
By sweetskitz

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Read on and find out ha! Sorry, not sorry. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 2 Ethan's point of view
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - part 1
Chapter 26 - part 2
Chapter 26 - Part 3 Ethans point of view
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - ethans point of view
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Final chapter

Chapter 9

263 14 1
By sweetskitz

I woke feeling really hot, I rub my face as I squint my eyes adjusting to the light in the room.

My body feels heavy and my muscles are slightly sore, I look out the window as I see the sun shinning and feel the warmth of the light. I hear someone breathe out softly as i glance in the direction and I see Ethan.

He's sitting on the white leather couch across from me with his head in his hands. Everything of what happened suddenly comes crashing back on me as I feel my heart quicken.

What do I do now? Do I stay here knowing this man my mate hates me. He sure as hell proved that he does this morning. I feel an empty ness in my heart as the realisation that I don't believe my mate can possible ever love me..

I watch him as his head whips up looking back at me with wide eyes. Probably hearing my heart changing and beating to fasts for comfort.

He jumps up suddenly appearing next to me making me flinch back from him. Not sure if it was from the sudden movement or that I'm actually just afraid of him.

He closes his eyes as I watch a pained expression fall over his face before he re opens them and sits on the edge of the bed next to me grabbing my hand so gently like at any moment I could break.

I take a deep breath smelling the sweet scent of my mate making my heart slow down to a regular pace.

"Mia" his voice is soft as he looks down on me

"I'm sorry.." he says frowning at his owns words

He looks almost like he's struggling and the words were hard to say

I squeeze his hand to try an comfort him but I can't bring myself to speak. I actually don't even know what to say I feel torn and broken like he has my heart yet he's just throwing it about as it gets damaged the more he holds it.

We sit there staring at each other neither of us saying a word just the unspoken emotions dancing behind our eyes as we look at each other.

He's looking at me as if he's looking at me for the first time yet I can't bring myself to speak or feel comfort from his closeness. I feel myself shutting down as a stray tear rolls down my cheek.

It's happened, I have finally broke

He has broken me

I just sit there looking at him as i begin to feel nothing just an emptiness surrounding me the scent of my mate slowly fading from my reach


Gees his face is so beautiful

"Don't go there Mia" he demands with a hint of anger in his tone

Though at the moment it doesn't seem to faze me

I just sit there watching him like I'm not even here like I'm a third person looking at him. The light is slowly fading as the room is beginning to darken but for some reason it interests me, I feel my eyes move as I look at the room around me feeling comforted by the silence and dark atmosphere around us

"Mia!!"he shouts at me as his grip tightens around my hand making me flinch at the outburst

Snapping me back to focus on him as I squint my eyes at the sudden brightness of the light again


I hear him say as he hangs his head down slowly shaking it as if he's trying to shake his thoughts

"You need to fight it, you need to stay away from the dark" he says rushing his words out

I frown at him. What is he on about could he see what i saw? Did it actually happen or was I imagining it? And stay away from the dark I mentally roll my eyes

"You are the dark"

His eyes narrow at me as I shrink back realising i just said that out loud

"Sorry" I say weakly

I laugh to myself, no wonder this man hates me

He stands as he pulls his phone out and I watch as his fingers move over the phone

I stretch out my body and remove the sheets from me as I sit up

"Good morning Alpha Hanes, it's alpha west" he says turning serious

Wait when is he not serious. Wait why is he talking to my alpha?

I look up to him thinking why is he calling Ryan?

"She's awake" he says looking back over to me

I look away from him not wanting to feel his eyes on me as I look down to my leg. It feels fine but has a white bandage wrapped around it.

"Great" he says as I feel him look away

"Please have the paperwork to me asap" he says with no emotion

I take a deep breath as I start to remove the bandage. I slowly unwrap it to find my leg looking like it always did though now I have a faint scar running down the front of my thigh from just below my hip to the top of my knee. I sit there tracing my scar with my finger.

"I understand alpha Hanes My patrol are expecting them" he says now sounding annoyed

I look over to him as he's standing stiff looking out the window

"You have my word" he says as he brings his phone down ending the call

He looks over to me, his eyes soften as they look over my leg up my body landing on my eyes

"It's healed nicely" he says walking back over to me and sitting down

I sit there watching him, he feels different he feels lighter like not so dark and guarded I tilt my head as I look at him in deep thought

"Mia ...?" he says frowning at me

Why does he seem so caring he feels bright and it's a little overwhelming I close my eyes as all I seem to be able to think about is the comfort of the dark as I feel the room begin to darken I open my eyes to see Ethan's eyes narrowed at me

"Mia stop it" he says sounding irritated again

"Stop what" I ask confused by his question

He takes a deep breath as he looks over to my scar he reaches out as he gently rubs over my scar with his hand. I feel the sparks across my leg as I relax with the feel of him touching me

"Beta cole will be arriving shortly" he says looking back up to me

James? Shit

"I forgot to call him last night" I say reaching out for his hand just wanting to be close to him all of a sudden

A small smile appears on his lips as he watches me take his hand as it soon falters and looks back to me

"You have been out for 2 days" he reveals

My eyes go wide at his words as I look back down to my leg, makes sense on why it's fully healed with the slight pink tinge within the faint scar

"Chloe, Sean are they ok" i rush out thinking I don't actually know what happened to them

"Sean's fine, he healed quickly and is already back out on patrol" he says with a small smile

His eyes begin to wonder around the room as he's thinking something through

"And Chloe" I say trying to encourage him to speak

"She's in a coma" he says with no emotion not making eye contact with me.

I close my eyes at his words as I'm not sure on what I'm feeling

"Will she come out of it" I ask knowing he probably doesn't know himself

He looks back at me with a blank face

"Wendy thinks she will..her vitals have already improved... " he says trailing off at the end as he sounds distracted

"Your brother has arrived" he says turning to the bedside table next to me grabbing a glass of water and handing it to me

I take a sip before I down the whole glass not realising how thirsty I actually was.

"Mia ..can I have your word you will not leave like that again?" He says with no expression though I feel the shift in the room

I pass the glass back to him thinking this is the most easy going conversation I've had with him so far ..

"I need my runs.. My wolf " I say hesitating as i feel the darkness grow

He frowns as he leans back sitting a bit straighter on the bed

"I'll come with you" he says narrowing his eyes as if it's final

I huff out feeling slightly annoyed that even though he hasn't said I can't do things on my own I'm beginning to notice he's always around me. Unless I'm left at this house and expected not to leave.

"You were going to attack me..?" I blurt out sounding like a question completely changing the subject

I remember the look he had in his eyes like it wasn't even him.. The look he is giving me now

He abruptly stands as his face turns empty of any emotion

"You want to go there? Ok Mia lets go there" he says calmly but with anger burning in his eyes

I take a breath as the air is starting to feel thin as I want to go back in time and un ask my stupid question

"2 days ago I woke up to Liam yelling in my head about my father, at the same time to find you are no where in sight!" He says as his eyes darken in colour and I can tell he's tipping over the edge.

"Last night I died in my dreams as I got lost to the darkness from that night! it now haunts me seeing you there. So close to them .. Fuck Mia!" He's now shouting at me as as I feel the heavy thick air swirl around us

I sit there stiff as I watch his eyes grow into the empty black suffocating feel as they stare into the depth of my soul

But I don't feel frightened I feel.. Almost drawn to it as if it's calling out to me

"I will not lose you Mia I will not let anything or anyone take you" he states calmly now but the atmosphere is still dark around us

I'm confused at his words? So he does want me he does feel something towards me, I look around the room as I get slightly distracted at the deathly dark feel as if I'm testing it out of what it's like not to be afraid of it.

"Do you love me" I ask softly staring back into his black pits of darkness that Is beginning to no longer bother me.

His face frowns at my words as I sit there putting myself out there waiting anxiously for his answer

It doesn't come

He just stands there frozen looking at me with this frown on his face that I can't work out.. His body is stiff as he brings his hand up through his hair and he lets out a deep breath he must have been holding

I'm starting to wish i didn't ask another stupid question but a part of me just really needed to know.. Know if he's capable of loving me

I hear a faint knock at the door as I look over to the open bedroom door. There's no one there as I hear it knock again

I turn back to Ethan as he's already moving and watch him leave the room


I take a deep breath to pull myself back together even though it's a failed attempt as my heart breaks into another piece.

I hear voices down the hall as I pull myself out of the bed and head for the bathroom. Closing the door behind me I strip down and turn the shower on stepping in as the cool water feels nice against my hot skin.

I jump out quickly drying myself and wrap the towel around me. And
Look towards the mirror

My hair looks dull as it's lost it's shine I grab my brush as I try to get the tangles out. My eyes are like a worn out faded green with the skin under my eyes are of a darker shade, it's like I haven't slept in weeks.

I grab out some makeup to try brighten myself up and braid my hair to the side.

Fućk, my bag

I slowly open the door and peek into the room. I see no one as I still hear voices down the hall. I quietly walk out finding my bag. I quickly unzip it

No. I have no clean clothes left. I breath out as I sit down on the bed. Looks like I'm going to be wearing a towel. I look over to Ethan's wardrobe as i then find myself walking towards it. I push the door open and flick the light on. Wow I think this man owns more clothes than I ever have in my whole life. He's got shirts hanging mainly blacks greys and whites from what I can see. theres rows of neatly folded pants jeans and cargo with a whole other row of shorts. I look around amazed as underneath all neatly in a row are boots. I guess he likes boots. neat freak.

I walk in pulling the door shut behind me and reach up grabbing a grey shirt and some shorts. I slip the shirt on as it fits me like a mid length dress. I pull on his shorts but they just slip down me as my body is too thin to hold them

"What are you doing"

I turn around to see Ethan leaning casually against the open door with what looks like lust in his eyes as they scan down my body and land back on my face.

"I have no clean clothes left.. I hope you don't mind" i say shrugging my shoulders looking down at the shirt I'm wearing

A small smile appears on his face

"I don't mind at all Mia but your not going out there just in my shirt" he says his smile turning into a smirk

"Your shorts are to big" I say holding them up against me

He stays looking at me as he thinks something through

He than steps in the small room as he rummages through the pants section and pulls out a black pair of track suit pants and hands them to me

I take them from him as i step into them and pull them up.. Holding them there

"There to big" I say trying to move them in a different way as if that's going to make them smaller

He steps close to me as his hands come lightly over mine as he gently pushes my hands away holding the pants up at the same time. His fingers move just below the waist band brushing against my skin as he pulls the drawstring out

I feel my body heat up again as my heart quickens at his touch, I look up to his face to see his eyes focused on his hands as he tightens the strings and ties them together

His hands linger at my waist as his eyes look back up to me, it's only now I notice they are there normal dark brown, the eyes I could just get lost in.

His hands move to the sides of my waist as he squeezes my hips moving me into him

My body stiffens at the slow movement bringing my body resting against Ethan as I feel how hard his body actually is.

Feels like I'm leaning against a rock. I place my hands on his arms as I slightly lean back to look up at him

"You scare me Mia" he says with a new intensity in his eyes

I scare him? How could I possible scare the dark one? The one who with one look can make you wish u never existed

I frown as I look back at the wonder that is now appearing in his eyes.

"There's no way you can be scared of me?" I say as if it's a fact

He smiles down on me, as he leans down to the side and gently places a kiss just below my ear

I feel the goosebumps spread all over my body as at the same time he has me wanting more

"Once I'm in, you will own my heart" he whispers softly into my ear

placing another kiss a little lower on my neck as I feel a shiver go over me knowing that's exactly the spot where he will mark me

I feel a slight breeze as my body suddenly feels cold. I open my eyes and he's gone. I run my hands over my face and shake the thoughts of him. I wonder why he is always so cryptic. Can't he just tell me as it is? like I'm pretty sure I do to him.

I loosely tuck in the front of my shirt hoping it will at least give me a bit of shape. I'm pretty sure I would look like I'm dressed in a big potato sack

Feeling comfortable in what I'm wearing I then exit the room and head down the hallway

I see Ethan standing there with his arms crossed looking slightly uncomfortable as I look behind him to see James and Jason standing there looking even more uncomfortable . I chuckle to my self as James's eyes snap to mine and a big smile crosses his face.

he passes Ethan as he seems to completely forgotten he was even there and picks me up in a tight hug

"Mia" he says smiling down on me

As at the same time Jason approaches me with a big smile that slowly turns into a frown

"Mia you look like shit" he says now with a lopsided smile

"Thanks" I chuckle as I look back to James

"What are you guys doing here" still smiling at the both of them

Feels like I haven't seen them in years and it hasn't even been a week

"Well I didn't hear from you so I called until someone finally decided to answer the phone" he says glancing at Ethan with his eyes slightly narrowing yet his face still holds a smile

I look over to Ethan as he's just standing there looking extremely uncomfortable as his eyes flick to James for a brief second before they land back on me still with his arms crossed

"Thank you" I say actually meaning my words as I see shock cross his face before it's gone

He could have easily just ignored the calls or simply turned my phone off but instead he spoke to my brother and even let them not only into his territory but into his home

He nods his head

"Mia, men, please excuse me" he says turning alpha mode again

The boys turn there heads as we all watch him leave out the front door closing it behind him

"Wow that guy is intense how do you do it?" Jason says taking a deep breath

James finally lets me go as I give Jason a big hug. His scent is so comforting and he just feels ... He feels like home.

"Do what" I say chuckling at how tight his hug is

"Be around him? I guess half the stories are true" he says setting me back down on the ground and letting go

"Oh yeah that.. He's not always like that.. Well sometimes" I say tripping on my words

James smiles at me as he looks at me in an accusing way

"You're in love with him" he says in disbelief

I look back at him as I bite my lip. Yea I think I am.. How can I not? the mate bond has put us together but im seeing parts of him even if it's just tiny small parts of him that has me hooked just before it disappears again.

"Maybe" i say with smile that is most likely saying yes

My eyes catch the patio door and I frown as it looks like new. It's been completely repaired there's no signs of that door being torn apart into a million pieces what's so ever

"What" James says following my gaze behind him

"Nothing .. So why are you guys here?" I say as I head over to the kitchen and open the fridge

Both James and Jason take a seat on the 2 stools at the kitchen table as they watch me bring out some juice and 3 glasses

"alpha west informed me about the rouge attack.. And that you were injured.." James says falling back into his beta role

"What the hell were doing out on patrol anyway Mia!" Jason says sounding slightly angry

I lift the juice bottle and start pouring the drinks as there both there watching me. I can't help but smile that there actually here.

"I just ended up there with them.. My wolf wanted a run.. I didn't know we were going to be attacked" I say pushing the glasses of juice towards them

"you and your stupid night runs Mia I knew one day it would bring you trouble" Jason says annoyed as he grabs his drink.

What he knew? How would he know

"What" James says frowning looking at Jason

Jason takes a deep breath and looks to me.. I guess he wants me to explain? Why doesn't he just explain it since he already knows everything

"It's just something my wolf likes to do on our own" I say feeling guilty as the words leave my mouth

James head snaps to Jason

"And you knew!?! Did you not think that information should have been passed onto your beta!?" James says with anger and disbelief

I take a deep breath and pick up my glass and take a sip. I missed these boys

"Yea I've known for awhile.. We had her well looked after it really wasn't a problem.. I just didn't think she would be that stupid to continue it on in this territory" Jason says narrowing his eyes at me

"Where the hell was alpha west during all this" James says with his attention back on me

I put my glass back down as guilt washes over me

"He was asleep" I say hesitating

Jason shakes his head as he rubs his face with his hand as James just sits there with a are you serious look on his face.

"I bet he was pissed" James says with a hint of a smile

Considering he nearly attacked me yeah I guess you could say that

"That would be an understatement" I say nodding my head

"So you were out for 2 days?" Jason says tapping his glass

"I guess so" I say not really wanting to discuss this anymore

"He invited us here you know" James says raising his eyebrows

What? he invited them here .. He actually asked them to come here?

"He did?" I ask feeling anxious all of a sudden

"Yeah well when your mate is passed out for more than a day you tend to worry.. It's only natural" James says frowning to himself

"He invited both of you specifically" I ask looking from James to Jason

"We weren't sure to trust him at first.. well you know his reputation.. But alpha Hanes seems to have a spoken agreement with alpha west.." James says trailing off sounding a little confused

"Or a soft spot for the devil" Jason jumps in with his two cents

I roll my eyes at him

"It is different here isn't it..? Different to what everyone thinks" James says pushing his empty glass back too me

"Yeah well now that you two are here it just feels like home again" I say taking the empty glasses and walking to the sink

"We can't stay long.. I need to be back by morning" James says casually

I suddenly feel sad I don't want them to leave they just got here.

"I just needed to see that you were ok" he says as I can hear the smile in his voice

"How far are we? From midnight blue? I say turning around and leaning back on the table

"About 12 hr drive" Jason says as he starts looking around

"With your driving yeah" James says sarcastically

Wow i didn't realise it was that far away

"So your happy here" Jason says ignoring James comment

Am I happy here yea i think so, I've made some friends I guess thats a good start

"I've made a friend" I say with a sad smile

"She's a girl.. Kind of a rocky start but she's been nothing but nice to me" I say thinking about her as I walk back over to the table in front of them

"Is it the girl that brought you out on patrol and is now in a coma?" James says in tone as if he already doesn't like her

"Alpha west wasn't very forth coming with information so we grilled the guy on patrol that escorted us here .. Sean I think his name was" Jason says casually

I chuckle to myself as Ethan doesn't really elaborate on anything let alone to a beta and member of another pack

"Sean is cool I think he was lucky to make it out alive from what I was told" I say looking at the table thinking back to what Timmy said

"Pretty serious Mia how many rouges were there?" He says seriously

I take a deep breath as the events of that night come flooding back into my head

"There were two ..to start with.. Sean took the larger one but he wasn't the strongest .. I could tell..it was so obvious to me..Chloe's on the ground.. She wasn't moving.. Sean, Sean was gone? and Timmy he was pinned he couldn't fight that wolf off him.." I say slowly as it all comes in too fast

"Before I know it I'm moving towards Timmy I knock the wolf off him.. He didn't know I was there.. He goes for me but not before showing me where his weak spot is... I was so lucky it was so fast i just barely saw it.. I got him down and Timmy killed him.." I say taking another deep breath as I feel the light in the room go dull

"Before we know it there are 5 more rogues approaching us.. Timmy he would have taken his last breath protecting me i.. felt it..but I knew we were done" I say glancing up to them both

"But your here now" Jason says sadly

"your safe it's ok" James says reaching over and taking my hand

I didn't realise I was crying as I feel the warm tears fall down my cheeks

"Ethan" I say with a smile appearing on my lips

"They felt him.. stopped them dead in there tracks.. I think he killed them" I say frowning as I don't actually know what happened

"One got away"

We all snap our heads to the door where Ethan's standing there calmly watching us but I can tell he's standing stiff. His face is holding no emotion as I look into his dark brown eyes

"You really need to teach me how you do that" I say smiling as I wipe the tears from my face suddenly feeling happier that's he's back

He gives me a smirk before he turns to Jason and my brother

"If you boys have time I would like to talk to you both in private?" Ethan says as he takes a few steps closer to our gathering at the table

I look to James as I see him looking suspiciously at him before nodding his head.

Jason does a weird look probably from being called a boy, I mentally laugh to myself

"Well than if your finished here would you both accompany me to my office?"

What they just got here?

James than stands from his chair and heads around the table picking me up in another hug

"I'm happy your ok" he says leaning down giving me a kiss on my forehead

"Hows Rihanna" I ask as he steps back from me

He smiles sweetly

"she's good she's now officially a member of midnight blue" he says proudly

"Wow that didn't take long" I roll my eyes looking at him with a smile

"I'm surprised that you weren't marked on the car ride here" James mind links me with a smirk

My cheeks heat up as I look back at him shocked that he would even say that

"have you seen my mate?" I mind link back with my eyebrows raised

We both look at Jason as his voice comes loud in my head

"guys a little obvious you two are having a secret conversation, care to share?" Jason mind links sounding annoyed

Ethan clears his throat as he looks in-between us all not showing anything through his expression but I can tell he's annoyed

Jason suddenly chuckles out loud and I narrow my eyes to James

"What" James says holding his smile back

There's a loud growl as we all look to Ethan as the room begins to darken and his eyes are a shade darker than usual. He looks uncomfortable and I can tell he's fighting against bringing out that deathly feel that I am way too familiar with

"Sorry" I say looking to the ground

Of course he would find that as disrespectful, I guess in a way it was. I frown to myself as I feel bad for keeping that from him. Why would I feel bad it's not like he has to know absolutely everything, he sure as hell doesn't tell me everything

"If your all quite done here it's time to sought out some business" Ethan says turning and heading back to the front door

We all stand and follow him to the door as he opens it and walks out

Ethan stops suddenly as does James and Jason as they look up to him confused at the sudden change

He turns slowly as his hand comes up and rubs his face looking at the ground before his eyes snap to me

"Mia your staying here, Sean will be round shortly" he says looking uncomfortable

What! I'm not staying here they just got here and what little time they have left he thinks he can just take them? No way

"I'm coming whether you like it or not" I say suddenly feeling a boost of confidence

He narrows his eyes to me as the shift in the air goes thin

"No" I say firmly staring back at him

He's not going to scare me into backing down and sitting in this house while they go off without me

"This is my family any business you have with them I want to know too" I say not backing down

I feel my anger rise at the fact he's constantly leaving me out of the loop

I glance to James and Jason remembering there here as I see a worried look from Jason and James frowning at me

Probably at the the slight dark aura now appearing around us

I look back to Ethan as his eyes are still brown as he steps closer to me at the same time the others step back

What ever confidence I had has now vanished as I feel they know something that I don't

"Mia calm down" Ethan says bringing me into a hug

His voice sounded pained as his touch lights up my body and I suddenly feel relaxed. What the hell is going on

He releases me as his hand takes mine and turns without another word and pulls me along with him as the others follow.

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