By Mintyhippo95

171K 5.7K 2.3K

Elsa's parents were the greatest spies in the world, and owned a spy agency. From the time Elsa could walk sh... More

Grown Up
The Big 4
Sleep Over
I Will Fight
Red Mercury
Ruined Cake
Years Pass By
The Snow Queen
Mystery Bomber
The Island
Get my level
Don't Leave Me
Tiny Miracles
Agent #1
Trouble in Paradise
Best Birthday Ever
I'm Sorry
Memory Loss
Survival of the Fittest
Survival of the Fittest Part 2
Secrets of the Forest
Be Strong
Separate Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Overland
Bye Felicia
Forgetting Again
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
I Remember
Together Again
Our Future
Harmless Secret
Reverse Psychology
We're Good
Together Again
Into the Artic
Confession Time
My Everything
Thank Yous'
Watermelons and Grapes
Always Right


3.7K 133 28
By Mintyhippo95

Jack's POV

I opened my eyes to see Elsa being forced out by a bunch of Nightmares.


I shakily go up, and watched as they shoved her into the back of a truck, and drove off.

I threw a small tracking device on the van, before it went totally out of view. Then I ran back in the house and woke up the others, and that took a lot of effort let me tell you. When they were all up, I looked at them.

"Guys, the Nightmares took Elsa!"

"That's great. Let them get acquainted and stuff." they yawned then laid back down on the floor. Five seconds later their head popped up like bunnies, "WHAT!!!"

"Yeah, we have to find them now!" I yelled, and they all jumped up. They had trouble standing at first, but once they got their balance we ran across the street to our house, and took our large van. I turned on the tracking device, and we started following it. When we arrived we were just at this huge waist place. There was trash, abandoned cars, a few barrels, a gas tank or two, but no van.

"Hiccup, where is that van?" I asked.

"According to the machine, we are above it." he said, and I jumped out. I walked around until I found this huge hole in the ground.

"Guys, come here!" I yelled. They all came where I was and looked down in awe, "I could fly down there and get her out.

"Jack if that is the Nightmare base, then it is filled with tons of trained killers. Plus I don't even know would your winds work to get you back up. If you can't get up, then you are a gonner." Punzie said.

"Then at least find out where she is located at in there. We need a rescue plan and quick." I said.

"Fine." they said we went back into the truck, and Hiccup worked his magic. He hacked into all of the security cameras, until we found where Elsa was. She was cuffed dangling from the ceiling, and was in a room alone with Pitch!

"Hiccup, turn on the speakers." I said. Hiccup turned them on, so we could hear.

"My my, Elsa. You have turned into a beauty, let me tell you that. Just like your mother."

"DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT MY MOTHER!!!!" she screamed.

"What are you still mad about that?"

"Yes." she spat out harshly.

"Darling we have both killed hundreds of people in our lifetime, you more than me. You're telling me that killing two trained killers was a bad thing?"

"Yes. They worked for the government, and stopped countless wars."

"Exactly, people shouldn't stop anything. They should let the people decided for themselves."

"So letting thousands of innocents die justifies what you did to them?!"

"Yes darling. I have been attacking the agency that your parents fought so hard to build for years. Once they were gone things were easy, until a new group showed up with abilities. They had been delaying my plans, but now I have you, that is all in the past."

"Plans, what plans?"

"Darling I'm talking about world domination! With your magic and my powers we could destroy everything in our path." he let out a sickling chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused." she said.

"Think about it, what goes together better than cold and dark."

"No I was confused because I thought you were being serious. I would never join you, I'd rather die." she shouted.

"Oh honey, you are much to valuable to get killed. The immense power that runs through your veins is not going to be waisted. No that would be your sister. I already have men in trucks waiting to go kill her. Right now she is defenseless and in a deep sleep."

Right now you could see tears streaming down Elsa's face.

"Elsa there is not enough time to save yourself, but there might be time to save others. Join me."

"Right now, I'd be worried about who's going to save you." she said and Pitch glared and punched her in the stomach.

Then the camera in the cafeteria showed everything being blown up. All of the lights in the entire place started to flicker.

"Guys what is happening?" Punzie asked.

"I don't know!" Hiccup said confused. Then another one went off in an airshaft right above where Elsa was cracking the ceiling.

Pitches face was terrified, while Elsa's was determined. She pulled herself up by the cuffs, and yanked down hard on them. She fell to the floor in a perfect crouch.

"SHE'S LOOSE!" Pitch shouted, and power walked out of the room. Elsa wrapped the chains around her arms, and two men walked in.

She spun the chains around screaming, and we all closed our eyes knowing what the outcome would be. When we opened our eyes again Elsa was out of the room and had gotten free of the chains, and the heavy parts of the chains had bashed the two Nightmares heads in. All that remained was two faceless men surrounded in a pool of their own blood, a cracked ceiling, and two empty chains.

Third Person POV

(A/N: If you are feeling to lazy to read this POV or I do a crappy job of writing it, it is in the media section.)

The Big Four watched the screens as they were scrambling to find Elsa.

"Elsa's taking the elevator to the surface." said a nerd in the control room.

"Shut it down!" the man in charge said.

"Done! It stopped." said the nerd.

"Where?" The guy asked. Both of them turned and looked outside to the training room, both scared.  Everyone; big four and Nightmares looked at each other worried, praying she wasn't coming to that floor. The room was full of assassins.

DING! The elevator door opens, and Elsa stands there looking at her surroundings.

"ELSA!" one of the assassins yelled.

Elsa walked out and hit a random guy in the throat, followed by elbowing him there. He collapsed to the ground either dead or dying.

Another one ran up and tried to kick her, but she slapped his leg down and blocked his punch. She quickly moved her elbow and hit him in the face with it. Another one came at her while she was attacking, but she must have seen it. Elsa ducked and his arm went straight over her body. Some guy though kicked her from behind, and she was thrusted forward into a pair of dumbbells.

She let out a little noise, then picked up the dumbbell. She hurled it at the guy that kicked her, and knocked him straight to the ground possibly cracking his ribs.

The assassin that she elbowed in the face was back up, and tried to kick her again. She ducked to the ground, then picked up a weight that was intended for the dumbbell bar. He tried to kick her again, but she slapped his foot with the weight, followed by his face. Elsa saw he was still up, so she hit him in the face one last time, and he was out.

A girl went to punch her, but Elsa quickly ducked and grabbed the girls arm. She put her in a lock to where if the girl made one wrong move, she would break her arm. Then she took the weight in her other hand and hurled it at a guy running towards her. She then threw the girl away like trash, but the girl let out a scream. Elsa had to of hurt something of hers.

Another assassin was coming at her, ready to kick her face. When his leg was up in the air Elsa grabbed it and twisted it. His knee was twisted out of the socket, and he was twisted to the floor as well.

During this time, the guy in the booth was watching everything with deep interest, as was the Big 4 from their van.

All of them had their mouths open and jaws dropped watching this retired agent that they thought was rusty and weak taking on a room of highly trained assassins and winning.

Another guy kicked at Elsa, but she dropped down to one knee and locked his leg with her arm. Then she used her muscles and rolled his entire body over hers, and he slammed into the floor.

Another kick came at her, but she slapped the foot down, and kicked him with all of her strength in the gut. Probably enough force to rupture his spleen, and give him a serious bruise.

When a guy went to punch Elsa she blocked his arm, then grabbed his wrist followed by twisting it. The cracks and his screams echoed throughout the room. During that moment another guy thought that since her hands were tied up, she was vulnerable, but he was wrong.

She kicked him hard in the chest cracking some ribs, then rolled over the guy she had pinned down. She quickly elbowed him in the side, and he fell to the ground wreathing in pain.

When another assassin went to kick her, she ducked and fell to the ground. She quickly grabbed his ankle, then she twisted it. He went flying in the air landing hard on the ground.

She stood up and turned around in time to see a guard with a gun running into the room. The Big 4 in the van gasped realizing she had no weapons, and was trapped.

Elsa sprinted towards him as fast as possible, then fell on her knees sliding right into the man. She grabbed his hand with the gun and started shooting where the man in the observing room was at.

The room must have been covered in bullet proof glass, but everyone ducked and hid anyway...... well except for the man in charge. He stood their and watched her.

Suddenly everything started shaking and turned dark. When the lights came back on Elsa was no where to be seen, and the only people in the room were the ones she pulverized.

Jack's POV

All of us stood watching the screen shocked. She had just singlehandedly taken out a large group of assassins that we could only do together as a group. Then disappeared without a trace.

"Hiccup, where is she now?" Mer asked.

"Umm..... she's not in the building anymore if that is what you mean."

"Then were is she?" I asked.

"She is currently in that large hole, literally bouncing off the walls." Hiccup said, and we all looked. she was jumping wall to wall up the hole like Mario would.

"Okay, note to self she is not rusty." Merida said, "My respect for her has just doubled in size." she said.

We all watched as Elsa jumped out of the hole in the ground. She was breathing a little hard, but hell I would be dying. She looked around and found an old hat and jacket on the floor, and quickly put them on. Then she picked up an old beer bottle, and smashed it. She used lit an old cigarette using the glass from the bottle and put it on an gas tank with some red block attached to it.

Then she dropped it in the hole, and walked away. A few moments later there was a huge explosion.


She then ran to an old car, and started taking off the licence plate, when she was stopped by two police officers.

"Hiccup, we should stop them." I said, but he paused.

"Jack, those aren't real cops. The license plates are wrong, and the car is old."

Dirty cops!

"Get down on the ground, and put your hands where we can see them!" they said.

Elsa slowly dropped to the ground, and put her hands in front of her.

"Boss wants to talk to her. Cuff her ass." one said, and another guy walked over to her, with the gun pointed at her head.

"Put your hands behind your back." the cop said. Elsa slowly started moving her hands towards her back...... too slowly....... like turtle like pace. Then the cop lost his patients, and put his gun away. He walked up to her left side, and grabbed her arm. When he put it behind her back, she did a lighting quick move and flipped them around. The cop was now in between her knee and she was choking him, and his gun was now in her hands.

Then she started shooting at the other cop, at bullet two he chickened out and ran off. She continued shooting all of the windows in the car and hit the cop trapped between her legs with the gun knocking him out. She got in the cop car, and shot the tires of the other ones so they couldn't follow her. Then she slammed on the pedal and sped off with the sirens on.

"Where is she going?" Mer asked.

"Wait...... didn't Pitch say if she didn't join he would send someone after her sister?" Punzie said and we all looked wide eyed. We left her sister there asleep and alone!

"Hurry guys, get to her house." I said, and we too sped off hoping we would make it in time. By the time we got to her house she was already there.

We ran in, and saw Elsa and Eugene working together. Anna was hiding in a corner.

"Eugene, duck!" Elsa said he ducked missing a mans swing, then Elsa kicked the man in the stomach. He went after her, but she ran up the wall, then landed on his shoulders. She ripped his head clean off and threw it to the side, then jumped off.

Anna screamed at the sight, then a man came after her with a sword.

"Anna!" Elsa screamed. She jumped up on the ceiling fan, and it spun her around. She let go and a katana was in her hand.

She slit the man with the back, then they started fighting. Her form was flawless, just as it was when she was 3. Let's just say it ended up with his head cut off.

She threw the katana aside, then started fighting another guy. Eugene was tied up fighting two men, so Elsa was on her own.

"Should we help her?" Hiccup asked.

The we saw Elsa throw the man across the room, and he went through the window.

"Nah, I think she is good." Mer said.

He came back, and they fought, but he grabbed her arm and put her in a lock.

"Enough! The more you do this, the more you'll hurt yourself." the guy shouted.

"You have no idea how much pain I can take." she said, then moved her arm, and literally popped it out of the socket. Even though that happened she was freed. She jumped up, and roundhouse kicked him.

"Eugene get in the closet, everyone else too." she said. Then we all followed her into a large closet.

"Eugene, I might need my arm." she said softly. Eugene nodded, and popped her arm back in the socket. She let out a little noise in pain, but other than that nothing. She moved it around, and nodded.

"What are you doing, were trapped now!" I whispered yelled.

"Corners are either the best or worst place to be. Now everyone back up." she said. We all obeyed, and waited. She looked at the floor and I saw two shadows outside.

Then she kicked the door so hard it flew off its hinges, and ran over the two men. She ran and got the katana, and cut off both of their heads. Anna was screaming and was terrified, and I don't blame her. Blood was covering the floor, walls, and curtains.

"Everyone follow me and quickly." Elsa said.

"No, explain now." Anna said shaking.

"Anna, I will, but right now if you want to see the light of another day you will listen to whatever I say!" Elsa yelled, and Anna was taken aback and nodded.

We followed her to the hallway, and she touched a few places on a painting and a door opend up. We all stepped in and it sucked us. We landed in a huge room with weapons, training materials, and so much more.

Elsa  quickly grabbed a bag and stuffed it with weapons, cash, outfits, and a few other stuff. Eugene did the same, then they nodded.

"Alright, we are going to my safe house. Anna when we get there I will explain everything, I promise."

"Fine." Anna said.

Elsa took us to the garage, and loaded her bags in the back of Anna's car.

She put on her helmet and we jumped in the van and drove off. We ended up in the really bad section of town, in an abandoned apparment builing. She parked her bike, and hid it in a hollowed out dumpster, then led us into the building. It reaked but she didn't seem to mind. There was a room with a bunch of security locks, which she disabled. When we got in there the room was much different than the outside. Everything was gray and white, clean, there were more weapons, training material, computers, library, and welding stuff than I thought possible. There were matts on the floors, and the room smelled crisp and clean in here. She locked the door and turned on a bunch of security systems, then faced us.

"Alright Elsa, start explaining." Anna said.

"Well, this is going to be hard to explain. Well the company our parents owned isn't a trading company, it is actually a spy agency. From the time I could crawl they have been training me to become an agent. I am sort of like a prodigy and they wanted me to be the best agent ever. They were killed by a criminal warlord Pitch Black, and those men that came to our house were is goons, and tried to kill you."


"Whenever I'm at the gym, I'm actually here or at the home training."

"So you are a spy?"

"Ex-spy. I left when our parents died. I wanted to always be there for you, and not have to worry about leaving you alone."

"Wait, so you're a spy?" she said again.

"Was, but my specialty is assassinating. My brain works for that apparently."

"Okay, so why wasn't I trained?"

"Mom and dad realized once you were born that the life of a spy was no life for a child. They let you have a normal life. They however already screwed me up, so they continued my training."

"What so I wasn't good enough?!"

"Anna, trust me, it isn't all fun and games."


"Anna I have no fingerprints, they sanded them off when I was 9. They replaced my bones with metal ones so they wouldn't break. I could never go anywhere without worrying someone was going to kill me. I missed out on childhood. I can't feel emotion well except with you and Eugene. Anna, I don't have periods and I can't have kids."

"WHAT?!?!?" Anna said.

"When I was 13 they did a surgery and took all of my eggs. So I couldn't get pregnant during a mission or let something like a period get the better of me. They are currently in a freezer at the agency."

"Who did this?" Anna said mortified.

"Mom and Dad." I said weakly smiling.

"Elsa....." Anna said sadly.

"Trust me it wasn't as glamorous as you think. I was good at what I did, but I didn't want to do it."

"Have you killed people, excluding the ones today?" Anna asked.

"Yeah, tons. My brain was special. It thinks of every single way to kill a person in the room, then it goes to the quickest way all in a matter of milliseconds."

"Anything else I should know about?"

"I have powers." I said and her jaw dropped.


I made it snow in the room, and she looked at me in shock.

"And there is so much more where that came from." I smiled weakly at her, "That and my track record is why they are after me."

"So, what are we going to do?" Anna asked sounding scared.

"Well I just blew up their home base, and hopefully killed everyone in there so we have some time to think. I know for a fact Pitch is probs still out there though, so I have to work on finding him."

"Elsa, we are from the DDSA. We were scent here to protect you and bring you two back there." Jack said.

"I don't want anything to do with that agency." I said firmly, "I can't afford to leave Anna alone."

"What do you mean?"

"Anna, do you remember those round scars on my back that I said were birthmarks. They are actually bullet wounds. Every time you go on a mission there is no guarantee you come back. That is why I left, I wanted to make sure you were safe."

"Elsa, if you want to make sure I'm safe then get help and get rid of those creeps."

"Anna, I'm R.E.D. People won't want to help me, they will look at me either like I'm a joke or am their worst nightmare."


"R.E.D., R..E..D. You know Retired, Extremely Dangerous. Whenever someone as good as I was left, lets just say people don't like you a lot if you come back."

"We'll help you." the group said.

"Bitch please. You are trained yet couldn't tell there was sleeping drugs in the cake."

"Elsa, you can't do this on your own." Punzie said.

"I'm doing a good job so far." I said, "Better than you four fucks ever have."

"Elsa, I'm going with them." Anna said.

"What!" I said shocked.

"Elsa, they have an entire agency to protect us. As much as I love and trust you, I don't think you are not enough."

"Elsa, she's right. We have been working together for a long time, and it would help to have more people on our side helping us." Eugene said.

"So you both feel this way?" I said looking to the two people who were supposed to be there for me till the end.

"Yes." they said at the same time.

"Fine, then go with them. If I'm not enough for you, than go with them. I'm not stepping a foot in that agency." I said.

"Elsa, please just come with us." Anna said.

"No, I love you, but I am never going back. Not after everything that happened." I said, then tossed her a pair of car keys, "Take my car, Eugene knows where it's hidden. I love you both, and goodbye." I said.

Everyone left but Jack, he was just staring at me sadly.

"Elsa, please come with us."

I quickly raised my fist and punched his face with so much force he thrown to the floor.

"You think I'll go with you, after everything that happened to me! You sent here by the people how I truly hate, I knew something was wrong! The sad thing is I actually thought you were different, that you liked me for me! You just turned out like every other guy, wanting something out of me, just wanting to use me!" I yelled while holding back tears.

"Elsa, that is not true." he said holding his jaw that I probs broke.

"Then what? Why were you sent here?"

"Okay, at first it was to convince you to trust us and get you and Anna to come back with us the DDSA, bu................"


"No, after time I started to respect you, and I really like you Elsa. Like I care for you a lot." he said.

"Well, I'm sorry you cared. For the record I don't trust you, I've never trusted you. I have actively taught myself not to trust people. Now get out or I swear to God I will blow your brains out." I hissed.

He sighed, but walked out of my dojo. Moment he did I screamed in anger and frustration. Why does this all happen to me. Anna and Eugene left me after all of our years together, and they thought I couldn't protect them. Was I seriously that weak?

All the bright precious things fade so fast.... and they don't come back.

I had to put my emotions in the past. I was going to avenge my parents, no matter what.

I removed the chip (well technically it is a detonator) from my stomach, then wrapped it up.Then I started training. I worked on boxing, kickboxing, a wide variety of martial arts, I played around with the katana and double sided katana, I worked on shooting, throwing knives, I did 100 one arm pull-ups for both arms, 100 Aztec pushups, worked on gymnastics, agility, parkour, acrobatics, breakdancing, running, and a lot more. I did all of this until I literally couldn't anymore. My legs gave out, and my arms felt like jelly.

I turned myself around and looked at the ceiling panting.

"Pitch Black and Nightmares everywhere, beware, because I'm coming for you." I mumbled to myself.

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