
By sweetskitz

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Read on and find out ha! Sorry, not sorry. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 2 Ethan's point of view
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - part 1
Chapter 26 - part 2
Chapter 26 - Part 3 Ethans point of view
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 - ethans point of view
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Final chapter

Chapter 1

717 25 0
By sweetskitz

"How did it go?" I ask eagerly throwing my magazine down.

"Yeah he's alright, fuck she was scared though." Jason says closing the door and kicking off his shoes.

"What happened?" I ask watching him with a smile. He walks to the bed dropping himself down.

"Just the usual he found her, she bolted." he says laying back on the bed putting his arm across his face.

Jason went along with the group to our neighbouring pack blackstorm, like they always do for their meetings and training together. Since alpha deans took over only a few years ago the bond between our packs has only gotten stronger.

"I'm surprised he only found her now wonder how that happened." I say looking to my window watching the trees sway.

"Yeah." is his only reply as I look back to him. somethings is bothering him.

"What's she like?" I ask laying down and resting my head on his chest.

"You will like her, she's fucken fast too." he softly chuckles.

I smile. I hope she's is it would be nice to have a friend who doesn't use me for  him..

"Why do you always read this shit?" he huffs out, finding the magazine next to him. He grabs it holding it up above us and flips through the pages making me laugh.

"I dunno they're nice to look at." I snatch it off him as his arm flops down across my stomach.

"What are we doing today?" I ask throwing it onto the floor. He blows out a breath covering his face again with his arm.

"Can I just lay here for awhile, deans and Haynes upped their game this time, I'm fucken beat." I nod my head as my thoughts wonder.

"Who would win, deans or Haynes?" I ask curiously. "Deans" he replies instantly.

"Really?" I ask sitting up looking to him.

Haynes is our alpha and he's a bloody strong one at that, even I know this.

"Yeah but don't worry he's a great man Haynes knows what he's doing." he breathes out, his voice going soft, he must be exhausted.

Me ... I'm wide awake.

"You just got back, I'm bored." I start flicking his ear causing him to groan grabbing my hand making me stop.

"Just wake me when it's time." he says as his breathing slows making me roll my eyes.

"How was James when he found her?" I ask glancing to the ceiling.

I wonder about the feeling you get when you finally meet your mate for the first time. Does the world stop or go into slow motion? It must be bliss.

"You won't quit will you." the annoyance in his voice pulling me from my thoughts.

"Ok, Ok." I get up grabbing my magazine as I lay back down next to him finding the page I was up to, I continue to read as he drifts off to sleep.


Here I am at the training grounds again.. Looking out onto the large area surrounded by Lush green Forrest. The land is peaceful with the slight sway in the trees as the warm breeze flows over me.

I sit up taking my gaze from the white fluffy clouds to the pack warriors who have assembled down on the field to begin there training for the day. As they stand around I see alpha Hanes walking towards them along with my brother, beta cole.

I watch closely to their training begin. This is my faveourite part.

Taking a breath and twirling my ring I lean away from the tree to get a better view.

They split into groups and begin human form combat. I study there movements as I Imagine myself being down there learning the warriors skills, what I wouldn't give to train with them and master the skills. I spot Jason as he moves between the groups shouting out corrections and giving directions as he's observing everyone's fighting forms, don't get me wrong I do train and Jason has personally trained me well but to be able to practice on others at that skill level just feels a little bit more exciting.

Jason is the commander of the warriors bringing him to third in command in our large pack with him being the fastest skilled fighter amongst the warriors. Their moves are quick and fast so very fast they begin to be a blur of bodies. I zone in on Nolan and Zeke as they tumble and roll in full body combat admiring the way they move.

I look down at my pale hands and play with my ring, it's silver and has the infinity symbol within a moon imprinted on it and inside has our name engraved, I take the ring off and begin to pass it from hand to hand as I think about my grandmother and her last words

She looks down at my ring 'Mia don't ever lose hope you will create it" she squeezes my hand.

I can't find the meaning to the cryptic look she gave me while saying those simple words. She looks back into my eyes 'I love you'.

I'm pretty good at working things out but this has been bugging me for years as I throw the ring about I just can't understand what she was talking about and the feeling that my ring had something to do with it.

I look back up remembering why I'm here. The warriors are already engaged in wolf form training and this is what I come to watch.

The wolves are all huge ranging from brown to grey to black with patches or spots. my brother James is brown with a few white spots on his big Wolfy ears I tend to tease him now and than, I love our bickering, alpha Hanes is a standout he's a deep red in colour and he holds so much confidence and pride it just radiates off of him, being one of the most respected alphas in our world and being alpha of this pack for only the last 8 years there is no wonder he holds himself that way.

I begin to focus in on two pack warriors as they move in swift movements fighting each other in wolf form. I watch closely as my mind begins to tick over... left leg. I pinpoint his weak spot his left leg is just that split second slower than his body's movements maybe due to a muscle injury. I watch the two wolves going at it snarling and lunging at one another, the snapping of jaws and growls as they move in to attack, suddenly the battle ends as he gets taken out on his left side and has the other warrior biting onto his neck bringing him into submission.

I don't know how, but I've had this talent since I was young making me the best female pack fighter just below my Luna. Something I'm pretty proud of but isn't a great friendship maker as jealousy is a terrible trait for a wolf any wolf for that matter.

"Mia!" i look to my right and see James running up towards me.

"hey." I say while getting up and dusting the bits of grass off my legs.

"ready to go?" he says a little bit to excited.

Since James met his mate only a few weeks ago hes gotten brighter the spark has appeared back in his eyes. her name is Rihanna and she's from the blackstorm. the visit to their territory where he finally met her still confuses me on why he never found her earlier..

but he won't talk about.

"Yea I'm good." I say as I slide my ring back onto my finger.

"Who had a torn calf muscle?" he begins his grilling raising his eyebrow.

"Thomas." I answer easily.

"Cracked rib?" He throws me another.

"Simon." I shoot back making him laugh.

"You will never get me." I smile cheekily.

He shakes his head laughing.

we begin to walk back the direction he came to head back up to the pack house. Everyone's making there way back up as I glance to my left side and see Jason standing with a small group from the warriors.

His eyes meet mine and he gives me a wink as he continues his conversation with one of the boys. The sun is beginning to set as the moon starts to appear. I look up and admire the scene, the reds orange and yellow mixing in with the navy and blacks just looks beautiful.

Just before we get to the pack house back door suzi comes walking up with her friends in tow, I roll my eyes, give it a rest sheep.

"hey James good training session today you looked good." she purs with a too friendly smile on her face.

"you know he's mated now don't you suzi sheep?" I ask acting like I'm not sure if she knew or not.

Her eyes narrow at my comment, call me immature but her wolf fur has a bit of a curly look to it that sometimes she looks more like a sheep than a wolf. James chuckles beside me.

I smirk at her knowing I hit her nerve as we have been playing this game for years. I can't stand her and she does everything she can to piss me off. My brother and suzi were dating or I would call it friends with benefits as my brother never labeled it because he knew he had a mate out there somewhere. That didn't mean suzi wasn't going around telling everyone they were a couple.  Once James found Rihanna that all changed and he ended it with her, which I'm more than over the moon about as suzi and I never saw eye to eye. she was an attention seeker always wanting the boys and doing most things to get them. And ladies that shit just doesn't work but a lot of you missed that memo.

She turns her bright blue eyes to me with a smirk.

"well I don't see Rihanna around..... on second thought we hardly see Rihanna around." she speaks more to James than to me.

James than steps between us with a low growl and heads Into the pack house. I shake my head at suzi's words at the fact she's right as I really wish Rhianna would start to feel more comfortable within our pack.

"All I heard was Ba Ba Ba." I say faining confusion as she furrows her eyebrows.

"why don't you go back to what ever barnyard you trotted out of and mind your own fucken business."

Rihanna has been finding it hard to adapt into midnight blue, her new pack. considering we are much larger than her old one and her mate being a beta she has been keeping to herself.

Just our late night runs and breakfast together other than that she tends to stay in their room and I hardly see her myself.

Before she can reply and without giving them another glance I give out a huff and I follow my brother into the pack house and head up to Their room.

I knock my awesome humming knock and wait for Rihanna to open it. The door swings open and I step in greeting Her.

"hey rhy." I sing out stepping in towards her. my new nickname I made her, She hasn't complained so I just roll with it.

"hey mia." she greets me with a hug.

"What's happening?" I ask as I sit on the bed making myself comfy. Their room is nice perfect size for two with a way better view than my own as I glance out the window to admire it again. Yep I can play the role of the annoying little sister, sometimes boredom gets the best of me.

"I've finally unpacked my bags today I have it all organised." she says glancing over towards their walk in wardrobe.

"omg so does this mean?" I say looking at her in suspense.

"yes I'm staying and I'm never going to look back."  she says with a massive smile on her face.

Rhianna looks very sweet she has blonde shoulder length hair with pink full lips blue eyes and is just a few centre metres taller than me. I mentally laugh at the fact she thought there was a chance James would let her leave, even I'm not that stupid to think that was possible ..with out a battle- that never ends well for anyone involved.

I jump up into her knocking her over In a big hug, I don't like hugs but this was a massive hurdle that I'm glad she has gotten over i also hope it means we can hang out more.

"Thankyou." she says as she playfully pushes me off her and gets up.

I look at her confused thanks for what?

"thank you for taking me out on your night runs with you and all our girl chats. without you I don't think I could of coped with the move ...and suzi." she tightens her fists on her last word.

"Shhhhhh remember our runs are not permitted James would have my head if he knew i invited you along!" I whisper scream to her.

Just then the bathroom door swings open and James walks out just in a towel he looks at Rhianna with a loving look than snaps his head to me.

Well that's awkward.

"Mia what are u doing on the floor?"

Rihanna does a little giggle and helps me up as she gives me a smile.

"Hmm" James forces a cough.

I look at James and he has an annoyed look on his face, I guess that's my que to leave.

"Okay okay I'm out see you guys at dinner.. go easy now spot." I wink at James as I exit the room. just as I'm half way down the hallway Rhianna comes running up to me.

"Are we still on for tonight?" She asks edging to get back to her room.

I look around to make sure no one was in range to hear, Rhianna has just Newley joined our pack she hasn't  created the bond yet to be able to mind link which makes our communication a little bit difficult for now. I wish James would hurry up and just mark her before alpha Hanes decided to do the blood ritual... the thought of it gives me shivers. I'm mean how hard is it for him to just bite into her neck and bam it's done.

"James has a meeting tonight with alpha Hanes I'll come to your room than?" She says quickly starting to retreat.

I nod my head and turn as she runs back to her room.

I feel a lil bad for not telling James but it's sort of been a hobbie of mine since my grandmother passed 2yrs ago I was 19 at the time my brother was 22 she was our main carer as our parents were killed when we were just babies in the war between fallen moon the most feared pack around here and midnight blue but we were now old enough to handle ourselves.

and death is inevitable.  


I jump out of the shower dry myself and look in the mirror my bright green eyes look back at me. I stare at my reflection and take a deep breath I'm 21 now and still haven't found my mate, which isn't totally un normal but a part of me thought I would have found him by now. You have an edge of emptiness that lingers till u find your mate. Or so it feels that way maybe the emptiness is just me.

deep, deep down inside.

I throw my dark brown hair with golden flecks through it up into a messy bun with a few strands that hang out across my face I throw on my clothes  and just as my hand reaches the door to leave I hear my phone beep with a msg I turn around and read the text

Jason - I've saved you a seat

I hate having a phone I don't see the purpose of having one but alpha Hanes has requested every wolf over the age of 18 must have a phone. Jason only texts me because he knows it annoys the shit out of me I mind link him back

"I'm on my way"

I shove the phone in my pocket and head down to the hall where the whole pack attends for dinner.

The hall is massive caters to 600 wolves our pack has 460 wolves, I think give or take a few.

I head towards the buffet style arrangement grab what I need and thanking the cooks, turning around I head over to my usual table finding Jason with a spare seat next to him.

"hey hey" I sit down grabbing some cutlery from the centre of the table

"you took your sweet ass time, do u know how many people I had to turn away from sitting there?" He says with a playful smile on his lips

"yeah because your just so popular and all" I say with a smirk, I don't even now why I smirked when he knows it's true and so do I

Jason leans over and softly nudges me and goes back to eating.

I look at the side of him, his features has short brown hair strong jawline and the most perfect green eyes, he's the best warrior in our pack built with muscle and height. I wasn't kidding when I said he was popular the girls swoon over him, I know he secretly loves it though.

James, Jason and I all grew up together we had a great group of friends me being only a few years younger than them I guess I just became one of the boys. That was until my brother came of age and he took his rightful place as beta of the pack and Jason he worked just as hard for his title being the commander of the warriors, took him extensive training and sacrifices ...me being one of them.

"There was no stirfry on the menu tonight" mumbles through a mouth full of food making me scrunch my face at him

"Gross" I push him away from me

"Wasn't my turn to cook" I say as he laughs

Jason and I had a past we were a few years younger and had the world at our feet but we were naive we soon learned what it really ment to have a mate and being that involved with each other would only end badly so we decided to end our romantic side and remained best friends. He hasn't found his mate yet and I'm not sure if it's selfish of me but I'm kinda glad (just a bit) as I still get to keep him close for now.

"You going to eat?" He asks bringing me back from my thoughts

I take a mouth full chewing slowly as I turn to him, wiping my mouth wide I show him I'm eating

"And I'm the the gross one" he replies flatly making me laugh

Although I was deeply hurt about our break up it was for a good cause as he put all his energy into becoming the fighter he is today and a big part of me is proud of him, In saying that I was great ful we could remain close as having a brother as a beta and a relationship with the packs best warrior it wasn't the best resume in keeping friends, the girls were jealous or used me to get close to them and in a nice way 'were just plain mean' so I pretty much stuck to myself.

"So who's on patrol tonight" I glance in Jason direction

He leans back and looks me over making me feel like I've asked something wrong

"there's two teams out tonight as I have a meeting with alpha Hanes" he says staring at me as if he knows something I don't.

He stays staring at me but all I can think is there's never two teams there's always one there's only ever been one that's how I can hide my night runs... I realise he's still staring at me

"why the sudden change" I say casually without giving anything away.. I think

He looks back to his plate "just protocol nothing to worry about" he says with a smile appearing in the corner of his mouth

I finish off my plate and push it to the side everyone's chatting away and the hall is noisy with everyone's conversations I look over to where James and Rhianna are sitting and she was already looking back at me, I give her a smile and she gives a small wave back

"she's nice, I think there great together though she's a little on the quiet side" Jason says putting his arm across the back of my chair

I lean back into him resting my head on his shoulder

"they are hey, she's sweet and I think I actually have a friend now that's a girl" not being able to keep the sadness out of my voice

Jason places a kiss on top of my head

"well if u weren't such a great fighter you wouldn't scare them all away" he says softly though I can hear his smile through his words, trying to lift my mood

"well I learned from the best so I guess it's your fault I have no friends" I say as in a matter of fact

Im waiting for a smart ass reply and when I didn't hear anything I turn to look at him and he's just looking down

"hey I wouldn't have it any other way" I say smiling trying to keep my voice upbeat

He looks up to me about to say something when suzi and Tina come walking over

I roll my eyes, what now

"hi Jason" she places her hand on his other shoulder which annoys me just a tiny bit

"what's up suzi?" He says sounding bored looking over to her. There's no secret to how I feel about her and I know Jason respects that even though he has nothing against her he's always there to back me up.

"some of the group are having a bonfire tonight out near the training grounds are you coming?" She says sweetly finishes with a sweet smile

I wish she would just take her attempt of sweetness and scamper off to the whole she crawled out of

I lean forward off of Jason, rolling my eyes and grab my drink

Jason turns to me "are you going Mia?"

Before I can reply suzi looks at me

"it's just a small group I'm not sure if it's really your thing" she says in her annoying as voice, stupid sheep

I look back to her with a big smile "sounds fun I'm in" I say in a chirpy tone

"yea we will be there" he says with a hint of laughter turning back to suzi

suzi looks back at me with a glare than turns and walks back to what ever the hell she came from

Jason grabs my hand and looks at me, by now most of the hall is empty everyone is left or leaving

"You're not going to go are you?" He says with a small smile on his lips

"hell no" i laugh out

I hate public appearances let alone being out having drinks with a large amount of people I can think of better things to do.. But I know it's only because I get so nervous I hate attention on me.

he chuckles a little than stands

"well some of my crew will be there and I think James is taking Rhianna" he says with one eyebrow raised

upon hearing that, shit I have to go James doesn't even know he's feeding Rhianna to the wolves - literally

Jason smirks at me knowing exactly what I'm thinking "I'll see u soon I'm late for my meeting" he lets go of my hand and leaves.

I head back to my room, place my phone on my nightstand chuckling to myself in why I even put it in my pocket

I lay down on my bed closing my eyes and just listen to the quiet sounds of the crickets and night life through my window as I wait for Rhianna.


I jolt up to a knock on my door, gees!

my heart starts to slow back down, I must have dozed off , I jump up and open the door

"hey Mia I'm so sorry I'm late" she says in a rush walking in to my room. I look over to my clock and find it's 11.45pm wow I did fall asleep I laugh to myself

"so what happened" I say while throwing my jumper over my head and start putting my shoes on

"well um after dinner James and I..."

"Ok enough I got it" I butted into her talking that's my brother and I don't need to hear details - gross!

"no no no well kind of but than alpha Hanes mind link James he was late I kinda made James forget all about his meeting by accident well we both forgot" she stops when she sees my look saying ok I get it. Enough, if her mate was anyone else I would love to hear about all the dirty stories but this case is different it's my brother ,spot, and that's just well weird.

"James said for me to come get you and meet him at the bonfire?" she says more like a question

"yea I'm sure there still going strong down there come on lets go but Rye" I say turning back around, she stops walking and looks up

"just remember that your the mate of our beta I can feel ur power you need to show them that you will not stand for their bullshit" I say a little too strongly

"that bad huh" she says with a slight smile

"you will be fine.. you're rolling with me" i say with a cocky laugh as she pushes me and laughs along too

Approaching the bonfire there a people scattered all around some with drinks even tho we don't really get the affects of alcohol if u drink enough u can feel a bit of a buzz before your body burns it off quite quickly but you can drink too much and yeah sure u will get drunk like the humans do.

We sit down on a log near the big fire in the centre of the area tuning into the conversation around us

"yeah but he's like the most feared alpha alive, I heard he has torture chambers down in his prison cells that any rouge or trespasser on his territory never makes it out alive" one girl was saying using hand actions as she spoke

"yea and that his pack are full of evil demons and he's satan himself" another girl adds in with her body having a shiver after she spoke

"They say he has no soul no heart and that once you see him you are met with death itself" Jason says as he walks over and sits next to me

The girls give off a big smile and watch Jason as he walks past, I roll my eyes at his entrance. James appears and brings Rhianna into a big hug before placing her on his lap and wrapping his arms around her.

"So who are we talking about again?" I say out to no one

"alpha west" nolan joins in on the conversation

Jason than hands me a drink which I didn't even know he was holding, finally I'm going to need a bit more than This though

"His name doesn't sound that bad why have I not heard of him?" I say then take a sip of my drink

"he's only been alpha for the past 4 years and has caused more havoc than all the years his father was alive" James says in a serious tone I couldn't help notice the slight look between James and Jason but I just shrugged it off

"what pack is he from?" I say while taking another sip of my drink, I'm confused as James eyes look to the ground and tightens his arms around Rhianna

"he's alpha west of the fallen moon pack" Jason says softly with a hint of worry

What am I missing here somthing is up with these two

Their body language briefly distracted me from realising we are talking about The strongest pack in the country how did I not know that the son of the monster that killed my parents and more than half my pack was now there so called leader. A small smile appears on my face as I now know my parents murderer is now dead.

"Hi James I was hoping you would make it tonight" suzi steps into our little gathering completely changing the subject around the fire and takes a seat with Tina in tow

"Jason, Mia always a pleasure to have you two love birds here" she says a little too happily

I roll my eyes at her lame attempt

"Rhianna how nice of you to finally grace us with your presence" she speaks with a hint of disgust in her voice

"suzi I think you have had a bit too much to drink" James says sounding tired

It wasn't till he said that, that I noticed she was kinda swaying in her seat

"James baby I'm fine" she says sweetly

I hear a low growl coming from Rhianna as I look over to see her body stiff and James rubbing circles on her back

Looking to break the tension around us now I turn to James

"James why is he called alpha west if he is the son of alpha sanders... Wouldn't he have the same name as his father? I ask suddenly feeling like I really want to know.

I can see James thanking me for changing the subject and taking the focus of Rhianna, that was half the plan but this subject had spike an interest in me as my grandmother would never tell me all she knew about fallen moon no matter how many times I asked. I wanted to know everything about my parents even up to when their lives were ended and that was the only part she was very vague about.

"All we know is After alpha sanders died, he took his position as new alpha of fallen moon but under his mothers maiden name, no one really know what happened but thats pretty much the word on the street " he says as if he's still thinking it through

"Pack meeting now" alpha Hanes voice comes thundering into my head

We all jump up at the same time as I'm sure the whole pack got the same msg, Jason grabs my hand and we all run off towards the arena where our pack meetings are held.

I follow the crowd of people walking quickly into the arena, Jason and James head around the other side as Rhianna and I pass through the people some in there pyjamas parents carrying their children as We head towards the stage at the front.

I look up and see alpha and Luna Hanes standing there with no expression on there face, than James and Jason appear on stage with them with a small nod alpha Hanes approaches the microphone.

"As of tonight midnight blue is on lock down, no one is allowed to leave this territory if you want to remain under our protection."

What the hell is he talking about?

"we have just received news that fallen moon is on the move and is headed in our direction. I can not stress enough the seriousness of this and precautions we must apply now, I'm not saying they are coming to our land but I will have everyone prepared if otherwise, emergency bunkers and supplies will be set by morning and I expect everyone to be in place as each family had trained for.

I hear gasps and people start whispering

"fallen moon has wiped out 3 packs in the last 3 days"

My heart drops at his words. How can anyone follow a leader that will destroy innocent lives. I will never understand that.

he pauses

"leaving no survivors" he says with his head low

The whole place goes quiet you could hear a pin drop. We all hang our heads in silence As we mourn the life's that have been taken.

"We will be meeting 7am sharp for all warriors and fighters both male and female everyone else you know where to be, even though it is not certain in their direction or where exactly they are headed we will treat this as an immediate threat" he says with his head now held high and power radiating off of him.

"Please keep your loved ones close for now and get some rest"

Alpha Hanes takes a step back as his eyes look up to the Luna, I grab Rhianna hand and give it a gently squeeze - this can't be happening

Everyone is silent as Luna takes the microphone

"We are trained we are organised and we have strength, together we will be protected, alpha Hanes will not let history repeat itself"

Everyone around me claps and cheers as I'm sure that was every wolves lingering thought.

"Tomorrow we prepare for war"

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