My Best Friends Promise

By myfallingstars

64.6K 1.6K 567

An Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath friendship fanfic. More

Chapter One| The New Girl
Chapter Two| A Friendship is Born
Chapter Three| It's My Fight
Chapter Four| You're Not Fine
Chapter Five | You're Safe Now
Chapter Six| Come Home
Chapter Seven| It's Been So Long
Chapter Eight| Into The Future
Chapter Nine| Not A Goodbye
Chapter Ten| Missing You
Chapter Eleven| Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve | I Won't Let Go
Chapter Thirteen | Reuniting
Chapter Fourteen | When Can I See Her
Chapter Fifteen | Recovering
Chapter Sixteen | New Promises
Chapter Eighteen | You Can't Go
Chapter Nineteen | Jersey Girls
Chapter Twenty | Not Without You
Chapter Twenty One | USWNT
Chapter Twenty Two | First Game
Chapter Twenty Three | Alex Morgan
Chapter Twenty Four | Love Never Dies
Chapter Twenty Five | Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Six | PART II Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Seven | Stay With Me
Chapter Twenty Eight | Sacrifice
Chapter Twenty Nine | Don't Ever Forget Me
Chapter Thirty | Remembering You

Chapter Seventeen | Together Again

1.8K 47 10
By myfallingstars


I wake up in the unfamiliar dorm room that Tobin and her roommate Christen stay in. I rub the sleep from my eyes and sit up in bed. I look over at my right side and I find Tobin sound asleep. Typical for me to wake up first when we have sleepovers. I carefully climb out of bed, careful not to wake her up.

I find out that it was just Tobin and I in the dorm room. I quietly leave the room, silently closing the door behind me. I swing my bag over my shoulder and I walk out. I go outside until suddenly I bump into someone. "Oh I'm sorry Alex!" I hear someone say.

I look up only to see that it was only Christen, I smile up at her. "It's okay." I say.

"So, where are you going?" Christen asks me.

"I was going to the hotel I was staying in so I can grab my luggage, I left it there." I say.

"You're leaving already?" Christen says.

"Yeah, I have to." I say, knowing how much I really want to stay.

"Well, you're not walking all the way to the city are you?" Christen says.

"Probably the bus or something." I say.

"Let me drive you." Christen says as she grabs her keys from her pocket. I follow her to her car and I hop into the passenger seat.

"You know how much Tobin talked about you? It was like non stop. But when things went down between you, she was a wreck. She cried herself to sleep every night and found herself staring at your pictures together." Christen says.

"I can't believe I did that to her, she didn't deserve any of that. She didn't have to go through that." I say as I shake my head.

"But she still loves you, and I know she does And I'm happy you two are okay now, I don't have to worry about her as much." Christen says.

"Did she say anything about me?" I ask.

"Oh, she said so many things about you I can't even say them all don't worry, they were all good things. She always said how she made you laugh, and smile and she always told me how much she really did love you." Christen says.

I smile at that. "Can you do something for me when I leave?" I ask.

"Sure, anything." Christen says.

"Take care of her, because I can't because long distance sucks." I say with a small laugh.

"I will, you don't have to worry." Christen says as she finally pulls up at the hotel I was suppose to stay in. I sign in, grab my luggage and sign out. I head back to her car and put my luggage in the trunk. Then, Christen takes us back to school grounds.

When we get there, webhead inside the dorm room. It looks like Tobin has just woken up. Typical I think to myself, she's always the last to get up. She rubs her eyes and looks at me and smiles. "Aren't you the typical sleepy head." I say jokingly as I set my luggage down in the floor which makes Tobin frown.

"Please don't tell me you're leaving already." Tobin says.

"I just have to go Toby, I can't stay here forever. Although I wish I could." I say.

"I know... I just missed you and now that you're here I don't want you to leave." Tobin says.

"Let's spend the whole day together then, I'll leave later tonight, how does that sound?" I say.

Tobin smiles up at me at the idea. "I need to take a shower." Tobin says as she jumps out of bed and heads straight to the small bathroom.

"She's like a little ball of energy I've never seen before." Christen says as she makes her bed.

"Nope, that's just Tobin." I say as we both share a laugh. "Hey, you want to come with us wherever we are going?"

"No, that's okay. You two haven't seen each other in such a long time. I figured you two want some time alone together. So I'll give you that time." Christen says.

"Are you sure? You can always tag along." I say.

"I'm sure, but thank you." Christen says with a smile. Within minutes, Tobin was all ready and we headed out. Tobin brought me to the beach and we just walked along the tide.

"So, how's soccer going?" I ask.

"It's good so far. How about you?" Tobin asks me.

"I don't know. I haven't met the team or even the coach. I'm out for three weeks because of my head." I say as I gently tap my head.

"You'll be on the pitch soon." Tobin says without making eye contact with me, we continue walking along the beach and finally sit on the sand.

"How are you Tobin? Really?" I ask Tobin as I play with the sand.

"I'm not sure how to answer that Lex." Tobin says, and for some reason it made my heart sink, knowing that something wasn't right.

"Is it because of me? Because I can leave." I say quietly.

"I don't want you to leave Lex, I want you to stay." Tobin says.

"Then tell me what's wrong." I say.

"I don't want you to leave, that's my problem. I fear that whatever went down between us will happen again when you leave. And when you showed up yesterday, I knew everything was back together, that everything was back to normal. Now, you're leaving again and I just said hi to you and I'm never going to be ready to say good bye to you again." Tobin says and I watch as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"We aren't saying good bye Tobin, not anymore." I say.

"Make me believe that then. It took me forever to realize that you were better off without me. And I thought that saying good bye to each other was the only right thing to do." Tobin says.

"Well, you know what? It's not the only right thing to do. Because Tobin, I love you so much. You are such an amazing person and I don't want to live life without you by my side. I need you now more than ever, and I don't want to loose you Tobin. Believe me. I don't want to loose you." I say as I fight back tears.

"Then make me believe in something beautiful again. Because now all I see is being lost forever. And I hate that feeling of being lost and alone, and God Alex I need you too. I need you more than anything and I want you to always be by my side. But what's been messing with my brain is I don't want to stand in your way. Find a guy who makes you happy, find a guy who you can fall in love with." Tobin says.

"I told you, I don't need a guy to spend the rest of my life with when I already have a best friend who I can spend the rest of my life, being by her side, and that is what makes me happy. It makes me happy knowing that I am your best friend, and it makes me happy knowing that I make you happy. But Tobin, I don't want you to get so attached. You need to find other things that can make you happy besides me." I say.

"I can't find anything or anyone else who can make me happy, because you're really all I need. All I ever wanted." Tobin says as she sheds more tears. I hug her tightly not wanting to ever let go.

"Remember what I said in high school, when we first met?" I ask, as I intertwine our hands together. Tobin shakes her head no, as she leans her head against my shoulder. "I would help you relive those ten years you were bullied? Remember that Tobin? Here it is, this is where it starts and I'm so sorry it's so late." I say.

"It's not too late, I'm just glad that it's happening. That it's not to late." Tobin says.

"And do you remember our very first promise we ever made to each other?" I ask. This time Tobin nods her head up and down.

"I never forgot." Tobin says.

"Well, I'm starting over. I'm going to spend the rest of my life being your best friend. I promised this before and I'm going to say it again. I promise to be your best friend until the end of time." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Can you keep that promise Alex?" Tobin asks me as she finally looks at me.

"I can and I will." I say.

"Are you happy Tobin?" I ask as I pull her closer to me.

"Yes." Tobin says and that surprises me. The last time I asked her, she said no.

"Will you always be happy?" I ask.

"If you're by my side." Tobin says.

"I will be, I always will be and I don't want you to forget that. I don't want you to forget how important you are and how you're important to someone in this world. You're important to me Tobin you're someone so incredibly special in my life. I don't want you to forget that you are loved by so many people. I don't want you to forget that I love you and I always will." I say.

"I love you Lex. And I want to say thank you for -"

"Don't say thank you, I love being your friend. I'll always look back to the first day I saw you and the first day I actually talked to you. I have absolutely no regrets when it comes to our friendship Tobin because I want it, more than anything, to last a lifetime. I mean it, I always want to be you friend and I'm not going to make the same mistake I did last time. You're my first priority, and you always will be. You're family to me Tobin, and I care about you so much and all I ever wanted was for you to be happy. And if I'm the one who makes you happy, I'm never leaving. I want you to keep on smiling, and I want you to know that you are truly amazing. You are everything to me Tobin, and I don't think I can ever explain to you how much you really mean to me." I say.

"I... I just don't want you to leave, like now that you're here. I'm happy. And it's the best feeling in the world. Whenever I'm around you, I'll always be happy and I don't want to loose this feeling, and I know I will when you leave." Tobin says as tears stream down her eyes.

"We still have a couple hours together Tobin, and I can promise you that this isn't a goodbye. Perhaps it's a see you later." I say.

"Last time you said that it was a good bye Lex. That's what I'm afraid of." Tobin says.

"Well you don't have to be afraid anymore because I'm always going to be here. I want you to be happy, and I don't want to be the only source to your happiness. Find something out there in this world to make you happy because one day, I won't be here to keep you happy." I say.

"It's so hard to find things that make me happy Lex, you just stood out from most people in my life." Tobin says.

"Christen is here, she's really nice and she's capable of making you smile, so let her. Accept her the way you accepted me and Lauren and Amy." I say to Tobin. "Come on." I say as I stand up and grab Tobin's hand and help her up. "Let's do something fun."

"Like what?" Tobin asks me.

"Perhaps an old fashioned bike ride down a hill?" I say and a smiles forms across Tobin's face.

"I got a perfect place to go to." Tobin says.

First, we go to a local bike shop to rent two bikes for both of us to use. Then I follow Tobin to somewhere I'm not really sure of. Finally, we get to a large hill that is way bigger than the one in New Jersey.




I give Alex a nod as we make our way to the top of the hill. Just like old times, I remember the first time Alex forced me to do this and I remembered the feeling of flying, and how amazing the air felt against my arms.

"I'm not one to complain but oh my gosh this hill." Alex says as we sit on our bikes at the top. I let out a laugh. A real laugh, and laughing was the best feeling ever.

"Just like before, let go of the handles when I say so." Alex says with a smile.

"Just like before, I hope I don't die." I say and we both share a laugh.

"Okay. One... Two.. Three!!!" We both say at the same time as we start to pedal down the hill.

"Let go Toby!" Alex says while laughing. I let my arms soar and I let the wind smack against my arms, making me feel like I was flying. This is the closet thing to flying and I'll do it everyday if I could. When we finally get to the bottom I look over at Alex who lays on the ground. I quickly set my bike down and go over to her side, only to find her laughing so incredibly hard and I can't help but laugh with her.

"That was so much fun!" Alex says as she wipes her eyes from laughing. "I don't think I'll do it again though."

"Why, you're getting old?" I say with a laugh.

"I'm younger than you!" Alex defends, and lets out another laugh.

"I know, your age just doesn't match your height." I say.

"God Tobin, I missed these days." Alex says as she lays her back against the grass and I lay down next to her.

"I do too." I say then it turns silent.

"I kind of wished we went to the same college you know? It would be so fun." Alex says.

"I know, but I like it here." I say.

"Yeah, I like it in California, I feel close to family but I feel so far." Alex says.

"You're in California, how much closer do you have to be from your family?" I say.

"Well I have my parents in New Jersey, and I have my siblings, my aunts, uncles,grand parents in California." Alex says.

"That's not too bad." I say.

"But I'm 2,649.2 miles away from someone." Alex says as she grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Who?" I ask. "Do you have more family that I don't know of?" I say with a small laugh.

"You. You're my family Tobin and every time I'm around you I feel like I'm home. You're like a sister to me, in fact you are. That's how much you mean to me, and I hate knowing that when I leave later tonight I'll be 2,649.2 miles away from you again. I like being two inches away from you." Alex says with a small laugh.

"You're family to me too. You, Lauren and Amy are and you guys always will be. All of you are always there for me, and I wouldn't want it any other way." I say.

"Trust me, I don't want to go back to school either." Alex says as she intertwines our hands together.

"No matter the distance, we'll always be best friends right? Can you keep that promise Alex?" I say.

"I'm not planning on breaking it this time." Alex says.

Finally after a couple more hours of having dinner, and just hanging out we head back to the dorm room. I felt like crying when Alex grabbed her luggage and pulled it beside her. Christen has offered to take us to the airport so we all piled into her car and headed to the airport. Before you know it, we all sat waiting for Alex's flight to be called.

"I'm glad I came here." Alex says to me as she leans her head against my shoulder.

"We'll see each other again soon, right?" I say.

"That isn't a question." Alex says.

"Next flight to California is ready for boarding." A voice says in the intercom. I look over at Alex who stands up and pulls her luggage in front of her. "I guess this is a see you later." Alex says as she pulls me in such a tight hug.

"Yeah, I guess so." I say as I hug her back.

"I won't mess up this time Tobs, I'll call you every night." Alex says.

"I'm going to miss you Lex." I say as I bury my head into her neck and I silently begin to cry. I hate this feeling.

"You'll be fine Tobs, you have Christen. She's a nice girl. Take care of yourself Tobin, I'll see you soon." Alex says as she kisses the top of my head. "Love you Tobin." Alex says.

"I love you too." I say back.

I watch as she goes over to Christen and she pulls her into a hug and whispers something into her ear that I didn't quite hear.

Finally, Alex gives us one last wave until she disappears into the large crowd of people.

"She's such a great person. I've never seen someone so dedicated." Christen says as we walk back to her car.

"Yeah, she is." I say quietly. "What did she tell you?"

"To take care of you." Christen says as we finally leave the airport, I smile at that.

When we finally made it back to the dorm room, I took a shower and crashed onto my bed.  "Hey Tobin, Alex wanted me to give this to you." Christen says as she hands me an envelope. "Thanks." I say. I take it and unseal the envelope and open up the letter.

Tobin P. Heath

I'm right now, on a plane ride to see my best friend and to make things right between us. I know that for two months, things went down between us and it was unbelievably hard for me. I tried not to think about it to much, but I felt like I had to try so hard not to think about it. I just missed you so much and I knew that I couldn't live life the same without you.
After hundreds of phone calls with Lauren and Amy, and a lot of motivating conversations with Kelley (I believe you met her) I thought of the idea to come see you. I knew that I was suppose to be doing this, because I was the one who messed up and I'm going to do anything I can to have you as my best friend again, and I want you to know that.
I don't think I can ever tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love having you as my best friend. You brought out the best in me.

I love you Tobin and I'll see you hopefully in a couple hours.

Alex Morgan.

I put the letter down, with tears of pure happiness in my eyes.



Thanks for reading and I hope you liked this chapter!

I also have a new cover for this story. And believe it or not, I already have ideas for the next story I'll be writing. But I do need your guys help. Please choose who the next pair of friends should be.

- JJ & Press
- Moe and JJ

The next chapter will be out soon, so stay tuned! (:

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