Sarah Montana Living In The B...

By Cellienda

1.4M 10.7K 991

Krystal Hayden, treated as an outcast in this rich school she doesn't even want to stay in, aren't like any o... More

Ch 1-2. Trapped Here
Ch 3. He Applied Me As Him?!
Ch 4. The First Day
Ch 5. That's Not My Image
Ch 6. Embarrassing Or What?
Ch 7. First Text
Ch 8. Exposed
Ch 9. Don't Trust Anyone
Ch 10. Back At Home As Wrong Person
Ch 11. I'll Tell The Secret
Ch 12. Gotta Save Him
Ch 13. The High Lestér
Ch 14. D For Dangerous And A For Aware
Ch 15. Lost On The Stage
Ch 16. Influence And Money
Ch 17. I Can Fill Up 10 Buckets With Tears
Ch 18. Just Run Away~
Ch 19. New And Known
Ch 20. Three Looks And She Found Out
Ch 21. Slave, Smack, And Boom.
Ch 22. So Not Party Like A Rockstar
Ch 23. Odd Feelings
Ch 24. Girl's Day
Ch 25. Suffer With Him
Ch 26. Captured Heart?
Ch 27. Someone Unexpected At Home
Ch 28. They're Not Even Done
Ch 29. No Way Out Of This
Ch 30. Just Tell Them Then
Ch 31. Some People Still Have Their Hearts Left
Ch 32. Rush Hour 15
Ch 33. Just Hope It Lands On A Good Person
Ch 34. A Plan
Ch 35. Past Stuff
Ch 36. Ice Cream Act
Ch 37. Work Hard, Get More
Ch 38. Indeed, Uhuh, Oh Yeah
Ch 39. Let's Act Out
Ch 41. Preparing
Ch 42. Performance
Ch 43. Taking On A Role
Ch 44. Fall For The Criminal
Ch 45. Final Blow
Ch 46. Misunderstanding
Ch 47. Trying To Tell Her
Ch 48. The Truth Behind Those Two
Ch 49. Not Ready Right?
Ch 50. Like Father, Like Daughter
Ch 51. Just The Start
Ch 52. It Has Begun
Ch 53. Planning It Out
Ch 54. A New Person
Ch 55. Distraction and Concentration
Ch 56. Chest Up, Make It Different!
Ch 57. Maybe Not As We Thought
Ch 58. Lights Everywhere
Ch 59. Sob Rules
Ch 60. Moments Of Family
Ch 61. Bad Boy
Ch 62. Filming On
Ch 63. Mind Drift
Ch 64. Could This Be A Date?
Ch 65. Kiss Interruption And Unknown Feelings
Ch 66. After Panic
Ch 67. Someone New
Ch 68. Interest Crash
Ch 69. Nowhere To Be Found
Ch 70. No Knowledge, But Does It Matter?
Ch 71. Say My Name
Ch 72. Reaction
Ch 73. Hunt For A Dress
Ch 74. The Color Search
Ch 75.The Meadow
Ch 76. The Last Scene
Ch 77. Invading Me
Ch 78. Sudden Fire
Ch 79. Heaven Or Hell Doesn't Matter
Ch 80. The Art Of Losing And Accepting
Ch 81. Runaway?
Ch 82. Misunderstanding
Ch 83. False
Ch 84. Lost Control
Ch 85. Important Existence
Ch 86. Confused Along With Happiness
Ch 87. Closing My Eyes (Part 1)
Ch 88. Closing My Eyes (Part 2)
Ch 89. Nails In My Head
Ch 90. That Guy
Ch 91. Could This Be The End?
Ch 92. Get Me Out Of This World
Ch 93. Forgive Me
Ch 94. Nothing To Understand
Ch 95. Tracked
Ch 96. In Place
Ch 97. My Everything
Ch 98. Can't Get Any Better [The End]
Special Chapter
I Want More Than That

Ch 40. I Forgive You

13.6K 119 21
By Cellienda


"What are you doing here?!" I roared with my allies behind me growling like hungry wolves. He had that grin plastered on his face as usual and it really annoyed me.

"Oh stop it honey." he said and tried to hug me but at that attempt I pushed him off. He didn't seem surprised of my actions. "I'l tell..." he whispered into my ear. I shivered and he knew it.

"In my fucking ass!" I growled. He seemed dissatisfied and grabbed my arm with great strenght.

"You fucking listen now." I looked at the press outside that tried getting through the guards and snap pictures at this. I can't risk to have them get a photo of this.

"What's up?" Darrén popped in as dense as always, not noticing that we were having a serious bad atmosphere.

"Stay out of this!" I yelled and he didn't seem happy to hear those words. He saw my backup and asked Emíne.

"What's happening here?" he said with a serious face I've never seen before.

"Just your stupid 'friend' is happening." she said with fury and clenched her teeth. Then suddenly mom stepped in. She walked to Dan and he was actually scared of her glare.

"What's your name? I recognise you..." He laughed.

"What old hag? You're planning to use a voodoo doll against me?" he said, looking away. Yes, my mom's glare is that scary.

"Dan Clast." I growled. "You fucking-" I roared but mom stopped me. She smiled at me.

"Let me take care of this."

"But it's my problem you don't need to-"

"Dan Clast... How is your mom?" she asked. He seemed really frightened of her right now. What is she doing?!


"Hmm... Amy Hayden." He gasped. Before he could ask she answered him. "That much I know... I guess she was right when she said you were a douchebag son." She walked around Dan in circles all playfully while we all others just stand there as audience.

"How do you know-?!"

"Maybe because... I'M HER FUCKING BEST FRIEND!" She pointed at me. "AND THE ONE YOU'RE FORCING TO DATE YOU IS MY DAUGHTER!" Now he looked like he was doing to die soon. Mom snapped.


I was amazed of mom's fury. We wanted to create a whole new picture but the truth is that my mom's friend has a whole pile of it. It's like a detour.

I noticed that once again, I was saved by mom. This woman is someone you don't want to mess with and I love that about her. I had to keep mom away from Dan so that she wouldn't hit him. But I still couldn't stop laughing at this matter. How funny.

But I still can't believe that I'm somehow related to this douchebag...

"What happened between you and Dan?" his voice said. He was clueless and I didn't even get why he was friends with Dan.

"He threatened me." I sang. His eyes widened and I faintly heard him crack his fist and neck. He took some steps away from me looking at Dan. Even though I already knew I still asked him.

"Where are you going?!" I managed to grab his sleeve.

"To beat him up isn't it obvious?" Well yes it is, but mom has beaten him up enough already. "Just tell me whatever you want me to do with him and I'll do so." He stretched his arms, ready to take him down.

"I-It's fine Darrén!" I said and tried to pull him back. His strenght was huge and I even ripped his shirt when refusing to let go. "S-Sorry..." I said.

"It's nothing, I'll just buy a new one."

"I'll pay for it, but please don't fight him it's fine!" He shook his head and headed there. "As you can see, my mom has already taken him down mentally!" I chuckled. He smiled.

"Are you sure?" I nodded. "You know that this opportunity won't come back?"

"If it won't come back then I don't know..." I hesitated jokingly. He wore a confused expression, not getting my point. "Whatever it's fine, if I want someone to hit him in future I'll send Emíne on him."

"Now." mom demanded.

"What are you going to do old hag?" he said and refused.

"GET YOUR ASS IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTER WHILE YOU KNEEL AND APOLOGISE!" That scared him off down the floor. He kneeled as ordered and gave me a pitiful 'sorry'.

"Oh I don't know..." I said twirling my hair. "Kiss my foot too." I demanded and reached up my foot. He hesitated and grabbed it. When he was just about to do it I yanked it away. I leaned down hugging my legs that curled up.

"Just kidding." I said and smiled. I reached my hand to him. "I wouldn't do something like that. Now stand up." He took my hand and got up. He acted so indifferent. He acted as if he saw a whole different side. I smiled at him. He must have his reasons so why make  living hell out of his life? Well it's easy since I can only make him live with my mom.

I forgive him because he understands me now(I think?) and I'm not the type that holds a grudge.

He couldn't stop looking at me and I thought it was embarrassing. Excuse me for being considerate but can you please stop staring, I wanted to tell him. I walked to Emíne.

"So you are the snitcher?" I fakesmiled and she fell into defencemode.

"Uh... Thought it would be a good idea since... Um... Indeed!" she tried to shut me up and push away the topic.


"Oh yeah."

"Oh stop that!" I yelled. "You know that it comes by itself when I hear that!" I chuckled, trying not to laugh it out. But she did and infected me as well.

"But it all worked out so..."

"Yeah somehow..." I told her. But these two times my secret have been spilled I've only been having luck. When the press gets rough and they start to investigate into my life I don't know what might happen. I can't rely on fate bringing me luck and fixing everything. This time we won because he's actually related to me. But what if there's someone else, just like him without any ties?

Emíne pushed me to wake me up from my thoughts. She looked at me with a hurting smile and I knew that she had read what was on my minds.

"Don't worry. Because we're all with you. Even though they don't know a thing about it they still are on your side." That is really wise words isn't it? A first that it's coming out from Emíne, the rebellious cute guycatcher.

"At least I know that you're with me..." I said as I sidehugged her.

But I still can't stop worrying. But what's the most weird thing is that the biggest thing I fear is that Darrén finds out. 'Let the whole world know just not Darrén' I had thought some seconds ago. Why is that? I trust him with my whole heart but why won't I hand him my secret then?

"I want to see your school!" mom shrieked when she let off Dan's sleeve. We all entered Darrén's limo and it drove off to school. Mom was so excited while everyone else were a bit gloomy. I kind of feel bad because it feels like I just infected everyone into this gloomymode.

"I haven't been to your school for 6 years!" she said and looked out the window all the time to see if we had arrived yet. I didn't answer because I knew she was so happy that she wouldn't notice it.

My neck burned and I felt someone watching me. I turned my face, seeing Dan looking at me as if I were an alien.


He looked away embarrassed. This guy actually blushed! Wow that was cute. I smiled at him and it got worse. Ohohoh I'm having fun.

The car stopped. There my fun ended. I stepped out of the car and looked out to the big school. It looked a bit creepy since it was night right now and it kind of looked like the Harry Potter building but bigger. We went in and the guards stopped us.

"Who might you be? they asked Dan and mom.

"I'm from South Creket." he answered and showed a school ID card. Mom smiled he angelsmile and the guards melted when they saw it.

"I'm Chris Hayden's mother." she answered and made a gesture to Chris. They let us in and we went to the big field.

It was quiet and awkward.

"So why did you come?" mom asked me.

"I was going to practise a bit to the performane in 2 days." I responsed. It was a halflikely answer because I did plan to do it but still didn't since it was halfly used as an excuse to get in. She gazed at Darrén when he didn't see it and made funny faces. I nodded. Everyone with me here knows about my secret. And Darrén is the only one who doesn't know. I kind of feel sorry for him.

"Sarah." Dan said from nowhere. I looked at him and smiled.


"Come with me for a second." I followed him and noticed Emíne holding off Darrén because he thought that Dan was going to do something. We slowly walked to the big three and sat down. They could see us but couldn't hear us.

"What is it?"

"Uh..." he said and looked away. I waited for him when he was ready to answer because I'm not the type that keeps pushing someone.

"Go out with me."



sooo ... now i just want to say that I'm updating slower because lately(as I said last time I updated) i don't enjoy writing. The reason? no idea but might be because I was on the 180# on the humor list but fell down and it was hard to keep the position if I wasn't up late at night for hours, spamming the club to read this. Just tiring.

so please... bare with me? :)

This ended up exactly like my other stories, I have great passion for writing in the beginning but it just fade away while I'm on it. Thanks for the support:)


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