chapter 12

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3rd Persons Pov

Guilt. All Levi can feel is guilt. Its taking over his mind and body as him and his squad walk down the stretched staircase. Filth was everywhere and It was making his stomach turn even more. He felt guilty because he was sending Juliet, the person he cared for most, back into the underground city for a few weeks. She didn't even have a choice. Just a few hours ago, Levi had slipped a small tablet in her drink, immediately sending her unconscious.

And its made him feel sick with guilt. She has no clue of the plan going on and about returning to the underground city. None of the other squad members know of Juliets past with the underground city. Eren has very little knowledge of her living there.

In Levis arms is the unconscious girl, a small blanket covering her uniform, Eld was carrying a bag with a change of clothes in, she would have to get changed before she got into the city. Good for them, there was a bathroom 3 quarters of the way down the stairs. Their luggage, it had been taken down to the city via carriage by someone Erwin had hired, and where abouts it should be is being taken care of by an old friend of Levi and Juliets.

Everyone will be staying in the old home of the two friends. Whereabouts in the house they will all be sleeping is unknown.

"Captain, are you sure you don't want me to carry her? You surely must be getting tired," Eren offers, looking over at his superior

"Tch, Its fine. She weighs hardly anything," Levi states

"Erm, captain... why did she need to be knocked out to come down here?" Petra asks, her voice quiet

"It makes the job easier. She'd probably panic and not come at all if she knew," Levi lies

Everyone stays quiet as they walk down the seemingly never ending steps. Just as they are close to the toilets mentioned before, Juliet starts to stir in her sleep. Slowly, her eyes open and show confusion.

"Can you stand yet?" Levi asks as the group comes to a stop

She nods slowly and Levi puts her down. Her eyes flash in fear and discomfort as she looks around the dimly lit place. She recognises it immediately.  This is the first time, the fellow squad members (not including Levi) have seen her look so paniced and uncomfortable. Her eyes are wide and shes biting her lip, hard.

"Levi" She says with a warning glance

"Ill explain later, for now we need to get to the bathroom so you can get changed" He says, trying to not sound as guilty as he feels

She wants to argue but knows that she wont get anything out of him. She shakily walks down the stairs, everyone notices how on edge she is and curiosity takes over Petra.

"Why are you shaking so hard? The underground city isn't that bad you fool" Petra says, rolling her eyes

"Im not scared" Juliet protests but it comes out in a whisper

"you're being pathe-"  Petra starts but is cut off by Levi

"Petra, shut up." He says defensively

They reach the toilets and everyone definitely notices how Juliet looks lost and alone, even though she has people around her. Eld hands her the rucksack and she immediately knows that it holds clothes. She nods before going into the room where the toilets are held.

In the underground, Juliet was well known for her clothing and the way she had her hair. Nobody in the underground dare copy her style as they would immediately get bounds of hate. Even though she was only 12 when she left, people had grown to fear her and everything about her.

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