By Almasi254

553 54 24

Loosing a mother who was her whole world Blake is forced to move across the world to a father who she hasn't... More

Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 18
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19: Will's POV.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Author's note

Chapter Five

24 2 2
By Almasi254

"So much for trying to make it to class early." I picked the pen under the double doors after my embarrassment subsided. He placed my books in a neat pile before handing them to me.

Stepping to close invading my space and I have no problem with that as his scent filled my noses trills. He smelled of coffee and after shave. Minty. "Keep an eye on the road." and just like that he walked away.

Move to class Lake.

Entering the class, thank god it ain't the hall because all eyes turned as I entered. The lecturer was short bald guy, not too bad until I saw his name scribbled in a terrible handwriting Mr. Povftoff. I glanced around the room for an empty seat. There was one at the back. If there was a time I wished my legs could scuffle up so fast was now.

"Miss your i.d." I was midway the middle row when Mr Povftoff made his way to me. He looked at it and I was off the hook. Next destination, my seat.

"Miss Kennedy, I don't like people getting late for my class." he turned to face where I had taken my seat. "Were you drunk and by the side of the road or did your boyfriend forget to wake you up in time." the class went up in giggles while some didn't even bother to look at me. I totally hate him.

"Sorry sir it won't happen again." I hate him.

Turning to the white board to erase his name that had taken the whole space. "It better not happen again, now as I was saying before Miss Kennedy rudely walked in is that our first exam is on Wednesday so better pay attention." Yes I totally hate him.

After an hour of circles and definitions of annoying sets the class was done and I already hated it. I got a text from Judy to meet her at the cafeteria something about needing her caffeine fix.

I spotted her at the coffee line. "Please tell me your morning was as awful as mine. " I hugged her and took a spot behind her getting some clicks and looks that could kill from the guys behind us. I wasn't ready for any bull crap right now so I will let it pass.

"Just an annoying guy who keeps on following me around. What happened to you? You need more than a cup of coffee." she put her hand over my forehead.

She managed to pull a smile out of me, "Are you checking my temperature, what does that have to do with coffee?"

"I knew that was hiding somewhere."she pointed at my smile then turned to make her order. "Two grade America please." The guy getting our drinks was tall and skinny with bad marks of post teen acne. His shirt all ironed up and hat well sat on his head.

"Here. "he said passing us our order.

"I will take that," Judy took the coffee and moved to the side. "you pay the guy."

"So there are a few... " I was putting my change back when I was cut short.

" Lakke?" Chris' called from behind. I turned to see him walk towards us with a couple of new faces. He placed a friendly kiss my cheek with a slight hug and a hi. "where are you going to seat?" he looked passed us.

"We haven't decided yet." I looked at Judy who had questions written all over her face making her brown eyes pop out.

"Let's go outside." he pointed at the empty chairs outside then turned to his friends. "See you guys in the next meeting."

Judy pulled her chair after placing my coffee on my side. "Lake, introduction." she took a sip of her coffee.

"Chris this is Judy and Judy Chris." I was too eager to get some coffee in my system after my awful morning.

"I have been seeing you around but its good to officially meet Cindy's first daughter. "he gave her his hand before getting in to his bag and dig out his lap top.

"Cindy's first daughter?" the puzzled look on Judy's face was priceless.

"That's what people called you and meet the second daughter. Aren't we proud of mommy dearest. " we all laughed downing our coffee. Judy and Chris couldn't stop talking about the crazy neighbors and how we should have a party before Cindy came home.

" We are not having a party plus your mom said no." we were all heading to the business building. Apparently we had our classes there.

"Mum doesn't have to know. " Judy turned to walk backwards looking at us. Chris was on her side supporting every crazy thing she said." She is staying over with grandma for a while which reminds me are you ok with that?"

"No I am not, who will cook all the delicious meals that she makes. I am definitely not ok." this was turning absolutely amazing, Chris and Judy getting along, now I have two... No two friends and a guy that I am totally crushing on and it is written all over my face. The thought of what happened crashed in to my brain as we passed the second double doors of the building. A small smile couldn't be held back when I remembered how he touched me.

An ahrgh escaped my lips when we passed Mr Pofvtoff class.

"I can see you know baldie." Chris looked over me.

I shook my head, "And we have a cat on Wednesday and I got nothing in his class. I feel like I am going to die just thinking of him." I turned to Judy who peeped into the class through the glass window. "Tell me you are good in math?"

"Honey I can't do math to save my own ass." she turned with a little shake of her sholders.

"Will is amazing with math."Chris mentioned his name and everything in me went crazy. "I could talk to him for you." He looked at his watch making me feel like the crazy one who just got all hot all of a sudden, if Judy was to take my temperature now we would need a class skip. "I have to get going,I have to do something before class officially starts." he hugged us before strolling away. "And Lakke," he called a few steps from us, "I will talk to Will." and he rushed to his class leaving me calculating was that I could embarrass myself.

"Who is Will."

"Can I fill you in later, I need to make a better impression this time." and with that I left her for class.

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

I met Judy at the parking lot talking to Maurice. I was late from class because some guy decided it was the best time to ask about the semester's course coverage and he needed an explanation. The looks and sneers he got were enough to not get any from me. Tom texted when in class informing that I can get some money from Maureen, he had sent some. Note to self:with all thr money he is giving me I need an account.

"Tom sent cash to your mum." I waved my phone at her before getting in the car. "I assume he has no idea she ain't home." we giggled as we strapped in. "What should we have for dinner and please no sandwich I took enough of those yesterday."

"Pizza?" Judy shrugged her shoulders.

"Sounds like dinner."

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Between the crazy day in school and explaing to Judy how I met Chris the only thing that was on my mind as we got home was my bed. Judy and Maurice decided to drop me off before picking up some laundry. The sweet lay on my unmade bed whispered everything will be ok for the next two to three hours.

I wake up to a slight knock on the door. Did I even sleep. I looked at my phone just as Judy got in.

"The guy who almost killed you is down stairs." dramatizing the whole thing in a whisper. Even if she spoke loud am sure Will couldn't hear.

I had slept for one and a half hours, that explains a lot, wait Will is down stairs. "Will is down stairs." the surprise in my voice couldn't be hidden. Definitely let out that part of the guy who almost hit us was Will.

"So that's the hot cousin slash the guy who almost killed us Will."

I nodded jumping out of bed for my mint gum stash. Thank heavens I kept some. "What does he want?"

"He just said he wants to see you buy of my guess is now correct he is here for the tutoring. My other guess was apologizing for almost sending us six feet deep but I guess you cleared that up on Sunday."

"Ouch." she threw a pillow at me. "Totally deserved that." I changed into a sweater.

"And more." she walked to my dresser, still can't belive I have one, and picked a nude less shinny gloss and threw at me. I mouthed thank you before walking out of my room with a speed that was new to me.

He sat on the coutch facing the huge tv that for the first time since I came here was on and it wasn't me watching.

"A fan of oldies." I sat opposite him.

"The classics are more like art." he turned off the TV.

"No, no you can continue watching."

He smilled I never noticed he had a dimple, "Then how would we get anything done, I heard you got baldie." he moved sitting with his elbows rested on his knees joining the palms. His upper arms flexed under his jacket, what I could do to get a look at those arms bare and the chest, I want to run my hands through it, feel every rise and fall as he brethes. I bit on my lower lip to stop the sudden increase in my breathing. "I was thinking we start with making a schedule." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Good idea."

"I hope you are taking this up stairs, I want to watch tv." Judy came out of nowhere picking the remote from the coffee table and sat on the same sit as Will. "Don't look at me like that, I can't suffer at your expense and you can't use Tom's study." the look on my face must have been priceless.

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