
By sweetskitz

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Read on and find out ha! Sorry, not sorry. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 2 Ethan's point of view
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - part 1
Chapter 26 - part 2
Chapter 26 - Part 3 Ethans point of view
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - ethans point of view
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Final chapter

Chapter 11

254 16 2
By sweetskitz

I chuckle to myself at Tom and jerry.
they crack me up every time. it's the episode where there in the kitchen and the sink over flows and everything freezes. Feeling bored it was on the first channel when I turned on the TV. I lean back on the lounge And take another bite of my cereal as I finish watching it keeping my mind free.

I glance out the patio doors as Its morning now and I haven't seen or heard from Ethan since yesterday at Chloe's house. The sinking feeling hasn't left me as I feel it growing within me. I was kinda relieved he didn't come home last night but apart of me still wanted him here. I put the bowl down next to me and turn the tv off.

I stare at the blank tv trying to get myself up and motivated. I at least washed my clothes as the Thought of it makes me get up and carry my bowl to the sink.

I head to the laundry and grab my clothes out of the dryer throwing them in a basket and head to what I guess is my room now.

I throw it all on the bed and start folding them neatly as I look over to the phone on the table. I find myself staring at it thinking should I call him? Should I apologise for not coming back to his office?  Why did he get so angry? So many questions are going through my head and the main one is being Chloe...

I abandon  the clothes on the bed and grab what I need as I head to the bathroom to have a shower. I come out feeling fresh as I get dressed and decide to dry my hair. I end up styling it as now my gold flecks stand out throughout my straight brown hair. I grab my make up bag and dab a little bit into it as my eyes now stand out making the green a brighter colour.

I stand there looking back at myself as I know I'm just wasting time trying to keep myself occupied. I take a deep breath as I then exit the room and head back to the bed to finish folding my laundry.

I'm sitting at the kitchen counter tapping my foot on the stool step as I take my ring off and start spinning it On the table

The kitchen is clean my laundry is done  I even cleaned Ethan's clothes and hung them back up in his cupboard. I'm getting so restless as I look up at the time it's now 1:15pm and still no sign of him. I contemplate whether or not to go for a run but the thought of what happened before stops me.

I get up and walk to my room grabbing my mobile phone

No messages

No missed calls

I look for his name and hit call

It rings 3 times before I hear his voice


"Hi Jason" I say softly

"Hey what's wrong? you sound down" he says sounding worried

I take a deep breath

"I'm fine I just wanted to hear your voice" I say as I feel a smile creep onto my face

"So then your wondering what I plan on doing?" He asks casually

"Yea and that too" I say as it hits me he has to make his decision by tonight

"Ah well that makes too of us.. It's all I have been doing, going over and over it in my head I'm just.. What would you do?" Jason says talking a little bit faster than usual

Ha! What would I do? I would tell him where to go and be done with it.. Even though deep down I know it's not true

"I don't know.. As much as I want you here the decision is yours.. don't let me being here decide your future... It has to come from you and what you want" I say stumbling on my words trying to get my point across

"How unselfish of you Mia" he says as I know he's smiling

"What did alpha Hanes think" I say casually walking over to the bed and sitting down

He laughs

"What didn't he think" he says laughing  harder now

"You should have heard him go off Mia he was furious.. Calling alpha west every name he could think of .. He knew before we arrived back he must have received the transfer papers" he says casually as if I was there talking face to face

I sigh as I listen to him, wishing he would just say 'yes' he's coming, not sure if that's selfish of me or not but right now I need someone here and my mate sure as hell isn't here for me.

I laugh as he then describes the whole scene and how James wouldn't go into the office with him, teasing him that he was breaking the bro code.

"Shit sorry Mia I gotta go" Jason says sounding distracted

"I"ll call you tonight when I know more of what's going to happen ok" he says happily

"Ok I'll talk to you soon" I say smiling

We end the call and I lay back on the bed pushing my mobile phone into my pocket

I tilt my head to the side and stare at the stupid phone on the table as it's just there glaring back at me

I stop myself from thinking too much into it and I get up and walk to the table picking the phone up

I turn it on and hit #1

I listen to it ringing as I stand there not even knowing what I would say

The phone then rings out and disconnects..

I feel what ever hurt and anger I felt toward him is disappearing as I just want him here with me. My frustration builds on Where would he be if he's not in his office? What else does he even do? I feel myself getting even more annoyed that I know nothing about him.

I slam the phone back down in its stupid holder and head out of the room.

I pause as I get to the kitchen remembering I could call him on his mobile.. Surely he would have that with him..

I decide against it and grab a bottle of water out of the fridge instead. I then head over to the patio doors as I push them open and head out

Walking down the path I then see the seat I'm after and sit down looking out over the lake. Admiring the beautiful view my thoughts go straight to Ethan.. maybe I'm not what he wants? He is an alpha of the strongest pack.. He seems to have me baby sat 24/7 and acts more like I'm a nuisance,  Maybe I should just go? I won't reject him but.. I pull my phone out of my pocket and go into my messages clicking on Ethan's name

Mia- I think I should return home.

I type my message and delete it and rewrite it with my fingers hovering over the send button as I think do I really want to leave my mate? Maybe I'm thinking this because I just want a reaction from him I want him to show me that he cares about me what ever my motive is I hit send.

I open my water bottle and take a sip watching the view as there's a slight breeze making the trees sway

My phone vibrates

I look at my screen as I see Ethan's name.. I bounce the phone in my hand and take a deep breath not really wanting to read what he has replied.
I look down at my phone and my fingers open it as I can't take my eyes away from the screen.

Ethan- you are home.

I roll my eyes at his smart ass answer when he knows exactly what I meant

Mia- what are you doing?

Maybe if I find more out about him this could be easier, he will start to let me in or maybe its me that's withdrawn as Im beginning to 2nd guess my self ..

He replies almost instantly

Ethan - training

Wow he's just as short through messages as he is in person. But I smile at the fact he's writing back to me.

Mia- are you having fun ?

I try to lighten the mood and start somewhere with him I feel like he's too serious all the time maybe he does have fun at training I actually wouldn't have a clue..

Ethan-  not really

I'm sitting here smiling at his quick short replies as I get comfy on the chair actually enjoying myself talking to him like this.

Mia- what do you do for fun?

I sit there waiting for his text as I find myself checking the phone over and over again..did I ask something to personal again? I chuckle to myself only he would find that to personal... The wait feels like a life time..

My phone vibrates as I almost drop my phone trying to rush at looking at what he wrote

Ethan- i don't know.

I stare at the phone.. Is he for real? He doesn't know? I frown as I'm beginning to think he doesn't do anything that's counted as fun or time out from work anyway, no wonder he is the way he is

What about his family life or friends wouldn't he like to do fun things with them? I feel like a stupid teenager playing 20 questions

Mia- do you have any siblings?

I find myself wondering about his family does he have any brothers or sisters? Where is his mum?

Ethan - no

I take a deep breath as I feel like I take one step forward and then two steps back when it comes to him, before I can think of something else to ask my phone vibrates again

Ethan- your not mad at me?

I stare at his text as I frown.. Right now no I'm not mad at him but yesterday yeah I was more than mad he spoke to me so badly and I couldn't help but think there is something going on with Chloe.. But I was distracted at trying to make this work trying to get to know him but Now that I think about it yea actually maybe I am still mad at him.

I chuckle to myself, is this why he hasn't come home I shake my head in confusion as I don't see how that would of stopped him

Mia- are you and Chloe still together?

I send the text as I feel my heart pounding in my chest as I wait to hear what he has to say

He replies instantly

Ethan- NO

I feel relief as I read his text repeating it in my head. apart of me knows he could be lying but everything I feel is telling me he's telling the truth

"Still answering a question with a question"

I whip my head around to see Ethan standing there a few metres from the chair I'm on. He has an amused look on his face as I find myself smiling back at him

He walks towards me and around to the front of the chair, his short curly black hair is a little wet as it makes them stand out even more, he's in shorts and a grey singlet with the strong smell of sweat but I find the smell of him manly and comforting as I feel my eyes drifting over his muscles and toned body. I look back up to his face, to find him looking down at me with one eyebrow raised and a slight smile on his gorgeous face, I'm surprised he didn't snap at me but he would have to know the affect he has on me and any other girl for that.

I look down as I feel myself blush that I just checked him out and did nothing to hide it. I scoot over on the chair without a word and he sits down next to me.

"I'm sorry Mia.. For the way I treated you yesterday" he says softy

I nod my head as I look over to him hearing the honesty in his words and see the genuine look on his face I frown at him as he looks so exposed as if he was practising for this moment.

He takes a deep breath and looks out to the lake

"Why did you get so angry? I ask softly as I just really want to know what he was thinking

He lowers his gaze as if he's thinking of how to put his words together

"Is it that important? Can't you just accept my apology? He says with a hint of irritation but he doesn't raise his head or make eye contact with me

I slouch back into the chair as I look away

One step forward, two steps back

"I need to know" I say determined but it comes out softly

I see him nod his head from the corner of my eye as he looks back up out to the view

"You won't want to hear it" he says sounding distant

By him just saying that makes me want to know even more! Why do people do that?

"Please" I say as I keep my eyes on the beauty of the lake

He nods his head as he looks over to me

"I still feel protective of Chloe.. I know I shouldn't" he says with irritation but it wasn't directed at me it was more like towards himself.

I frown at his words as my heart drops. Feels protective of her? What like I was going to hurt her? Maybe there relationship was deeper than I thought or what they both led on..

my thoughts are interrupted

"And no Mia I don't love her, and I haven't touched her since I met you" he says firmly though I can tell he's creeping to the path of his anger

I nod my head as my body just moved on its own I'm not sure on what to think. He still feels unguarded as it has me wanting to ask him a million more questions now, while he's opening up

"Do you want me here.. Like with you?" I say frowning as I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say

I'm starting to think our communications skills are terrible but he's not the easiest person to talk with

He softly chuckles to himself as he shakes his head, even though I could listen to the sound of his laugh for the rest of my life, it's like music to my ears. it wasn't the response I was expecting.. i look at him all confused

He turns as his eyes look at me the brown looking slightly lighter from the sun shining down on us as his chuckle turns into a gorgeous smile

"You think I don't want you?" He says with disbelief still smiling at me

Well yea kinda..I'm just trying to work this out and he isn't much help

"You haven't given me much reason to think otherwise" I say as a fact

He takes a deep breath as he blows the air out and leans back in the chair

"I'm definitely not use to explaining myself or my actions .. This is quite new to me" he says his eyes glancing over to me with a small smile

I nod my head as I look back to the lake .. Not sure on what else to say..

I look down as I feel his hand take mine as he softly holds it, I feel the sparks spread across my hand as all my worries seem to fade away

"Your beautiful Mia and your doing this perfectly it's.. " he says trailing off

He takes a deep breath as he leans back in the chair again but keeps his hold on my hand tracing patterns on my skin with his thumb

It's what? I close my eyes and mentally curse as I just want him to spit it out

The phone starts ringing, I know it's Ethan's because mine is on silent he pulls his phone out of his pocket using his other hand briefly looking at the the screen before answering it as his left hand keeps a hold of mine

"What" he says harshly as I flinch at his sudden change of tone

I don't bother extending my senses trying to listen on the conversation, I just look back to the lake enjoying the feel of his hand on mine

"I know.. break them in groups they know the routine, tell them to start without me" he says with no emotion

"Liam better cut the attitude or he's doing back to back shifts" he says firmly

I guess he left training early to come here by the sounds of him, I smile as the thought comforts me

"Fine ill be there soon" he says sounding annoyed now

He breathes out and looks over to me

"Have you spoke to Jason?" He says with a frown

I look at him confused as to why he's asking me

"Yea I just spoke to him before" I say cautiously

His eyes darken just slightly as He nods his head but doesn't look away

"Do you know his decision?" He asks with no emotion

I shake my head saying no

"He hasn't decided yet.. Why did you offer him beta? I say softly hoping he will give me an answer

He looks away out to the lake

"Nathan had no child of his own...I knew I would eventually have to replace him but I didn't expect it to be this soon" he pauses

"The others are not taking Sean seriously, I understand as he is only temporary" he sounds annoyed pausing again

I watch him talking so openly with me as he seems to feel comfortable and relaxed while speaking, I don't say a word as I finally feel I'm seeing another side to him

He looks back at me with a smile

"I wanted Jason the moment he took Nathan down.. but the bond you two have ..it made me 2nd guess my decision.." He says carefully like he's reading my reaction to his words

"But ..you still offered it to him" I say slightly hesitating as I just want him to keep talking

His smile widens as he lightly squeezes my hand and nods his head

"There's no one better to fill the position as I already know he will protect his Luna with his life" he says softly as he than looks back to the lake

I watch him as he looks happy. he hasn't snapped at me or gotten angry i smile over at my mate as I know he has my heart in his hands

"That alone has my complete trust in him" he says as if it's a known fact

He than stands as he turns to face me gently pulling me up with the hand that's holding mine

"I need to get back before they all lose there shit" he says sounding annoyed but has a slight smile present on his face

I don't want to stay here by myself and the feeling of just wanting to stay close to Ethan is overpowering but i don't want to push it as I'm actually happy he came. he left everything he was doing to come and fix things with me

"Can I come with you?" I say weakly trying to fight the words from coming out as I shrink back already knowing the answer

He lets go of my hand and I instantly regret my words

His hand than appears under my chin and gently raises my head as our eyes meet

He's not angry

He has small smile as he then leans down and gently kisses me on the lips. It was soft and slow as if he was trying his hardest not to startle me. My stomach does flips as I let the amazing feeling of him wash over me

Too soon his full soft lips are gone as I can't help but smile up at him

"What are you doing to me" he says in disbelief as he shakes his head still with his small smile present on those lips

He doesn't let me reply as he than reaches for my hand grabbing it gently and leads me not back into the house but around the side and out onto the road in the direction of the field.

We approach the field as Ethan gives me a slight squeeze of my hand and I look up to him as he still has that gorgeous smile on his face. He than lets go of my hand as we near Sean and two other men

"Alpha west, Luna" Sean says sounding serious nodding his head to us as he speaks

I give him a smile as My eyes drift off past them looking out to the five groups of people male and female all mixed together already in combat with each other. There fighting seems rough almost as if it's real. I feel myself cringe at some of the moves there doing it would have to hurt.

"There all a bit distracted out there you may need to get them to focus" I hear Sean speak as I watch the groups

"You couldn't cover for me a while longer old man?" Ethan speaks actually sounding playful

he than steps forward turning back to me as he gives me a wink and then jogs off over to the where the groups are training with the other two men following him.

"So your the reason he suddenly went missing and blocked his mind"

I look over to Sean to see him with a grin on his face

I chuckle at his playful presents

"I guess so" I say smiling looking back out to where they all are

"This is pretty full on for just training isn't it?" I say not believing the roughness in there moves

Sean laughs as he steps up next to me looking out

"Alpha west bases his training on realistic scenarios .. He has the best technique I've ever seen" he says proudly

I smile to myself as I feel myself proud of Ethan just by how highly Sean regards his alpha

We watch from afar as i see Ethan shouting out directions as the fighters and them all obey and follow his instructions

He stands out from the rest purely by the way he holds himself with so much assurance and determination as he seems so focused that he's forgotten I'm even here

"What ever you two were doing before it has certainly put him in a better mood" Sean's says looking over the groups in front of us

Better mood?

"What do you mean?" I ask looking at him confused

He raises an eyebrow with a small smile

"You would not of wanted to be here half hour ago.. You think you have seen him angry? Try being around him when he's angry and your not his mate" he say chuckling at the end

I'm not sure of what to think of that as I just nod my head and look back to the field

"Do you think he would let me go down there and train with them?" I ask casually

Sean laughs as the words leave my mouth

"No way am I going to ask for you" he says lightly chuckling now

I look to him with a smile and semi pleading face

"I can't mind link him and if it's a no I don't want to be made a fool of right in front of everyone if I walk over there" I say still smiling at him

His smile drops instantly as he knows it's true and I'm pretty sure he has got use to me by now that I won't back down

I smile sweetly as I turn back to the field watching Ethan move between the groups.

He suddenly goes stiff as I see his head slightly turn into my direction. I mentally chuckle to myself that Sean actually asked him for that's the only reason I can see why his body would change.

I snap my head to Sean as he bursts out laughing bringing his hand up to cover his mouth

I narrow my eyes at him

"What did he say?" I ask feeling annoyed he's laughing

He slows his laugh as he then smiles back to me

"Come on he pretty much said you can join in" he says shaking his head as he steps forward

I eye him suspiciously as I follow him down to the field as the groups begin to notice I'm there as I watch there eyes look curiously at me

"Everyone pair up for one on one" Ethan speaks loudly not looking at anyone in particular

The groups disperse as everyone pairs off and spreads out around us I look back at Ethan as he stares at me with no emotion as I feel a little awkward under his stare, I look away to where Sean was standing next to me as I find him gone. I look back to Ethan and flinch that he's now standing right in front of me

"I guess your my partner" he says with a smirk

Somehow I don't think it just happened on its own as I smile back at him. I got this. I trained everyday and analysed the warriors every move I suddenly feel the urge to prove myself to him that I'm not this fragile little flower to be kept at home under safe guard

He leads me to an open space amongst everyone else.

Backing up away from me he smiles

"Ready?" He says carefully

I suddenly feel nervous as if it's my first time fighting

I stretch out my arms already feeling warmed by the adrenaline rushing through me

He smiles at me as he slightly crouches forward

"Wait what are the rules?" I say smiling as I eye him off letting my mind concentrate on him

"No rules" he says smirking at me

I feel myself lower my body as he stares back at me with curiosity

He makes the first move making me instantly change into defence mode

He's fast so very fasts as i struggle to block his every move

He grabs my arm as I've blocked his hit twisting my body over him slipping out from his grasp, rolling off his back and landing in a crouch facing the back of him

I steady my breathing as he slowly turns to face me with his eyebrow raised

"Impressive Mia" he says clearly shocked

I'm guessing his reaction is from that he didn't land a hit or was able to grab a hold of me

I smirk back at him as I feel my energy at full strength and pounce up at him

He doesn't seem to have even flinched at my sudden movement as he blocks everything I throw at him

I concentrate on his movements as I try to predict them and find any kind of fault within his body .. But he's holding himself well or he's just extremely good at hiding it

He catches my leg as he then pushes with force as I get thrown back a few feet landing on my ass

I jump up quickly as my eyes catch the circle of people around us.. I pay them no attention as I study his slow steps towards me

I know he's holding back there's no way this can be how he fights but the thought of still showing him what I can do is flowing through me

I bring my beta strength to the front as I lower my body ready for him

He smirks again as I'm sure he can feel that I've pulled my power out as he signals for me to come at him. I suddenly want to kick his stupid smirking ass right in front of everyone

I move as fast as I can towards him as he continues to block my hits.
from the corner of my eye I see it! I mentally smile to myself how did I not see this before? He's secretly guarding his left side of the chest or maybe not even realising he's doing it.

I fall Forward from a hit to my lower back as I was slightly distracted, I mentally groan as the pain was sharp, I keep the momentum as I then twist around trying to get at his protected side but he blocks my every move. He looks at me strangely as if he's reading me as he then comes at me again. But I was ready. making my body fly fast through the air bringing my arm up fast and punching him hard making contact with his left ribs

He growls lowly as he stumbles back but doesn't touch his ribs like I expected him too. I hear the hush sounds of whispers around me as I then take my eyes off Ethan and look around to see everyone circled around us watching with a surprised look on there face

"I think we are done for they day" I hear Sean speak from behind me in a cheery voice

I relax my stance and stand up straighter as I feel the slight pain in my back from Ethan's hit

"You are all dismissed please start getting ready for the celebration tonight" Ethan says casually not taking his eyes off me

Everyone begins to move as they drag there eyes off me and make there way back in the direction of the buildings

"Good show Mia! What ever point you were trying to prove you definitely proved it" he says coming into view gently patting me on my back

He then steps past me

"She got you good, some of the guys were placing bets half way through" he says chuckling as he walks past Ethan patting his back as he continues on up to the buildings

I look back to Ethan as he walks towards me with a slight smile

I smile happily back at him, trying not to gloat but I can't help it

"how did you do it?" He says now with no emotion

I look at him confused though the feeling of getting in a hit to the big bad alpha makes me mentally shout in glee

"Do what?" I ask looking up to his tall figure

"You know what Mia.. how did you know I broke my ribs?" He asks looking at me curiously now

I step back a little as his stare on me is intense

He broke his ribs? I didn't know. That must be why he was trying to avoid that area from being hit.

"I didn't know you broke your ribs.." I say carefully as he than narrows his eyes at me

"You were aiming for that area specifically Mia" he says raising an eyebrow

I take a breath as I look away from his intense eyes

"You were guarding it... I just knew.." I say softly

I hear him softly laugh as I look back up to him to see him smiling with a confused look

"So that is how you helped Jason kill my beta?" He says now with his smile gone

I nod my head as he frowns at me

"So you can just see someone's weakness.. From watching them?" He says with curiosity back in his eyes

"Pretty much" I say shrugging my shoulders

He looks away as he looks in deep thought before his eyes snap back to mine he steps forward and wraps his arms around me and gently rubs the spot where he hit me

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you that hard" he says softly placing a kiss on the top of my head

I chuckle into his chest as I wrap my arms around him pressing my cheek to his chest as I feel He just isn't close enough.

I would have to say this turned out to be the best day since I've been here and I feel I have gotten to know him a little bit more.

Ethan walked me back to our house with neither of us saying much at all he opens the front door for me letting me enter first as I walk in and grabbing two water bottles out of the fridge I turn around as Ethan takes a seat on the stool at the table watching me closely. I hand him one bottle as I open mine and take a sip.

He downs almost the whole bottle than places it back on the table

"Your meeting the pack tonight" he says casually putting the cap back on his bottle

I haven't thought too much about the ceremony as I don't really know what to expect

"What do I do there?" I say frowning

He looks at me like I'm stupid. My frown deepens at why does he expect me to know exactly what happens when I've never been to a ceremony in fallen moon before?

Recognition crosses his face as he works out I'm serious as I don't know what to do there

"I will be presenting you as Luna than you will be submitted to your new  alpha to cut the ties with midnight blue and join us completely" he says with no emotion present on his face

I mentally cringe at the fact he's talking about where I have to connect my blood with the new alpha 'being him'.. Why wouldn't he just mark me? it does the same thing and on top of that it's tying the bond of us as mates marking us as each other's.

"Why don't you just mark me" I blurt out regretting my words instantly

He stares back at me as my words didn't seem to faze him as I stand there awkwardly in front of him

His eyes slightly darken in colour as he stares back at me not making any movement looking just like a statue

"Your not ready" is all he says

I'm not ready? I didn't now it was something you have to prep yourself for? I'm so confused

"I'm not ready?" I ask with confusion as I can't piece it together on my own

"It's not up for discussion" he says firmly  pulling his guard up

One step forward, two steps back

I turn around and put my half empty bottle in the fridge and glance at the time it's now 4:48pm I turn back to Ethan to find him gone


I don't even know when this stupid ceremony starts as I walk to my room to have a shower. I enter the room and hear the shower already running with the door half closed. I take a deep breath and head over to the couch and sit down.

Pulling my phone out I see I have 3 missed calls from Jason

I dial his number instantly

It rings only once before I hear his voice

"You like keeping me waiting don't you Mia" he says happily

"Hello to you too" I say chuckling as I look out the large window

"What where you doing?" He says casually

"Training well sort of.." I say thinking it wasn't really a training session more like a one on one experiment.

He laughs

"So what's up? Do you know what your going to do?" I ask

Speaking with Jason just comes naturally I don't have to worry about what I say or how I say, it another thing I love about this guy.

"Yea I do" he says as I can hear the smile through his words

"Well.. Tell me" I say firmly laughing at the end as I feel so impatient

"I should really talk to alpha west first" he says turning serious

I'm sick of always being the last to know as much as he is right to talk to Ethan first we usually tell each other everything so why is it so different now?

"Seriously" I say flatly as I'm sure he can hear my annoyance through the phone

"Yea just wanted to let you know I've made my decision" he says cheekily As he laughs at me again

He hasn't changed a bit. I roll my eyes

"I hope your decision is to come join us so than I can kick your ass" I say playfully

"Yea yea i love you too Mia" he says playfully back

I snap my head to the sound of a loud angry growl as my eyes fall on Ethan sitting on the edge of the bed

When did he come out of the shower? I don't listen into his conversations I wish he would show me the same courtesy.

I hear Jason curse to him self softly through the phone

"Did I mention alpha Hanes is going to be a father?" He says casually changing the subject

My eyes leave Ethan at Jason's words

"Wow really that's great" I say feeling happy for my alpha and Luna

"Yea it's about time, we're having a congratulations party tonight well more of a bon fire suzi has organised it" he says happily

I flinch at the way he said suzi's name .. he said it just a bit to ...likeable

"Suzi?" I ask frowning

"Ah yeah.." He says sounding a bit off

He so has! how could he? That slut was with his best friend and treated me like shit for so many years what the fuck is wrong with him? I thought we were friends and friends don't do that.

"So what like, you guys are together running around in all your awesomeness? I thought we were friends Jason what the hell is that!" I say angrily, raising my voice as I feel the shift in the room darken

"It's not like that Mia and you know it, it's just a bit of fun" he poorly defends himself

My anger spikes at thinking about them together as the room darkens even more but I welcome it with open arms. Why does Jason have this affect on me I don't exactly feel jealous I feel more hurt that he would do that, be with her knowing how much it would hurt me. Why couldn't he be with someone else anyone else but her.

I feel the phone being snatched from my hand as Ethan than appears in front of me. I watch him as I feel like I'm not here and just looking at him from afar. his mouth moves but i hear nothing just silence with the darkness swirling around us

He's stunning

How was someone made

so perfect

so beautiful

I could just lose my self in his dark eyes.

I feel the sparks in my hands slowly appearing as they come back to the normal sensation I usually feel when Ethan's touching me

Now that I focus on him he looks in pain as his eyes stare back at me

"Mia" I finally hear the words he's saying

Not wanting to see him in pain or what ever that was in his expression I reach out seeing him slightly flinch from my sudden movement and I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him

That was a bit weird as I feel myself relaxing with Ethan's arms around my waist holding me still.

He releases my hold as I only notice now I'm still sitting on the couch and he's crouched down in front of me I look at him confused

He takes a deep breath as he briefly closes his eyes. Looking back at me the pain is now gone from his eye, what was that.

"Does hearing Jason being with someone else hurt you that much?" He says as his eyes darken in colour but still no emotion displayed on his face


Of course that's what it would of sounded like I shake my head saying no as I feel terrible I don't want him to feel like that. feel like I have some sort of lovers hold over Jason because it's definitely not like that.

"It's not that I promise you .. It's who he's with.. I despise her.. I guess it's childish of me to feel this way ... I'm sorry" I say stumbling on my words as I feel a tear roll down my cheek

Dam that tear.

He nods his head as he gently wipes the tear from my cheek but he doesn't say a word

"What just happened?" I ask carefully feeling confused as I think back to the moments where I didn't feel myself

"We can talk about that later but right now you need to get ready or we will be late" he says standing up and pulling me up gently with him

He walks over to the bed as I look him over he's wearing dark wash jeans perfectly fitted with a grey collard shirt with the sleeves nicely folded just before his elbow. His hair is still slightly damp as he just looks like he stepped out of a magazine.

I have nothing that dressy to wear


He reaches down and as if reading my mind he picks up a dress off the bed as I wonder when he put that there I didn't even notice it

He turns back to me handing me the dress looking a little uncomfortable

I chuckle as I reach out and take the dress from him

It's beautiful it's a light shade of green with small shoulder straps and a zip at the back. It's really nice as I feel the material

"Do you like it?" He says hesitating slightly, looking very uncomfortable now

I smile back at him as I have never seen him this uncomfortable I fight the urge to make fun of him as I bring the dress up to me.

"Did you pick this?" I ask looking from the dress to him

He raises an eyebrow

"Depends if you like it or not?" He says carefully, clearly trying to hide his smile

"I love it" I say laughing now at his awkwardness

"Good" he says eyeing me suspiciously before giving me a genuinely happy smile

Yep he definitely picked this dress, and my heart just swells.

He looks at me for a moment before he turns and walks to the door

"Get ready I'll be waiting out here" he says quickly before leaving the room


He couldn't have moved faster out of the room if he ran

I chuckle to myself as I lay the dress back down on the bed and head for the shower.

I finish doing the final touches to my hair as I have it in a high braid to the side falling across my shoulder finishing in curls. My make up is done as my eyes look as bright as ever.

I eye the dress as I pull it off it's hanger stepping into it as I do the zip up with a little difficulty

I look into the mirror to see the dress fits me like a second skin. I pat down the sides getting the feel of it. The green is soft yet making my eyes stand out. I look at my reflection gees I feel so girly.

I open the bathroom door and step out already feeling comfortable in this dress my eyes catch a pair of heels on the floor next to the bed I smile as did he really think of everything or did someone help him? I already know he's got a good sense of style and a ridiculous amount of clothing so maybe he did.. but he doesn't seem the type to be that interested in fashion? 

The shoes are nude in colour but are quite simple 'I like simple

I slip them on and walk out the bedroom door to the kitchen with my heels clicking against the tiled floor

I get to the kitchen and kick the shoes off I'm not use to wearing them and there so noisy

I turn to go back to see if I can find some flats to wear as my eyes land on Ethan

He stands there stiff with his hands in his pockets as his eyes glide down my body looking at every single detail as he  than makes his way back up to my face

I instantly blush at knowing he just completely checked me out

We both don't say a word as we just stand there staring at each other. I expect him to compliment my dress

But he doesn't

His eyes look down

"You don't like the shoes" he says casually looking back at me

But he doesn't feel relaxed

I feel a little unsure right now, do I tell him I don't really like heels? but I get the feeling he might snap at me by the vibe he's putting off.

"I'll put them on when we leave" I lie smoothly well as good as I can lie

He narrows his eyes at me but doesn't say anything more about it

He still doesn't move as he just watches me. I look over at the time as it's now 6:24pm I look back to Ethan

"What time does it start? I ask breaking the silence. What's gotten into him?

"6pm" he says still not making a move

"I guess where late?" I say carefully unsure of his mood

His head snaps to the time


He walks to the front door and opens it standing there as I guess he's telling me we need to go. He must have lost his voice or forgotten how to speak. I mentally roll my eyes as I quickly slip my shoes on and walk past him and through the door. Doubt falls into my mind that maybe the dress doesn't suit me. Maybe he doesn't like the way it sits on me but it was to late to change.

I walk out onto the street not sure which way to go or if I even want to go anymore. Feeling slightly distracted that I need to just leave it as it is, it isn't the first time he's completely done 180.

"Mia" I hear Ethan softly say my name

I turn to him as he's standing by a car holding the door open. He seems a little distracted and off his game at the moment but I just brush it off and step up into the car.

He comes around and jumps into the drivers seat starting the car and we begin to move.

"Alpha Reynolds will be joining us along with some of his pack" he says casually glancing over to me

Another alpha? I thought they all hated him?

He must have caught onto my confusion a he speaks

"He's the alpha of our neighbouring pack there quite small and tend to stay off the raider.. It was my mothers old pack and still remains under fallen moon protection" he says looking straight ahead driving with ease

His mother? I would love to meet her I wonder if she will be here?

"Will your mother be here tonight?" I ask carefully testing his mood

He goes stiff just for a second if I wasn't watching his every move and focusing on him I surely would have missed it

"No" he snaps

I look out my window leaving it at that as I see heaps of cars all parked in a row as we get closer to a large building.

He drives straight up to the entrance as we circle around a large fountain in the middle of the road. He stops just off to the side and hops out meeting another man that has walked out towards him. I watch Ethan hand him the keys as they exchange some words, he than walks around to my door opening it. I take a deep breath as I try to prepare myself for the night to come.

Soon he will not only be my mate but my alpha too.

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