Monster Academy [ EXO fanfic ]

By creepychii

93.8K 4K 1.1K

For as long as you could remember, you have lived a fairly normal [and boring] life. But nothing could have p... More

1 : The Girl in the Mirror
2 : Revelations
3 : M Academy
4 : The Chairman
5 : Crazy Night
6 : Duizhang
7 : Fishy Roommate
8 : First Day
9 : Catch That Star!
11 : The Fox on the Rooftop
12 : Special Seatmate
13 : Lunching Together
14 : On Teachers' Nerves
15 : Not So Normal Wednesday
16: Not So Normal Wednesday 2
17: T. G. I. F.
18: Monster Stuff
19: The Angel and the Devil
20: Monster in the Water
21: Special Seatmate 2
22: Wanted: Manager
23: Secret Mission
24: Overnight
25: Suho's Birthday Surprise
26: After Party
27: After Party 2
28: Hangover
29: Chaos in the Court
30: Warning
31: A Long Day
32: Interrogation
33: Dead End
34: Saying Goodbye
35: The Final Verdict
36: Cafeteria Drama

10 : Locker Room Myhem

3.1K 169 30
By creepychii

"This must be my lucky day," you heard someone say behind you.

You turned around to see Xiumin grinning widely at you. You heard the students outside give a loud cheer.

"Sorry about this, but that pin's mine," he said as he swiftly dashed towards you.


You dodged him in time and you positioned yourself behind a desk.

"Wow you're fast," he remarked while snapping his head from side to side. "I like fast preys. But I'm faster."

He suddenly lunged towards you. You instinctively shoved the desk towards him but he easily avoided it. You glanced at his wrist and saw that he was wearing his limiter.

How is he so fast?

He suddenly reached for the pin on your chest but you were able to step back just in time, helplessly pinning yourself against the door.

"Game over," Xiumin smirked. But before he could even touch you, the school bell rang, signifying the end of lunch break.

"WHAAAT?! And I was this close," he exasperated.

You gave a loud sigh and fell to the floor.

"Ya, you okay?" Xiumin asked in alarm.

"Yeah, just exhausted," you said.

"And there goes our bell. Too bad nobody caught our target. She's very impressive don't you think? Well then, everyone, please go back to class. We will continue this exciting event after all classes have ended. Have a great afternoon!"


You headed to your classroom. Ji Min was waiting by the door.

"Joo Ri-ya! Come here. Let's take that off," she said as she tried to take off the pin but it wouldn't come off.

"Maybe it only works during the event," you sighed in defeat.

"Sorry I can't do anything to help you," she told you.

"No, you don't have to apologize for anything. Thanks Ji Min-ah."

"I'll see you after class, okay?" She said and headed to her classroom.

You went back to class, looking so haggard from all the sweat and your tired-looking face. Some of your female classmates laughed when they saw you while some of your male classmates praised you for surviving the event.

"Wow, you're great Joo Ri! I didn't even think you would last five minutes," Chanyeol said while giving you a playful pat on the back.

"Are you okay?" Sehun asked.

What do you think? You scowled. He chuckled at your response.

"It's just for today and the day's almost over. Hang in there," he cheered.

"I didn't even get to enjoy my lunch," you slumped on your desk.

Your world history teacher came in which made everyone return to their seats. The class turned very quiet. Even Chanyeol was behaving decently. You guessed he must be very strict or something. You went to him and gave him your class schedule. He looked at it without interest, signed it, and returned it back to you. You hurriedly went back to your seat. You were still sweating profusely. You took your handkerchief from your pocket and started wiping your sweat away. You were about to flip it open when you noticed that it wasn't yours. It was the handkerchief that Kris gave you.

Oh shoot! I must've taken the wrong handkerchief out of haste this morning!

"Your books to page ninety-seven," your teacher instructed. "Song Joo Ri, share with Wu Yi Fan's book."

"Sir?" You questioned, having no idea who's the Wu Yi Fan he was talking about.

"Wu Kris," he restated in a way that made you feel stupid.

"A-ah, yes sir," you stuttered. You were about to place Kris' handkerchief back on your pocket.

"What are you still doing? Move your desk and do it quickly. Don't let the whole class wait for you," he impatiently said.

"Y-yes, sir," you answered in a panic. You immediately stood up and moved your desk to adjoin Kris'.

"The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century," he started reading even though you were not done yet.

You put your desk down and accidentally dropped the handkerchief when you sat down. You rushed to pick it up but Kris beat you to it. He paused when he saw that it was his. He stared at his sweat-drenched handkerchief then at you.

"Sorry I'll clean it again," you yelped as you swiftly grabbed the handkerchief from him.

"Song Joo Ri, is there something you want to share to the rest of the class?" Your teacher inquired sternly.

"Uhm, no sir," you nervously answered.

"Nobody talks while I'm talking," he said to the whole class though you know he was particularly aiming it at you. He went back to reading the textbook. You silently groaned in your seat.

I hate this day!

Kris shoved the book closer to you. You looked up at him. His eyes were fixed on the texts in the book and he acted as though nothing happened. You groaned again and prayed that the day would end fast.

Hell period finally ended. Everyone gave a sigh and did a stretch as though they have just finished a very tiring day. You moved your desk back and slumped on your seat.

"Don't mind that grumpy old troll," Chanyeol told you.

"I hate him," you said.

"That makes all of us," Sehun said.

"I can't wait for classes to end. I'm definitely getting that pin," Chanyeol said and pointed at the pin on your chest.

"Ya! Leave me alone!" You told him.

"Sorry Joo Ri, but a new phone and a month of cleaning duties exemption is too hard to ignore," he shrugged. You glared daggers at him, then at Sehun.

"I'm not joining!" Sehun said.

The rest of your afternoon classes went smoothly, and you were thankful that your other teachers weren't half as bad as your history teacher. The bell finally rang. You stood from your seat and immediately, all eyes were on you. Chanyeol suddenly grabbed you by the arm. He pinned your back against his chest and encircled his long arms around your shoulders.

"Ya!" You exclaimed.

"Sorry guys, but she's mine," he said to the rest of your classmates.

"The signal's not even given yet you cheater! Let me go," you told him.

"I don't care. I'm not letting anyone else have you," he casually said.

"At least rephrase your sentences. Geez," you muttered as the girls in your class were throwing knives at you with their eyes.

"Alright!" Came Suho's voice from the speakers. "Classes have finally ended. But before everyone gets too excited, nobody moves! To make this event fair and square to our target and to those who do not belong to her class, we are giving her a one minute head start!"

"Wait, what?! Hyung, no!" Chanyeol wailed at the speakers as though Suho would hear him.

"No one is allowed to touch her or follow her during this one minute. Song Joo Ri-sshi, you can go wherever you want, but you are not allowed to go out of the campus or we will automatically forfeit your chances of winning. We will start after our one minute countdown. You have thirty minutes to retrieve her pin and bring it to our office. Good luck everyone!"

"Damn," Chanyeol muttered and finally let you go.

"Good luck," Sehun told you.

"I'll still get you. You better not let someone else catch you," Chanyeol said.

"The countdown starts.....NOW!"

You immediately ran out of your room all the way to the first floor.

Damn! Why does this school have to be so big?!

"...thirty seven...thirty six...thirty four..."

"YA!" You shouted.

"...Ooops, sorry. I meant thirty five. Now we're on to thirty one...thirty!"

"Shoot!" You muttered. You were finally out of the building. You stared at the many buildings around you, wondering where to go. The school grounds looked as wide as the ocean to you at the moment. You doubt you would make it to the other buildings and hide in time. The other students were watching you from the class room windows.

"...twenty six...twenty five..."

Your eyes fixed on the path leading to the back of the school. You made a dash for it and found yourself in the school's enormous track and field.

Crap! Now where do I go?


Without enough time to think, you went inside the nearest building you saw. You gasped when you saw that it was a locker room – men's locker room.


It was already too late for you to come out and search for another place. You saw another door leading to the back of the locker room. Unfortunately, it was locked. You frantically searched for a place to hide but you found none.


You found an unlocked locker and eased yourself inside its little space.

" Everybody, catch that star!"

After a while, you heard voices outside the building. Most of the students saw you heading to the track and field and they were now looking for you there. You stood inside the locker in silence for you don't know how long until you heard the door open.

"Is she here?" You heard someone say. You peeked through the small gaps in the locker door and saw three guys searching around the room.

"Maybe she hid inside one of the lockers," another guy said, and they started searching for unlocked locker doors.

Crap! Please don't let them find me.

One guy stood directly at your door. He moved closer and you held your breath as he was about to open the door.

"What are you doing here?" An irritated voice rang from the entrance of the locker room.

"Sunbae-nim! We were just looking for the girl with the pin," one of the guys answered.

"This locker room is only for the members of the soccer team. You're not supposed to be here. Get out!"

"Sorry sunbae-nim," the three said in unison and scrambled out.

"Ya D. O., you were a little too harsh," another voice said, though he sounded pleased.

"They deserved it," D. O. answered.

"D. O. is always like that Chen. You should be used to it by now," a familiar voice said.

You peered through the gaps and saw Lu Han.

Oh, crap!

"But seriously, D. O., you should tone down that temper of yours a little," another familiar voice said, and you peeked to see Lay.

Double crap!

"Get changed everyone! I'll see you in the field in ten minutes," Xiumin said.

"Hyung, it's not even time for club activities yet," D. O. protested.

"So what? You're already here anyway," Xiumin answered. "Where are the others?"

"They're probably participating in the love event," Lu Han answered.

"Oh, well. As long as they don't come late," Xiumin said.

Your eyes almost bulged out of their sockets when they started taking off their clothes.


You turned your eyes away and stared down at your hands. You could feel your cheeks heating up for some reason.

Why did I end up being here?

"I almost caught her during lunch time. If it wasn't for that stupid bell," Xiumin said.

A figure stopped in front of your door and your eyes went wide when the door suddenly flew open. You found yourself face to face with a half-naked D. O.

"It's just not your lucky day –" D.O.'s eyes grew wide and his mouth hang open when he saw you inside. He just stood there like that for a good few seconds.

"Ya, D.O! What happened to you?" Lay asked.

Oh crap! Please don't let Lay see me.

You saw Lu Han appear beside D.O and his eyes also went wide when he saw you inside.

"Ya! What's happening in there?" Chen asked.

Lu Han smirked before immediately closing the door. "Nothing. D. O. forgot his practice clothes. Right D.O.-ya? Come I'll lend you mine. I brought extras."

Lu Han led D.O. away who had now turned stiff like a statue.

"Okay?" Chen doubtfully answered, and was about to take off his pants.

"Wait!" Lu Han interrupted.

"What?" Chen asked, confused.

"Since it's still early and the others are not here yet, why don't we grab some bubble tea at the café? It's on me," he offered.

"I'll gladly take that offer," Lay responded.

"Alright. But it's on you," Xiumin ensured.

"Yes, it's on me," Lu Han assured him.

Everyone put their uniforms back on and started heading out.

"You go on ahead while I get my wallet," Lu Han said, leaving only you, him, and the still shocked D.O. inside.

He opened the locker again and you stared at him nervously. He smirked.

"Everyone's gone now," he said.

You came out of the locker and gave a loud sigh.

"I'll open the backdoor for you," he said as he dangled the backdoor key in front of you. "There's a small path there leading to the main building."

"YA! What's going on here? And why were you inside my locker?!" D.O. finally reacted.

"Sorry. I was searching for a place to hide and yours was the only one left unlocked," you explained.

"Why would you hide in my locker?!"

"D.O., she's Song Joo Ri, the target for today's event. I would guess she ended up being here in a panic," Lu Han told him. He opened the door and turned to you. "Here."

"Thank you so much. And sorry for the trouble," you bowed.

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for free," he grinned.

"W-what do you mean?"

"You better go now before someone else comes in," he told you. You gave a frustrated sigh but did as he told you anyway.

"Oh, sorry D.O.-sshi," you said to D.O. and went out.

- - - - - - - - -

Lu Han closed the door behind you and turned to D.O. "Please keep this a secret between us."

D.O. still stared incredulously at him before finally answering. "You owe me."

"Thanks man," Lu Han said and patted his shoulder. "Let's go."

D.O. made sure to lock his locker properly before finally heading out with Lu Han.

"You know that girl?" D.O. asked him.

"Not really," he answered.

"Then why'd you help her?"

"Yeah. I wonder why," he said as a grin appeared on his handsome face.


Author's Notes

Thank you everyone for your comments and subscriptions~!!!You guys are awsome~!! ♥ 

By the way, I figured that their classroom seating arrangement might be a bit confusing to some,so i drew a picture to help you imagine things better.. ^__^.. it's not the whole room though...

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