Bad Habit - Brett Talbot

By lolcallycal

136K 3K 874

Some people bring out the best of you. Some people bring out the worst. Some even bring out both. But some pe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19

Chapter 3

11.4K 259 148
By lolcallycal


There's this cold metal sticking on my back and it's annoying the fuck out of me. You know what's even worse? I reckon I'm in my bra and undies. Wait, I'm not dead right? I better not be dead. There are so many things I still need to do. Learn how to cook a omlette or even learn how to do the washing! Or kiss Brett Talbot. The things I would do to him...

"When's Belle going to wake up?" Is that Stiles.

"I'm not to sure, she got three times as much doses of Wolfsbane and she was stabbed three times meaning a lot of blood vessels were cut open" Deaton explains, oh shit I'm going to die. "She didn't heal because of the wolfsbane and now that it is hopefully all out she can start healing but we might have waited to long to cut her open." A silence fills the room. "There is a chance she won't wake up." Oh my gosh. I'm going to die. I don't want to die.

"This is all my fault." Hold on, was that Brett? Oh my gosh, I think I'm naked. I don't have a flat stomach and my thighs are probably the size of Africa at the moment. My heart just broke into a million pieces. Who cares about my stomach and thighs, Brett thinks this is his fault!

"Did you see that!" Mailia exclaims.

"What?" Lydia asks. I begin to feel strength and movement through my body. It starts with my fingers, they begin to wriggle, then my toes begin to stir, my eyelids start to flutter open. Everyone was standing around me, Stiles had tear stains on his cheeks.

"I swear to God if I'm naked I'm going to slit someone's throat" I grumble, Stiles bends down and hugs me.

"I didn't think you were going to make it" He whispers.

"Well I'm back" I laugh squeezing him softly. Stiles smiles into my neck making me grin slightly. "Can I go now? I'm hungry."

"Yes, but I would like to see you both after school tomorrow to make sure you are alright." Deaton instructs us, I nod my head. "Especially you Belle."

"Okay, thanks Deaton" I get up from the table and walk over to him. "You are my hero" We both laugh. Everyone says goodbye and we begin to walk out. I turn my head and see Brett on his phone behind us. "I need to talk to Brett." I quickly state to Stiles and run over to Brett. "Hey dick-hole."

"Ass-face" Brett grins looking up.

"I heard you when you said this is all your fault. I just wanted to let you know that this isn't your fault so don't go blaming yourself" I laugh hitting him playfully on the arm. Brett nods. "Well see ya bro."

"Later gator."



It' the morning after I was stabbed three times. That sounds pretty cool but I'm actually still sore. Last night Stiles allowed me to stay at his house since my parents are total wack jobs so it's nice not to have to wake up to my Mother's squeaky voice.

"Belle?" Stiles voice says softly as he peaks his head through the door. I loo over to him. "How are you feeling?" He walks over to the bed and sits on the side of it.

"Alright considering I was just stabbed three times with wolfsbane last night." Stiles shakes his head with a small smile.

"So are you going to go to school today?" He asks with genuine concern in his eye which is nice to see after everything that has been happening at home.

"Yeah" I nod my head ", I'm already failing I don't want to get to behind!" A laugh escapes my lips to try and cover the disappointment in myself.

"Okay, well I'm leaving in about a half and hour if you still want to come" Stiles says before exiting the room. I sigh in anger. If I didn't say yes to Stiles to go out to find a dead body I wouldn't be like this. I quickly shake my head, the anger towards Stiles stops and turns to me for thinking such a awful thing like that. If I didn't say yes I wouldn't have met these people who have saved my life more than once.

"And it begins."


"So how are you feeling now?" Stiles asks me as Scott, Stiles, Malia and I drive to the Vet.

"Exactly the same as I felt when you asked me five minuted ago!" I groan in response. Stiles has probably asked me how I am 83 times today and we've probably spent up to two hours together today. Malia giggles at my response.

"Well I'm sorry for being a concerned friend!" When we arrive at the Vet Brett is just getting out of his car. I'm not going to lie, Stiles car looks like a pile of poo compared to Brett's! Malia and I climb over the front seats once Stiles and Scott gets out of the car. Stiles and Brett exchange glares as we make our way through the front door of the Vet. Deaton was standing in the foyer waiting for us as he looks through a book.

"Brett, Belle, how are you feeling?" Deaton asks, looking at us.

"Fine" We both say at the exact same time. We both look at each other with surprised faces. Everyone follows Deaton into the room where I almost died yesterday, Brett and I take our seats on the metal table.

"Felt weak or like you are going to throw up?" Asked Deaton as he shuffled through drawers to find the correct equipment to check us out with.

"No." Brett replied.

"This morning my legs and stomach area hurt but it isn't as bad now." Deaton nods his head as he drops everything on the part of the table next to me.

"That would be because you had two more doses than Brett."


"Well everything is completely fine for the both of you" Deaton begins. "You both won't be needed to come for a check up tomorrow." I silently cheer in my head with a small smile on my face. I hate being poked at and having a paddle-pop stick in my mouth. "Okay well I'll see you next time when our paths collide." Deaton always says smart things, it's to the point where it's weird. We say our goodbye's and walk out of the building.

"Later Snob head!" I shout out to Brett with a smile on my face.

"What ever skank!" Brett shouts back with a grin on his face before he gets in his car. I turn my attention back on getting to the car but as soon as I take a step forward I run into someone.

"He so likes you" I look up and see Malia standing there with a smirk and her arms crossed. A laugh escapes my lips.

"No way," I roll my eyes as we start walking to the run down jeep. "He goes to snobby prep, he's a cocky douche bag and he has a terrible personality. It wouldn't happen even if he did like me." I can't help but wonder if Malia is right? What if Brett does have some sort of attraction to me? Other than sexual, because Davenford Prep boys only think with their dick.

"Sure, sure. When you two do get together you owe me five bucks" Malia waltzes past me with the smirk still on her face. I smile and playfully shake my head and run to get in the car.


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