Forced (Ted Dibiase)| WATTYS...

By N_2018

10.7K 189 9

Elizabeth McMahon holds her head high as her mother lowers her veil over her face. A stray tear falls down he... More

When it all began
18 Years Later
A birthday ruined
We aren't normal
Announcement Dinner
Pushed beyond limits
A Humble New Approach
Our own little world
Who's Smarter?
The Plane is Now Boarding
A New Life
Four Months Later
Home Again
The Reception
A Truece
Traces of Love?
Trying to Stay Afloat
He Can Never Know
Pregnancy Progress
The Baby Shower
Baby Liam is Here!
A Secret Revealed
Old Suspicions
He's not your son!
Liams First Birthday
Authors Note
A New Baby
Date Night
Shane Comes Home
Sincerely The Stork!
The Truth Comes Out
Preparing For War
The War
A New Beginning
Authors Note

The Morning After

309 4 0
By N_2018

I wake up the next morning in a large, plush bed...alone. I sit up groggily, and when I do I see Teddy sleeping on a love seat on the other side of the bedroom. The only evidence there is of my getting drunk is my unruly hair, and the blank that comes to my mind when I try to think about last night. Besides that though I am perfectly fine. The McMahon's are known for being able to handle their alcohol. I get out of bed, and go directly to the shower. When I get up I get dressed in a pair of white shorts, and a baseball tee. My phone buzzes, and when I check it I notice I have a text from my brother.

Shane: How are you?

I glance at Teddy to make sure he is still asleep in the bedroom before I head outside. Once I am outside, I call my brother. He picks up almost instantly "Hey Lizzie." I grin "Hey Shane O' Mac. How are things back home?" He laughs "Things are as good as they can be right now. Our good old dad has seemed to completely forgotten the fact that you got married yesterday. It's almost as if things are too normal here. It's eerie." I laugh "Our family has always been that way. If we act like nothing is wrong, maybe it will all just go away." I sit down in the sand as Shane says "Well mom and dad couldn't be any happier. You released them from their chains yesterday, and now they are free of Ted Dibiase." I smirk "Meanwhile I am here in California soaking in the sun with my new hubby." I can perfectly picture my brother flinching, and I hear the disdain in his voice "So that's where you are?" I furrow my brow "You didn't know?" Shane chuckles "I think your father-in-law and husband was scared I would fly a helicopter out there, and kidnap you again." I laugh "Wow. I'm telling you Teddy kept his eyes on me the entire flight here. I think he expected me to pull a parachute out, and abandon plane." Shane chuckles "It's abandon ship. People don't say abandon plane." Then his voice drops "How is my brother-in-law?" I hear a door open behind me, and I turn to see Teddy walking towards me. I frown "Speak of the devil and he shall appear. I'll call you later, Shane." I hang up on him before he can respond, and I stare at Teddy. He actually seems a bit shy as he approaches me "Was that your brother?" I nod "Yeah. Apparently all is well back home." Teddy sits down next to me "That's good. At least our parents haven't killed each other yet." I don't respond as I stare at the waves crashing up onto the shore. Teddy is shocked when I finally speak "I have been out here to California a few times. Most of the trips were for some kind of holly wood, red carpet event. Although one time my parents and I came out here to look at colleges. I was convinced that I was ready to leave New England, and I wanted to spend my college career on the west coast. I wanted to go to school to become a movie producer. I wanted to follow in the foot steps of James Cameron and Steven Spielberg. My plan was to start college the fall after I graduated. My dad kept convincing me to wait though. He kept saying 'Just wait a couple of years. Enjoy life. School will always be there. There's no need to rush. You need to explore your options.' Now I know that he was just trying to stall me." Teddy clenches his jaw "I never went to college. That was never in my plan. As soon as I graduated I began training with Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and all of the other rookies at the time. Well while I was training I met this girl, Vanessa. She was on the same path I was, but she didn't have a father, or mother, or brother paving the way for her. Everyone basically treated her like garbage because she wasn't part of some kind of legacy. This girl was tougher then any of us though. If we trained four hours a day, she would train six hours. If the goal was to win a match in three minutes, she won a match in two." He pauses for just a moment before continuing "We fell in love. I was absolutely crazy about this girl. She was everything I wanted. I eventually introduced her to my dad, and he was his usual charming self. Once he and I were alone though....that's when his true feelings came out. My father looked me in the eye and said 'Son, what are you thinking? You are getting married, and to Elizabeth McMahon! I understand that you want to run around, and test the waters before you are tied down. I understand that completely. Although I don't know why you would want to waste your time on filth like Vanessa." Ted pauses, and for a moment I think that he may cry. His voice hardens as he continues "Then he looked at me and said 'Sleep with her if you want, I won't stop you. But just remember that you will marry Elizabeth McMahon, whether you love her or not. It's time that you learned a very important lesson, son. When it comes to people like us, only a select few get to be with someone they love. Everyone else marries for money, fame, or because they both get something out of the deal. That's life for you, son." Ted glances at me "I know this whole thing has sucked on your end, but don't think that this is what I want." He stands up, and when he looks down at me I feel so small "Your life wasn't the only one that was ruined by this deal. I had a life before all of this too." Then he goes back inside the house, and leaves me feeling completely worthless.

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