My Best Friends Promise

By myfallingstars

64.6K 1.6K 567

An Alex Morgan and Tobin Heath friendship fanfic. More

Chapter One| The New Girl
Chapter Two| A Friendship is Born
Chapter Three| It's My Fight
Chapter Four| You're Not Fine
Chapter Five | You're Safe Now
Chapter Six| Come Home
Chapter Seven| It's Been So Long
Chapter Eight| Into The Future
Chapter Nine| Not A Goodbye
Chapter Ten| Missing You
Chapter Eleven| Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve | I Won't Let Go
Chapter Fourteen | When Can I See Her
Chapter Fifteen | Recovering
Chapter Sixteen | New Promises
Chapter Seventeen | Together Again
Chapter Eighteen | You Can't Go
Chapter Nineteen | Jersey Girls
Chapter Twenty | Not Without You
Chapter Twenty One | USWNT
Chapter Twenty Two | First Game
Chapter Twenty Three | Alex Morgan
Chapter Twenty Four | Love Never Dies
Chapter Twenty Five | Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Six | PART II Sickness and In Health
Chapter Twenty Seven | Stay With Me
Chapter Twenty Eight | Sacrifice
Chapter Twenty Nine | Don't Ever Forget Me
Chapter Thirty | Remembering You

Chapter Thirteen | Reuniting

1.8K 52 9
By myfallingstars


Time skip, one week later.


I wake up with a pit in my stomach, knowing that today is tryouts for soccer and I want to make the team more than anything else in this world. Christen and I have been practicing on the pitch and they are killer practices. As freshman in college, we have a slightly disadvantage because we are the youngest. There are a lot of other girls who have been on the team and have experienced being on the team before. But I know that Christen and I are capable of topping them.

Christen and I wake up, eat breakfast and dress into our practice uniforms, having high hopes for the outcome of today. "Are you nervous?" I ask as I swing my duffle over my shoulder and I follow Christen to the soccer field.

"I would be crazy if I wasn't." Christen says as she laughs a nervous laugh. "But we got this Tobin, and I know you got this. You're one hell of a soccer player. And quite frankly you're better then me."

"If anything you're the better player, I'm just good at nutmegs." I say with a small laugh."

Finally we make it to the pitch and there's already a lot of girls, enough girls to make me more nervous then before. "And we are suppose to be better then all of them?" I ask, Christen nervously.

"I guess so." Christen says as she shrugs her shoulders. I want both of us to make the soccer team, and to do that I guess we have to work and play hard. Finally one of the head coaches blows his whistle and has us all gathered up in a circle.

"Okay, ladies. Welcome to the girls soccer tryouts. We just want you to work hard, and do the best you can. Results will be posted tomorrow or later tonight, so stay tuned. Good luck to all, let's begin." The coach says as he blows his whistle and we all line up to start the first set.

Tryouts weren't as bad today, in fact I felt pretty good about myself because by the look on everyone's faces. I think Christen and I found ourselves on top. Thanks to the extra training Christen and I took, this was pretty easy and we are in pretty good shape. I met up with Christen outside of the locker room and she gave me her biggest smile. "We nailed it Heath!" She says as she gives me a hug. I smile at her as I hug her back.

"What did you think about it?" I say with a smile. It's like I haven't smiled in years.

"Pretty darn easy. Like seriously? I did worse drills then that." Christen says with a laugh.

"So, anything on your mind when it comes to lunch?" I ask.

"Panera, Panera oh and did I mention Panera?" Christen says.

I let out a laugh. "Panera it is." I say, and I laugh as Christen squeals in excitement.



Tryouts were last week and I was super nervous for the results. Kelley and I were heading to the Athletic Center where the final roster would be posted. We walked over there and when we saw the board that had the list hanging on it, we stopped walking and stared at it. We couldn't read it, but the roster can make us so incredibly happy or tear us apart. "God, I hope we made it." I say, as I let out a deep breath.

"Are you kidding me? I bet you made it!" Kelley says as she nudges me in the shoulder.

"Let's find out." I say as Kelley grabs my hand and we walk over to the board that held the list. My eyes wandered up and down the list and I spotted my name towards the middle of the list. A smile forms across my face as I put my hand over my mouth. My smile only grew wider when I saw that Kelley was on the list to.

"WE MADE IT!" Kelley says in excitement as she jumps in my arms and gives me a tight hug.

I felt tears of joy in my eyes and they soon turned into tears of sadness and regret.

"Hey. Hey what's wrong?" Kelley says as she pulls away and looks me in the eyes. That's when my tears began to fall, this was no longer a time to be happy. It was a time to remember the things that I have lost. It's a reminder of how I lost my best friend.

"I was so excited and what just came to my mind was. I can't wait to tell Tobin." I say as I begin to think about the best friend I've ever had.

"You'll get her back, I can promise you that." Kelley says as she pulls me back into another hug. I let out a sigh.

"When is the going to happen?" I ask coldly.

"I don't know Alex, you'll have to figure that out on your own. But I'll be here." Kelley says to me.

Afterwards, Kelley and I decided to go out for lunch to celebrate the fact that we made the team. At the restaurant we went to, I swear I thought I saw Tobin.

"Hey, Kel I'm going to the bathroom." I say with a weary smile.

"Okay!" Kelley says as she smiles at me.

I walk to the women's bathroom and just as I open the door, I feel someone push me inside and it causes me to slip and fall on to the floor. I look up only to see Serv standing before me, a smirk goes across his face and it's starting to scare me.

"Serv? What are you doing?" I say as I get more scared at the minute.

"I love you." Serv says as he looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Serv, what is this about?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"We need to be together." Serv says.

"Serv I told you it's not going to work out." I say.

"Yes it can if you give me a chance. Don't you love me?" He asks.

"I don't anymore. I've moved on and you have to, too." I say.

"I figured you would say that." Serv says with another smirk on his face.

I sit on the floor to scared to get up, but I don't know why I'm scared. It's just Serv I know he won't hurt me. But I was wrong. He kicks me in the ribs causing me to scream in such pain.

"I gave everything to you. I treated you with such royalty and this is what I get in return?" Serv says as he turns angrier and grabs my arms and makes me stand up.

"Let go of me!" I say but I don't say it loud enough for people in the restaurant to hear. Then Serv basically throws me onto the side of the sinks. My head starts to throb and my ears start to ring. My vision becomes blurry, I see the door open and I'm guessing Serv just ran out. I touch the side of my ear and I look at my hands. Red blood stains my hands. Then I black out.



I eat alone for at least ten minuets until I finally jump to three conclusions on what Alex could possibly be doing. One, she probably really had to go do something besides peeing. Two, she got attached by a crazy old women. Three, she got eaten by a lion.

I get up from the table we were sitting at and I walk into the bathroom. There I see Alex lying on the floor, unconscious, and she has blood dripping from her head. "Oh my god." I say as I kneel right by her side. "Alex! Can you hear me?" I say but she doesn't respond. I pull out my phone and I call 911.

Within minutes, an ambulance comes and takes Alex on a stretcher. Her head an absolute bloody mess it's so hard to look at. I hop into the back of the ambulance and I grab her hand, and I never let go.

We finally make it to the hospital and they told me to wait in the waiting room. I begin to cry at the thought of Alex not being able to play soccer. I sit in the waiting room, so worried I can't think about anything else but Alex. Then I hear a phone ring, then I realized I had Alex's phone with me. I pick up her phone and I see that the caller ID is "Lauren." I've heard Alex talk about Lauren a lot so I answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"This isn't Alex." A voice on the other end says.

"Um, I'm Kelley O'Hara I'm her roommate." I say nervously.

"Oh, I'm Lauren Cheney." The girl says. "Where's Alex?"

I freeze at the question, I have to tell her but I don't know how. "She's... She's in the hospital. I'm in the waiting room..." I say nervously.

"What!" Lauren says and I felt like everyone in the waiting room could hear her. "What happened? Is she okay?"

"We were out for lunch and she said she had to use the bathroom. And after ten minuets she hasn't returned so I went in there. I found her. I found her on the ground and blood came from her head..." I say. Then it's silent. Neither of says a word.

"What hospital?" Lauren asks me.

"Uh, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center." I say.

"I'm on my way." Lauren says and she finally hangs up.

I impatiently wait in the waiting room, not knowing what the next couple hours will look like.



Once I got off the phone with Alex's roommate, immediately I went to call Tobin, to update her on the news. "Come on pick up." I mumble as I tap my fingers on the desk I'm sitting at. Finally Tobin answers at the third ring. "Hey Lauren." Is all she says.

I take a deep breath. "You need to come to LA right now." I say.

"Why? If you think I'm apologizing to Alex, you're wrong. Don't force me to do something I don't want to do." Tobin says.

"God damn it Tobin! I'm sorry but Alex is in the hospital and she's not waking up! She probably needs you and the least you can do is be there for her." I say.

"Wh... What happened?" Tobin asks and I can hear that she is starting to cry.

"I don't know. Just get your butt over here. I have to go, but I better see you here tomorrow. I'll pick you up at the airport." I say, then I hang up without listening to her answer.



I put my phone down not knowing what to think. I have no other option then to go or else Lauren will be mad at me, and I don't want to make things any worse then they are now. I let out a sigh, yeah I'm worried about Alex and God I hope she's okay. But I'm not so sure if I'm ready to see her.

I grab my duffle and I packed only a few clothes because I know I won't be staying for so long. I pack everything I would need for at least three or two days. Then Christen walks into our room. "Hey Tobs, what are you doing?" She asks me.

"It's Alex." I say as I continue packing.

"What happened?" Christen asks as she squats down in front of me.

"She's in the hospital." I say without making eye contact with her.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." Christen says.

"It's fine I guess." I shrug.

"Are you sure you want to go? Especially with what's been going on with the two of you?" Christen asks. I smile at her concern and I smile because of how close I got to her. How well I've gotten to know her.

"I'm sure. Thanks though." I say back.

"Are you leaving right now?" Christen asks as she checks the time on her phone. "It's 5 o'clock."

"Yeah. I already booked myself a flight at seven." I say back.

"I'll drop you off at the airport then." Christen says as she helps me pack the last couple things.

Afterwards, we hop into her car and drive to the airport. The drive there was filled with small talk and music but I didn't mind. I needed a lot of time to clear my mind. We finally arrive at the airport and Christen walks me inside. Finally when we reach my gate I turn around to look at Christen.

"Thanks for driving me here, and thank you in general for being such a great roommate and a better friend." I say as I pull Christen in for a hug.

"Aw, I love you Tobin!" Christen says in her high pitched voice. "Take care of yourself out there and call me when you're back so I can pick you up."

"I will, thank you." I say back with a smile.

"I'll see you later Tobin!" Christen says as I begin to walk away. I give her one final wave before I finally board the plane. I text Lauren, letting her know that I'll be in LA by tomorrow or later tonight.

I put my headphones on, and I let music fill my ears and I feel sleep take over my overwhelming body.



I finally arrive at the hospital Alex's friend told me about. I guess it's one of the advantages of going to college in the same state as some of your friends. When I get to the hospital at around seven o'clock, I was so happy when I saw Amy sitting in the waiting room next to a freckled face girl. Amy gets up and walks over to me, pulling me in such a tight hug.

"Lauren I've missed you!" Amy says as she finally releases me.

"Have you heard of anything?" I ask. Then all of a sudden the freckled face girl walks up to us and gives me a weary smile.

"She's still asleep. They think she's in a coma." The freckled face says. "I'm Kelley."

"I'm Lauren." I say as I shake her hand. We all sit in the waiting room and we all kind of get to know each other. Each of us getting more anxious as minuets turn into hours.

Finally a doctor comes out, with a clipboard in his hand. The three of us all get up and walk over to him. Anxious on what he has to say. "I'm guessing you are Ms. Morgan's friends. She's in critical condition. She took quite a nasty hit on the head which caused her skull to crack and blood to flow outside of her skull. She is currently in a coma, and we've managed to get most of the blood out of her skull. By tomorrow, early morning once all the blood has been cleared we'll do surgery on her head to fix her cracked skull, and then it's on to recovery." The doctor says.

"Thank you." I say quietly.

"Will she be able to play soccer?" I hear Kelley ask, and this grabs my attention as I look up at the doctor for his answer.

"If her surgery goes well. Her recovery would take about a month, two months at the least . But yes, she will still be able to play soccer, once she's fully healed." The doctor says.

Kelley just nods her head and we all sit back down in the waiting room, waiting for time to go by.


The next day

I wake up from the uncomfortable positions of the chairs we were sleeping and sitting on. Eventually we all got tired so we all fell asleep. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I walk up to the front desk.

"Have you heard anything on Alex Morgan?" I ask in between yawns.

"She was just taken into surgery an hour ago." The nurse says as she gives me a warm smile. I just nod my head and I head to the cafeteria and I decided to get everyone some coffee.

When I get back up in the waiting room, Amy and Kelley were awake so I hand them their coffee and we all seemed pretty drained. Then, my phone starts to ring. I check it and I realize that it's Tobin.

I quickly answer the phone.

"Are you planning on getting me or do you want me to walk there?" Tobin asks and I can tell that she is pretty tired.

"Shut up Tobin, I'm tired too. I'll be there in a couple minutes." I say, then I hang up.

"Hey guys, I'm going to get Tobin now." I say as I let out another yawn. They just nod at me, without saying a word. I hop into my car and I drive to the airport which thankfully wasn't so far.

I find Tobin waiting just outside the airport and I smile at the sight of my old friend. I quickly get of of the car and run into Tobin's arms. "I've missed you Tobs!" I say as I hug her even tighter.

"I missed you too." Tobin says as she squeezes me back. "How is she?"

"She's in surgery right now. But last night the doctors have told us that she's in a coma and it's terrible Tobin." I say as I bite my lip to force myself not to cry.

"Let's go." Tobin says as she swings her duffle over her shoulder and I lead her to my car. The drive back to the hospital was filled with so much conversation, we caught up on the latest things and I told her how I made the soccer team and we talked about everything.

When we got to the hospital, Amy and Kelley were still in the waiting room, looking more tired then ever. Amy walks over to us and engulfs Tobin into a hug. We introduce her to Kelley and after that, we were all pretty comfortable with each other.



After hours and hours of waiting, a doctor in a white lab coat and a clipboard walks over to us. "It was a successful surgery but she still hasn't woke up yet, but I do give you all permission to go see her." The doctor says.

"Tobin, you can go first." Kelley says to me. I look at the freckled face girl with a questioning expression.

"Why?" I ask.

"She needs you Tobs, just go ahead." Lauren says giving me a slight smile. I let out a sigh as I walk past them and I walk into Alex's room.

The sight of her tears me down into pieces. She lays on the bed, her skin so pale and her lips slightly chapped. Thousands of wires attached on her body, and all these machines surround the side of her bed. A bandage goes around her head. I let out a sob as I pull a chair next to her bed. I hold her hand, that is so pale, and so cold.

"Um hey Lex. It's been so long, but I miss you. I miss you so much you won't even understand. I'm sorry for everything that I've made you go through and I'm sorry I just had to let go. I'm sorry that this happened to you, and if anything I want you to wake up." Tears stream down my face, as I look down at Alex. I continue to talk even though I know she can't hear me. "I know we haven't talked in almost a month and the last time we did. I made a terrible mistake. I knew I have just lost you and I immediately regretted that phone call, and I'm sorry. I want you to know that yes, I still love and care about you. I don't even know if we are friends anymore, like what are we? I need you here to answer that question for me. I just want you to wake up and I want you to be okay. I miss talking to you and I miss hearing your voice. And I just hate seeing you like this. Before I go, I just wanted to know if you'll give me another chance? Because you certainly are the best friend I've ever wanted Alex and I ruined it. I ruined the friendship that made me so happy, I ruined the friendship that has changed my life. I want you to come back, so I can live life the way it was before. And that was with you by my side." I finish. I give her hand one last squeeze before I kiss the top of her forehead. "I love you Alex Morgan," I finally say as I let go of her hand.



This wasn't my best writing but I hope you liked it! Sorry for changing so much POV, it was the only way I could make the story work.

Thanks for reading and I'll update ASAP!

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