Sterek Ficlets

By sabadonightupdate

357K 10.8K 1K

A collection of Sterek One-Shots. More

Author's Note
The Best Part
Once. Twice. Thrice...
A Father's Day Special
Hold Me and Never Let Me Go
Head Over Heels
Like Diamonds in the Sky
Kings Never Die
Puppy Love
Puppy Love - Epilogue
It's Going to be Alright
Believe Me
Stress Baking at its Finest
The Feeling is Mutual
Until We Meet Again Part 1
Until We Meet Again Part 2
When the Sun Rises
Today and Everyday
Pole on the Floor
My Son's Dating a Werewolf
Highway to Hell Part 1
Highway to Hell Part 2
Highway to Hell Part 3
Living with Sourwolf
When Angels Cry Part 1
When Angels Cry Part 2
When Angels Cry Part 3
When Angels Cry Part 5
Mark Myself
On the Line
A New Year's Kiss

When Angels Cry Part 4

5.4K 237 25
By sabadonightupdate


Stiles frowned at his phone when Chris called that they couldn't babysit Caleb for a day because they were going to visit Allison in California for the weekend.

"Caleb, do you wanna come with Daddy to work?" Stiles asked and the boy came running towards him with glee.

"Can I really, Daddy?" Caleb asked excitedly.

"Yes, but you have to behave, okay? I'll bring some toys and coloring  books for you while you wait, is that okay with you?" the angel asked as he pulled Caleb into a hug. He kissed his forehead and then proceeded to make him sit on his lap.

The boy preened at the attention that his Dad was giving him; Stiles began grooming his boy's feathers, pulling out loose feathers and smoothing out ruffled ones.

"Thank you, Daddy!" the boy said as he jumped off and began putting toys into his bag, while Stiles pulled out two coloring books and a box-full of crayons from his office table.


"Hi, Erica... sorry if I was late. I couldn't get a baby sitter. I had to bring him in." Stiles apologize shyly while Caleb looked up at Erica with complete and utter wonder.

Erica smiled and said, "Oh, it's okay. He can sit in our meeting. It's just me, you, and Derek, just like a few days ago."

Stiles smiled and then they went on to the conference room where Derek was waiting.


At the conference room, Derek was surprised to see the hybrid child once more. The boy wore plaid just like his Daddy and had his soft black hair was everywhere. His green eyes had blue and gold specks and  for some reason, it made Derek's heart clench tightly in his chest. He couldn't shake the thoughts of the demon who holds Stiles' heart.

"Baby boy, why don't you start your coloring and if you need me, just say 'excuse me' and I'll come to you, okay?" Stiles told the boy, who nodded and began picking colors in the box that the angel placed in front of him.

The angel fished out a sippy cup and placed it in beside the box before he kissed the boy's forehead and joined Erica and Derek at the other side of the table.


Derek brushed off the thoughts of Stiles' child and mate out of his mind for a while and tried to focus on the meeting at hand.

But his eyes kept drifting towards the angel; his beautiful golden brown eyes, his plush pink lips that he chewed when he was frustrated... his mole-dotted skin, and his pure white wings that rested on his back.

The memories just kept rushing in; the touch of Stiles' hand, the feel of his lips against his skin... Erica had to kick him under the table because he was oozing with the scent of lust.

He shifted in his seat and said, "Should we take a quick break? I'm sure you need to attend to your son, Stiles."

Erica and Stiles agreed simultaneously.

The werewolf was completely enamored with Caleb; Erica also voiced out that  she wanted a child of her own, "But Boyd and I are totally focusing on our careers right now. Was it hard for you?" she asked Stiles.

And the angel smiled softly and said, "At first, yes. I mean, my Dad didn't want me to keep the pregnancy but I told him to shove it and went here to New York. Allison's parents were nice enough to have housed me and Caleb for the first two years. I was glad that I had the courage to write and illustrate those children's books because without that, we would still probably be living with the Argents."

"You were living with the Argents? Where's your mate?" Derek suddenly came in and asked.

Stiles bit his lower lip and said, "I don't have one. It's just Caleb and I, right, buddy?"

Caleb grinned as he ate his ham and cheese sandwich, "Daddy and Caleb forever!" the boy cheered.

"Isn't that hard? Doesn't your boy need his other Dad?" Derek asked once more.

And the angel shifted uncomfortably in his seat and said, "I know that my boy needs his other  Dad, but we've been doing great without him so far. If I were to see him again, I hope he's not narrow-minded and spill racist crap in front of my Caleb."

That hit Derek. Racist. Narrow-minded.

He knew that Stiles hated that crap. Even back in college, Stiles would voice out his opinions whenever Derek or his friends said bad things about other species. Derek learned from him that everyone deserved good things; that everyone deserved to be loved and cared for.

"Right... because everyone deserves to be loved and cared for, right?" Derek managed to say and that made Stiles ball up his fist and say, "You remembered that, huh?"

"Of course... I also remember the good bye that  was left unsaid. The way you avoided me for weeks and then I find out from Lydia Martin that you up and left. That you went to Poland." Derek spat out and then he stood and walked out of room before he could say anything more hurtful.

Stiles sat there with a sad look on his face and Caleb frowned at his Daddy, "Daddy, why was that man angry?"

"I'm sorry about Derek... He's been really on edge lately. Should we move this meeting to next week, then?" Erica said as she gave Stiles an apologetic look.


Later that night, when Caleb was fast asleep, Stiles found himself sitting in their living room and then the doorbell rang.

He breathed in and went on to open the door.

He sighed and saw Derek Hale standing in his suit with black/red wings resting on his back. He gestured for the demon to come in.

Derek looked around and smiled, "Have you been living here long?" He asked.

"A year actually. Caleb loves this place... so, do you want something to drink?" Stiles said as he shifted from foot to foot, watching Derek's wings flutter a bit. He smiled and thanked the heavens that Caleb got those black and red feathers at the bottom of his wings because it made him think of the demon while he was gone.

"Nah... I just want to talk. About Caleb. And us." Derek turned with a sullen look on his face and Stiles nodded slightly, "You're probably right." He said.

"Why did you leave? Was it because of the pregnancy? Was it because of me?" Derek asked as Stiles leaned back on the kitchen counter.

Stiles looked up and said, "Yes, because of the pregnancy. After I told my Dad who the father of my then unborn child was, he told me that he was going to move me to Poland... but I told him that I won't. We had an argument, and it escalated until he said, 'That child will be treated like an abomination and it won't be accepted by society.' I mean, it's funny how the man who taught you to view people as equals would say something like that, right?"

Derek breathed in heavily as he asked once more, "What happened next then? Did you tell the other Dad about Caleb?"

Stiles pursed his lips and shook his head, "I was going to... but then I saw how utterly insane that idea was when I saw him kissing someone. I knew then that I was better off. I went to Lydia for help and she planned everything. Allison's parents understood where I was coming from and they took me in without batting an eye. They took me in and they became Caleb's honorary grandparents."

"One last question; if you didn't see me that night kissing Jennifer, would you have told me that Caleb was mine as well?"

"No. No I wouldn't... because I knew what you would think of him then... I mean, who would want to have a child with an angel? You were practically royalty, Derek Hale. You deserve children who are pureblooded... not tainted. I didn't want those demons to look at you and say, 'That's a blood traitor. The demon who laid with an angel.' I didn't want them looking at you with disgust and betrayal. I wanted you to live your life the way it should; with a demon mate and children who will give you pride and joy." the angel said as tears streamed down his face.

Derek scoffed at Stiles' words and said, "You think that what? That I would tell you to abort my child? That I would tell you to leave just because the baby was half angel and  half demon? Was that it?! Did you even think for one second that if you could've just stopped avoiding me and told me about Caleb, that we won't be even having this conversation right now? Because Stiles, I would've fucking accepted it then!"

"I would've been so fucking happy that I was going to be a father; that you were bearing my child. I would've accepted anything from you, Stiles. I loved you then and I still do... You're the one, the only one, Stiles. You left and you fucking took my heart with you..."

Stiles stood there in shock at the demon's words. He bit his lower lip as he lowered his head and tried to wipe away the tears, but it just won't stop.

Derek walked towards his angel and wrapped his arms around Stiles' waist, letting the angel cry on his shoulder; murmuring words of apology and love.


To be continued...

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