Percy Jackson and The Avenger...

By SMR_1114

290K 5.7K 1.2K

After the Giant War, Percy felt the need to escape the mythical world and try to live as something else. With... More

note 5
note 6
Note 2
Note 3
Note 4
Christmas Special
Christmas special part 2
Christmas special 3
Christmas special part 4
a note from SMR


13.4K 348 57
By SMR_1114

Clint POV

As the team and I wait for Steve, Percy, and Fury to come in to the conference room, Tony began to annoy Natasha for information about Percy, while Bruce is muttering about a medical exam for everyone. I watched Thor watch and sometimes interrupting the bickering Iron man and Black widow.

"I could tell that Percy is not in his right condition, if we ever talked about his past." Wanda stated that cause me to avert my look to her. "I saw his eyes glazed a bit, yesterday. I also felt some negative aura around him."

Her observations made me compare Percy's normal state from his panicked and frightened state. It is indeed true, why haven't I noticed it?

"What do you think would be the cause of this to him?" Wanda asked as she watch the two Avenger bicker and give some threats (specifically Natasha).

"If I can tell you, I would but that information is not for me to tell everyone. It's his privacy and his history, we shouldn't pry it." I said looking below at her.

"You know his past, do you?" Wanda asked then looked at me in the eyes.

I could see sorrow in her eyes like she had felt what Percy went through. I could tell that she saw a glimpse of what Percy saw yesterday.

Suddenly, a loud crash and a whimpering sound could be heard across me. I looked the direction of the sound and saw Natasha pulled Tony to her face by the collar, with anger plastered on her face. Pulling Tony caused the chair to fall backwards and cause the whole team to look at them.

"Don't you dare talk like that to him." Natasha warned. "I'm warning you now, Stark. When it comes to punishment and torture, Percy is much worse than me."

"That's enough." A new voice broke the tension.

I whipped my head towards the door and saw Fury, Steve, and Percy standing by the door. Why didn't I heard the door or their footsteps?

Fury came closer and went to the table then went to his chair, while Percy went to sit beside me and Steve sat across him. I saw Natasha drop Tony and sat on her chair, while Tony land the floor with a thud then sat on his chair with a pained expression on his face, as he rub his buttocks.

"Now that everyone is here, I need Thor to explain what is happening." Fury said as he looked at Thor, who is by the end of the table across him. Thor shift a bit then looked at everyone.

"We all know that their is some disturbance here and they are releasing so much energy that causes the animals to be erratic." Thor said. "But the worst of it is that the one who is causing this is hunting down young Perseus here."

A thick silence came after the news then a loud bang can be heard beside me. I jumped at the sudden sound, which cause some of the avengers scream (To be more specific it's Tony) and jump. We all looked beside me and saw Percy looking down at the table with his fists on the table. I could see him shaking in anger and his fists turn white.

"How many are they?" Percy said a bit venomously. "And did he escaped this time?"

"Young Perseus, I do not know how many they are but I can assure you that the one you don't want to escape is still in Asgard." Thor softly said to the enraged teenage agent.

"He better not cause more damage this time but if we ever need his help, then we must let him go." Percy said. "Especially, now that I'm being tracked by them."

Wait. Especially, now? Oh shit. We are doomed.

I could feel my eyes widened, as Natasha, Fury, and Thor eyes widened. I could tell they realized our mistake.

"You're saying that the curse is back?" I questioned. Please tell us not what we are thinking right now.

Percy looked everywhere then to me. I saw sadness and pain in his eyes but not his face. He wouldn't let emotions sipped through his facade, how I really want to break his facade.

"Yes." Percy confirmed my fears. "It came back, when I got back here."

"You're saying that any moment now they would intervene and drag you down there?" I questioned.


Shit! This is really going to be a real full out war. I looked at Natasha with fear in my features. I could also tell she too is afraid, by her tapping on the table and the constant glance at Percy.

"Um... Excuse me." Bruce awkwardly broke the tension in the air. Percy whipped his head to the doctor across him. "I know this is out of topic but I need to do the monthly check up."

Percy's eyes widened at the word check up. He looked at Fury with a glare. If looks could kill, Fury would be ten feet under right now. Fury let out a sigh and looked directly at Percy's eyes.

"You have to do it." Fury said between their starting or glaring contest. "And you can not avoid this one."

Percy stood up so fast that cause his chair to fall backwards and landed with a thud on the floor. He placed his palms on the table and glare at Fury much more.

"You know why I avoid the tests so much! Why do you have to dragged me to that forsaken place!?" Percy shouted.

"Calm down." Natasha said. "Before you-"

Too late. I could see Percy lost his balance. He grabbed the edge of the table and saw his eyes glazed a bit. The curse has started.

"Percy!" I shouted as I grabbed his shoulders. He went limp in my arms as Natasha stood up and rushed to the other side of Percy.

SMR here

Sorry for the long wait. I was about to update on July 1st but the half of the chapter went missing.

Anyways, would you like me to do the other chapters in third POV or character POV?

Please comment about it.

Also, please check my other stories and leave a comment either negative or positive.

Happy Fourth of July!! :)))




SMR out

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