judy in tears laughing.

"Chris is coming to your small victory party."

"I guess so." she was still laughing.

"We should get to class." I still wasn't sure about what Will said about Judy being okay. "So... Over at lunch... "

"Yeah about that, I have plans with Chris do you mind if I reschedule." she cut me before I even finished.

"Is it like a lunch date?"

"No, he will be showing me this project he is working on. Something about development and all and I am interested as hell."

Ok, something new I didn't know.

"Can you find something or someone to eat lunch with you?" jer begging voice is so adorable. If she only knew Will asked me to lunch, alone. There they are again, the butterflies doing splits.

"It is ok, you can for with Chris."

The smile that she had on her face stretched from ear to ear. I think she likes the guy but she doesn't know it you.

I got a text from Will to meet him at the music room second my class ended.

"I thought our date was on Saturday?" was this a date?

Stop thinking ahead of yourself Lakke.

"Can I say a mini date, I just couldn't wait till Saturday." he didn't look at me. He kept his eyes on the huge double doors.

He held them open and I was a bit disappointed not to see a laid out blanket with food spread on it, maybe a red rose to finally say he likes me. I mean that's what I read right?

"So where is the food?" I asked when he held out his hand for me to join him on the massive stage.

Confusion and fear came over his face but disappeared just as fast as it came.

"You want to eat now?"

"We were to have lunch, right?"

I think I love making him all worked up like this. If he only knew eating becomes a problem when ever am around.

"Ok then." he disappeared behind the red curtains.

This place is huge, and beautiful. I wonder how they wash the windows all the way up there. The light bulbs were hanging from the roof giving it a bit of a classy look. You know likethe ones on tv. Seats were all theater like and being on stage makes you feel all small even if there are no people there.

"The quietness of this place is what made me fall in love with this place." Will said from behind me, I turned to see him holding out a single round tray with two bottles of water. He placed the tray at the floor and sat crossing his legs.

"Am I the only one eating ting?" I joined him thanking my decision for wearing shorts.

"We are sharing this."

I looked at what ever we were having and couldn't quite make out what it was. You know how pizza is with loads of toppings and a fat brown bread and cheese ees, well this was round alright and flat. Instead of a strong crusty bread, it was white and not baked, not even bread. There was toppings, I could pick out meat, vegetables, more meat - minced meat, cooked vegies, some thick white pasty thing that had diced onions. It was new.

"What is this." I wasn't sure if I was exited or scared.

"It is called angera, Ethiopian. It is one of my favorites. Trust me it tastes good." he handed me a sanitizer tube with a small towel.

We are using hands. Great. Not that good great.

"The base is made from corn and together with the toppings its magical."

Yeap I am scared.

"Is there a way to start eating it?"

"Yeah, let me get the manual." he teased getting up.

"Sit back down."

After he sat I went for it, I pinched the meaty part and took it in to my mouth. Let's just say my tongue juice did cartwheels and the Mexican samba all in that one bite.

The spices were all in agreement with one another. It was a fight between hot, sweet and tangy and must I say they all won.

The meat was tender and juicy and yummy. I couldn't explain it.

All my life I have never tasted something like this. I need to visit Ethiopia .

"What?" I heard Will chuckling.

"I told you you'd like it, you even had your eyes closed." he took a mouth full of his water.

"No you were wrong. I love this."

He laughed at my every mmm and damn this is awesome comment through out the whole meal.

He pushed the tray on the side once we were done, ok I know you might ask how we could finish a whole tray of something that looks like a pizza? So the size was medium pizza and I said it before it wasn't bead. Something much thinner and if you have ever taken Muslim food during the Haj or IDD you know how hard it is to say stop.

"I need to know how they make those."

"I am glad you liked. "

He then pushed himself close to where I was and laid on his back placing his hands behind his head like a pillow.

" Join me." he smiled at the ceiling.

A weird thing to do after a meal like that but I joined anyway. Doing the same thing. His eyes were on the celling making it easy to steal a glimpse of his beautiful side face.

"Which part of America are you from?"

"Alabama. And you. Are you Kenyan."

"Not yet, well I will be after two years."

He smiled before continuing, maybe he noted my next question.

"I was born in East London, stayed there for 16 years before coming down here."

There was a change in his tone and I picked up the I don't want to be asked the reason why bit.

"Any brothers?" Maybe he can talk about this.

"None, you?"

"Nope. I wish I did though." There was nothing I needed more than a sibling who could hug me and be there during what I went through, and now too. Siblings remind you that you have each other.

"Want to feel something cool?"


"Close your eyes and empty your brain of everything. The excitement you feel, the pain, the sadness, the happiness. Empty your mind of everything and allow yourself to feel above all that."

What a weird thing to do and after giving him a WTF look and him having the just try look I went for it. Hard at first but I forced myself into it, squeezing my eyes tighter once or twice before finally pushing the sadness, the pain, the hate, the dislike I have for Cindy. The crush I have for Will. The excitement I feel when I hang out with Judy. The feeling m felling right now and I become what I feel for the first time numb.

It feels more lighter, more like living in the moment and not letting your brain work too hard kind of feeling. Definitely something new.

"Now open your eyes." Will's voice crawls into my thoughts sounding like a far whisper.

I open to find him popped on his elbow resting his head in his palm. His eyes warm and on me kind of reading me.

"I don't feel the cool factor that you promised." he chuckled at my response after an agonizing slow time between us with no words. "Really I can't feel anything cool." I focused on the light bulb above us when he had returned to his position with his hands behind his head. He smiled at the ceiling with his eyes closed looking all peaceful and relaxed. It was quiet apart from will slow breathing and somehow it never bothered me. I closed my eyes with my hands flat on beside me. I used the strategy I use when running, breathing in through the nose and out the mouth.

We laid there for what felt like a good forever, that was after I found a piece full place between not thinking and not sleeping. Just eyes closed. Will found my pinky and locked it with his and it felt amazing feeling him. The slight touch of his pinky was more than what I could ask for.

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