My Obsessive Stalker (werewol...

By jamilah1125

398K 12.1K 1.2K

UNEDITED/poorly written when I was younger (needs severe editing) "Becky, I'm scared! Someone's following me... More

All Rights Reserved & Other Info
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
New story!!!
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Everything's Lost!!!
Chaper 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
IMPORTANT A/N- Impacts You!
Chapter 30
A/N You Guys Voted For Option.....
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Important A/N-Wattpad Glitch!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 16

8K 260 5
By jamilah1125

(Katherine's POV)

A inhale deeply and then exhale through my mouth as I finish another lap around the field.

A had one more lap before I finish my run.

I knew I was slowing down as I kept going and wasn't at my best, but who could blame me. I was up all night yesterday thinking about everything that has happened; thinking about my friends; thinking about my whole life; thinking about my parents and what they'd tell me to do, and thinking about what I should do.

It's been a week since the text and since then everything had been slowly going down hill.

I could even tell that most of my teachers had noticed something was wrong too.

At one point my history teacher called me over after class ended and asked if I was okay.

I didn't blame her for thinking I wasn't.

My skin was paler than usual; my eyes looked duller; my hair didn't have that silky shine to it and my face would always look pale. My grades were also slipping from an average of A+ to B-.

That may no seem like a big thing but it is.

Every assignment and essay I do I always get an A+, and by always I mean always.

It is never below that and everyone in the school know that, including all teachers and students.

Not only that, every time I walk around school everyone stares at me with worried eyes.

I was one of those people that smiled at everyone as I walked down the hallways and greeted them, and in return they would greet me too with a smile mirroring mine.

But now...I walk down the school with my pale face and my eyes showing no emotion whats so ever even when I give a smile to people, in a way reassuring them that I'm okay and just having a bad week.

Everyone seemed to understand and gave me some space but now they just look at me with frowns, as if I would never be myself again...and it's probably true.

I let out a breath as I finish the lap.

From the corner of my eye I see coach jogging up to me with a small frown on her face.

"Katherine, are you sure you're okay?" She asked a little worried.

"I'd told you before coach, I'm fine. Why?" I asked a little confused she asked again.

She had asked before the run as I looked pale (no surprise there).

He lips pressed together in a thin line.

"Well, you're the last one off the track when usually you're the first. You're time is 10min 10seconds, when before it was 5min 37seconds. I've also talked to some other teachers and they've said your grades are slipping too. Add all of that to the fact that you've seemed to lose a lot of weight, you don't eat lunch at school anymore, how you look pale and how you seem to have bags under your eyes...Katherine, I'm going to ask again: Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again, her voice firm yet I could see her eyes held worry.

At this point I was speechless. I mean, I knew my grades were slipping and I had promised myself to try harder and I haven't had much of an appetite these last couple of weeks since winter break, but what I didn't know is that I had lost a lot of weight.

I mean, sure I look paler and my clothes ha gone a little baggier but I'm pretty sure I didn't lose that much weight right?

I tried giving her a smile to show her I was okay before speaking.

"I assure you coach, I'm absolutely fine. I'm just...a little disorganised at the moment which explains my grades and I've been going to sleep late. I'm trying to get back on track and I assure you I will be back to normal by next week," I give her another smile.

She looks at me skeptically.She sighs before speaking again.

"Katherine. I need you to tell me the truth. Are you eating?" She asks with another sigh.

This question completely threw me off guard. I already knew the answer to that question but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't like the answer.

"Um, y-yeah. Yes, I am eating. I just don't like the school food anymore so I eat at home instead" I say with another smile trying to reassure her although I was lying.

She looks at me, studying my face before nodding reluctantly.

"Okay. But I want you back to yourself by the end of next week and that means getting your grades back up, getting some colour in your cheeks and putting on some weight" she says, saying the last part with a stern look.

I merely nodded my head before she gave me a small smile and told me I could go change.

I walk into the changing room letting out a breath. I sighed realising I was the last one to get changed.

After I had gotten changed into my clothes, which consisted of tracksuit bottoms with a matching tank top and hoodie, I walked out of the changing room and made my way out of the school.

As I walked to my car I saw Becky, Bethany and Ruby standing near it along with their guys Jay, Sebastian and Ronnie.

"Um hey guys..." I say my eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.

'Why are they here?'

Before anyone said anything Ruby engulfed me in a hug.

I hugged her back after it took me a couple of minutes to process what had happened.

She hugged me so fast that I didn't even see her walk over to me.

"Are you okay Ruby?" I asked worried.

She pulls away giving me the 'are-you-serous look'.

"Am I okay!? Kath we should be asking you that. Have you seen what state you're in?" She asked worriedly searching my face.

You could see she was worried just by looking in her eyes.

I looked over at the others and they all had the same look in their eyes.

I felt guilty for making them feel this way.

"Guys I'm fine. Really" I say more to myself then them.

They all still look at me worried before Ronnie, Ruby's boyfriend, starts to speak.

"If you say so but we all know something's bothering you. So, we decided the girls are coming over to your place for a girls night but they'll be staying for the whole weekend" he explained a small smile gracing his lips but the worry still in his eyes.

I was going to protest that I was completely fine and they didn't need to do that but Sebastian, Bethany's boyfriend, spoke before I could.

"No. You are going to except the fact they will be staying in your house for the weekend for that girls night and that's final Kath."

I started contemplating in my head. I did need a girls night and it's been so long since we've had one. Plus it'll make me feel normal.

"Plus, I need to look at your closet and see what we need to throw out. We haven't gone shopping together in forever and I'm pretty sure your clothes are so last season Kath!" Bethany exclaimed over dramatically, making me giggle.

I shook my head at her. She always somehow made nearly every conversation to do with clothes.

I looked up at all of them and saw them staring down at me with a little gleam in their eyes.

"What?" I asked self consciously as they continued to smile at me.

"Nothing. It's's nice to here you laugh again" Jay explained, shrugging, still smiling at me.

I looked down at the ground.

I felt so guilty for making them worry about me.

But, I am going to change that. I'm going to show them I'm okay.

I look up at them before speaking.

"So," I say crossing my arms over my chest, "when you girls coming over?"

With those words the girls all squealed and the boys laughed at their girlfriends' excitement.

Becky then walked over to me and hugged me tightly, in which I returned the hug.

We pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Were coming over right now."

With that we said goodbye to each other and went into our separate cars so we could go to my house.

'Maybe, finally, I can do something normal.'


This chapter is longer than the previous ones and I hope you guys liked it.

We are slowly reaching the end of the story but it's not the end just yet so there will be updates.

I'll have another one up as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading!




Jamilah1125 xx

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