Urushihara x Reader One Shots

By Dj_VioletIceHeart

154K 5.7K 4.7K

Urushihara (Lucifer) x Reader One Shots More

1. When Your Gone
2. Wings
3. Say "I Love You"
4. Believe in Me
5. Monster, How Should I Feel?
6. To Love a Fallen Angel
7. Falling for you
8. Rematch
9. Blushing
10. Forever in My Mind
11. The Dark Angel
12. Lucifer's Angel
13. No Good in Goodbye
14. We Lost Her!
15. Know it or Not (Part 1)
16. Know it or Not (Part 2)
17. Bad Girl
18. A Dark Heart (Part 1)
19. A Dark Heart (Part 2)
20. Secrets and Pain (Part 1)
21. Secrets and Pain (Part 2)
22. Faded Memories
23. Internet NEETS
24. Another World
25. When Hearts turn Black
26. Yandere (Part 1)
27. Yandere (Part 2)
28: Yandere (Part 3)
29. Yandere (Part 4)
30. Fragile
31. Death's Wishes (Part 1)
32. Death's Wishes (Part 2)
33. Death's Wishes (Part 3)
34. Death's Wishes (Part 4)
35. Wait What?
36. One of the Guys (Part 1)
37. One of the Guys (Part 2)
38. One of the Guys (Part 3)
39: One of the Guys (Part 4)
40. A Heart's Child
41. The NEET and The NEKO
42. One Day (Part 1)
44. One Day (Part 3)
45. One Day (Part 4)
46. One Day (Part 5)
47. One Day (Part 6)
48. One Day (Part 7)
49. Don't Forget Me (Part 1)

43. One Day (Part 2)

1.5K 69 93
By Dj_VioletIceHeart

(Disclaimer: I do NOT own any characters from The Devil Is a Part Timer nor the Media Pic!)

You immediately got out of your car and gasped as you looked down at the man. "I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?!" You asked kindly.

The man got up, smiling. "I'm fine... by the way, name's Lucifer." He said.

You groaned. "It's you! I can't believe you! How am I suppose to believe that!"

He laughed. "Look, I lied about my name... but everything else was true... besides the video game designer thing..."

You sighed. "Why are you here?"

"Ok, so those guys saw you with me at the restaurant, and now your in danger." He said.

You blinked. "But... I don't even know you!"

"They don't know that."

"But how do they know that I know you?!"

"You don't!"

"But do they know that I don't know you?!"


"Then why don't they know that I don't know you?!"

He winced. "Stop! This bullet won't kill me but all this explaining might!"

You froze. "Bullet?!" You looked to the side to see that there was a wound on his side. " When did you get shot?!"

"That doesn't matter." He smiled.

You stared at his wound. "No. You need a doctor!"

He laughed. "A doctor won't help... but a kiss might." He smiled.

You crossed your arms. "A kiss?" You repeated bluntly.

He nodded.

"Your crazy!" You yelled.

He laughed. "I know. Now here, you can help."


"Yes. Hold this flashlight and point it at my wound so I can stitch it." He said, handing you a flashlight.

You shook your head. "I can't do that!" You yelled.

"Yes you can, here." He put the flashlight in your hand and aimed it at his wound. You immediately shut your eyes.

"Ok, right there! Just hold it right there!" He started to heal his wound, lying about the stitches part since you couldn't know he was from Ente Isla... yet.

He put a bandage over it and took your flashlight away.

"Is it done?" You asked, hesitantly peaking one eye open.


You opened both eyes and sighed from relief. "Here, drink some water." He said, handing you a bottle.

You took the bottle and raised an eyebrow. But before you could say a word... he pulled off his shirt. 'Daaaaammmnnn, he's fine...' You stared up and down at his six pack and muscles, unconsciously gulping down the bottle as he cleaned the blood from his shirt.

He put his shirt back on, hiding the precious glory... and put a jacket over that to hide the blood stain.

Suddenly... you felt something blur your vision. Everything felt all... fuzzy. You brought your hand up to your pounding  head, feeling a sharp pain go through your head.

"W-what was in that water...?" You slurred, having the world spin around you.

He looked at you and smiled. "Sleeping medication."

"Whyyy?" You slightly wined.

You looked straight at him, trying not to trip over as your feet wobbled.

"Listen, tomorrow there will be some guys who will take you to a car. The'll say your going to a "safe' place." He said, emphasizing the word 'safe' with his fingers.

You tilted your head. "Why "safe" like this?" You asked, doing the same with your fingers.

He ignored your question. "You'll need to scare them away with a gun hidden in one of the seats. Listen, if it's a Honda, the gun will be on the right. If it's a Toyota, the gun will be on the left."

You nodded.

"And if they ask about me...?" He asked.

You're vision started to fade. "I don't know you..." You said, finishing his sentence.

He smiled. "Good girl..."

With that, you started to topple over, having your vision go completely black. Lucifer caught you in his arms and hugged you tight, softly running his hands through your hair.

"Good girl..."


You woke up in your bed, feeling the headache from yesterday. Footsteps could be heard heading to your room. Rika entered.

"Oh Y/n! Your home. I didn't realize. You were gone so long yesterday and I kinda fell asleep waiting for you. Where were you anyway?" She gasped. "You didn't do "it" did you?!?!"

You blinked. "No! That wasn't it! I just..." You froze, remembering everything from yesterday. "I uh... traffic." You said, staring off into space.

Rika raised an eyebrow. "Y/n... There's literally never traffic at night... the streets are always empty by then."

You blushed. "I uh... lost my keys... at the restaurant... lock...smith... um... so YE." You said, trying to come up with a better story than 'The guy I dated turned out to be a lying thief and I ran over him after the shooting at the restaurant and now people are after me and he gave me some sort of sleep medication to tell me what to do...' Cause that's totally believable...

Rika smirked. "Whats he like?! That Haraku of yours!" She squealed.

You blinked, still lost in thought. "I don't know... but it wasn't Haraku..."

Rika raised an eyebrow. "What? Wait wait wait! What happened?!"

"I... I can't tell you." You said. "I'll just get to work!" You said, rushing to get out the door.

Rika blinked, before smiling. "She is so in love..."

Once you got to work, you sighed, not being able to get your mind off that stranger... 'What did he say his name was? Lucifer...?'

*cough cough"

You looked up to see a few men in suits and sunglasses, at your front desk. "Hello, how may I help you?" You asked politely.

The men took out a certified badge.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm afraid your going to have to come with us..."

You gulped.

They led you to a car, asking you to get in. You had no choice but to agree, so you observed the car. 'This is a Toyota right...? Man, I'm bad with cars...'

As soon as you were in, the men started to drive.

"So... you know Lucifer, correct?"

You looked out the window. "He told me you'd say that..."

The man hummed. "He's clever... but you shouldn't trust him. He's a criminal. He could drug you. Or worse, he could kill you..." The man said.

"Now... why don't we take you to a safe place?"

You gulped, remembering those words. "A... "safe" place..." You repeated, emphasizing the word with your hands, just like Lucifer had done.

The man raised an eyebrow at you. "Why do you said it like that?"

"No reason." You said nervously.

'Listen, if it's a Honda, the gun will be on the right. If it's a Toyota, the gun will be on the left.'

You gasped at the memory, looking down at the seats. You spotted a gun on the left of the vehicle. 'Jackpot.'

You took out the gun, and aimed it at the driver. "Stop the car!"

Both men looked at you with their eyes widened. "The girl had a gun! Where did you get that?!"

"I said stop the car!" Your hands shook... you pulled the trigger, shooting through the front window.

"You idiot! I'll kill you!"

"I don't know how to shoot a gun!"

You continued to pull the trigger, shooting around the vehicle. You screamed as the side got blasted, causing the car to skid.

That's when you saw Lucifer appear by the window. "Y/n!" Your eyes widened.

The men noticed this. "Get him!"

They stopped the car and got out, aiming their guns at Lucifer, who disappeared onto a bus.

He climbed up the bus and stood on the top... before slipping.

You crawled up to the front of the seat and started to drive. "Wait stop that car! Get her!" The men yelled as you continued to steal past cars.

That's when Lucifer landed on your windshield...

"Lucifer?!?!" You yelled.

He smiled and waved at you, climbing to the side of the car and opening the door. "Mind if I drive?" He asked.

You scooted over and let him drive, staring at him with shock.

"So, what's up?" He asked.

"I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!!" You screamed.

Lucifer pulled the window open, pulling his arm out and firing at the other guys with a gun, grinning. 'I don't know if I'm dreaming or this guy is just insane...' You thought, terrified at what was happening right now.

As soon as you two were cornered, Lucifer skidded to a stop and turned towards you. "Ok, listen. Whatever you do, don't get out of the car."

'There's no way in hell I'ma stay with this lunatic!' You ignored his warning and immediately burst the car door open, running over to the soldiers in fear.

"This man's crazy!! I'm not with him!!" You screamed, causing Lucifer to facepalm.

That's when the soldiers started shooting at you...

'You know what? Second chances are always optional!' You screamed and jolted back, quickly running behind the car and dodging all the bullets being shot at your feet.

"I'm with you!! I'm with you!!" You yelled.

Lucifer grinned. "What did I tell you?"

"Don't get out of the car..."

"And what did you do?"

"I got out of the car..."

"Y/n listen. It's either your safe with me," He patted his chest. "Or your "safe" with them." He quoted.

You nodded vigorously. "I'm safe with you! I'm safe with you!" You breathed out hastily with your hand on his chest.

He patted your head. "Good girl. Now hold this."

Lucifer handed the gun to you, getting back up and shuffling through the car.

You looked down at the gun with tears in your eyes as you shut them. "Please don't shoot anymore!! Please stop shooting!! Please don't kill them!!" You yelled, sobbing while holding the gun in both hands.

You turned your head up to him, and froze. In his hand... was a bazooka... with over 50 bullets... You looked at the gun and laughed nervously with tears streaming down your face.

Lucifer looked down at you. "Your in shock..."

You nodded, breathing heavily as you stared at the gun.

"I understand... Why don't you stay here, and I'll just have a nice conversation with them." Lucifer said, getting up.

You nodded, weakly smiling and biting your lip.

Lucifer stopped... and sat back down. "Ok I lied. I'm just going to shoot them." He laughed casually.

You froze.

"By the way. You drive really well." He patted you on the back. "After saving our lives, I just think you should know that before you see this."

Before you could say a word, Lucifer was already running out, shooting at the soldiers with the bazooka in his arms. You heard the screams and yells of soldiers being shot, and the banging noise if a gun going off every second. An explosion came upon them as Lucifer shot a fuel tank, causing them to retreat. He ran back over, and looked behind the car.

But you were gone...

He sighed. "Safe."


You walked out of the area, looking around to see if Lucifer had followed you. 'He's crazy... He's crazy... He freaking shoots people!... And I might be next...' You thought, trying to get your mind off him.

'Woah woah woah! He's not all bad... don't you just have that feeling that you can trust him?'

'Wait what?! Who are you?'

'I'm your heart.'

'Your my heart huh? Well I didn't think you'd want me to friggin die!!'

'He won't kill you...'

'But... he might.'

'You trust him...'

'But... this is reality... and he's a thief...'

'No one is who they seem to be...'

'Then how do I know I can trust him?!'

'Because your heart does... and don't you trust your heart?'

You stopped, placing your hand over your heart, feeling it beat perfectly, thinking of Lucifer. He was like a drug that you just couldn't get enough of...

Y/n listen. It's either your safe with me... or you're "safe" with them...
'What is he doing to me...?'

To be Continued

AN: Another cliff hanger! Cause I'm evil! I'm so sorry. xD It probably won't take long to update though, since this is actually REALLY fun to write and I actually have some time! So YAY dat! Anyway, vote and comment if you liked it! Bye guys! :3

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