It's a Love-Hate Relationship...

By xXxAppleheartxXx

13.5K 225 29

(read Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right before you read this) The story of Dazy, Kyle, Jayden, and October contin... More

Truth or Dare*3*
A Death in the Night *4*
House Shopping *5*
Sheen meets the Smith Twins*6*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *7*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *8*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *9*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *10*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *11*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *12*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *13*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *14*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *15*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *16*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *17*
It's a Love-Hate Relationship *18* Final Ending
Note to Readers!


2.3K 27 6
By xXxAppleheartxXx

*-It's a Love-Hate Relationship; Chapter One -*

*-* Christian's P.O.V. *-*

Annabelle and I were laying on my bed, watching a movie as I rubbed her stomach softly. She was due any day now, and we learned when she was four months along it was going to be twins- twin girls, that is. When we found that out, we came up with their names right away. Lucy Hazel Grayves, and Lacey Jordynn Grayves, Lucy's middle name being the same as Annabelle's, Lacey's the same as October's.

"Are you ready to be a daddy?" Annabelle asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah. Teen years are going to suck." I said while putting my chin on her left shoulder.

She chuckled before saying, "Well they have tons of family, and my aunt said she was going to spoil them." Anna has lived with her aunt ever since she was fourteen, because her parents were killed in a really bad car accident, and the rest of her family had at least three kids, so they couldn't take her in. Her aunt is the only one that lives her in Alaska, and has no kids since she's single.

"I'm pretty sure everyone will spoil them. It'll be worse than Dazy's twins." I told her with a small smile. I was still a little mad that Kyle got her pregnant, but she seems happy, so i'm supporting her.

"They're all around the same age, so hopefully they'll be good friends." she said with a grin. "I feel sorry for Valentine though, he's going to be the only boy."

"Yeah.. October might get upset if he starts acting like a girl." When she first learned how to fight, October had told me that if she ever got pregnant and kept the kid, she'd teach him or her how to fight. I thought she was nuts, but she's still sticking to the plan, and told me yesterday that she's going to teach Valentine how to as soon as he's old enough. "I hope none of them pick up her language." I told her while lacing my fingers with her, hands still on her stomach.

"Ditto." she mumbled with a small sigh. "Aunt Martha said she's having a dinner, barbecue thing and wants all of us to go."

"When is it?"

She checked her phone before replying. "In about half an hour."

We got up as I said, "Let's go get everyone then." I went and got Amaya, Jayden, October, and Valentine, while Annabelle went and found Dazy and Kyle. "October, get dressed. We're gonna go to a barbecue." I told my sister, who was lying in her room, watching TV as my nephew slept.

"Do I have to go?" she asked with a groan while looking up at me.

"Yes, now get up and get dressed." I heard her groan again as I went and told Amaya and Jayden to get ready too, before going to the living room to find Dazy and Kyle down there. "Did Annabelle tell you about the barbecue?"

"Yeah, she told us a few minutes ago." Dazy told me while putting her shoes on.

"Good. You two are taking your car, right?" She nodded so I asked, "Could you guys drive October, Jayden, and Valentine? Hopefully if they'll get along on the way."

"Sure. Amaya going with you guys?"

I nodded. "Just follow me over there, and try not to get too far behind me, Annabelle's aunt lives out in North Pole." Someone came in, and I turned to see Annabelle coming in, with Amaya following close behind.

"So who's riding with who?" Amaya asked me while pulling her shoes on.

"You're coming with Anna and I." I told her while getting my own shoes on. Within a few minutes, we were in my car, waiting for the others to get in Dazy and October's car. When they finally got in, I pulled out of the drive way and headed out to North Pole.

*-* Jayden's P.O.V *-* 

After Chris told me we were going over to Annabelle's aunt's house, I got up and got dressed in dark jeans and a Shinedown t-shirt. I headed to the downstairs after that, and found Dazy waiting there as I grabbed my shoes. "Where's everyone else?" I asked after I pulled them on.

"Waiting for you, now hurry up so we can go." she told me while going over to the front door, and opening it.

I followed her out to her car, and saw Kyle in the driver's seat, October behind where Kyle was, and Valentine's car seat in the middle of the back. Silently, I got in the back on the right side of my son, as Dazy got up front and started following Chris's car. October glanced at me when I got in, but quickly turned her attention out her window. I'm still mad that she hasn't let me hold our son, and he's already two fucking months old. It's pure torture to be so close to him, but can't touch him at all. At least she talks to me every now and then...

Dazy looked at us and asked, "So how are you two going to raise Valentine?"

October and I shrugged in unison.

"You two better figure it out, or he's gonna end up growing up without an important person in his life." She looked at her twin, and gave her puppy dog eyes, but October just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh come on October, are you really going to act like a kid for the rest of your life? Grow up, and let Jayden help you raise your son!"

I looked over at October to see her reaction, but she still refused to say anything, or show any emotion. She just kept staring out the window, watching the trees and other cars pass by. Dazy let out a frustrated groan before turning up the radio a little bit, and leaning back in her seat. It hurt to see that her twin still doesn't trust me, especially when she had our son, and I kept Aaron from killing her so many times. I put my head against the window and stared out it in silence as we drove to Annabelle's aunt's house. When we got there, she greeted us with a huge grin, and led us inside. The house was nice, and she said that there was food cooking on the grill outside.

"My little Belle looks so beautiful! And Chris, you still look as handsome as you did when we first met." she exclaimed while giving them both hugs. She turned to look at us, and said, "Hello, i'm Annabelle's aunt Martha."

"Those are my little sisters, Dazy and October, Dazy's husband, Kyle, Amaya, Jayden, and Valentine is Jayden and October's son." Chris told her, pointing to each of us in turn as he said our names.

"It's a pleasure to meet all of you. Two of my sisters, and one of my brothers are here with their children outside, but some of the kids are upstairs. Feel free to make yourselves at home." Martha told us with a smile before taking Annabelle and Chris outside.

Amaya pulled me over to the couch, and had me sit down next to her. "Has October let you hold Valentine yet?" she asked me.

"No, she said she doesn't trust me." I muttered.

"She said that two months ago! Just talk to her, and ask if you can hold him."


She cut me off with a glare while saying, "If you don't start at least a friendship with her, then you won't be able to help your son grow up."

"Well what do you want me to do then?" Wow, I never once thought i'd actually be asking my little sister for help with a girl problem. I guess I always thought since I was older, she'd be coming to me for help on this kind of stuff.

"Just try talking to her. If I have to force you guys to talk, nothing good will happen, plus you have to think for yourself. I'm only pushing you guys a little bit so you don't end up forgetting the other exists." she told me with a shrug.

"She's probably not gonna talk to me." I told her.

"Jayden, grow a pair and start talking to her! Do you really think she'd like it if I told you what to do?"

I shrugged and she smacked the back of my head. "What was that for?" I asked while glaring at her and rubbing the back of my head.

"Stop acting like an idiot. Now figure out what you're gonna say to her, and go talk." she scolded before leaning back against the couch and looking at the TV screen, which was showing commercials.

I stared at the screen for a little bit, silently thinking of what I should say. A baby's crying snapped me out of my thoughts, and I suddenly realized October and Valentine were the only others in here. I watched as October gave him a bottle, and held it up while cradling him in her left arm. "He's gonna grow up to look like you." I said a little softly.

She glanced up at me before asking, "How do you know?"

"He has your eyes, and light colored hair, which he inherited from you and your side of the family."

"How are you sure his hair isn't going to turn dark over the years?"

"Why are you questioning everything I say?" I asked while rolling my eyes.

She shrugged. "Because it's fun to question everything that everyone says. They usually get annoyed right away."

"That's true." I said with a small smile. "You learn that from questioning what Dazy says?"

"Yep. She'd go psyco and yell at me for annoying her, then complain to Chris all the time."

I chuckled and watched as she set the bottle on the floor as Valentine fell asleep. "Is that all kids do- eat and sleep?"

"No, they do other things too you twit." she told me with rolling her eyes. "You probably just don't pay attention to the TV shows that have kids."

"Why would I sit there and watch stupid shows like 'Sixteen and Pregnant'? They're so stupid."

"Who knows, maybe you secretly jack off to those shows." she said with a smirk.

"I'm sure you'd love to walk in on me doing that." I teased, the smirk leaving her lips and coming to mine as her cheeks turned pink.

"In your dreams." she muttered.

She wraps her hands around that pole,

She licks those lips and off we go,

She takes it off nice and slow,

'Cause that's porn star dancin'

I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone, which said I had a new text from Amaya.

"That's your ringtone?" October asked while staring at the phone in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's a good song."

"For someone to strip to."

I shook my head with a grin and read the message as she rolled her eyes.

'Looks like you guys are getting along'.

Looking up, I stifled a groan of frustration when I didn't see her and my phone vibrated.

'Nice ring tone btw'.

'Fuck off'.

I replied while putting my phone on 'vibrate' so no kids heard the song.

"You should probably change that ring tone, Jayden. You don't want to be a bad influence on all the little kids here." my little sister said while entering the room from the hall that probably led to the stairs. She sat to my left and looked at October. "He probably jacks off to his fantasies of you stripping to tha-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I growled while covering her mouth with my right hand, the left on the back of her head.

She pushed my hand away before wiping her face. "OH MY GOD! He touched me with the hand he uses to jack off yet!" she nearly screamed in disgust.

October started laughing as I glared at Amaya. "I'm going to kill you." I hissed as she started laughing.

"Nuh-uh, you're not aloud to hit a girl." she told me with a smirk.

I let out a frustrated growl/sigh before flipping her off and leaning back against the couch, my arms crossed over my chest.

"Aww, is the poor little baby upset?" she teased in a kids voice.

"Shut up."


"You're pissing me off."

"It's what I was born to do." she said with a shrug.

Ignoring her, I looked at the TV and watched as someone changed it to 1000 Ways To Die. The show is stupid, but pretty funny if you enjoy watching people get hurt. Not too long after everyone ate, Annabelle went into labor, and almost everyone freaked out. "Waiting room's gonna be crowded." I said to no one in particular as her family all rushed to get in their cars. Her two aunts has three kids each, one have kids ages six, fifteen months, and thirteen, the other having them ages nine, eleven, and fourteen. Her uncle has four kids, ages nineteen, seventeen, eleven, and eight.

"Exactly why i'm not going." October said while watching as pretty much everyone left, only Amaya, the nineteen year old- Stan, the seventeen year old- Kevin, Valentine, and us were staying here. She grinned at Valentine, who was sitting on her lap before tickling him.

"Hey cutie." Stan said while sitting down next to October, making me glare at him. "This your nephew or something?"

"He's our son." I snapped.

He ignored me, and kept his eyes on October. "How about I give you a tour of the house?" he asked while placing a hand on her leg.

"Uhm.." She looked at me for help.

"She's dating someone!" Amaya said as she came in.

Stan narrowed his eyes slightly at her. "Who?"

"My brother." she replied while pointing to me. "Their son is proof."

"That's not enough proof."

"Well what do you want them to do? Have sex on the couch?" Amaya glared at him, clearly annoyed as he kept trying to see proof. "There's kids here! She probably wouldn't even date someone like you anyways."

"You're not her, so how would you know?"

"Just shut the fuck up!" October snapped while keeping Valentine close to her.

Amaya and Stan continued to glare at each other in silence for a few minutes before Stan looked at us. "Prove it." he said. "If you two really were dating, you'd be able to make out around people."

"Whatever makes you stay the fuck away from me." I barely heard October mutter under her breath. "Let's get this over with." she told me before pulling on of my arms around her waist.

I turned towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer with Valentine between us before pressing my lips against hers. About a minute later, Stan groaned in frustration.

"Fine, I believe you." he growled before getting up and leaving the room.

Amaya sat where he was when October pulled away and put her head on my chest, making me smile slightly. "Wow, you two really did that just to keep a creep away?"

"I guess." I said with a shrug while staring at the floor.

"Dazy told me a minute ago that they'll be there for a while, and that she left her car here so we can head home."

"Let's go then." October said while getting up and grabbing Valentine's bottle. "I don't want that freak anywhere near me."

We all got up, and Amaya tossed me the keys before we headed out to the car. I drove us back with the radio playing, everyone in a comfortable silence. When we were inside, we started thinking of things to do before everyone else got back.

"We could make popcorn and watch movies in my room." Amaya suggested. "That way if we pass out on the floor, they won't wake us up."

"That's a good idea." October said while I nodded. "We should watch scary movies."

"Alright then, i'll make the popcorn, Jayden can get the pillows and blankets, and we can set up Valentine's bassinet in my room."

I nodded again and up headed to my room, and grabbed the pillows from my bed before dumping them on the floor of Amaya's room. Then I went back to my room, quickly changed from my jeans and t-shirt to shorts, and grabbed the two thick blankets I have on it, before taking them to her room to find my sister in there with a bowlful of popcorn on her bed. She was helping October get the bassinet set up right, and the two were now in pj pants and tank tops. "Need any help?" I asked while adding the blankets to the pile of pillows.

"I don't think so." Amaya said after that got it set up, and put Valentine in it, who was fast asleep. "Need more blankets?"

"I have some in my room." October said before leaving the room. She returned a few minutes later with three blankets in her arms, and set them down on top of the pile I made.

We put three of the blankets down on the ground beside Amaya's bed, before adding the pillows I brought in, plus some of the small ones Amaya kept on her bed. Valentine's bassinet was about a foot away from the little bed on the floor, and the TV was right in the middle of the floor bed, and my sister's bed. I laid down by 'Maya's bed, which she was on, while October was on the side near our son. We ended up watching Rob Zombie's Halloween movies, and Quarantine before Amaya passed out, and both October and I were about to. She laid with her back to me, and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close to me. When she relaxed against me, I put my forehead on her shoulder and inhaled deeply before falling asleep.


you guys better love me for writing in both, chris & jaydens povs... i know it didn't really show how jayden feels about october, and that i said amayas name a lot, but i promise you guys that there will be a few moments with them in chapter 3, and ill do at least one of the guys' povs again =P out of the movies those three watched, ive seen halloween 2, and quarantine, but they aren't really scary...well quarantine kinda was but that was like 2 years ago... anyways, vote, comment, and please vote for Me and Him? Pffft Yeah, Right since its in the watty awards.. btw, 'maya' in my mind is pronounced 'may-a' so with that, peace peoples~

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