My Angel

By cifa_bdck

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My name is Shelby, my father abandoned my mother, sister and I when we were little . He said our family would... More

My Angel
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

182 13 0
By cifa_bdck

Jakes P.O.V

I instantly got to the hospital and walked to the door. I went to the main desk. "I'm here to see someone." I exclaimed, they let me through and I went to the doctors office.

"Excuse me," I said impatiently, knocking at the door. "Do you know if there are any people in one of these hospital rooms with the name Carey and Shelby?"

The doctor stood up, peering over his glasses and looked at the clip board. "Yes, Carey and Shelby Dawson? They left a couple hours ago, they weren't in bad shape. The third family member is in critical condition."

"Mrs. Dawson sir?" He nodded in reply.

"No time for visiting now, she's going into surgery."

I nodded and walked out. Zapping back to the Dawson's house, my eyes began to water. The warm streams filled my eyes and ran down the side of my face. I can't begin to think what Shelby and Carey are going through. It's their mom, no one knows if she'll make it out alive.

Knocking on the front door lightly, I walked in. The house was cold and dark. The kitchen still had the breakfast bowls out from the other day. I heard quiet whimpering coming from down the hall. Slowly taking some steps forward, my heart raced wondering how I'm going to deal with this. Maybe I should just leave? I could abandon them, they already have so much going on. Or should I just say sorry and leave?

Questions were racing through my head, with our further questioning, I opened the door and stepped into Shelby's room. Her head looked up into my eyes. Streams of mascara stained her cheek and the pillow she was crying into. Her hair was a mess and looks as if she hasn't touched it in days.

"What do you want?!" She demanded from me. I looked up defenseless, putting my hands up to surrender.

"You left us in the car alone when we needed help! How could you just abandon us like that? We needed you!" She screeched. Shelby got up from the bed and slowly came walking towards me.

Her brown fiery eyes looked into mine when she reached just a foot away from me. My nose nearly touching hers. When suddenly I did the unthinkable.


I know it's short but it's something! Comment and vote, you don't want to miss the next chapter. I need 5 more vote guys :)

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