Anybody's Anthem (interracial...

By IAmKyana

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When Colson(MGK) goes on tour, all he wants is someone to come home to and cuddle with. During his time off... More

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It's Finally out!!!
Editing This Story!!!
Deleted Chapter!!!?

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By IAmKyana


I woke up really sore on top of Colsons chest. I fixed my hair out of my face and looked up at him breathing heavily.  His mouth was open and one of his hands were on the arm rest. I tried to get up and go to the bathroom and freshen up, but I felt a sharp pain on my wrist.

When I looked down at my wrist, Colson's right wrist and my left wrist were handcuffed together. Since it was so early in the morning and I had just woke up, it took me a while to comprehend what was going on. I tried to take them off because I thought they were faux cuffs, and when that failed I realized they were fucking legit.

I didn't remember going to sleep with cuffs on my wrist, and I don't remember Colson buying any. I looked over at Rook and he looked peaceful and I looked over at Slim who also looked peaceful with their headphones in.

I moved my hair out of my face again with my free hand and tapped Colson repeatedly. He is a very deep sleeper so he didn't feel my fingers tapping him right away. I reached for my phone and poked him with it. He muttered a 'stop' and I kept poking him till he opened his eyes.

"What's the matter, Ky?" He asked rubbing his eyes. His voice sounding extremely husky. I lifted up our handcuffed wrists and he winced a little. Maybe I did lift them up quickly. He rubbed his eyes again and waited for them to adjust.

"What the fuck?" He said squinting at our wrists. "Why the fuck are we handcuffed?" He asked me like I knew the answer. Fuck was his favorite word in the morning.

"I don't know, Colson. But we need to get out of them right now," I told him. He tried the same tactic I tried, which was trying to break them, but obviously it didn't work for him either. He jiggled the handcuffs and it hurt my wrist. I laughed and whined that it hurt.

"Sorry, baby." He said rubbing his eyes again. He looked over at Slim and Rook and they hadn't moved since the last time I looked over at them.

Colson reached in his pocket and took out a couple of coins. He threw one of them at a time at Slim and Rook. Rook got one on the lips that woke him and Slim got one on the forehead that woke him. They both looked confused and suspicious at the same time.

Colson lifted our hands up to them and they rubbed their eyes at the same time which was so freaking weird. Slim squinted his eyes like Colson did and laughed at us.

"What the fuck happened there?" He laughed. I rubbed my wrists when Colson put them down and he apologized again.

"Where's the fucking key to this shit?" Colson said now laughing. Was this something they always did to each other?

Slim shrugged his shoulders and tried to get up but something was stopping him also. I laughed at him and he lifted his pants to see that his leg was handcuffed to the chair. He looked like he was in the most pain because they looked so tight. He sat back down quickly and gave Rook a death glare.

Rook laughed his ass off and held up the keys in his hands. I would suspect that Slim would do something like this, but never ever Rook. I was going to get him so fucking bad. He wants to handcuff everyone while they are sleeping, I'll do that times 2. Colson knows I'm the best at getting people back. Speaking of, I still have to get him back for pulling that stunt.

"This has to be the funniest stunt we've ever pulled," Rook and Slim said giving each other hi-fives. I tried to figure out what they were talking about until I seen that Slim wasn't even really handcuffed. This was all so freaking confusing.

I asked for an explanation and Slim laughed. "We are playing this thing online called DoubleDare. We have to perform dares and show pictures of videos of us doing it, to win cash. We just won $200 just now." Slim told us. I never even realized that things like that existed.

"Alright, now that you got what you needed, give me the keys so we can get out of this," Colson told Rook. Rook threw him the keys laughing and Colson tried to unlock it.
Keyword being tried.

"These aren't the fucking keys, Rook. Give us the real ones." Colson told him.

He had a confused look on his face. "Those are the real keys." He said. Colson threw him the keys back and Rook tried to unlock the handcuffs, but couldn't either. Oh my, we were actually handcuffed together, the night of Colson's show. What the fuck was this?

"I have a show tonight." Colson told Rook. Rook said that he would look for a locksmith store while we landed in the Czechs Republic, which was the place he'd be in only for today.

"You better." He said trying to get up with me. I got up also and we headed towards the bathroom which was big enough to fit two people. Something we both needed at the moment.

There was Listerine in the medicine cabinet and we shook some in our mouths. I then peed which was weird because Colson had to kneel down next to me cause his height. When the time came for Colson to pee, I had to stand up and press myself against the sink so the cuffs didn't hurt us. We washed our hands together and dried them.

It was still morning and Colson woke up with his morning wood like always. When I looked down to make sure my pants were zipped I saw it. I covered my eyes and laughed like a little school girl and he laughed uncovering my eyes.

"Don't act like you haven't seen it before, it's been in your face, body and mouth." He said quite loudly. I covered his mouth with my hand and he licked my palm.

"What if they hear you, idiot?" I told him. He smirked and pressed his body against mine. This was not the time for sex.

"It's not too late to join the mile high club," he told me kissing on my neck. I opened the door and tried to walk out realizing my situation. I was handcuffed to this fool. "It's funny how you thought you were going somewhere." He laughed.

"Let's go, Colson. I am not about to have sex on this jet with your friends right around the corner." I whispered to him. He sighed and gave me a sloppy kiss on my lips. I licked my lips and he bit my bottom lip. Not the time Colson, not the time.

We walked out with him leading and me following after. Right when I was about to sit down, Colson decided that he wasn't. We kept walking to where Clyde was located and I didn't know why, but I kept walking. When we reached, I knocked on the door before Colson and he poked my stomach.

I'm guessing he put the jet on auto-pilot before he came and opened the door. He smiled at Colson and I and he moved his body so we could both go inside. Colson sat down first and I sat on his lap. Clyde had a confused look on his face as to why we both came in together. I held up the cuffs and he nodded his head in understanding.

"What happened there?" He asked, asking the same question Slim asked before he came clean to his act.

"Rook and Slim handcuffed us as dare, and the keys they had weren't the ones for it, so, we are like this till we can get a key." I told him. That made him laugh. Was I talking that fast?

"My wife, Alicia and I handcuffed ourselves together and it really brought us together in the end." Clyde told us. It was crazy how Clyde and his wife Alicia, were so similar to Colson and I. Maybe our relationship will last as long as Clyde's. I looked over at Colson and told him it couldn't be that bad and he said he agreed.

"So what brings this happy couple to my headquarters?" He asked us. I looked over at Colson again, because I didn't even know what I was doing here.

"I just came to check on ya'," Colson told him, "It gets lonely when you are by yourself all the time." He finished. Clyde shook his head and smiled.

"I have a wife to call, a kid to check up on and happy people riding on my jet. It doesn't get lonely for me, kiddo." Clyde told him. Colson chuckled in response to what he said.

I repositioned myself on Colson's lap and brushed hairs away from my face. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? My guess would be about 35." I said to him.

He looked surprised when I said that and licked his lips, slicking his black hairs back. "Thank you for that great compliment, but I'm 53 years young. I never say old because I can still do all the things I did when I was younger." He explained. I was not expecting the number 53 to escape his lips. He was tremendously in good shape.

"You seem way younger. What do you do to keep yourself in such great shape?" I asked him again. A tint of pink flashed across his cheeks.

"I just exercise, moisturize; cause my wife, eat healthy and drink plenty of water. It's an anti-aging elixir." He said laughing. I made sure to jot down notes in my mind. I wanted to look like him when I was 53 years old- I mean young. All I had to do was hit the gym every week and do some cardio sessions. I already moisturize my skin, drink plenty of water and eat healthy; occasionally.

"Your wife is a lucky woman, Clyde. You are handsome and I bet she's a beautiful thing," I said to him. He thanked me and told me that she was beautiful and that I should see his son Aidan.

He showed me a selfie of his son and I was taken back by his model status beauty. His hair was a curly brown, his eyes were a wolf grey, he carried a septum piercing in his nose, had a strong jawline and had the cutest lips ever. If you looked closely, you could see his freckles. He was definitely his fathers son. He took after the lips, freckles, jawline and intense eyes. I'm guessing everything else, was his wife's work.

"He's cute," I told him. "How old?" I asked. I ignored the stares that I received from Colson while asking these questions.

"He's 18, but I swear sometimes he acts like he older," Clyde chuckled. "Baby boy has a job as a model and I couldn't be happier or prouder of him." He smiled. You could tell by the way he talked about his son, that they were close with each other.

During my talk with Clyde, Slim came in and he looked so tired. If he was sleeping instead of pulling this stunt, he wouldn't be looking like this.

"We found a locksmith, but they won't be able to come till after your show." Slim said. Colson sighed and shrugged his shoulders. I guess I was going on stage with him. But what was I going to do? Was I just going to stand there or move around? We'd figure that out during his rehearsals.

We told Clyde we'd be right back and he said he'd be fine. I sat next to Rook and Colson sat next to Slim. We put our wrists on the table and looked at the locksmith that they were talking about. Since our handcuffs were real, it would cost us a bit to get them off, plus taxes.

"I guess you are going on stage with me." Colson said shrugging his shoulders smiling. I smiled back and rolled my eyes.

"People are starting to flow in," Colson's Road Manager said. Colson said ok and we walked
backstage so he could change out.

After almost an hour of walking around the stage and jumping to every beat, I was tired as hell. Colson told me to quote, 'man up' because we had a 2 hour show on our hands. I didn't know how he did this almost everyday without getting tired of it. I'm not the type of person to quit, but this, was not my forte.

Hualani came in and was literally taken back by our situation. He laughed like everyone else and told us that it was time to go out on stage. I drank some water, because I was highly dehydrated, and Colson said a quick prayer before he went out onstage with Rook. Slim decided that he'd stay where Hualani was and keep him company.

Colson was called out on the stage, by his height man, Anthony and we walked out. The screams were so loud, way louder than last time. It almost felt welcoming now. He waved at the crowd and took his microphone off of his stand. They screamed and hands were in the air and all over the place.

He tested to see if the microphone was on. "I hope y'all don't mind me bringing my girl on stage," he said into the mic. They screamed and it was deafening. "say hi baby, don't be shy." He told me. I waved at the crowd and they kept on screaming. I saw posters with my face on it and it was a beautiful thing.

"As you can see, we are handcuffed together, so enjoy our time on stage together." He told them. They screamed and that meant that the show was about to start.

We moved and jumped around and it wasn't as tiring as the first time. I suppose when you see people that actually want to see you, everything changes in your point of view. We all sang along to his lyrics and it was a fun time on here. At first I was questioning why artists did this, but now I realize that it's so freaking fun once the show is actually in session.

A couple of fans tried the bodyguards when the lounged their bodies at us. I didn't know what was going on or what to do because everything happened so fast. One of them screamed my name and asked for a hug and the others just wanted to be on stage to show they crowd how "macho" they were I guess.

When the show ended, Colson and I were sweating messes. We sat backstage waiting for the locksmith to come and unlock these cuffs. It's been about 6 hours with them on and they are starting to feel like a second skin. I hated the feeling. That's why I have never been arrested and have no intention of being arrested.

We all waited about an hour or two before the man came with the tools to unlock these restraints. He seemed in a hurry and was doing his process so roughly, my wrist started to turn red. Colson was getting irritated and told the man to 'ease up on the cuffs'. The man, who hadn't even given is his name, muttered a quick 'sorry' and continued working.

1 hour and 32 minutes later, we were free. I did a dance and Colson joined me. I was so happy to be out of those things. My wrist was bruised and it felt numb, but above all, I was just happy. Don't get me wrong, I loved being with Colson. But for 6 hours straight just chained to him, experience to say the least and something I'd make sure to tell our first born and Casie.

Although, we were just chained together, we walked hand in hand outside with Hualani and JC and they led us to the car, so we could go back on the jet. Today was tiring and a little painful, but we got through it. Clyde was right about this, it kind of did bring us closer together in the end of it.

I got to see how Colson moved around on stage and I got in a little exercise, which is always good and one of Clyde's steps to looking younger.

Once again, we drove back to the Jet. This is not something I'd be used to right away, if Colson did decide to take me again in the near future, but eventually I will.

We got out of the car and was greeted by Clyde's welcoming smile. I gave him a hug and he noticed that our cuffs were off. He gave me a golf clap and laughed.

"You guys finally got loose. How was the experience?" He asked continuing to laugh.

I put my hand on my forehead and sighed. "It was a headache, but you were right. It slightly brought us even closer than we already were." I told him. He nodded his head in agreement and told me that he knew it would be good.

Back on the jet we all went, sitting in the same exact places we were in last time. I checked on the portrait and it was still the same as I left it. I grabbed my charger and plugged it into the outlet next to my feet. I caught it just before my phone hit the 2% mark. Colson lounged his legs on my thighs and began typing away on his phone.

I looked over at him, and he wiggled his fingers smiling at me. That was something new.

"What are you looking at?" He asked staring at his phones screen. That was a question he asked a lot lately.

"Nothing special." I told him. He dramatically put his hands over his heart and pretended to die.

I reached over and kissed him on the lips and he didn't bulge. Every time I kissed him, a little smirk would appear on his face. I knew he wanted to kiss me back, but since he was "dead" he didn't. I licked his lip and he licked them after I did that. I thought he was dead. I knew he couldn't remain with his role.

"Don't tease me like that ever again." He smirked grabbing my waist and pulling me onto his lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, that smelled really good and he yawned. All the times I did this, he always eventually fell asleep.

"You won't have to worry about that." I told him. I heard Slim gagging and saw Rook taking pictures of us. This was going on his Instagram most likely.

I got off of his lap and Clyde dimmed down the lights and I put my head on his shoulder. He rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead.

"I love you so freaking much." He told me. This was something we always did when the mood was right.

"I love you so freaking much too." I said back to him. I gave him a lot of kisses on his forehead and lips and he smiled giving them back.

I couldn't wait for 2 months to finally come around.

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