Teenage Trouble (on hold)

By AshtonIrwinWonders

3M 32.3K 6.5K

Katelyn known as the school slut likes to have fun with boys. Her ideal night of fun is going on a website po... More

Teenage Trouble (Sex with Styles)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Friendly note
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Please Read

Chapter Eleven

102K 978 196
By AshtonIrwinWonders

A/N Thank you for everyone who entered the contest. There was a lot! 6 pages long! Anyways to be fair I picked out one name randomly for the nice girl and one name randomly for bully. Congratulations to @fallingbritish (friend) and @Direction12foreva (bully). If I do ever need more characters I will use the ones that have asked to take part of this contest. (And I'm already having another character come into play, not to big but it is a character.) Anyways enjoy chapter eleven!!!


I felt a breeze from the window that gave me chills down my spine. "Harry I'm cold" I mumbled moving around a bit in the sheets. "Harry?" I opened my eyes and turned my body to the other side and Harry was gone. I felt disappointed, did he only want me for one night? I thought he was more than that. I held the sheets up to my bare chest, and sat up seeing a note on my dresser. I wrapped the sheets around my naked body and picked up the note...

Morning Beautiful,

sorry I'm not there when you woke up. I just didn't want to wake you and your loud snoring! ;) and you drooling was so attractive haha. Anyways I'll talk to you later, but I just wanted to say last night was amazing. I had a great time with you, and you just make me happy. Please stop seeing other guys, I want you to be mine. Well Katelyn I hope you have a great day at your new school!

Love, Styles (:

Harry brought butterflies to my stomach, and last night was perfect. Even though it was painful, being my first time I enjoyed every second of being with Harry. He seemed to care for me, and the fact he didn't want me seeing other guys made me happy. Usually guys just want something and thats it they don't care what I do afterwords. That's why Harry was different, special, just a perfect person to be around. He even thought about me and my new school I was going to, no one would of cared. Wait.. I never told Harry... only Liam.

"Here's your uniform. What are you doing with no clothes on" My mom threw my uniform at me and left. I don't understand why she has to be so mean all the time. She's making me go to this stupid school! I had a feeling I wasn't going to like this school, no one would want to be friends with a so called slut like me and I definitely don't want to wear uniforms.

My uniform was a plaid green and blue skirt and a white shirt. Is this all I get to wear? My mom is probably too cheep to buy more on the first day. "Your going to be late Katelyn! and it's your first day and you start at 9!" My mother yelled at me. It was already 8:40 am, my old school didn't start till 9:30, so I guess I have to skip breakfast.

"Are you going to give me a ride?" I asked leaning on the kitchen counter. "Nope" She said grabbing her purse. "And why not? I'll be late if I walk and I have no idea where I'm going" I argued. How was I suppose to get to my school when I don't know where it's located, also I don't even know the name of the school!

"I don't have time to take you. Forester Private School is the school name, its only a few blocks. Use your phone to find it or something I have to go!" My mom said leaving the house. "Great, this should be fun" I said to myself. (a/n made up that school name I don't know if it's even real)

I grabbed my backpack and my skateboard on the front porch. Locking the door, I was off to my new school 'Forester Private School'.

I have been skateboarding for a bit but I have no Idea where I'm going. I pulled out my phone and searched how to get there. "Only a block away!" I exclaimed to myself, getting weird looks from the rich neighbourhood I was now in. "Young lady, you shouldn't be skateboarding. Your wearing a skirt!" Some elderly woman yelled at me from her porch. I ignored her and contiued to my school. If people were snobby and already hated me in this neighbourhood I wonder what it's going to be like at school.

"Shit! I'm going to be late!" I looked at the time on my phone and it was 8:59. The teachers are already going to hate me. It was my first day and I was going to be late, usually I didn't care but I wanted to change. It was a fresh start for me, and know one knew who I was.

The bell went off and the halls were empty once I entered the school. I picked up my board and walked to the office that was right by the entrance. "Hello.. I'm Katelyn Cook and I'm new her." I said to the first Lady I saw at the front desk. "It's 9:01, you should of came earlier" She scrawled. "I'm sorry... Can I get my courses please" I said in the sweetest voice possible so she would let it slide. She rolled her eyes and stood up, "Fill this out" She handed me a pen and Paper. I nodded and filled out simple information such as my home phone and medical things.

"Done" I smiled handing the sheet over. "Here, and don't be late again" She snarled and gave me my course sheet with all my classes. "Thanks" I said leaving the office. First class was English, which kind of sucked cause I hated English class and it my first period so I'll probably fall asleep.

I stared up and down hallways wondering which way I need to go to get to English. "Need help?" some girl with blonde hair that just touched past her shoulders and blue eyes that reminded me of Niall. "Ah yes please, I'm new and I can't find my class" I said running my fingers through my blonde hair. "I can tell your new, everyone knows everyone here. Let's see what you have" She smiled showing her teeth, with pink braces taking my sheet. "English, I'm going that way. I'll take you. By the way my name is Kenzie" She handed my course sheet back. "I'm Katelyn" I smiled back and we started walking towards the stairs.

"Kenzie surprise your skipping class." Some girl bitched, and pushed Kenzie in the shoulder. She had long brown hair that touched her back and swayed back and forth as she walked. Kenzie ignored and kept walking. "So why are you out of class?" I asked curious, she didn't look like a bad ass to skip class.

"I just got to school, I had a hair appointment" A hair appointment? My mom would never sign me out of school for a hair appointment. "Oh okay. and who was that girl?" I said referring to the girl that pushed into Kenzie. "That is the head bitch of the school, Celeste. What ever you do stay away from her." Thinking about Celeste she reminded me of myself, before of course. I was school bitch, and everyone wanted to stay away from me. But with such class of this school, I doubt she was a slutty girl like I was said to be.

"And here's your class" She said pointing to the door. "Thanks" I responded and put a piece of fallen hair behind my ear. "oo Mrs. Bentley. Ouch have fun with her!" Kenzie Said peeking in the window. "Well I'm off, have fun on your first day. Maybe I'll see you at lunch." I smiled and nodded. What could be so bad with Mrs.Bentley? Now I'm frightened, the girl at the front desk in the office didn't seem mean and then she was.

I slowly opened the door knob and all eyes in the class room turned to look at me, except one boy had his head down on his desk. "And that is why you must edit writing. Tim" I'm guessing I interrupting a lesson or something. "Oh who do we have here, what do you want." She snapped, looking at me. "Hi.. um I'm Katelyn.." I gulped. That boy's head raised from his desk and looked at me. Niall! "Well Katelyn there is no excuses to be late" She said raising her tone of voice. "I know I wa-" She cut me off. "No excuses now sit down!" She snapped making me jump. I put my head down and Niall waved me over to sit next to him.

I placed my bag on the floor and squeezed into the desk beside Niall. The chair was attached to the desk, which I hate. It was so hard to get in and out of the desk (A/n I don't know what your desks are like in school but that is what mine are like and I despise it especially with a dress on -_-)

"What are you doing here!" Niall said in a shocking whisper so the teacher couldn't hear. "My mom made me change schools." I said smiling, cause now I have Niall in school to hang out with. "I didn't know you would be changing schools! Why didn't you tell us?" Niall asked as if I was keeping it a secret and he wanted to know answers.

"I told Liam, he didn't tell you?" Niall shook his head. "Weird.. he told Harry" Niall raised his eyebrow in confusing. "Harry? How did you know Harry knew?" Niall asked. Shit! I shouldn't of brought up Harry, I can't tell Niall about last night. It was none of his business plus what if Harry didn't want anything more, I had to play it cool like nothing happened.

"Harry sent me a message saying have a great day at my new school" This wasn't a complete lie, Harry did leave a message or a letter same thing! Wishing me a great day at my new school. "Oh." Niall said, still sounding confused and not really believing me.

He turned and faced the teacher. I don't know why but I caught myself staying at the features of Niall's face, I know I'm weird. His blonde hair stood up in a a bit of a quiff form, his lips were slightly open. I was quickly taken away from my thoughts when I heard my name be yelled out.

"Katelyn! Care to answer the question? I'm sure you were paying attention like everyone else" I jumped in my seat and Mrs. Bentley walk towards me with an evil grin across her face. "Ah... Um.." I had no idea what I'm suppose to say, 'oh sorry Mrs.Bentley I was just staring at Niall studying his features of his face like a normal person' um no.

What do I say, I felt so nervous that a bit of sweat formed on my forehead. "ah.. Um.. What's that Katelyn you weren't paying attention? Fair enough, you can make up for that in detention." She smiled walking around my desk. "Detention?" I questioned, It was my first day how could I possibly get a detention. "Yes! A detention, I'll see you after school Katelyn" She smiled and walked back to the front of the class. "Great" I mumbled to myself and rested my head in my arms on the desk.

"Katelyn wake up" I heard someone call my name and pushed my shoulder. "What" I said lifting my head off of the desk, was I sleeping? "Dude you were sleeping for half the class, you have to go to next period" Niall laughed and pulled my arm up so I would get moving.

"What class do you have next?" Niall asked as we started walking down the hallway. "Art" I didn't want to take this class cause I'm really awful, but my mom told me to. I know my mom is still telling what to do. "Oh have fun" Niall patted my shoulder and started walking down a different hall. "Do I even know where I'm going" I said to myself.

I had my head down and just started walking straight. "Watch where your going new girl!" I bumped into someone in front of me. I lifted my head up to face who I ran into. It's Celeste the school bitch, "Ummm I'm really sorry" I tried to sound sweet and innocent so she wouldn't hate me. She gave me a dirty look and grabbed the sheet out of my hand. "ew we have art together.. great. I guess I should tell you your going the wrong way" She handed me back the sheet and put her hands on my shoulders spinning me around the other way.

"Walk with me" She demanded, "So why did you come here?" She turned her head at me as we started to walk. "Well um..." I didn't really want to say, why should I bring up acting I acted like a slut so my mom made me go here. I would be judged big time. "Speak!" She yelled, all heads turned to us walking until Celeste gave them a dirty look and they continued to walk.

"Well I was, I guess you could say a bad person." She gave me a look of confusion. "How so?" I might as well tell her so she wouldn't keep asking me questions. "I was the school bitch, and kind of got the reputation as a slut. Don't start stuff please, I want a new start" I was hoping I could trust her, and she would keep her mouth shut but that probably wasn't going to happen. I really wanted a new start, and Harry was my new start. "Wow you were a bitch! Way to go new girl, didn't see that coming" She laughed.

"Well welcome to school, new girl" She pushed my shoulder and walked into the class. I thought she was starting to like me... I guess not.

All seats were taking except one in the middle of the class next to... Zayn. He had his head down doodling so he didn't see me. I was really nervous to sit beside him cause he never really did like me, he thought I was a slut trying to ruin Ashley life, but then again I kind of was...

I pulled out my chair slowly trying not to disturb him, and sat down putting my bag on the desk. "Katelyn?" Zayn asked in total shock. "Hey" I said with an awkward laugh. "What are you doing here?" Zayn asked in a whisper which was quite strange since it seemed like he was trying to hide knowing me. "I go to school here, my mom made we switch.... so I would be a better person..." I said lowering my head.


Art was over and it was was painful. Zayn did nothing but give me looks, I'm pretty sure he was still upset with me... anyways it is already lunch... I hate lunch, I'm not going to have friends to sit with. Well there is Niall, and Liam but I have no clue where they would sit. I grabbed my bag and followed the crowd of people entering the cafeteria.

Tables soon filled up with only one table open, it had to people making out there. I know I'm new and have no where to sit but I'm not going to sit with those people. I wonder where Kenzie is sitting, I really need a friend. I turned my back to the cafe and started walking towards the exit until I heard my name get called out. I turned around and say Niall standing and waving me over. I felt pretty awkward so I kept my head down and walked towards Niall.

"Hey" I said sitting down and setting my backpack beside me. "Katelyn! Why are you at our school" Liam asked/ shouted at me. I wasn't really sure if he was happy or angry. " My mom made me switch schools... Liam I sent you a text telling you" Liam started to shake his head. "No you didn't, you didn't text me at all but whatever I'm so glad your here" He said this time sounded happy. If he didn't read the text message then who "Harry!" Niall called, I turned my head and saw Harry walking with Louis and Zayn behind.

"Hey what's- Katelyn!?" I looked up and saw Harry so happy and sat down next to me. "What are you doing here?" He asked talking my hand in his. "I switched school's" I said with a smile. "I knew that but I didn't know you were coming here" Harry said so excited. "You didn't ask, and Harry how did you know I was changing schools?" Everyone stared at Harry waiting for an answer. "Hey boys!" I heard the familiar bitchy voice... Celeste


A/n I'm soo slow at updating I'm sorry but believe it or not, I actually have a social life, job, and school...
I know doesn't really make sense 1D going to school while they are famous but what ever... I wanted it that way ahah

What do you think will happen at lunch?

Do you support Katelyn and Harry?




and have a wonderful day lovely's :) Go check out @Harry_lover33 xx

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