The world against the two of...

By Howlester

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Meet Juliet Kensington, a noble. When her father leaves her for dead in the underground city she is taken in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14

chapter 9

286 13 1
By Howlester

Levis Pov

I can't believe I actually permitted these brats to wear nightclothes around the castle. Well, I guess its better than them wearing a new set of clothes, muckying them before bed. Meaning that there would be more washing and our cleaning supplies would be wasted.

I guess its not bad to actually wear comfortable clothes like this longer than usual. Im just wearing black pyjama pants and a white shirt. Shitty-glasses is wearing stupid pink pyjamas with a titan sewn to it. I cant believe she did that. I mean, I know she has a titan teddy that she made but even putting the dammned thing on clothes?!?

I'll never understand that woman.

Petra comes and sits next to me, wearing a pink tank top and white shorts. Ugh, she keeps trying to impress me. I wouldn't date her in a million years. Besides, I have my eye on another person.

"Everyones here now, what is it that you wanted to talk about captain?" Juliet enquires, her blue eyes shining

I didn't even see Oluo and Eld come in.

"Right. I have a new training regimen that we will follow from now on. You trainees can follow it with us for as long as your here. I'll get it out in a bit. Also, squad Levi have a mission coming up in a few weeks. I'll discuss it in better detail when I know more," I say, looking around at everyone

"I'll go make some tea," Juliet says and walks into the kitchen, is something wrong with her? She seems a little off suddenly.

"I'll go help her," Adrian offers and walks off

He must've picked up that she isn't acting like herself at the moment

After five minutes of Petra flirting with me and me ignoring her the two return. Juliet places the tray on the table and pours herself a drink.

"Captain, do you want me to pour you a drink?" She asks in a monotone voice

"Yeah" I reply

She pours a drink and starts to walk towards me. She seems to subtly check if anyone is looking besides me before slipping her spare hand in her pocket, she brings it out, her fist clenched. She switches the cup to her other hand and walks up to me. I give her a questioning glance. She places the cup on the table carefully. She then walks away without saying anything.

I look down at the cup and see the corner of a piece of paper stuck out from underneath the cup.

That was a smart move, I have taught her well.

I take the note and pull my chair closer under the table. I keep my right hand, holding the note on my knee. I reach for the cup with my left hand and take a sip, at the same time I unfold and read the note.

'I didn't want to say in front of the others so I reckoned this would be the best way to tell you. I don't know if anything will happen but- I have a really bad feeling. I feel like something bads going to happen tonight.'

Something bad?

3rd Persons Pov

Its 1am in the castle and everyone is sleeping soundly; they have been for about half an hour after a few hours of card games and ridiculous puns. Outside, everything was quiet, the horses were sleeping and even the birds had retired to rest. In the distance, three cadets were rushing towards the castle on their tired horses. Looks of panic spread on their faces.

Hangi was woken up from her nap on the table in the mess hall by fierce knocking on the door. She straightened her goggles and ran through the castle groggily to answer the door. She unlocked the bolts from the door and swung it open.

Once she'd been told the news and her orders, the cadets set off again and Hangi slammed the door behind her before she started to run up the stairs.

The first room she got to was Elds, she shook him awake and told him there was no time for him to get changed, she ordered him to pack a bag with casual clothes,and other necessities, wake Petra, Oluo, and Gunther up, and to tell them to pack a bag and meet at the horses immediately.

She then went to wake up Adrian, she told him to stay in his pyjamas and wake his three other friends up and pack. Beads of sweat started forming on Hangis head as she rushed to the corporals room.


"Im up. You go to get Eren and then go to the horses and I'll wake up Juliet," Levi says groggily and swings his legs over the side of his bed

He pulls on a jacket that was hanging over his chair and some black shoes. He picks up a backpack from under his bed and packs a few things.He then runs over to Juliets room and busts through the door. He discovers her already awake and sitting up in bed, face masking confusion.

"I'll explain later. Right now I need you to put on a jacket and your shoes. Pack a small bag aswell with some casual clothes and other stuff." Levi says in a soft tone and turns on her oil lamp

She nods and stands up, she quickly slips on her hoodie and some black shoes that were under her desk neatly. The corporal ties his shoelaces and zips up his jacket as the younger girl packs her bag. Levi nods at her when shes finished and they both run out of the room, down the stairs, through the backdoor, and to the horse stables outside.

At the horse stables, everyone was lined up outside, tiredness shown on their faces.

"Okay so heres the short version because we need to get going. Basically, three people at HQ have been killed. There is a risk that they may go after other survey corps members so we have to go to a safehouse. All survey corps members will be there. Its a half hour horse ride from here. Levi and I will lead the way. The thing is, there wont be much room there in the stables so we need to have one horse for two people... to save the fuss Levi will pair you up." Hangi explains in a rush

"Juliet, your with me. Oluo and Petra, Gunther and Eld, and Hangi and Eren, Adrian and Kyle, Steph and Michael," Levi says quickly and grips Juliets wrist, guiding her to his horse.

Everyone gets in their pairs and go onto their horses. They put their bags on the side of the horses. They set off into the night and after about five minutes they reach a road that when you look to either side, you get a beautiful view of the meadows. Levis and Hangis horse were up infront and the others horses were in a straight line behind them. The horses had been going really fast since they set off.

"Everyone, if we keep going at this pace the horses wont be able to last the entire journey, they're tired. Lets go at a slow pace for ten minutes and then in the whole we may even get there faster," Levi shouts

The horses slow down and everyone starts to talk to each other.

"I hope the guys are okay," Juliet says in a quiet voice

"If Mikasa and Armin have been hurt I swear I-" Eren says in an intimidating tone

"You will sit down and let the military police handle it," Levi says in an annoyed tone

"Coroporal Levi, what is this safehouse like?" Kyle asks

"I haven't been there in a few years. It was the second base of the survey corps. When everyone moved to a new base they decided to use it as a safehouse just in case something like this happened. The survey corps was a really small thing back then so theres not so many rooms but it should be enough for everybody. Mikes and Erwins squads go there often to store documents in" Levi explains

"Hows everyone holding up?" Hangi asks in a tired voice

"Im fine," Steph and Michael shout simultaneously

"Im tired," Oluo complains

"Im good," Petra says

"Im tired and Gunther has fallen asleep behind me," Eld says with a light chuckle

"I have a six foot manchild with his arms around me. I don't know how I feel" Adrian says and everyone (apart from Gunther and Levi laughs)

"Im tired" Eren says

"I want to sleep," Juliet says and yawns

"Go to sleep then. I have no issue with you falling asleep on me," Levi says and it takes everyone by surprise

"not the geese," Gunther mumbles in his sleep and everyone goes silent for a moment before nearly everyone bursts into laughter.

Juliet falls asleep snuggled into Levis back a few minutes later.

"Awww! Levi you should see Juliet, she looks so cute all cuddled up to you," Hangi gushes happily

-Twenty minutes later-

"How long until we get there?" Juliets sleepy voice rings out

"Oh, you're awake. 5 minutes and we'll be there. What woke you up?" Levi asks

"I don't know. I just sorta woke up," Juliet shrugs


"Ah! We're finally here!" Hangi says happily as everyone pulls into the stable

Everyone hops off of their horses, get their bags and run upto the large, run down looking building.

"Im glad you all got here safe, everyone only got here five minutes ago. Go to the mess hall... thats where everyone else is. Im going to explain everything there." Erwin greets at the front door before walking off quickly

"The mess hall is over here," Levi says and sighs "And if your wondering, this place is so clean because they have cleaners come in every few days to clean this place on the inside,"

Juliet then realises how spotless everything inside of the building was. When they reach the mess hall, Erwin is stood by the door, looking at some floor plans.

"Okay, Levi and Hangi go sit at the front table with Mike, and everyone else, go find the group of people who are in your year, they're all at separate tables. Trainees, go sit with Juliet and Erens year." He explains and the others nod

Juliets Pov

Everyone is in their pyjamas, even the commander! I spot Jeans stupid horse face from a large table in the corner and I guide Eren and the others over there. We walk through the multiple tables and then I sit down next to Sasha, my brother sitting across from me next to Christa and his three friends next to him. Eren sits next to me and everyone on the table looks at us.

"Eren! You're okay!" MIkasa says in a relived tone

"Well, I still have a chance with Juliet, its a good thing she didn't die." Jean jokes and I see Adrian shift uncomfortably in his seat

"Sorry mate, but I don't think shes into horses," Adrian says with a smirk and all of my friends laugh

"Hold on, you three don't look familiar," Reiner says with a soft glare

"Im Juliets boyfriend," Kyle boasts

He wishes.

I sigh and raise my eyebrow at the young boy.

"Wait, seriously?" Sasha says in disbelief

"These four are trainees who came to help in the survey corps for a week, they've been staying with the special ops squad," Eren explains

"Im Adrian, this is Kyle, Steph, and Michael" Adrian introduces

Everyone introduces themselves and we all go quiet.

Erwin calls for everyone's attention. I turn my eyes toward the small stage at the foot of the room where Erwin is stood.

"Thank to you all for your astounding co-operation. Tonight, we lost three survey corps members. Hurishowa Kendall, Tsukiyama Louise, and Jennifer Klein. They will be missed dearly." Erwin starts "And as for our current situation, the culprits have yet to be caught. And that means that headquarters is not safe for us to stay in. Even where the Levi squad stayed could potentially be in danger to an attack. And so, we will stay here for a couple of days in order for the waters to clear. As for the rooming situation, the sleeping quarters here are very different to the ones at HQ. There are much less rooms, but the rooms here are larger. I have arranged rooms for groups of 15 for a room. I have done this based on friendship groups that I have seen whilst on duty. I am sure you are all tired so wakeup call will be at eleven. There will not be any blankets or covers for about half an hour, someone is on their whay by carriage now to deliver some so please be patient. Levi, Hangi... do you have anything to say?"

"If you see anyone suspicious looking outside, wake up everyone in your room and find a superior immediately." Hangi says, her voice serious

"Dont make a mess," Levi says his voice low and stubborn, as always

I don't know what else I expected him to say.

"Right then, I've placed a map of the building and room lists on the far wall, as soon as you know where you're going, you can leave." Erwin finishes and steps down

Everyone from our table stands up and grabs their bags. I sigh and get out of my seat. I follow everyone over to the end of the room, where everyone was gathered. We may be here a while.

"Hey guys!" Petra says, walking over to us

"Hi Petra!" Eren says with a wide smile

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot captain Levi walking over to me. As he walks past me, he passes me a small note. I'll read it later in private. I shove the note in my hoodie pocket.

After about 5 minutes, most of the people have retired to their rooms and we get a clear look at the board. I look over all of the lists until I see my name. I wonder who im rooming with.

"Room M5:

Juliet Anastasia

Berhtoldt Huber

Reiner Braun

Sasha Braus

Connie Springer

Eren Jaeger

Armin Arlert

Mikasa Ackerman

Jean Kirschtein

Christa Lenz



Steph Bronson

Michael Godfrey

Kyle Covington"

Oh god, this is going to be interesting.

"I guess... we're all rooming together, huh" Sasha says and everyone hums in response

"Adrian... how come you don't have a last name on here?" Connie asks my brother.

Adrian just shrugs

"Okay, I know where our room is. Lets go," Eren says and starts to lead the way

Its really cold here. I mean, they haven't lit any fires yet in here and its freezing. My teeth are even starting to chatter, even though im wearing a thick hoodie. I rub my hands together in hope to generate some warmth.

"Cold?" Reiner asks and I nod
"Here," Adrian says and passes me his jacket.

"Wait- no! Its okay! Your going to be frozen without a jacket!" I protest

"Your tiny so you get colder than me, its fine. Just take it." He says with his award winning smile

"Hmph, thank you." I say and smile a little at him, shrugging the jacket over my shoulders, its so nice and warm!

"Woah Adrian, your such a gentleman," Sasha says with a smirk

Adrian takes my hand in his and holds it tight.

"Your hands are like ice," Adrian comments and laughs

We go up several flights of stairs until we reach a room on the top floor. The door labelled 'M5'. Eren opens the door and we all pile in.

Oh... I didn't expect the rooms to be like this.

The room is massive, and theres a door on the corner of the room, presumably a bathroom. Theres not any beds, just mattresses. They're lined up on the back wall, all next to each other, making it look like a super bed. There are 15 single mattresses altogether. Other than the beds, theres a lot of floorspace between the beds and the door, a good 15 meters by 5 meters squared.

"It looks so bare," Kyle comments and sits down on the floor, clearly tired.

Everyone sits down in a circle on the floor and start to chat, we're all waiting for the blankets so that we can go to sleep.

"So... are you two a couple? You seem awfully close..." Jean says, pointing at me and Adrian, catching everyone's attention and making the room go silent.

"No," I say and cross my arms over my chest

"She's my big sister, of course we're close!" Adrian says and throws his arm around my shoulder

And oh boy, I'll never forget everyone's faces after my brother pulled that line.

"You two are... related?" Jean shouts in disbelief

"I can see the resemblance," Armin says,

"Is Sasha okay?" Kyle asks, reffering to the girl who had frozen in shock

"She'll be fine" Connie says and gets some bread from a paper bag in his backpack

Suddenly, Sasha springs back into life and snatches the bread off of the boy.

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