.A Change of Heart.

De DanniiG

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Jenna is gorgeous and as normal as can be, she has her friends just like everyone else, yet unlike a few, som... Mais

.A Change of Heart.
Chapter 1- I missed you!
Chapter 2- What?!
Chapter 3- Explain to me!
Chapter 4- Making his mark!
Chapter 5- Shopping!
Chapter 6- Just friends!
Chapter 7- Unveiling!
Chapter 8- Too much Attention!
Chapter 9- UnBreak my Heart!
Chapter 10- A new plan!
Chapter 11- Out with the girls!
Chpater 12- I need a favour!
Chapter 13- Choose a Movie!
Chapter 14- Confessions of a popstar!
Chapter 15- Stop pushing me around!
Chapter 17- Not here for that!
Chapter 18- What to decide!
Chapter 19- Stay with me!
Chapter 20- 2 Years and a Yes later....
Chapter 21- I can't love you!
Chapter 22- At Last!

Chapter 16- Gone!

125 2 0
De DanniiG

When Jenna finally opened her eyes that morning she felt something near her, she blinked a few times before she could see clear and could see Harry was asleep near her, still in the poistion he had fallen asleep in the night before. She looked at him for a second but then willed herself to look away, she couldn't pity him like always, it would only hurt her instead, so she moved past him and quietly grabbed some clothes and slipped in the bathroom to change.

When she came out of the bathroom, she looked around the bus and noticed she was the only one up, She was very hungry and not at all in the mood to cook so she decided to ask Paul if she could go to McDonalds.

He accepted so she left a note a note on the fridge for the others, telling them in it, where she was going to be.

McDonalds wasn't very far away so she asked if she could just walk to it, and so she did.

When Harry started to stir, he stretched his arm out, he had pain in his back and for a second he was confused of his whereabout, until the night before came crashing back to him and he shot up, he didn't see Jenna there and punched the bed, "Damn it Jenna" he said in frustration, he then found the note and sighed again.

He wished with all his heart that he could just drop everything and go find her but she was clever enough to plan everything right, he knew that she knew that they had sound check that morning and all of them knew they couldn't possibly miss it, and she wouldn't like it if he did, he knew her well enough to know she would call him selfish if he ruined everything by missing sound check. He knew that she would hate him for ruining something for all their friends, he knew her too well by now and since she planned all that so well he got how much she really didn't want to see him and maybe she really didn't want to be bothered for real. She wasn't the kind to want to be rescued anyway and she loved her time alone, she wasn't that shy either.

That night they had a concert and they couldn't possibly miss that either, he probably wouldn't see her all day.

Soon everyone started to wake up and get ready and even they thought it was strange for Jenna to leave alone like that.

As they felt the bus move and drive away to the venue Harry decided he couldn't take a whole day without seeing her and not knowing if she was okay or not and where she was.

"Guys you think we can go check on Jenna before we keep going?" he asked.

They all agreed and they told the driver to stop there on the way.

When they entered McDonalds they could see it wasn't very crowded which was good maybe they wouldn't be recognized. They found Jenna eating alone at a corner table, appearantly trying to hide herself, people knew her too and appearently she wasn't in the mood for that, which was rare because she was a people person.

"Hey guys" she smiled when she noticed them walking towards her.

"Hey Jen, we thought we could stop by and see if you wanted to come with us to sound check" said Louis with a reassuring smile.

"No guys, thanks but it's fine, I'm kind of busy today too, I have to take care of some things and I'm meeting with Tim too" she replied as she picked at her fries.

"Oh, Okay I guess" said Louis a bit disappointed, seeing Jenna sad was really strange, her dazzle was all gone.

Harry stayed at the back all this time but he couldn't resist, "Are you okay?" he asked, he wanted to give her time but it was just so hard to stay away from someone you usually stuck to all day, it was hard for him to stay away for too long. They always told each other everything and now that he didn't know what was going on in her head and knowing that he was the cause of her sadness , a role he thought he would never take, it was breaking him apart, she was barelt talking to him, this was one of the worst feelings ever.

"I'm fine Harry" she said glancing at him for just a split second.

Before he could say anything else, "Do you want us to stay with you?" asked Eleonor in behalf of herself and Danielle.

"Absolutely not" Jenna answered, Danielle was about to say something but she stopped her, "You girls don't get to see your boys much and you should spend your free remaining time with them not with me, don't worry go, I'll see you all in a few hours anyway, 'kay" she said , she faked a smile at them to reassure them, everyone knew she was hiding something but they all nodded anyway and smiled back even though they weren't totally convinced.

Then Paul came inside and told them that people were starting to recognize them and there was no time for a mob, it was already very late.


Tim met with her at McDonalds a few minutes after the lads left and she told him about her plans.

"But are you sure?" he asked as he took her hand in his.

Jenna nodded.

He knew there was nothing he could do, after all he didn't know her that well and even though he was pretty sure she would've been perfect for him and he could've made her happy, he knew nothing could happen anymore.

"You know that I'll be here for you if you need me right?" he said.

"I know" she nodded sincerely, he was just that kind of guy that meant it when he said he was your friend, "And thank you for everything" she continued as she squeezed his hand tight.

He wasn't very happy with her plans but he also knew she needed to do it.


Jenna spent the rest of the day on the phone and arranging stuff for the next few weeks, her friends from back home and her parents helped her too, she couldn't have done anything without them.

Then at a point Jenna called Carl to pick her up and then when the boys went back to the bus to rest before the show they found her already there like she said she would be.

"Hey Jen" said Niall as he entered the bus whiping away sweat from his forehead, "Why didn't you come inside to see us rehearse?" he continued as he hugged her, he was happy to see her there, to be honest they all thought she wouldn't be there and would be on her way back home by the time they came back to the bus.

"I didn't want to get in trouble with big guy near the entrance" she lied.

'Well you had your own big guy" he said, referring to Carl, who was outside greeting the boys.

"I was really tired too, I have been walking around all day" she invented again, Niall decided to let it go, he didn't want to bother her, instead he just smiled at her, "And anyway you're here now, I hven't been here that long either" she continued.

It was already four in the afternoon and they couldn't waste much time, they had to get ready for the concert and even though the bus was hidden for now they could hear people already crowding, ready for the show.

As they had a few snacks things were awkward, Liam tried to keep the conversation going all the time but it was kind of useless, the tension between Harry and Jenna  was palpable.

Then as the bus drove into sight they could hear immediate screaming.

"Listen Jenna" said Harry as he stopped her before he had to get out of the bus.

Jenna just  looked back at him with no expression on her face whatsoever, "I'm sorry if I ever took you for granted, I know now" he said slowly and carefully.

"Ofcourse you know, because I told you" she said.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Harry we have to go now" said Paul, they had to get out before it got worse. They were to pass from a sort of tube but first they would be meeting the fans.

"Come on Harry" called Zayn.

Harry clenched and unclenched his jaw as he still stared at Jenna and she stared back only too soon she broke any eye contact they had by looking down.

"Just go" she whispered.

He didn't want to go but reluctantly, he turned and left, feeling as if bricks were wrapped around his ankles, walking away from her was physically painful for him.

They got out of the bus and took some pictures with the fans and signed some stuff but Harry was just not his usual self and even fans noticed and some of them even asked if he was okay.

As usual the concert was a success, the girls were supporting them from the front, Eleonor had extended her stay an she was with them too and even though Jenna was still very upset she was happy to have her girls with her and even she couldn't help it and hold in the laughter when the fans asked the boys on the twitter screen to do the macarena. Eleonor kept squeezing her hand as Harry  kept on looking back at her throughout the whole show, she knew her friend was getting upset and she also knew Harry couldn't help it, Jenna kept trying to look away or at the other boys but she couldn't wait to leave.

At about two in the morning they were finally resting and eating something back in the bus. To Jenna's luck they were on their way to a hotel, they were all going to have their own room and she wouldn't be bumping into Harry all the time.

They were going to be in one place for a while and they were going to stay in a hotel for a while, to have some space too.

At about four o'clock in the morning they were all fast asleep in their seperate rooms except for the couples obviously. Jenna thought about the fact that if Harry and her were still best friends she would probably be in his room, or sharing a room for that matter, they would be having a nice night together like the usual, talking and snuggling maybe watching a movie, just like a slumber party.


The next day they all woke up pretty late, Eleonor and Louis were the first up and were extremely hungry so they decided to knock on the other's doors.

Danielle's and Liam's room  was first.

"Want to have breakfast together?" Louis told Liam.

"More like early lunch" smiled Liam as he looked at the clock.

"I guess we all slept in right".

"Yeah... let me just tell Dani and we'll get going" said Liam.

They did the same with Zayn, Niall and Harry.

Jenna's room was the furthest so they went there last, they knocked but she was probably still asleep because she didn't answer, still that would not stop THESE lads.

"Jenna open up we're going to grab a bite somewhere all together" called Zayn, yet still there was no answer, Louis put his ear to the door, "No movement" he declared.

"What if she just doesn't want to see ME" said Harry his nostrils flaring.

"She wouldn't do that" said Danielle shaking her head.

They knocked again and again and waited for a while but then decided to go ask for her at the lobby desk. Harry was a bit frantic and he started panicking and also suggested taking down the door but they just told him to calm down.

They went down to the desk and a blonde forty something lady was there and she beamed at them, especially at Harry, maybe he was known everywhere and really everywhere to be the older woman lover, or more known as cougars.

"Hello, did a Jenna Marks from room 203 pass from here" asked Louis, but it was a stupid question to ask, how could this woman possibly know who the people who pass her are and from which room, especially someone who just checked in, a stranger.

So Harry pushed past him, "She's blonde, blue eyes, beautiful" he told the woman, yet the woman didn't seem at all confused like he thought she would be by Louis' question.

"Yes I know who she is, Miss Marks left a note for you, she left at about ten this morning" said the woman as she showed Harry her pearly whites and gave him Jenna's note. Still Harry didn't notice the attractive woman clearly making eyes at him and just, very rudely, snatched the small envelope from her prefectly manicured hands, "What do you mean gone, give me that" he said his brows furrowed in confusion and somewhat, also fear.

He opened the envelope and started reading by himself, the note read:

'Hi guys! I'm sorry I just left like this I just couldn't stay till the end of the 

tour, but don't worry I will see you all again very soon. I'm going back

home for a while and I didn't tell you of my plans because I was sure

you would try to stop me and I would've caved for sure and I can't have

that right now, again I am very sorry. Yesterday was amazing guys as

always and good luck for the rest of the tour, I still plan on moving to

London very soon and I will check back on you when I'm well settled

there, I promise I will see you all before the tour ends. I never wanted to

ruin things for you all. I ask you, I beg you, please don't come look for

me, just continue with your tour and I'll come find you, I just need this and

if you love me at all, you would understand and obey my wishes. Anyway 

bon voyage girls and no matter what I really do love you all and I mean

that. Thanks for everything and I'll see you soon.

Jenna xxx.

"She left" Harry mumbled.

Zayn took the paper from Harry and read it as all the others read it from over his shoulder. At first Harry was dumbstruck but then he quickly fished his phone out of his pocket and tried to call her but it was switched off.

All day he kept trying to contact her, he missed rehearsals for the very first time ever and he was a mess. Every five minutes he would be tempted to go catch a flight to follow her but people around him kept telling him that it was not possible.

About twelve hours later he tried calling her for the last time and the phone started ringing finally, he stood up pacing.

"Hello" she picked after the second call.

"Jenna please don't hang up" he said quickly.

"I wasn't going to, I just don't know why you called" she said sounding very tired.

"We've been friends our whole life and I can't just forget that" said Harry running his hands through his already messy hair.

"I know you can't, I personally never will but it doesn't change anything, just whatever you do don't come looking for me in a movie like act or something, I don't need that, I won't like that" she said.

"Where are you, why was your phone off?" he asked.

"I just landed back in cheshire, I just arrived home right now" she asnwered sincerely.

"I want to see you" he said after a long pause, she really HAD gone home.

"I have to go" was all she said, and he could hear Mrs.Marks talking in the background.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"I know, bye Harry" she said and she hung up.

And that was it, she was gone and all they had to do, all they could do, was continue with their tour, he knew her very well and he knew she wasn't one to play games tricks or riddles like other girls would in these sutuations, if she said she didn't want him to find her then she really meant it, she wasn't one of those kind of girls who would tell you not to look for her but then expect you to do it and then gets upset if you don't, there was nothing he could do, in fact the best thing he could do at this point was to do nothing and it killed him.

Again he was tempted to go many times but the boys always stopped and so would management if they heard what he was thinking.

They called Jenna everyday and so did the girls. Sometimes they would also skype her when they had some free time and she seemed pretty good yet there was no Harry and Jenna time no more.

"Let her be, she needs to think" Louis would always tell him... and all of them agreed with him. 


AUTHOR NOTE: Feedback please!!! I really need some, anyway hope you like it, love you all cyazz xxx

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