Just A Friend?

By ReadWriteLoveIt

45M 1.3M 672K

Will I Always Be: Just A Friend? {Book 1} *** {Teen Fiction #1} Ashton Thompson is everything you'd... More

Will I Always Be: Just A Friend?
British Vocabulary/ Terms & Slang Phrases
[1]: Bumps, Bruises, Best Friends & Bitches.
[2]: Fake Snow, New Girlfriends & NYE Kisses
[3]: Surprise Visits & Ticklish Moments.
[4]: Chick Flicks...Fantasy vs Reality
[5]: A Smack In The Face From Reality
[6]: Ben & Jerry Kisses
[7]: Family Interruptions & Friendly Spooning
[8]: Morning Glory & Hospital Visits
[9]: Plaster Casts, Play Dough & Prosecco
[10]: Broken Hearts & HOT New Students
[11]: Dinner Disturbances
[12]: Unexpected Messages & Butterfly Kisses
[13]: Pool Parties & Drunken Antics
[14]: Horrid Hangovers & Mysterious Marks
[15]: Flashback
[16]: Just Best Friends
[17]: Argument after Argument
[18]: WTF!!
[19]: Oh My God!
[20]: Mates & Dates
[21]: Setting Rumours Straight & Shocking Announcements
[22]: First Dates & Forbidden Kisses
[23]: Apologies & Confessions
[24]: Designs & Realisations
[25]: Secret Admirers & The End of a Tradition...well for one week!
[26]: A Tempted Moment
[27]: Tina Tantrums
[28]: Falling Out, Making Out & Damn Interruptions.
[29]: Smack
[30]: BFF Timeout!
[31]: Unhappy Birthday
[32]: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
[33]: Tuesday, is just Mondays Ugly Sister
[34]: Lyd vs Ash - Again!
[35]: Well That Was Unexpected!
[36]: Just Like Magnets
[37]: F*** You Reality
[38]: Never Assume, it just makes an ASS out of U and Me!
[38]: Extra
[39]: The Third Wheel
[40]: Just Follow Your Heart
[41]: Emotional Issues
[42]: Mixed Signals
[43]: BF Make Up/ BF Break Up
[44]: TFIF (Thank Fuck It's Friday)
[45]: No Man's Land, A Bottle Of Vodka & A Bag Of Frozen Peas.
[46]: Drunken Tales & A Cold Wake Up Call.
[47]: These Are My Confessions
[47]: His Confessions (ASH BONUS)
[48]: Waterworks, Revelations & Flower Meanings
[49]: Bitches & Ex-Boyfriends
[50]: Drinking Games & R-Rated Kisses
[51]: New Boyfriends & Family Heartbreak
[52]:Revenge Is Sweet
[53]: XOXO
[54]: Fundraiser Planning
[55]: Come Find Me
[56]: Finally Found What I've Been Looking For
[57]: Popped Cherry Anyone?
[58]: I'll Be Watching You
[59]: Tattoo Reveal
[60]: But Who?
[61]: Faux Friends & Interrupted Kisses
[62]: Birthday Shock!
[63]: 3 Words...8 Letters
[64]: One Line Or Two?
[64]: One Shot or Two? (ASH BONUS)
[66]: Birthday Shots & Horrid Hangovers
[67]: Surprise Surgery & Baby Plans
[68]: Pink Or Blue
[69]: Let The Countdown Begin
[69]: extra
[70]: Final Preparations & Moaning Puppets
[71]: The Fashion Show - Swimwear
[72]: The Fashion Show - Formal
[73]: The Fashion Show - The Boys
[74]: The Fashion Show - Casual Wear
[75]: The Fashion Show - Date Night
[76]: Fashion Show - Surprise!
[77]: Backstage Revelations
[78]: And The Internship Goes To...
[79]: Let The Celebrations Begin
[80]: After Party & Future Planning
[81]: The Calm Before The Storm
[82]: XOXO Revealed!
[83]: You Have The Right To Remain Silent
[84]: Breaking Free
[85]: Cocktails & Confessions
[86]: Friends Are The Family We Choose!
[87]: Sealed With A Kiss
[88]: Quality Time With Family & Friends!
[89 - Part 1]: Last 24 Hours...
[89 - Part 2]: Hugs & Kisses
[90 - Part 1]: His Forever Girl
[90 - Part 2]: It's Not Goodbye, It's Cya Later!
[The Epilogue]
[Full Cast List]

[65]: Young, Wild & Drunk

314K 10K 5.3K
By ReadWriteLoveIt

**Thank you @sam-is-here-now for my lovely banner**

"Oh sorry to interrupt..." I mumbled walking in on Ash kissing Nina before leaving the room immediately.

"Lou." I heard Ash shout after me but I ignored him.

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing, it couldn't be real. Ash wouldn't do that to me, not after everything we've been through lately. Not after telling me he loved me. But now I guess I have my answer to why he didn't come upstairs to find me, find out the result of the test.

I thought my heart was broken by him before we were dating but now...this feeling that was tearing through my body was something I'd never experienced before. It felt like it was consuming me and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

And why was Nina here in the first place? She wasn't one of my friends; and I doubt she'd have been invited by the girls.

"Lou listen to me, it's not what it looks like." He says catching up to me and I just shake my head at him. I hold back my tears as best as I could, couldn't break down in front of everyone here right now.

I went into the living room where the lights were turned off and everyone began singing happy birthday to me. As my mum walked towards me holding the top tier of my cake covered in candles, a slow tear slipped down my cheek. I really wasn't in the mood to celebrate my birthday anymore, I just wanted to crawl up into my bed and cry.

I felt a warm hand slip into mine and link our fingers together. Glancing to see Ash stood next to me, his eyes catching mine for a brief second. I unlinked our hands before blowing out my cake.

"Thank you everyone for being here tonight, I never expected this surprise. I'm not sure what else we have planned tonight but I can't wait to celebrate with you all." I smiled as the lights were switched back on.

"Aww bless you babe, you crying?" Kelly the girl from my class smiled over to me

"I'm a soppy bugger you know me." I laughed as everyone started to chat again.

"Okay so we all need to start heading out to the clubs soon." Fin shouts out and everyone agrees. The music was turned back on and everyone went back to drinking and having fun.

"Thanks for my cake mum, and allowing all of this tonight."

"You're welcome sweetheart. You okay?" she asks wiping a tear from my cheek as my dad takes the cake from her to keep safe.

"Yea I'm fine."

I hug my mum again whilst ignoring Ash then head towards my girls who were stood in the corner, all staring over at me. But I felt Ash pull me back. "What?" I snapped my head at him.

"Lou we need to talk."

"You know what Ash...I don't want to talk to you. You had all the time I was upstairs to choose to come talk to me and now I'm choosing not to talk to you." I say to him loud enough so he would hear but not everyone else. Giving him a stern look, I shook my head before walking away.

Mingling with a few friends and avoiding Ashton was what the next ten minutes consisted of. I could see him talking to Greg, Joel and a couple of Fin's friends who were here with him tonight across the room but he didn't come to try and talk to me again. I watched as Nina walked into the room and wink at Ash before stopping to talk to some girls from college.

"I've just booked all the taxi's, they will be ten minutes everyone so let's get ready." Marcus shouted over the music.

"I'm just going to sort my face out, can you make sure that everyone is in a taxi." I ask the girls, "We can jump in one of the last ones."

"Okay sure." Ayla says, "You okay? You're acting a little weird."

"I'm fine."

I ran up my stairs and into my bed room to fix my make-up and hair. Everything was in my handbag ready so I just needed to slip on my heels. I'd changed out of them earlier; I wanted to last as long as I could tonight in them so I was currently wearing my fluffy slipper boots. It's a shame I couldn't wear these out, they were so comfy.

"Girls I'm coming down now." I shouted as I heard my door open.

"It's me."

I spin around to see Ash standing in my room.

"We need to talk and I'm not taking no for an answer Lou."

"Well you're going to; I'm not spending the rest of my evening stuck up here in my room with you. I want to go out and actually enjoy my birthday celebrations."

"I want you to enjoy tonight as well, Lou you're my best friend, you're my girlfriend and I love you, you know that. But we need to talk about what's going on between us right now."

"Nothing is going on between us Ash...you took care of that with Nina downstairs."

"Lou don't say that, I didn't do anything,"

"I saw you kissing her Ash."

"She kissed me, there's a difference. I was trying to get past her to come and see you. I'm sorry it took me so long to actually come upstairs but you know I love you and will support you in any way I can."

"You know what I've just realised." I say to him ignoring his last statement.


"We've been dating for what? A month now?" I ask and he nods and shrugs at the same time.

"What about it?"

"That's usually your cut-off date right? Can't be seen dating someone longer than a month. Although for some unknown reason you lasted longer with Tina...but I should have known I wouldn't get longer than my time allowance with you."

"You're being ridiculous. I didn't last with any of them because they weren't the right girl for me, but that's you. I've never told anyone I've loved them before, you're the first girl I've said those words to and I meant them Lou."

"You love me do you?'

"You know I do." He replied walking closer to me

"Well you've got one hell of a way of showing it." I reply bluntly standing up and heading to the door.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he replied grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him.

Releasing my arm from his grip I stood there and looked at him, for the first time I wasn't feeling all mushed up and giddy in front of him. I was crushed by him, he'd completely devastated me. I couldn't explain what I was feeling but I just felt numb.

"Ash I'm late and possibly pregnant with your child; you see the pregnancy test in my bag...yet when I went upstairs you didn't follow me. Knowing I'm just as scared about this and the possible result as you are but you don't bother to come find out what it was. The whole time I've been here you never came to find me, to see how I was, to find out the result..."

"So you've taken it."

"Yea I did whilst you were too busy trying to get your leg over. What you trying to do...get someone else knocked up as well?'

"You're pregnant?" he gasped stepping away from me

"Like you care what the result is...you've proved that tonight. You said you'd be there for me if this happened Ash, you said we go through this together but you just left me alone." I choke out. "Just run along Ash and find Nina. She's obviously who you want tonight. I just thought you out of everyone would be here for me if anything like this happened, and especially because it happened with you. But you've let me down. Just leave me alone." I reply walking out of my bedroom before he could stop me and heading straight into the taxi waiting outside.


All the way to the club the girls tried cheering me up, trying to take my mind off what had happened over the past half an hour. I tried to forget about Ash, what he'd done...or more to the point hadn't done.

I'd still not told them about him and Nina yet, they thought I was just mad at him about him leaving me to do the test alone.

"Babe don't let Ash get to you. You're in no state to talk to him tonight. Anything you both say will just make things worse." Lois smiles grabbing my hand.

"I'm trying. But he's beyond hurt me tonight girls."

"We know babe"

"No you don't." I say quietly as tears slipped down my cheeks.

"What do you mean?"

"When I came downstairs I went into the kitchen to look for Ash...and he was with Nina."

"Doing what exactly?" Ayla asks suspiciously

"Kissing her."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." she shouts and I shake my head.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Lois asks

"I don't know. He told me it wasn't what it looked like then I walked into the living room I was sung happy birthday. After that I told him to leave me alone and that I didn't want to talk to him."

"Have you spoken to him since?" Georgia asks and I nod.

"Yea he collared me upstairs just now."

"What did he say?"

I go through what he'd just said to me whilst trying my hardest to stop the tears that felt the need to stream down my face. I'm glad I brought my make-up with me, I'd need to re-do my whole face when I get into the club. Thank god I had Lois with me; I needed my girl to work her magic.

"There's one thing I don't understand about any of this." Ayla says


"Why the hell was Nina there in there in the first place. We didn't invite her."

"I thought that as well."

"Well apparently after Rachel found out about her kissing Ash she kicked her out of her friendship group. She's now tagging along with Kelly and Mel from your design class." Georgia tells us.

"Oh wow." Lois sighs, "Rachel is such a bitch. I couldn't imagine not speaking to one of my best friends over her kissing a boy I used to date."

"I mean I wouldn't be happy about it and I'd be seriously pissed at my friend but I wouldn't stop talking to her over it." Georgia adds

"Yea but we all know that Rachel isn't a normal kind of friend is she." Ayla replies and we all nod in agreement.

"So what are you going to do about Ash? Are you still with him?" Lois asks and I shrug.

"I told him that we weren't but I don't know. He's really hurt me tonight."

"I know babe, how about you just forget about him tonight and have fun with everyone yea? Sort things out with him tomorrow." Georgia replies and I nod.

Soon enough we arrived at some club the girls had sorted out for tonight, we quickly pay the taxi man before heading to the front of the queue for guest list. As soon as everyone was with us we all went in with me heading straight to the bar. I head to the toilets with Lois to top up my make-up before joining the girls at the bar. "Double vodka red bull please." I smile as the cute bar tender came over.

"You're not paying for a drink tonight babe, especially not on your birthday." I heard a male voice say

Turning round I saw Elliot stood passing the bar lad a tenner. "Beer as well please mate."

"Aww thanks Ell." I smile taking my drink off him.

"No problem...you enjoying your night?"

"I am now." I smile up at him

I see him sigh and shake his head at me, "What's up with you and Ash?"


"Well I know that's a lie because you glanced down before you answered me...tell-tale sign with you, plus he's had a face on him like a slapped arse since you both walked into yours before."

I smile at him and sigh "It's a long story Ell but we've had an argument and I'm too pissed off with him at the moment to sort it out."

"But it's your birthday and he's your boyfriend. You don't want to be arguing with him tonight."

"I don't care; I can't be dealing with him tonight. I just want to have fun and enjoy myself." I reply "But thanks for the drink Ell."

"Okay and no problem." he nodded "Just try not to let this spoil your night okay, and try make up with him. You's are so perfect together, I can see that now."

"I will, thanks Ell...just not tonight." I reply before I walk off to the booth we had reserved

When I got there all the girls were there including Nina who was talking with Kelly and a few others from class. There was a huge tray of at least thirty shots on the table. She was the last person I wanted to see right now but I couldn't exactly kick her out could I? God I was so stupid to think Ash would stick with me and not let his wandering eye get the better of him.

Shaking my head I didn't want to think about him tonight...he was here somewhere I just didn't know where. Surprised Nina wasn't attached to his face.

"What the hell are these?" I laugh sitting down next to Lois.

"Shots." Ayla grins "So let's get them down us and get you drunk."

"I like this plan girls." I grin picking up the first pink shot.

About two minutes later all the shots were gone and I was definitely feeling the after effect. "Let's dance girls." I smile grabbing Lois's hand as I heard Walk The Moon 'Shut Up and Dance?' come blasting through the speakers. I loved this song.

Laughing away with my girls was what I loved most, and posing for silly pictures. Although I don't even want to see what they look like tomorrow but no doubt the girls will have them uploaded all over Instagram and Facebook. After a few more songs we head back to the bar for more drinks and shots. We all began to pay for our drinks but as it came to my turn a hand came over my shoulder and passed the girl behind the bar some money. "Thanks Marcus." I smile

"No problem. Birthday girls never buy their drinks. Now fancy doing some more shots with me?"

"Of course." I giggle,

"We'll come find you in a bit Lyd." Ayla shouts and I nod as the girls head back to the dance floor as I sat myself on the bar stool next to Marcus as we ordered our shots.

We did a stupid amount; I can't even remember the names of half of them before we joined everyone on the dance floor as 'Cheerleader' came on.

I'd somehow avoided Ashton all night so far and glancing over to our booth I could see why.


She was all over him again; although he was pushing her away and attempting to move around the booth to get out but people were blocking both sides. He looked at me apologetically and watched as he moved Nina away from him, looking like he was about to come over.

Shaking my head at him I turned my attention back to my friends. "Dance with me gorgeous." I heard Ayla shout.

After a few more songs, I was following the girls into the toilets. It's like the law of girl code that we can pee alone on nights out.

I was washing my hands when I glanced at Lois she gave me a reassuring smile. "Forget about him tonight and have some fun." She whispered in my ear.

"I'm trying."

"I know. But it'll all sort itself out I promise."

We left the toilets but before I could get any further than the bathroom door, I felt someone grab my arm pulling me towards them.

Turning round quickly, as my heart rate quickened as to what was happening. Ash was stood leaning against the wall, which made me relax slightly.

"Ash what?"

"We need to talk...and I'm not having any more no bull shit!"

"Not tonight" I replied attempting to yank my arm out of his grasp.

"Yes now. I've been going out of my fucking mind all night."

I looked at him and my heart melted, his gorgeous eyes gazing into mine apologetically.

"You seemed to be enjoying yourself with your new thing from where I was standing. Doesn't look like you want or need me anymore."

"Nina has nothing to do with this...with us. She kissed me, I never kissed her; and as for her trying to kiss me again tonight it's not happening. You're my girl and the only girl I want. You walked in at the wrong moment earlier, a few seconds later and you should have seen me pushing her away I swear to you Lou." He says grabbing my head in his hands. "I'm so sorry that I never came to find you when we got to yours. I was over whelmed with what you'd just told me and I freaked out."

"You didn't come and find me at all though Ash, how the fuck do you think that made me feel? You are my best friend, you're my boyfriend and you weren't there for me when I needed you the most." I reply on the verge of breaking down again.

"Lou I'm sorry."

"It's too late for that." I reply

"I'm guessing you're not pregnant then?" He sighed after a few seconds...his eyes catching mine

"No, I'm not. Like fuck I would be drinking if I was. Now that you've dodged this bullet I'll leave you be to find your next victim."

"I'm not looking for anyone else, we're still together"

"I don't think we are."

"Lou you're my girlfriend and my best friend and it's your birthday, please can we sort this out tonight?"

"Ash I can't talk to you anymore. I'm either going to say something I regret or burst into tears...and I don't want either to happen. I'm rather drunk so please just let me go and we can sort it out when I'm not feeling like this towards you."

And with that I walked away, heading straight for the bar with my girls hot on my heels.

"I need shots and I need them now." I shout at the bar tender and he smiles

"How many?"

"Enough till I say stop."

Tonight I was on the path of destruction...my heart was in tatters. My pregnancy test had come back negative thank heavens. I had all the support I needed from my girls; I just wish I had it from my boy as well.

*Just want you to know I did mean to put Nina and not Tina. Remember Nina was the one Ash was kissing in the hallway & was one of Rachel's minions.*

Well you've all got your answer for the pregnancy test. NEGATIVE :)

A LOT of you will be happy about that, I can't believe how many of you didn't want her to be pregnant haha. I never planned for her to be either...this is just leading up to something else. And as for those of you who said that they'd stop reading if she was pregnant, that's your choice. It's not nice to read that you'd stop reading just because something didn't happen the way you wanted it to. But whatever...

Anyway...what do you think of Lyd's reaction? Does she have a right to be this pissed at Ash or is she overreacting? Remember she's not only angry over the kiss but him leaving her to take the test alone...and she's drunk.
Drunk people don't make smart decisions :)

Let me know what you think...as you always do :) Thanks for all the love...x

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