New Girl

By LexyAqua

978K 19K 3.1K

Aubree Osborne, a 17 year old girl, moves to England when her mom and dad got divorced. She's the new girl of... More

New Girl
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

51.9K 826 35
By LexyAqua

I got back from my shopping spree with Morgan and Niall. Well Niall mostly just followed us and didn't even give opinions on what I should buy. "I'm back mom!" I yelled because she wasn't laying on the couch as usual. She doesn't leave me home alone usually. I don't know I guess I'm alone. I went up upstairs to my room. I opened the door and then a blast of confetti was splashed all over me. There was my mom with a few of my family and friends. My eyes widened when I saw the sign they were holding it.

"CONGRATULATIONS! You get to audition for X Factor this summer!" I looked at the sign again to make sure I read it correctly. "Oh my gosh." My eyes wide again. Everyone started to cheer. "Surprise! I knew you always wanted to be on x factor." Omg this is not happening. Someone pinch me. I just stood there like a statue. My mom knew how much I wanted to be on x factor, but I never knew she would actually let me be in it and plus I was too young. I finally ran to my mom and hugged her tight. "I love you so much." I said while the rest of my family and friends started awwing.

I can't wait to tell my friends tomorrow in school. This is like a once in a life time opportunity. I need to find out what song I'm going to sing, my outfit, everything. This is going to be one heck of a dream come true. I hope Simon won't be strict on me like he is on some contestants.

The rest of my family and friends gave me hugs and greetings. I had no idea what could've been better than this. We ate dinner, and everything else. I just couldn't stop thinking about walking on that stage of the x factor and showing my talent to the world. I fell asleep to the imagining thoughts I was having about the day of my audition.


I woke to the music that came from my alarm clock. I got dressed quick and ate breakfast. I took my backpack gave a quick kiss on my mom's cheek and ran out of the door. Apparently I have to walk to school today. "Wait! Aubree wait up!" I heard from behind me. Of course it's Niall the Horan. "Can I walk with you?" always wanting to follow me. "Sure, and I have something to tell you." I looked down at my feet while walking. This is it time to tell him about my opportunity. "Niall..." 


"I'm going to audition for x factor this summer!"

"Well that's ironic because Zayn, Harry, Liam, Louis, and I are all going to audition this summer too."

Well that wasn't as hard to say then I thought it was going to be. "Really?!" He better not be lying to me. "Yes really, why would I be lying?" He's got a point. Ugh I don't want to me competing with them if we both make it. Well let's just see when it happens. We were at school, and we went our separate ways to our lockers. "So why is that big smile on your face eh?" Megan said while opening her locker and putting her books in.

"I'll tell you at lunch." She started to pout. "Why not now." She pouted and gave me puppy eyes. "Because I want to tell the guys too." "Fine" she muttered and gave me a glare. "Good girl" She slapped me on my arm playfully, and we headed to class


Morgan and I were waiting in line at lunch waiting for our food. We got our food, and we found Zayn, Louis, Harry, Niall, and Liam waiting for us at the table. "Okay so can you tell us now?!" Morgan said. They all looked confused well except for Niall since he already knew. "Well, mom surprised me...with a chance to audition for x factor!" They all gasped. "Omg really!? Niall, Liam, Zayn, Harry, and I are going to be auditioning this summer too!" Louis gave me a high five. 

"Wait a minute so we have to compete with each other? Dang you better be a horrible singer Aubree, so we can have a better chance of going far." Louis said, how nice of him. "She's an awesome singer." Niall blabbered out. they started to pout, they were so childish, but in a good way. "There is only a month til' summer and then like 2 weeks til the audtions for the x factor. We should practice." Harry said. He did have a point. I have a bit of a stage freight. 

"Yeah we should practice tomorrow at my house." And Zayn Malik finally speaks. "Ahem, I'm coming too since I'm going to be a loner while you guys are on x factor, I should at least get to hear you practice." Morgan speaks up. "Fine, yes you can come." She cheered in happiness. 


We got out of school, and Niall walked me home again. We arrived at my doorstep,"Bye Niall see you tomorrow!" I said while we both waved goodbye to each other. I went inside my house and crashed on top of my comfy, leather couch.

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