Cursed with Wings (Thranduil...

By spypuppy

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[Book 1] Belle is a cursed She Elf. Betrayed by her own family, Belle runs for the hills, forced to accep... More

Chapter One: The Curse.
Chapter Two: The Fear Of Losing A Mother.
Chapter Three: The Change.
Chapter Four: Meeting An Elf.
Chapter Five: Blue Eyes.
Chapter Six: The Prince.
Chapter Seven: The Disappointed King.
Chapter Eight: The Arrow Of Hunger.
Chapter Nine Part 1: An Unsuspected Guest.
Chapter Nine Part 2: Meet The Healer.
Chapter Ten: Raina Meets Belle.
Chapter Eleven: The Queen.
Chapter Twelve: The Lullaby.
Chapter Thirteen: Grandma
Chapter Fourteen: Ollie.
Chapter Fifteen: The Royal Pain In The Arse.
Chapter Sixteen: The Dying Queen.
Chapter Seventeen: The Tortured Seamstress.
Chapter Eighteen: The Ball.
Chapter Nineteen: The Willow.
Chapter Twenty: Questions.
Chapter Twenty One: The Moonlight Dance.
Chapter Twenty Two: The Unconscious Angel.
Chapter Twenty Three: Mother In The In-between.
Chapter Twenty Four: The Damsel In The Queen's Garden.
Chapter Twenty Five: The Dream.
Chapter Twenty Six: The Loss Of A Great.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Saving An Innocent.
Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.
Chapter Twenty Nine: The Newcomers.
Chapter Thirty: The Elixir.
Chapter Thirty One: The Battle & The Cure.
Chapter Thirty Two: The Fateful Encounter.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 1: The Announcement.
Chapter Thirty Three Part 2: Miserably In Love.
Chapter Thirty Four: A Possible Future.
Chapter Thirty Five: Be Still...
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death Bed.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 1: The Betrayal.
Chapter Thirty Seven Part 2: The Demon.
Chapter Thirty Eight: The Aftermath.
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Truth.
Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.
Chapter Forty One: Memories.

Chapter Forty Two: The Battle.

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By spypuppy


Suddenly my eyes shot open as I sat up, seeing Thranduil alarmed. "What is going on?" I worriedly asked my husband, who was quickly changing his attire into amour as the warning bells continued to ring.

"We are being attacked."

"What!" I yelped, throwing back the covers and putting my boots on. "I should get ready," I exclaimed, reaching for my sword which laid against the dressing table.

"Get Legolas and meet me by the courtyard," Thranduil suddenly ordered, wrapping his leather belt around his waist. I nodded, hastily putting on my cloak over my nightgown as Thranduil headed out. Once gone, I quickly slung a belt around my waist which held my sword. Just in case.

I ran down the dim hallway to the young prince's room. When opening his door, my eyes caught on Legolas's body as he shook in fear, hiding under the blankets. I heard him mumble, "M-mama?!" as I came to his bed. "I'm here," I whispered. His head popped up from under the covers, his terrified expression changed to relief as he jumped into my arms. Grabbing his small body in my arms, I gently placed him on my hip. His little hands immediately wrapped around my neck, tugging at my hair, trying to get a grip.

Legolas began to whimper as I adjusted my crown. "Are orcs going to bite me?" he cried, clutching to me with dear life. "No my little leaf, they'll have to get passed me first," I promised, kissing his small forehead.

Dashing out of the room, I held him close, hearing urgent commands echo in the distance. We were running down a corridor when servants, seven of them, were panicking in the terror, not knowing what was going on or what to do.

Quickly I approached them, their shocked faces gazing at me for a moment before bowing there heads. Not wanting to waste time, I ordered them to follow me and stay close.

When we approached the courtyard, we were met with chaos. Crowds of men and woman, children and the elders were everywhere. I had to push past lots of people just to reach Thranduil, who was surrounded by men in armour who were ready to fight.

Once the men mounted their horses, I called for Thranduil. His head turned to me, before giving a final nod to the men, who then rode away, following their new orders. My heart pounded in fear. How bad is it?

The king then strolled up to me. He raised his hand to my cheek, caressing it gently and sighed.

"We don't have time. Orcs have made it to the entrance, it won't be long until they reach the village. Get the women and children and take them to the safe house." The king ordered me, but I shook my head. I had other plans.

"No Thranduil, I need to fight. I made an oath to protect this kingdom, I-"

"And you will, Belle. Get the woman and children to the safe house. Protect them-"


"Belle. Go with them. Please." He pleaded, grabbing my hand. I looked at him and nodded. He was right. His lips cuvred up, giving me an assuring smile. With his long arms, he wrapped us in a hug, resurging me that everything was going to be alright. When he pulled back, he looked at his horrified son.

Raising his hand, he gently stroked his head before planting a small kiss on his forehead, making Legolas's nose scrunch up in disgust as he grumbled, making both of us to chuckle.

Thranduil then looked at me, his cold eyes watched as a tear rolled down my cheek. He quickly wiped it away with his thumb as he said, " I love you, Bells."

Then, with a peck on the lips he added, "Stay safe, alright? I could not bare with myself if you are dead. Not again. I'll return, I promise. I cannot leave you to raise our son on your own, can I?" He said, softly stroking Legolas's head, before staring back at me.

"I will keep my promise."The king said.

I closed my eyes and nodded miserly. "I love you Thranduil." I choked out, watching him nod in response before squeezing my hand once more.

I painfully stood there, feeling his hand slowly slid from my grasp as he strolled over to his steed, gracefully mounting it. In seconds, I watched as he lead thousands of troops to the battlefield, leaving us behind with the woman and elderly.

Be safe Thranduil. For heaven's sake be safe and return to us.



Thranduil's P.O.V

All dressed in armour, my men and I rolled out. The ones on horses were in front, while the men on foot followed closely behind. When arriving at the ongoing battle, we were stunned. Orcs and others creatures kept coming through the start of the forest and into the village. Elves were already fighting, a few dead, others wounded. Some houses and stalls were set alit and broken. Judging by the number of orcs filing in, this was going to be a long, tough fight. Raising my sword high in the air, I let out a battle cry before charging forward and into the battle.

Slicing bodies, cutting off throats, my sword was stained in seconds with revolting black blood. Archers from high up took out the some ogres and other opposing archers. The soldiers with swords and knives were to take out the rest.


Belle's P.O.V

I held back the tears as I yelled to the crowd, "ALL WOMEN AND CHILDREN FOLLOW ME!"

All of the woman looked startled at my sudden approach, but nodded. I held Legolas's body closer as we headed out, a few guards coming with us.

My sword was in my spare hand as we made our way out to the safe house, which was near the back of the kingdom. Grey clouds swept the sky, the morning sun disappearing from sight. The wind was fierce, attacking us with full cold blasts.

From behind me I could hear sobs come from mothers and small cries from the children. I, on the other hand held it in, wanting to look strong in front of others, for Legolas.

The journey was rough. Some young children couldn't keep up with the speed.

The earth shock beneath our feet

Screams of terror filled the air as a small group of orcs came charging at us. Holding Legolas tighter, the guards and I rushed into the fight, the women and children stay behind. I lashed my sword down at their disgusting bodies, hearing their high pitched screams as they collapsed to the ground.

I felt my heart pound harder in fear as I saw in the corner of my eye, an orc coming up to a mother who was carrying an infant in her arms. Quickly, I grabbed a dagger from a corpse below me and threw it as fast as I could. The dagger went straight to the head, killing the orc instantly.

But it was to late. The elven lady fell to the forest floor.

Letting out a scream in pure anger, I beheaded two orcs with one swipe of my blade. I then called out to Dawn who was watching close behind, "DAWN,GO! TAKE THEM AND HEAD TO THE SAFE HOUSE. RUN! WE WILL BE THERE SOON!" I watched as she nodded, ordering the rest of the group to follow her as they carried on.

I carried on fighting, protecting my son with all my strength I could wiled. Bodies kept dropping to the ground, good and bad. I could hear my loud pants ring in my ear as I killed the last of them. When the last orc hit the floor, dead, I overlooked the area. There was about fifty corpses which littered the ground, ten were elves.

I ordered the remaining men to head to the safe house to protect the woman and children. When they headed off, I scanned my surroundings to see if there were any survivors. Suddenly, I heard a mere whisper come from behind me. I shifted my gaze to find one of the mothers, a stab wound to her abdomen.

I sprinted to where she laid. Her complexion was ghostly white as a lot of blood stained her night gown. I Immediately dropped my sword and crouched down. Using my spare hand, I pressed hard against her stab wound, pleading, "Ma'am please hang in there a little longer, I wil-" I stopped short, as I peered at her face. She knew she was going to die and by the loss of blood, I couldn't save her.

Her light brown eyes full of tears, pleaded as she gasped out the words, "Please, save my child." She then moved her long red hair, to revel an infant, weeks old perhaps, wrapped in a blanket sleeping in her arms. The mother kept staring at me, her lips were stained with a little bit of crimson blood as she continued speaking, " Please take my daughter with you. My only wish is for her to live."

I slowly nodded, putting my sword back into it's scabbard and held the little girl in my spare arm. "What's her name?" I ask the mother, watching as she smiled a little, her eyes on her daughter.

"Tauriel. " She whispered, "Tauriel is her name." Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as she watched her daughter until her dying last breath. A small tear fell as I closed the mother's eyes, wishing her farewell.

Slowly standing up, exhausted, I looked at my dear son and the infant in my arms and felt my heart drop. If orcs have already have reached this part of the kingdom, what's happening on the other side?! Is my husband alright?

Suddenly yells filled the air again, this time many. I looked north, to where the battle was currently happening. I could make out elves fighting, slashing their swords down at the blurs of the orcs which kept coming through the forest.

"This battle is never going to end," I said, watching the battle from the distance. "We are being slaughtered," My eyes widened with horror as I saw an elf collapse, multiple arrows plunged in his chest.

I need to do something.

Something that will end this battle, once and for all.


I came through the south west entrance of the castle with the two young elves in my arms. Breathing hard, I moved my through the castle, passing hallways, rooms and other passage ways. Once I heard the sound of swords being lashed around, I stopped. Scanning the room I was currently in, where tapestries and portraits decorated the walls, until my gaze landed on something.

A wardrobe.

As I got closer, I could see a strange symbol which was somewhat familiar. Where have I seen this before. I tried to remember, when a flash back played at the back of my mind. It was when I was going to the ball, all those years ago.


As I kept walking I saw what looked like an old tapestry, faded and worn. I stepped closer, I saw a big battle, orcs with their spears and swords charging to the army of armoured elves. Their stood their ground as a blonde haired elf stood in front, the leader. He was facing away, only being abled to see the backs of his head. His sword raised to the orcs direction.

The moment before war.

As I walked to the next tapestry, a weird symbol was carved on a wardrobe. Strange? Why would there be a big tapestry about a wardrobe with a symbol carved into it? I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. I turned to see Raina with a small smile on her face.

She looked at the tapestries and said "Legend has it Belle, that an old powerful witch had a vision, she warned the king that a war will be coming. The king prepared his soldiers for battle, waiting for any sign, but nothing came. The King was so angry and furious that he banished the witch from his lands, but with witches there is always trouble. She cast a curse. "When a pure heart enters the kingdom, she will bring courage, wisdom, life but she will also bring betrayal, jealously and certain death..."

Raina looked down at her shoes and chuckled "But it is only a story, so don't worry Belle" she patted my shoulder before walking towards the ball room saying "You have to go to the ball sometime tonight Belle, Dawn didn't waste her precious time for nothing!"

*End of Flashback*

"Was this the war that the ancient witch predicted?" I mumbled to myself. Suddenly I heard, "Mama? What are we doing here?" A small sad smile grew on my face as I watched Legolas gazing around the room in curiosity.

"We are going to play a game, my little leaf." I said, silently chuckling as I saw Legolas's eyes light up at the word 'game.' But I felt my heart sink as I continued to lie. "We are going to play hide and seek, do you remember that game, Legolas?" I asked, watching as his face beamed with excitement and his head nodding.

Using my powers, I opened the wardrobe door, for my hands were full. The wardrobe was filled with ceremonial robes, in all colours. Pushing them to one side, I first placed Legolas inside, then the infant on his lap.

I was on the verge of tears when I said, "Daddy is the hunter this time. Now remember Legolas, what do we do when we hide?" I asked, watching as he followed me as I putting my finger to my lips, indicating to be silent.

I smiled and ruffled his hair, then pulled a ring off my finger that my mother gave me as an engagement present and placed it in his small palm. "Legolas, you see this ring?" I pointed at the sliver ring. "Hmm" He mumbled, playing with it. "This ring has magic powers which will protect you from harm." I lied.

His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he traced the engravings, mumbling, "Does that mean this will protect my toes from the orcs?" I let out a laugh and replied, "Yes my little leaf, even from the orcs." Legolas smiled and told the infant in his arms, Tauriel. The baby giggled, playing with strains of his blonde hair.

"Mama is now going to hide somewhere else now. Remember to stay absolutely silent until Daddy finds you, okay?" I choked out, not noticing the tears falling down my cheeks. I watched as Legolas's face turn from joy to concern. He raised his little hand to my cheek, smudging my tears away. "Why are you crying, Mama?" He said, looking as if he was going to cry. All I wanted was to do to cuddle him in my arms forever, but I knew what I had to do.

My mouth quivered, feeling my heart being torn as I looked at his sad icy blue eyes, "I love you Legolas...I- I love you with all my heart." I said, trembling as I placed one final kiss on his forehead before standing up.

More than life.

"Mama?" He questioned, his voice piercing through my heart. His hands reaching out for me, his pleading eyes filling with tears. I shook my head and raised my finger to my lips, reminding him to be quiet.

The last thing I saw was his confused face as I closed the wardrobe doors.


(Still Belle's P.O.V)

Everywhere was complete chaos. The village was almost unrecognisable. Bundles of fire lit the ground and treetops. Houses striped bare and burning to the ground. I wrapped my cloak around me tightly. Trembling, I took a another breath, realising what I've just done and what I must do next.

As I wandered through the remains of the town, I came across a horrified sight. A horse laid dead, it's rider struggling underneath to free his body from the weight. A group of orc's surrounded them, nibbling away at the warm flesh of the dead horse. One of the orcs abandoned his first meal, licking his chops. His murkily eyes, glaring hungrily at his next victim. The solider yelled out in pain as the orc bit into his freed leg. Hastily, I looked around my surroundings, trying to find a worthy weapon.

A rock, few meters away seemed ideal. Angry, I threw the rock, hitting the orc in the head. The orc staggered back, it's forehead a bloody mess.

Note to self: Never upset an orc, especially when he has company.

All the orcs snapped their heads towards me, their eyes narrowed in anger. Forgetting their current meal, they stood up and came charging towards me.

My first target, the fastest of the group came at me, swinging it's blood stained blade. I deflected his fast blows, watching as his jaw dripping with blood. Feeling disgusted, I swiped my white blade, decapitating him instantly.

Orc after orc came, in a blink of an eye, everyone of them were slaughtered. I cleaned all the black blood from my sword before going deeper and deeper into the battle. My cloak now torn from me and blood decorated my nightgown. I got shocked looks from elves who were fighting near by, each one surprised to see the queen in battle.

While plunging my sword through the heart of an orc, I heard, "What the bloody hell are you doing here?!" I turned around to see Isaac. He looked horrible. Cuts filled his body and he had a nasty wound to his right shoulder. His lovely dark eyes looked concerned.

"Belle, you're supposed to be at the safe house, not fighting a battle in a blimin' nightgown!" He said, stabing an orc in the belly.

He then wiped blood from his face as I exclaimed, "I had no choice. I am not going to wait helplessly while there is a battle going on." I then quickly added,


Which luckily he did, for I had thrown a dagger, hitting the armed orc right behind him.

I heard him mumble a 'thanks'. Both Isaac and I readied our swords."I'll take the ones on the left, you on the right."

Together, we fought, protecting each other's back at times. Afterwards, we smiled goofily at each other, wiping the sweat and blood from our foreheads. "It's been a while but you've still got it Belle," He remarked. I laughed, playfully whacking his shoulder. "Your not so bad yourself, blacksmith." He let out a laugh, a smile appearing on his kind face.

Suddenly, Isaac, took hold of me, his face pale. Before I knew it, I was swirled around, his big shoulders shielding me. Time seemed to stop. All I could see was Isaac. The way his eyes went huge as he took a sharp intake on breath.His body then limply falling against mine.

An arrow was lodged in his back.

"Isaac!" I gasped out, shocked. Tears whelm up in my eyes as I saw him smile. "Isaac, what have you done!" I exclaimed, watching as his shirt was slowly staining red. "Hold on Isaac, just give me a second, I'll-" I stop short as I felt his hand gently grasp my wrist, preventing me from helping him.

By the look on his face, I knew what he was going to say. I burst out into tears, shaking my head. "No, Isaac. N-no- I cannot let this happen." I cried out, trying to free my wrist. "Please Isaac...please let me do this. L-let me heal you!" I begged. My heart tugged as I heard him say the words.

"You cannot always be the saviour, Belle."

My eyes widened, a lump forming at the back of my throat. I tried to fight him, not accepting it. "Stop it Belle...please stop it." He pleaded. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as I stared into his eyes. I felt his rough calloused hand wipe them away.

"Belle...Belle Azalea. You were my first love." He said, his lips forming into a cheeky smile. "Its was a shame I didn't claim your heart first." He ended with a chuckle, drops of blood painting his lips.

He struggled to take a deep breath, but continued. "The way your eyes always shine as you look at the goodness in people...what you saw in me." He muttered at the end, his dark eyes forming tears. "I-I'm sorry Belle. I should've been a bet-"

"You were the greatest friend I could ever have." I choked out. I heard him mutter, "Good," before weakly taking my hand that was pressing down on his wound. He raised it up to his lips and placed a soft kiss, closing his eyes. When he re-opened them, he gave my hand a small squeeze. His eyes shone, his smile never fading.

Suddenly, a deafening roar filled the battlefield. The wind blew hard against us as I covered my eyes from the flying dirt and smoke. As I pulled my hand away from my eyes, they widened in terror.

An enormous beast swept the sky, camouflaged by the grey clouds . It wasn't until an elf yelled out, "DRAGON!" That I finally knew what it was. The dragon was the size of two houses, a mere baby but not less dangerous. It had emerald green scales which shone against the morning sun. Its hands and feet behold huge talons, long and sharp. I saw its green scales on his belly glow before fire escaped it's mouth, setting orcs and elves alight.

I let out a yell in anger as I shot shards of ice at the dragon with my free hand, hearing it shriek in surprise. I must of lost concentration because next thing I heard was Isaac yell, "BELLE! WATCH OUT!" But it was too late.

My scream rang throughout the air as I felt large talons latch around my shoulders and lift me into the air. I watched Issac become smaller and smaller as I continued to scream at the top of my lungs. Arrows were fired near me by archers, trying to kill the beast but all bounced off the dragon's scales. I tried using my sword, but with every movement, the dragon's talons dug in deeper. I tried to transform, but the amount of pain and lack of energy prevented me to,

I was moved further and further from the battle. I could hear the battles between blades, arrows and other weaponry being fired. I could make out the ongoing army of orcs. By the looks of it, we will not claim victory. We are doomed.


Thranduil's P.O.V

The army kept rolling in by their numbers. By this rate, we are never going to win this battle. I looked behind me, counting what's left of my men. About 450 were either dead or injured, the rest, judging by the warn looks on their faces, weren't going to hold out much longer. Taking a deep breath, I yelled,

"FALLBACK!" My men looked at me, startled at my sudden order but obeyed. As we started to retreat, a sudden scream hit my ears. Looking up, my eyes widened in terror.

A dragon.

I haven't encountered a dragon since the battle up north, all those years ago. Judging by it's size, the beast was a mere baby. But what really shook me, was what it carried in it's talons.

It was a woman, judging by the nightgown. Something small fell from above, glistening as it dropped. Curious, I chased after it, as if I was in a trance. When I was near, I suddenly felt uneasy, as if I knew it was something bad.

It seemed as if time had stopped. My heart lodged in my throat as I felt anger form inside of me. For what lay on the bloodied ground, was non other than,

The Queen's Crown.

I cried out in fury as I grasped in my hand, clawing at the dirt. I had sworn to protect my kingdom from harm. But how can I, when cannot protect the people closest to me.

That I cannot protect my beloved wife.


Belle's P.O.V

It wasn't until we were flying around the entrance of the forest below a cliff that I felt the talons around my shoulders let go. My body fell through the air, the wind attacking me. It was seconds before I hit the ground. My heart pounding in my chest as I felt my body tumble. I tired to stable myself, my nails clawing at the dirt to get a grip, getting rapidly near the edge of the cliff.

It wasn't until the last mere seconds that my hand latched onto a root. Hastily, I gripped onto the root with dear life, my whole body hanging over the edge as a few rocks fell meters below. With my whole body aching, I used the last of my strength to haul myself back up.

Once on top, I collapsed. My breathing came out harsh as I felt the ground shake beneath me, from the dragon's landing. When I opened my eyes, my vision was temporally blurry due to the fall. All I could make out was the green beast with what looked like a chain around his throat. But what caught my attention was the white blur standing beside the dragon.

Suddenly, I felt what seemed like huge invisible hands grab my throat, lifting me high in the air, holding me. With my vision slowly clearing up, I came to my senses. The white blur evolved into a person I haven't seen in many, many years.

Saramun, the white wizard.

His face gleamed with pride as he took in my current state. Badly Wounded, covered in blood, extremely exhausted and sore. "It's been awhile, thief since our first encounter." He paused, watching my pained face. "So sorry about the sudden intrusion, I-" I cut him off, my patience wearing thin.

"Why are you here?" I demanded, feeling my hands curl up at my sides. The wizard seemed a bit irritated, seeing how I cut him off.

"As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted," He said, slightly narrowing his eyes at me. "I am here to reclaim something that was rightfully mine. " I let out a laugh, claiming, "That damn flower was never yours to begin with!" Pointing a finger at the old man. "It was just one flower-"

"It wasn't just any flower! That flower gav-"

"Yes I know. The flower gave me the power of healing and control over the elements. " The wizard glared at my rudeness. But I did not care. If he brought me to this Cliffside just to discuss things that I already know, he's going to lose something.

Suddenly, the force holding me, gripped my neck tighter, causing me to let out a whimper. The wizard slowly came towards me into his face was centimetres away from mine. "I recommend you keep quiet until I finish speaking, got it!?" He hissed in my ear. I nodded my head, watching as his mouth formed a wicked smile, muttering , "Good" before turning away.

I felt the force around my throat let go. Collapsing to my knees, I coughed furiously as I felt the need to take in air. A hand to my sore neck, I looked as approached the edge of the cliff, admiring the view.

"Thief -or better yet, your Majesty" He said, looking back at me and mocking a bow. "How do you like your present?" Gesturing to the battle that was happening below us.

"You see here Thief, you are the cause of this battle. Every life here is at stake because of you. It'll only be in a matter of time before your kingdom is to be slaughtered. Men, women, children, even your husband with be killed at the drop of the hat! Have I forgotten any- Ah yes! Even your little son, Legolas, is it?"

My eyes widened at the mention of my son's name. The old man smiled, knowing that he had hit a soft spot. I felt my whole body burn in pure anger. As I felt fire start to form in my hands, the force on my throat began to strangle me again. I watched the globe on his staff glow bright while I desperately gasped for air.

"It has seemed that you have rather enjoyed my 'gift',"he stated. I let out a humourless laugh as I looked up at his face and chocked out , "You mean the curse?"

"Yes, the one you have in your control, destroying it's true purpose." he said. My eyes narrowed as I growled at him, the words, "What do you want?!"

"Your power." The wizard plainly stated. "Which is currently following through your veins. A power that you are incapable of possessing!" He bowelled. As he rambled on, I adsorbed all my remaining energy I had within me and transferred it into the earth, creating an earthquake.

The ground beneath me began to shake, silencing the wizard. .I heard the dragon squeak in fright before flying off, abandoning his master.

The man glared in my direction, laughing at my attempt. Raising his staff, I felt my body be lifted up from the ground forcefully by my throat I started to suffocate, clawing at his invisible hands. My vision was slowly began to be filled with black dots.

"Did you really think you could defeat me!? You stupid girl, I cannot be d-"

His was cut short when the earth from where he stood began to crumble. Unbalanced and distracted, he released me from his magic hold. He looked around, noticing the small cracks the cliff was forming. He started mumbling spells under his breath, each one becoming more urgent.

He fell. His body disappearing from my sight, as his yells ringed in my ears.

Coming to my senses, I hastily grabbed my sword as the cliff continued to collapse. I could feel the ground in front of me weaken before quickly giving way. I began to move as fast as I could. But with hardly any energy left inside of me, all I could mange was a mere crawl. Muscles crying out, sweat dripping from my forehead as I felt the ground which held my feet disappear. The sounds of rocks falling and my heart pounding was all my ears could hear.

I continued to move, determined to survive. With the end of the cliff meter away from me, I weakly dragged myself. It wasn't until the earth that held my lower body collapse, that I felt my heart lodged deep in my throat. The tears streamed down my cheeks as I frantically reached out, grasping for anything that could support me.

I let out a scream as I felt myself fall. This was it. I was going to die. My mind flashed my family, imagining their faces as they see my dead body, my heart broke. I have failed, I ha-

Suddenly, I felt the back of my nightgown from around my neck be grabbed. The air in my lungs escaped as I stayed, my weak body hanging from whatever caught my garments. In moments, I felt myself be pulled up and thrown onto the hard ground again. I laid there, shocked. I let my fingers thread through the strands of grass, feeling the freshly dew slowly wet my fingers.

Suddenly, I heard a snort come from near my head, it's breath tickling my face as it gently nudged me. I opened my eyes, only to be met with two huge dark eyes, staring at me concerned. "D-Daeron?" I croaked out, lifting my shaky hand to his huge head. When the unicorn gently nuzzled my hand, my lips trembled. I felt my heart begin to beat again. Dragging my poor body, I wrapped my frail arms around his neck, sobbing into his silky coat. "Daeron. Th-thank you, I-"

Suddenly a loud roar interrupted me. Startled, I looked up to the sky. The dragon. It's head hung low as it winced in pain. My gaze followed its movements as it slowly flew down to the remains of the cliff.

"Impossible." I whispered, watching wide eyed as I saw a hand escape the rubble and grasped the creature's neck.

I was cut short when the unicorn firmly spoke in my mind, "We don't have time.I need to get you to safety, little one." I turned my head to see Daeron already kneeling down, making it easier for me to mount him.

Weakly, I pulled my body onto Daeron's back. I could feel the wind hit my face as Daeron started to gallop in the direction of the safe house. My hands gripped at his mane for stability.

But, with my mind bombared with an ongoing thought, I yelled,


Daeron instantly braked, making me cling to his mane to prevent from flying forwards. He turned his big head to me, "Is there something wrong, little one?" Daeron asked, worried. I ingorned his question as the wizard's voice suddenly ringed in my mind, repeating the same words he said on the cliff, over and over again.

You are the cause of this battle. Every life here is at stake because of you. It'll only be in a matter of time before your kingdom is to be slaughtered.

You are the cause of this battle.

You are the cause of this battle.

"I am the cause of this battle," I said out loud, hearing Daeron immediately question me, saying, "What on earth are you saying! You are-" I cut him off when a plan came to mind. "If I am the cause of this fight, I could be the one to end it." I stated, watching as Daeron continued to stare at me if I had just lost it.

"Daeron, start heading out of Mirkwood. Keeping galloping as fast as you can and don't stop, whatever may happen. If this is the solution to save my kingdom, then so be it." I firmly ordered him, giving him a hard stare.

"But Little one, shouldn't we-" He tried to argue but I cut him off.

"No Daeron! We must do this!" I stated, hearing him snort once then say,

"Very well, Little one."

Suddenly, he swiftly changed his course. Giving one last snort, we were off. I had to cling onto him tightly, my body having trouble to stay secure on his bare back. Trees whooshed passed, only appearing as quick blurs. I let out a yelp as Daeron gracefully jumped over a fallen tree. When we landed, my body smashed against his strong neck, nicking the wound on my shoulder, which I received from the dragon's talons. I must of let out a hiss, for Daeron immediately halted, his head turning slightly to see me. I gave him a reassuring smile, indicating that I was fine.

Daeron carried on, being more cautious at every jump that was made. It wasn't until we heard the sound of gigantic wings approaching us, that Daeron began to pick up on speed. Suddenly a loud magnified voice was heard, hurting my ears.

"LEAVE THEM! GET THE GIRL! LEAVE THEM I SAY AND CATCH THE WENCH!" I looked up to see the white wizard, on the dragon once more, his staff pointing straight down at us. I gently nudged Daeron's side, urging him to go faster.

It was only moments until I heard shrieks and yells. Taking a glace over my shoulder, I felt my face drain. Hundreds, if not thousands of orcs, were chasing after us. With all of them running and clumped together, it looked like a wave. A wave that was closing in, fast.Their weapons ranged from swords, daggers, bows to rocks.

Looking back ahead, I yelled, "DAERON HURRY, THEY ARE GAINING!" He seemed to get the message for he pushed himself further. I was surprised by this. A normal horse would have given up miles back, but he kept going.

I quickly ducked, dodging as I felt an arrow go straight passed my head. "DAERON!" I screamed, quickly taking out my sword once more, eyeing the orcs that were the closest. I lashed out my blade, beheading an orc as he tried slash Daeron's hind legs. The orc's body collapsed, tripping up some others behind it.

I could hear Daeron start to pant, slowly getting exhausted. I looked ahead, trying to determine how much further we needed to go. My eyes quickly moved to my left to see an orc whizzing through the air, it sword aimed at me.

I hastily pointed my sword upwards, watching as it went straight through it's body. With a grunt, I managed to throw the body off my sword, hitting some orcs from behind us. Arrows kept being fired, just missing me and lodging itself in the passing trees.

Suddenly, as I tried to deal with five orcs that were getting incredibly close, I sensed an arrow being fired. But I was too late. As I slashed my blade down at a sword, I felt the arrow lodged itself into my thigh.

I let out a grunt, biting down on my lip hard to prevent myself from screaming. My body bent over forwards, resting onto Daeron's neck as I held the wound in pain.

"Are you alright little one!" Daeron asked worried as heck, trying to see what has happened.

With the amount of agony I was in, I could only gasp out one word.


Daeron pushed himself to the limit, his muscles working overtime. The distance between us and the orcs grew. Weakly, I felt myself start to feel a little dizzy. I closed my eyes, hearing Daeron's harsh breathing echo in my ear.

"I will never be able to set foot in this place again," I thought to myself, "Not without causing chaos." I felt a few tears escape my eyes.

The thought of my family, the people I love the most.

My magnificent grandmother, Raina. Oh, how she can make someone laugh. How she uses her talents to help the good. Don't forget her new hubby, Wayland. The ultimate blacksmith can whip anything that involves metal. Together they make the loving grandparents anyone could ask for.

And then there is my mother and my true father, running their own kingdom, finally happy after years apart. Not to mention the lovely Dawn, the twins and maturing Ollie.

I am abandoning them.

Lightheaded, I heard Daeron step into water, making me slowly re-open my eyes, seeing the water quickly swallowing Daeron's legs.

My ears picking up the sound of more splashes, this time it was hundreds. The army was entering the water.

Daeron carried on, deeper and deeper into the water. It wasn't till the water reached my mid thigh that I weakly stretched out my hand, allowing the tips of my fingers brush the surface of the lake.

The deep blue water reminded me of my husband, as if his eyes were staring up at me. Oh, how I wish that I was in his arms right now, warm and safe. Feeling him kiss my forehead and assure me everything was going to be alright, and most importantly, that he loved me.

The thought of him, brought me to Legolas. My little leaf. His smile being the light of my life. Every time he laughed or cried, I was there by his side. But no longer.

I will never be able to see him again. I will not see any of them, again.


Third person's P.O.V

The unicorn roughly entered the lake, it's rider hanging weakly on its back. Daeron pushed through the water, going as fast as he could. He could hear the stampede of orcs  that was following him closely behind. When the unicorn was half way across the lake, he looked back at the injured girl on his back.


Daeron's P.O.V

She looked bad, the wound in her leg was losing too much blood. I looked in front of me, thinking of a way to lose the army that were catching up to us, fast. Suddenly, I felt the water change its course. Curiously, I looked back at the army of orcs, now all in the water. They had stopped too, staring down at the new current.

As moments past, the current had gotten stronger and the lake was taking shape. The lake was moving in a circular motion, resembling three rings/currents. A whirlpool was forming.

This shouldn't be happening, not in a lake like this. How is it hap- I stopped short and looked at Belle. A tear trembled down Belle's cheek as she stared blankly down at the lake, her hand in the water created ripples. As her hand swept the water, I watched as she let her wild emotions took hold of the magic that stored deep inside of her, creating this whirlpool.


Suddenly, I felt the water current rise, getting even stronger as it picked up some of the orcs, making the others scream in terror. Any longer and we will be swept away.

Worriedly, I tried to talk to the elf, telling her to stop, but she was in a trance. Panic started to build inside of me. I raked my mind, thinking of any solutions to get out of this mess, when an idea came to mind.


Knowing the risks, I pointed my horn into the lake. If I had to use some of my life magic to save this little one, I would do it, no questions asked. I closed my eyes, concentrating as I started to perform the incredibly advance spell.

I started to think of a location that I could send us, when I felt my body start to be dragged into the whirlpool. Startled, I dove into the portal, thinking of the first location that came to mind.

I galloped down the tunnels of magic, feeling the portal close behind me. The tunnels were dark purple, almost black. The only light was the was the loose strands of magic, slowly floating around the tunnel. I looked down at Belle, seeing her magic mark softly illuminating.

We traveled for quite awhile, I going fast as I could, knowing that Belle needed medical help and fast. It wasn't until I saw the end of the tunnel, that I felt my heart lift a little.

Don't worry Little one, you will soon be all right


Thranduil's P.O.V

The battlefield was silent. The thick air smelt of smoke and blood. The dark sky above rumbled in disappear as I scanned my surroundings. Bodies littered the grounds. My remaining men had sorrow looks a upon their faces. A gush of wind blew burnt embers into the distance. I had to cover my eyes to shield them from the ashes. The ending result of this horrific event was devastating. Too gruesome to experience in one's lifetime. For some reason I felt utterly alone.

Rain started to fall, soaking my clothes. The crown in my hands felt cold against my skin. What happened?

"Belle..." The whisper left my lips. Shaking my head, I wandered in the direction of the safe house, my heart quivered with every step I took. Once there I was met with a sight. Women held their young ones desperately waiting for their love ones to return. My eyes searched the room, trying to find them.

As time crept by, I began to panic. That's when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I was meet with two pairs of worried eyes. Raina and Dawn stood before me. The younger elf, Dawn, hesitated as she tried to speak, but no words came out. Raina sighed, before stating the words I dreaded to hear.

"Thranduil. I am afraid to tell you that Belle and you son never made it to the safe house." As she finished, Dawn burst into tears. "Where are they then Raina? Where could they possibly be!?"
Her eyes darted away as hung her head low, mumbling the words, "I don't know. The last we saw of them was when we were ambushed not far from here."

As soon as I heard those words, I vanished. The rain drenched me as I desperately searched. Longing to see their faces once more. I suddenly tripped, falling into the watery mud. I laid there as tears began to fall from my cheek. I cried out their names, hopelessly waiting for a reply.

I sudden had a feeling which drew me into the depths of the castle. The hallway echoed as I dragged my heavy feet. Where could they be?

Suddenly I heard an infant's cry. I ran. My heart pounding deep in my chest. It wasn't till my eyes met a wardrobe, that I stopped. Slowly I reached out, my trembling hand grasped the handle. I could hear the cries be muffled by quiet shushing. I jerked the door opened. Light blue scared eyes met mine.

"You have found me."

Tears threatened to fall as the boy held out his small arms, reaching for me. I grabbed hold of Legolas, holding him tight in my arms, not ever wanting to let go. I let out tears as I kissed his forehead, crying. After awhile I pulled back, caressing his head.

" Where is-" I was interrupted by an infant's cry. I looked behind him to see a child, wrapped up in a blanket, in the wardrobe. Who is this? I was pulled back from my thoughts when Legolas held up a ring.

Belle's ring.

"Where did you get that Legolas?" I asked, hoping for an answer that would lead to her location. "Mama gave it to me. She said it would protect me." He said, fiddling with it.

I took hold of his hand, stopping him so he would concentrate. "Legolas, where is she? Where is your mother?" His answer wasn't the one I was looking for.


As soon as my son said that word, I felt the frustration build up inside of me. "Where is your mother Legolas?! WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled, shaking him. My son burst into tears, mumbling, "I don't know where she is. We were playing hide 'n' seek."

I suddenly felt guilty. I cuddle him, calming us both down. We stayed there, in each other's arms.

Where could she be?


*Dead.* It has been a incredibly difficult chapter to write. It is the longest and probably the most horrible chapter I have produced. (I have written about three times!) I am so sorry readers that this chapter is horribly written, but I am on the edge of going crazy. We had planned this chapter halfway through writing this book. This chapter may be incredibly weird, but just bare with me. Thank you for your patients and your kind words. I hope this chapter is not confusing. I will be editing it one day.

Until then,

Spypuppy out!

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