The Boy Next Door Owes Me Ore...

By xLimewireJunkiex

4.7M 54.3K 8.3K

Sylvia moved to Florida and immediately was taken under by her neighbor. His name is Chase, and from the firs... More

The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(1)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(2)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(3)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(4)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(5)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(6)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(7)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(8)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(9)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(10)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(Character Picture)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(11)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(12)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(13)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(14)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(15)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(16)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(17)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(18)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(19)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(20)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(21)
The Boy Next Door Owes me Oreos.(22)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(23)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(Unofficial Character List)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(24)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(25)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(26)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(27)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (28)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (29)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (30)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos CONTEST?! :D YEAHH!
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (31)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (32)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(33)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (34)
The Boy New Door Owes Me Oreos.
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(36)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.(37)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (38)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (39)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (40)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (41)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (42 PART ONE)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. (FORTY TWO PART TWO)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos 43
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (44)
The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos (45) THE END
My Roommate Ate My Oreos

Sorry To Disappoint You.

76.2K 563 153
By xLimewireJunkiex

Hi, I'm Katie and I live in what seems to be the smallest town on the planet. You would think that because this town literally has like 2,000 people in it and less than 500 of those people attend my High School that I would have nothing to do but sit at home all day on the computer and write. False. I have friends, and I have family, and I have other hobbies, and I'm job hunting, and it's summer so I'm going on vacations...and I have a license so I'm just never home anymore BUT ANYWAY I have other things to do than write. 

Please don't take my words out of context, I'm not saying by any means that I'm done with writing and that I'm deleting my accounts and the world is over--- No. I write not because I have fans, or because my family supports my hobby of writing, but because I want to and when I'm unhappy the characters in my stories are the only things that make me happy. Writing makes me happy. That's why I started writing on this website, that's why even before Wattpad I was posting on Xanga which isn't made for writing by the way. I write because it makes me happy, and having fans and people who are like genuinely surprised by my writing ability gives me all the more reason to continue. 

I plan on going to college for English and minoring in Creative Writing, and the college scene isn't far off. Well it kind of is, but it's constantly in my thoughts. (I'm a junior this year)

I'm sorry for disappointing people who thought this was a post and for getting their hopes up, but I wanted to write this just to explain that writing isn't all I do, and it doesn't have to be. This isn't my job, Wattpad doesn't pay me (X  I write and I share my stories because I want to and because I love you guys and I love the feedback you give me.

What girl doesn't like compliments about something that means a whole lot to her?!

In my last post of this story alone I got 3,000 views. Wow, Thank you for reading! More people read that than who live in my town. I have a hard time imagining that many people actually reading it but that's what Wattpad tells me. There is a major disconnect though, because as 3,000 people read it I have 20 comments and even though twenty is better than none it isn't as much as I hope. The level of commenting has definetly gone down since I finished He Belongs In Detention, and to a degree I understand why but even then.

If You Like This, Comment. Tell my why you like it, why do you come back every single time I post this regardless to the amount of time that is inbetween because I honestly don't know and I wont know until someone tells me. And if you don't comment, I don't know you're reading. I can't look at a number and be like YEAH they like me, because it might not be true. Friday by Rebecca Black got a lot of views (got taken off youtube also) it got a lot of views.... but not for a good reason.

I don't write unless I get comments, and I especially don't write a story that I don't really care for. I don't like The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos. Call me crazy but I started writing this as a joke. It was never supposed to go on What's Hot it never even expected to be read. Thank you for reading, but when you first post something you never have the thought of "3,000 people are going to read this, and only twenty are going to comment." I don't even like oreos btw, I don't play soccer. Nothing.

I write this because you guys like it.... But I don't really know you do anymore. 

I'm not trying to come off like a spoiled little girl, because the feedback I do get majority of the time is nice and makes me happy but then I get catty girls who are mean to me. I'm not a mean person, or I try not to be, please don't be mean to me. Don't ALL CAPS LOCK the messages you send me because you're angry, because I didn't know you read it in the first place because you have never commented. How was I supposed to know?!  I try to be nice to everyone, and write when I can but when I don't get nice feedback of someone telling me "You're really good..." I don't want to write because I feel foolish and I'm discouraged by "HEY SO, YOU ARENT EVEN THIS GOOD TO KEEP PEOPLE WAITING FOR THIS LONG---" ....I never assumed I was that good, and I still am never going to think I was that good. ^^Using that direct quote wasn't meant to attack anyone, it was just one of the examples of the mean things people say because they think it's okay when it isn't.

I'm a girl. I have feelings. If I wanted to be bullied I would sit in the living room with my Dad when he's drunk not post stories on Wattpad.

Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm about a page and a half into the next part of The Boy Next Door Owes Me Oreos.. (it's like pulling teeth haha) and I'm attempting to make it as long and as detailed as possible. But fair warning, as it stands right now I'm going to try to finish this story as soon as possible. Don't worry! The quality will not deminish, I just want to finish all my stories.

(: Hopefully at least one person read this.

But as a closing remark, this website and all of my readers on it has made me much more comfortable with my writing. I remember writing in notebooks (and still have them) about witches and warlocks and love when I was nine and ten and younger. I also remember the horrible fear that crepted into my heart and my stomach anytime anyone would even touch my notebooks. It's terrifying to put yourself out there, especially on the internet where once it's out... It's Out Forever. I remember my best friend at the time Becky being the first person to read anything by me, and we were in my bright blue room and she was like 0-0"this actually isn't bad..." and being like pee herself surprised because we were ten. SO thank you for that.

Thank you for giving me the confidence to do contests in my community, thank you for giving me the courage to join Creative Writing classes. I can honestly say that before this I was not comfortable with what I was writing and now when anyone is like "Oh you write?" I'm like yeah, I post on this amazing website called Wattpad and I have a lot of amazing fans. <<ask anyone of my family members that my parents mention this to haha. 

Thank You, and please continue to be amazing fans by showing you're love and not being mean to me because even though getting 7 mean messages shouldn't get me down it does. ): 

Also-- Soon I will have a post out, I'm sorry for the wait but try to understand how discouraging it is... 

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