The Other Side // Z.M.

By AllCanChange

580 16 0

"How are you feeling today, Alexis ?" "Better." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 41

9 0 0
By AllCanChange

Things were going great for me. This house felt more like home than my mother's place. It was only my third day of school, but I was already having some kind of a routine. Shower, getting dressed, breakfast and, if time, make out session with Zayn. This morning, though, he woke up too late for that, only grabbing an apple before leaving the house, me by his side.

I knew he went to bed pretty late last night, Doniya was here for dinner, and the both of them locked themselves upstairs right after we all finished to eat. Something was off about her. And I heard her leaving after midnight.

We were walking outside, hand in hand, on our way to school. he looked lost in his thoughts when I broke the silence.

"What happened with Doniya, yesterday ?"

"Nothing happened. We just... Talked." No need to be some fucking genius to know that he wouldn't say more about it. So I just brought his hand to my lips and kissed it gently.

"Alright, you don't want to talk about it."

The rest of the walk was silent, but it wasn't bad at all. Being silent with Zayn wasn't like being silent with someone else. The silence between us was full of chemistry and love. It was bringing us closer, making us more intimate. I loved it.

We parted our ways in front of my first class. We stopped right in front of the door, blocking the way to the other kids. I felt like a bad ass and I liked it. Zayn put a string of my hair behind my ear, which made me laugh because it was fucking too cheesy. I caught a glimpse of a smile from him before entering the room. The bell rang, the class started, I stared outside. Daydreaming about Zayn. About us. About our future.


I joined Zayn to our lockers for lunchtime. He wasn't looking so well, lost in his thoughts as he was taking a bit of his sandwich. I was chewing on some carrots when he looked up to me and broke the silence. 

"Derek beat up Mark." So, Mark was his concern. I need to say that it was bothering me too. The guy was so nice and, when I crossed his path earlier that day, I had been wondering what the fuck happened to his face. It was all bruised and not pretty good looking. "He said that Mark was a faggot and... I don't know who started to fight, I... I wish I could do something. You know, he's my best friend and all, and I don't want him to feel the same way I did before..."

God, this guy was an angel. I leaned in and gently kissed his cheek.

"Everything is going to be alright."

And, for once, I meant it.


As soon as we got back home, Zayn went into his room. I knew he had tones of homework and that he had some thinking to do. So I was just doing some chilling in the living room when Waliyha barged into the house. 

"Alexis !" She exclaimed when she saw me. I raised an eyebrow, she seemed way too excited. "Move your damn ass, we're going shopping."

"Since when is this planned ?" I asked. I really hated shopping. I knew I would have remembered if we would have planned it.

"Right now. I'm going out with the cheer squad tomorrow, they want me to join the team, and I don't have anything to wear ! And you need to come with me, because I don't want to go shopping alone." She was talking super fast, it made me laugh. So I moved my ass, grabbed my wallet from my bag and put it in my pants pocket. You know, just in case I find something nice. 

We joined the mall in just fifteen minutes. I had no clue on were Waliyha wanted to go, so I just followed around as she entered the Forever 21 of the place. She kept on babbling about how cool it would be to be a part of the team, that it was something she had been wishing for ages and that she never thought she would be pretty enough to. I had no doubt she would be excellent, she had the physic for that. She wa sso pretty that I actually was jealous. Her hair was always well done, her skin color didn't made her look like a damn vampire, she had the curves at all the right places. She was going through the piles of clothes, unfolding some, asking me if it would look great on her.

"Everything looks good on you, Waliyha. You could go in sweats and t-shirt and they would still take you in the team."

"You really think so ?"
"Yeah" I was getting better at this 'girl time' kind of shit. It wasn't as painful as before, when Jenna wanted to have deep conversations about her relationship. Maybe because now I knew what it felt like to be a woman. To be loved, to have needs other than coke and smoke. 

I grabbed a nice crop-top from the rack and handed it to Waliyha. "You should try this. I think it would look great with the grey skirt you have at home."

She started to smile, before walking up to the changing rooms. She made sure I wait for her and, when she got out with the top on, I gave her a thumb up.

"It doesn't make me look too much like a slut ?" She asked, pulling a bit the bottom down her perfectly flat stomach.

"It's perfectly perfect."

We stopped by a small coffee shop to grab something to eat, before heading out home. We parted our ways and, just before I closed the basement door behind me, Waliyha stopped me. "Thanks for coming with me. I know shopping isn't really your thing."

"I don't mind. It was cool." And I wasn't lying. I really had fun shopping. Oh my God, something wrong was going on with me. 


I closed the door behind me and made my way up to my bed. As soon as I let myself fall on the mattress, my phone started to ring. One look at the ID caller and I started to smile.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD ALEXIS, I MISS YOU SO MUCH !" Typical Louis. I didn't even had the time to say a word that he was already spitting too many words out of his mouth. "I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH, YOU'RE THE LOVE OF MY LIFEEEEEE !" From the music in the background and the way he was talking, I knew he was at some huge party somewhere. And that he was drunk. Or high. Or both. 

Probably both.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too Louis."


"Stop screaming Louis !" I laughed and heard the sound of the music going down a bit as he walked away from the speakers. 

"You don't understand, Alex. You're my other half, my real wife, we're so going to marry each other someday, I can't leave without you !"

"Oh God, you're so drunk Louis."

"NO !" He went back to screaming, making me pull the phone away from my ear. Then the volume of his voice turned down a bit. "I didn't even drank that much ! Just like... A beer. Okay, maybe like four. And two rum and coke, you know, fifty-fifty. And a couple of shooters of vodka." He stopped talking for a while, I raised my eyebrow. I could totally figure how he was looking. "Okay, I am so drunk." I wanted to laugh and cry at the same moment. I was missing the guy so much.

"Told ya." My voice was rough, because the emptiness I was feeling from not having Louis around was bringing the tears to my eyes. I was becoming way too sensitive, but I just couldn't help it. I was missing my best friend so fucking much. 

"I love you, Alexis." He blurted out.

"I love you too, Louis."

I closed my eyes and focused on his breathing. I tried to do like he was right beside me. Like we were back in his room in Doncaster. Like he was teasing me about being in love with Zayn, like we were just about to throw some pillows at each other.

"Good night Louis, take care."

"I love you." And than I hung up. My heart was so messed up, I couldn't wait to see this guy again. I whipped my eyes and took some deep breaths to keep myself sane.

I closed my eyes harder and laid still in the bed. It wasn't so late, but I already was tired as fuck. Anyway, I had a bit day coming up tomorrow. Zayn and I had plans. Huge plans. And I knew that I wouldn't sleep so much for a few days. So I was better to get my rest right away. 

As I was started to drift away, Zayn's face made its way behind my closed eyelids. It clearly was the best way to fall asleep. 


Yeah, once again, Louis is getting cheesy, I just love him so much.

My next story will definitely be with him.

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