Pure Intoxication [Teacher/St...

By Natures_Essence96

314K 3.4K 578

Finally, senior year has come for Chasity an 18 year old girl attending Strathmore High. She is brought face... More

Pure Intoxication [Teacher/Student Affair]-Prologue
Chapter One- A normal morning? yea right
Chapter Two -Embarrasment
Chapter Three- This sort of stuff could only happen to me [Part One]
Chapter Three-This sort of stuff could only happen to me [Part 2]
Pure Intoxication [Teacher/Student Affair]- Chapter Four
Pure Intoxication [Teacher/Student Affair]- Chapter Six(It's about to go down)
Pure Intoxication [Teacher/Student Affair] Chapter Seven

Pure Intoxication [Teacher/Student Affair]- Chapter Five

32.4K 367 66
By Natures_Essence96


I began stretching my limbs as I patiently waited for my name to be called. I watched quite a few of Simply Hooligans dancing videos and I was very impressed. This was my chance to use my skills to the fullest and it would look great on my transcripts that I was doing 

something outside of school . Still doing stretches I couldn't help the pessimistic thoughts that slowly started creeping into my mind. What if I couldn't remember the dance moves they showed me. What if I couldn't move as gracefully as the other dancers who might have had years of practice before me. Taking quick glances at the door that separated the audition and waiting room I couldn't help the nervous feeling that grew in the pit of my stomach. I was broken out of my panicky state as a roar of laughter came from across the waiting room. I watched as Ben, Sammy, and a mix of other dancers waiting to audition mingled. I had brought Sammy and Ben as my support system but it might as well have been as if I came by myself. They ditched me for the snack stand as soon as we entered the place and quickly found their way to other people. I hated eating anything that was in the open-with the exception of McDonalds. Just the thought that someone may have accidently coughed, or sneezed, or sent spittle flying on the food had my stomach churning. And don't even get me started on the double dippers and the people who didn't wash their hand but were quick to touch everything in sight. Catching myself have a mental germ-a-phobic rant I tried to focus my attention on my surroundings but didn't have to try long because the previous group had slowly started trickled out of the auditioning room and you could instantly tell that this was a cut throat audition for everyone had grim expressions displayed across their face whereas before entering the audition room they had been teeming with excitement. Names for the next batch of auditioners were called out and as soon as I heard my name I made a beeline to where Sammy and Ben were.

"You guys I don't think I can do this" I said in a hushed tone.

"What!" They said in unison.

"What about the celebratory skating thing afterwards" Ben asked. I shook my head. It was just like Ben to think about playing at a time like this, and he is suppose to be the big brother.

"You have to go! You're the best dancer I've ever seen" Sammy said pouting.

"I'm the only dancer you've ever seen Sammy" I said exasperated trying to hide my annoyance but failed poorly. Sammy looked a little hurt at how snippy I was with her but quickly replaced it with a grimace.

"You listen to me Garris. I didn't come down here to see you give up." Sammy grabbed the front of my shirt.

"I. Came. To. See. You. Win!" She said jabbing her dainty finger into my chest with each word. Shock could barely describe the look on my face. Sammy had never been this fierce with me even when she was angry and that's how I knew she really cared about my dreams and believed in me when I didn't. I turned to look at Ben.

"What she said" Ben said prying Sammy's fingers from my shirt and pushing towards the audition room.

"Now do us proud ya hear!" Ben grinned from ear to ear right as the audition door closed. I smiled on the inside, I loved those guys. I found a space in the room that could accommodate my movement, like the other dancers and surveyed the room. Somehow I ended up in the middle but I did feel slightly self conscious as I noticed I had on the most attention seeking outfit. My red fedora hat topping of my grey shirt that said 'I love dance' which all tied in with my purple skinny jeans. I guess you could count it as both a good and bad thing. I would be noticed by the judges watching us, but if I sucked I'd be more noticed than others.

A guy about my height walked in and stood in front of us all. "Okay, we will go over the dance twice and then you guys will perform once... so don't screw it up" He smiled. This was going to be a long day.

What it is by Sophia fresh started to blaze through the room "And five, six, seven eight".

[A/N: OKAY WATCH THE VIDEO NOW. Ignore the name on the video it's just to give you guys a visual of the dance! Hope the description helped you figure out who Chasity is in the video :)]

I hunched over with my hands on my knees panting as the song was over. I couldn't believe I made it through the practice and the performance. I watched as people around me started to disperse from the room. I must have been out of it because I didn't realize someone was behind me until I felt a gentle hand on my back.

"Are you alright? Do you need some water?" A mysterious yet soft voice asked.

"No I'm fine. Just a little winded" Turning around I came face to face with a boy my height. My eyes trailed from his dirty blond hair to his piercing hazel eyes and down to his rosy pink lips before quickly landing back on his eyes. He looked really familiar and then it dawned to me.

"Your Nathaniel right?"

"Um yea, do I know you?" He asked his eyebrows knitting together.

"Probably not but you played at a gig at my school-Strathmore."

"Oh okay. Sorry if I looked a little worried I've had a few encounters with some crazy girls I never met in my life." He sighed a breath of relief. I smiled.

"I'm crazy too, crazy about you" I nudged him on his arm slightly.

"Are your flirting with me?" He smirked showing a dimple in his cheek.

"As a matter of fact I am"

"But you don't know me" he whispered flirtatiously near my ear.

"Hmm...true but how about we get to know each other over skating" I replied back in the same flirtatious tone he had used.

"It's alright if I can bring a few people along?"

"Yea sure no problem" We walked out of the audition room and headed over to where Sammy and Ben were sprawled out the lounge coaches. They really knew how to make themselves comfortable too with a pretzel snack bowl being passed between the two of them.

"Carrot Top!" Nathaniel exclaimed as he quickly shuffled over to give Sammy a hug, completely forgetting I was there. I stood still watching the encounter take place because this was beyond weird.

"Lemon head!" Sammy squealed. "Long time not talk, what have you been up to?"Sammy said as she gave Nathaniel a quick hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Well I came to try out for a spot in simply hooligan's crew, but that's not the question to be asked. The question to be asked is what are you doing here?"

"I came here as support for my best friend" she smiled and looked away from Nathaniel scanning the room until her eyes landed on me.

"There she is" she said pointing to me.

"Chasity come over here and meet my old time friend Nathaniel". I walked over until I was where they were near the coach that Ben still hadn't moved from, to entertained with pretzels.

"Actually we already met in the audition room, I was coming over here to tell you I invited him to chill with us at the skating rink" I said.

Sammy abruptly busted into a fit of laughter "Nathaniel?! You skating? Oh that's funny, you could barely stand two minutes in those roller blades your mom got you last Christmas. " They started to reminisce about the moment. I couldn't help but feel kind of jealous that they had such a close bond. I mean I know Sammy and I are close but still I couldn't help but feel left out not knowing experiences she has had with nathaniel.

"Yea right. Do you remember whe-" Nathaniel started but I quickly cut him off because I was starting to get uncomfortable- sort of like a third wheel... well forth if you counted Ben. Who by the way still sat contently on the couch but had replaced the bowl of pretzels with his cell.

"So um how do you guys know each other?" My voice raised a little on its own as my index finger wavered between the two of them to clarify who 'they' meant even though it was pretty obvious.

"So lemon head and I met in singing camp a few years back" Sammy started.

"We met in the dining hall one day when they were having cake - a- palooza." Nathaniel continued as if they had rehearsed this story before.

"I took carrot cake and couldn't help notice that Nathaniel had taken a lemon square the same color as his head"

"You did the same too!" He exclaimed.

"And from there" Sammy nudged him.

"The rest is history" they said in unison and broke out into a fit of laughter.

"I get it. That's where the nick names come from"

"Yup" Sammy said.

"Hey I'm Ben" Ben stood up and shook Nathaniel's hand.

"Wassup, I'm Nathaniel but you can call me Nathan"

"Iight let's hit the road you guys" Ben said taking the initiative.

The ride to the skating rink just outside of town was the most hilarious thing. Turned out that Nathan was a celebrity impersonator. He did bill cosby, Kim kardashian and a whole bunch of other celebrities along the way. Sammy was in the front seat with Ben and I was in the back with Nathan. Ben turned on the radio and Kelly Rowland song motivation started to slowly go through the air.

"Let's play 6 questions" I said to Nathan.

"It's 21 questions Chasity" Nathan chuckled.

"Yea but that makes people ask stupid questions with six you ask the most important."

"Okay I'll go first. What are you?" He asked.

"I'm Slanese" I smiled.

""What's slanese?" He laughed

""Not you turn" I chimed. "How old are you?"

"18, now it's my turn. What is slanese?"

"Well my mom is black and Chinese but my father is Spanish so I came up with my own name" I stated as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"We are here" Ben announced excited. I looked through the window to see he was right I guess I didn't even realize that we stopped because I was so busy preoccupying Nathan. I speedily got out of the car and ran to the entrance of 'ice blades' the giant skating rink lobby and pushed open the double doors. A wave of nostalgia came over me as I remembered all the memories I had here. I walked further into the huge lobby as Ben, Sammy, and Nathan neared me.  

"I'm so going to cream you guys"

"I didn't realize we were racing" Sammy said. 

"Well if we are the only thing you're going to cream is your pants when you see my sexy skating skills" Nathan said jokingly while he wagged his eyebrows. 

Before I could reply Ben said "you wish lover boy" in the same playful tone. Laughing we approached the main desk to buy tickets. A rather plump woman sat comfortably behind the glass cubicle she was in, snacking on a bag of chips. Sammy tapped the glass and the woman rolled her eyes and reluctantly put down her bag of chips.

"Can we get four tickets please" Sammy asked politely as if she didn't see the rather rude eye roll the lady gave her. 

"that's fifteen dollars each " the woman said sighing and flipping her hair over her shoulder to reveal her name tag. I peered closely to see the name bertha pinned to her chest. I would be sure to pay a visit to the manager later, to tell him/her know what a pleasant person bertha was to customers - note the sarcasm in my voice. I went into my pocket to take out my fifteen dollars and l came up empty handed. at first I didn't panic but as I went through all of my pockets and my handbag still empty hand while everyone had already paid and got their ticket's standing idly by waiting for me to purchase my ticket I realized I lost my money.

"I am so pissed!" I muttered.

"what happened?" Nathan asked.

"I lost my money that's what happened" I said pinching my the bridge of my nose as I began to feel a pulsing headache begin.

"You mean to tell me you didn't bring extra money for anything like food" Ben said incredulously.

"Fifteen dollars is a lot of money! Especially since I don't work" I replied.

"She's right Ben" Sammy said backing me up.

"Thank You" I said that someone could see where I was coming from.

"You know what you can buy with fifteen dollars?" Nathan began to say "Fifteen dollar stuff" He finished and began to laugh "That's a lot of stuff" Nathan sputtered in between laughter. Ben joined in and then after a minute Sammy caved in. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to look mad but then caved in as well because it was pretty funny. When we calmed down I spoke again.

"Well you guys better go in, I'll wait out here for you" I said and sighed.

"What! No nonsense! Chasity we can't leave you out here" Ben said and Nathan and Sammy nodded vigorously saying quick things of agreement.

"But we drove all the way here; I don't want that to be for nothing" I said because I didn't want to feel guilty if they didn't go in because of my carelessness.

"But-" Ben started and Nathan cut him off.

"Don't worry ill stay out here with Chasity" I looked at him in shock. He had just met me and was willing to do such a sweet thing for me.

"Yea, that would be fine" I said.

"Well, okay..." Ben started scanning my facial features to see if I was telling the truth of lying for his benefit. I guess he saw nothing because he started walking to the rink with Sammy in tow. When the were not in my sight I turned to Nathan and linked my arm with his. I lead him to the nearest bench and sat.

"Hey, thanks for staying with me." I said kind if embarrassed he did that.

"It's alright, I don't mind because I feel like we are friends" He replied. I didn't say anything just digested the fact that he thought of me as a friend.

"I-I mean unless you don't want to be friends t-then I guess we don't have to. I just thought that w-we-"

"No do want to be friends" I said cutting him off from rambling and smiled.

"Sorry if I made you thought I didn't. I was just processing that you want to be friend. I would love that." I continued. Nathan looked at me and smiled.

"That's good" He said.

I walked through the corridors of school looking for Nathan. After the day at the rink. We ended up talking and discovering he was coming to my school the following week. I was so excited and texted him non- stop all week. He was finally here and since school had ended I was walking through the hallways looking for him since we had no classes together which sucked. I looked back down at my phone ready to send him another text asking where he was until I bumped into someone. I looked up and a big smile spread across my face.

"There you are Nathan" I said.

"This school is humongous how do you manage?" He asked putting an arm over my shoulder in a friendly way.

"It takes practice, btw you look great in the uniform and Sammy and the boys are hanging out tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" I asked.

"Boys? Isn't it just Ben?" He asked.

"Oh sorry so I have a few more friends who go here but since I didn't see you all day I didn't get to introduce them to you. Maybe you've seen them already. Their names are Simon and Paul"

"I'm not sure actually I was being avoiding the girls here all trying to seduce me" He said and I felt him shudder. I laughed because of how freaked out he seemed by the girls.

"It's okay you got me to fend them off."

"Thanks" He said. I was about to respond but pain hit me in my breasts and I groaned instead.

"What's wrong?"

"you wouldn't understand it's girl stuff" I said.

"Oh yes I would I live in a house full of girls, so what is it?" He asked again.

"Well if you must know persistent boy my boobs are hurting me. I tried to massage them but they hurt too much for me to continue." We began to walk.

"Oh yea its growing pains. My sister gets those too. What you do is place your index finger under your armpit and use your palm massage the sides lightly for a few minutes and it should stop hurting." He replied as if it was something you should know. I spun out from under his arms and looked at him

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"I just told you" he said chuckling.

"Yea but I didn't understand, so dumb it down a little" I replied

"I don't know how to explain it any other way"

"I don't normally do this but will you please do that massage thing for me I'm desperate." I groaned again from the pain. Nathan gave me a quizzical look.

"Your joking right? You don't seriously want me to message your boobs right here in the hallway"

"Yes I do they are KILLING ME! I will pay you. Just please. This isn't some perverted thing I just need help" I begged and whimpered a little not really caring that I was losing my dignity.

"Fine" he said. He leaned me against the locker and rubbed his hands together. I closed my eyes and waited until I felt soft warm hands graze the sides of my breasts. I admit they did turn me on but with my eyes closed I tried not to blush to hide how my body was reacting. They moved slowly in circular motion with medium pressure on my breasts and made my groan loudly.

"Ouch, this freaking hurts you liar" I groan and all the desire I felt moments ago slipping away as pain coursed through my faced. I scowled in pain as he continued to massage them.

"I didn't say you wouldn't feel pain when I massaged them at first. I'm releasing the tension it takes a few minutes. Now shhh so I can concentrate" Nathan replied. I closed my eyes again and bit my lip as pain coursed through my chest but a little less than before.

"What do you think you're doing?" A sleek but angry voice boomed a few feet from us. My eyes snapped open and looked to see Mr. Everett looking furiously at what we were doing. Nathan stepped back from me.

"I-I know it looks bad Mr. Everett b-but um I assure you what you saw is not what it looks like. I needed help to get rid of the pain I was having in my chest" I said nervously.

"You can't honestly expect me to believe this lie I that you are saying. This is school property and this behavior is unacceptable. You will both have detention." Mr. Everett said looking from me to Nathan.

"That is not fair! Nathan didn't do anything wrong" I let out in exasperation.

"You better be happy I'm not giving you suspension" He said coldly. Looking at me.

"Now go home before I decide to call your parents and inform them of what you two were doing." I stared at him as if he had lost his mind but quickly began to get angry I grabbed Nathan's hand and led him down the corridor to the front exit.

Welll Helloo There All of my lovely fans :) How are you guys doing? Did you enjoy the chapter? I have few announcements. Firstly I changed the person who plays ben to roshon fegan. I introduced Nathan. How do you guys feel about him? Any Nathan fans or jayden fans. And lastly I have A blog!! I sent a message a while ago to let people know but I don't know if anyone received the message so there!!! Go on my profile and click the little green house and you will be lead to my pblog which tells you guys when ill post and etc. Please please vote and comment. I want atleast 16 votes. I have 42 fans so far so it shouldn't be that hard right? Lol well thnx enjoy.

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