Jaylos One Shots!

By lolziez980

117K 1.9K 927

You know you wanna read. P.s. my earlier chapters are really bad and my latest chapters are much better! Just... More

Happy Halloween!
I'm Alive!
The Perfect Christmas
Not So Pointless Rant.
Happy Valentines Day!


2.1K 34 17
By lolziez980

Jay arrived at Carlos' house for the Christmas party. It was chilly outside and he loved it. Carlos on the other hand hated it.

He walked up the steps of Carlos' house and knocked on the door. "Hey Jay!" Carlos said with a smile as he opened the door. He pulled Jay into a warm hug. It felt like he shielded Jay from the cold.

Jay smiled and hugged back. "Hi Carlos." He said smiling. He pulled back and went in. Carlos closed the door. It was a nice little get together of close friends only. Since there was still family drama going on with the villain kids.

There was Evie, Mal, Ben, Doug and Dude. "Hey you guys." Jay said smiling. All of them smiled and greeted Jay, hugging him.

"Jay!" Evie said smiling. She hugged him the tightest and longest since he was her best friend after all.

"Let's get this party started!" Jay said smiling. Everyone cheered agreeing with Jay.


Jay got more and more nervous as the present opening part of the party drew near. He didn't get anything for Carlos. He felt so bad about it. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't go and get him a present nor could he make up an excuse. He just had to face the music.

"Present time!" Carlos said.

Gotta blast! Jay thought to himself.

" I'll be right back. " He said standing up. He walked to the door and went outside into the cold weather. He climbed up the vine on the side of Carlos' house onto his roof.

He couldn't bare the idea of not having a gift for Carlos. Especially for the crucial fact that he liked Carlos and he didn't want to let him down. "I probably already did." Jay said to himself pulling his knees up to his chest, resting his chin on his knees.

Time had passed and Carlos went outside to find Jay. "Jay? Jay? Jay get your long hair having butt down here now!" Carlos shouted walking down his street. He was already super worried. Hell he was worried even before he went outside. When Jay didn't come back within 5 minuets Carlos mind went snap! Where in the world is Jay?

He started to get scared. What if someone took Jay? What if someone did something to Jay? What if Jay was hurt? "Jay please answer me!" Carlos pleaded loudly so someone could hear him.

The snow was getting a little bit to intense for him. There was suppose to be a snow storm happening at about this time. Carlos didn't care though. Finding Jay was his main priority. "Jay? Jay!!" He shouted over the growing winds. He started to get overwhelmed by the winds force and started to move with the sway of the wind. He wasn't that built as you can tell.

Jay saw him walking back in the distance. He heard him as well. Carlos didn't seem to be holding up that well. Jay didn't hesitate and jumped off the roof. Stupid thing to do he knew that but that didn't matter. Getting Carlos out of this storm was his main priority. "Carlos!" Jay shouted hissing at the pain in his ankle.

He got up nonetheless. He ran/limped to Carlos as fast as he could. Carlos didn't come with a jacket. He knew it was stupid but priorities. Carlos saw Jay. He ran to him. " Jay! " He shouted pouncing onto the long haired boy. Jay chuckled.

He held onto Carlos and limped back to his doorstep. He set him down. Jay hissed alarming Carlos. " What happened Jay? " He asked concerned crouching down to inspect his ankle. " I kinda jumped off your roof. " Jay said scratching the back of his head. " You what? " Carlos exclaimed hitting Jay's arm hard. " Ow! " Jay said rubbing his arm. " That was extremely stupid! You could've landed on your head and died! " Carlos said. " Well you went into a snow storm without a jacket! And your wearing shorts! " Jay argued back. " Well.. That doesn't matter. What does twist my arm is why you left for like ever without telling anyone or me in specific what you were doing or where you were going? I was... Really worried about you. " Carlos said speaking softly the last part.

" Well.. I...I didn't know what to get you. I'm sorry Carlos." Jay whispered as tears rolled down his cheeks. " I am so sorry I disappointed you. I cannot believe myself. I should've got you something. I feel so stupid. I am so so sorr-" Jay was cut off by a pair of cold lips connecting to his. While Jay was rambling Carlos noticed a certain Christmas icon above both of them. He couldn't break tradition now could he? Carlos didn't pull away either. He wrapped his arms around Jay's neck and pulled him in closer. Jay was surprised for a split second before he melted into the kiss.

He put his hands firmly onto Carlos' waist. He pulled them so close there practically wasn't any space between them. Jay decided that he didn't like that position so he instead moved his hands to cup Carlos' face. Carlos licked the bottom of Jay's lip asking for entrance. Jay granted him access without a second thought. Carlos giggled a little. "What?" Jay asked in between kisses. " Your Your whole mouth is so cold. It's like ice. " Carlos said laughing. " Shut up. " Jay said pulling Carlos all the way back in for a deep, passionate, love filled kiss.

Carlos threaded his hands through Jay's hair. He tugged at it lightly earning a small moan from the taller boy. Carlos bit Jay's bottom lip lightly and pulled at it slightly ending the kiss. Jay looked at Carlos with want in his eyes.

He leaned down and started kissing around Carlos' neck. He started suckin lightly on the delicate skin. Carlos moaned quietly. Jay smirked now knowing where his sweet spot is. He started sucking harder on the skin beginning to make a red mark. Marking his territory. And what will rightfully be his. Let's just say that there will be a lot of that once everyone leaves.

Carlos moaned louder then stopped Jay. " Not right now. " He said looking into Jay's eyes. He was scared if he didn't stop him, he and Jay would have had sex on this very porch!

"You know what? I think I know what I'm giving you for Christmas. " Jay said to Carlos biting his lip. Carlos smirked. " I can't wait to receive it. " He purred in Jay's ear. " Let's go back inside. " Carlos said smiling. Before he opened the door, Jay pulled him into one more quick kiss. " Alright. Now let's go. " Jay said and the two went in.

Carlos and Jay walked into the house immediately getting bumrushed by everyone. "We're fine. Just fine. " Carlos said smiling. " Cmon get next to the fire. You'll warm up faster. " Evie said pulling the two to the fire.

"Did you get Carlos a present Jay? " Mal asked. " Yeah but it's a secret. But it's gonna be big and loud. " Jay said smiling. He sent a subtle look at Carlos. Carlos bit the inside of his cheek. " Carlos what is that? Did you and Jay do a little somethin somethin outside? " Ben asked wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

" Of course not Ben! I got stung by some kind of bug or something. " Carlos said sending a look Jay's way. " I don't believe you but alright then. Don't be to loud. " He said winking at Carlos. Everyone laughed while Jay and Carlos groaned embarrassed.

" We need new friends! " Carlos said joining in on the laughter. " True! " Jay said laughing as well.


" Alright. Bye! See you guys later! " Carlos said waving with Jay as the others left. Carlos closed the door and locked it. Jay smirked as he practically dragged Carlos up the stairs and into Carlos' bedroom.

It was definitely a holly jolly Christmas for those two.

The end.


Hello there my fellow Wattpad strangers! I'm so ready for Christmas! If you like this chapter why don't you...

- Vote it helps me out a lot!
- Comment! Tell me your thoughts and give me prompts! If you want to know more ways go to the first chapter that you most likely skipped!
- Follow me because I follow back instantaniously!
- Please please ease! Excuse all grammar errors in this chapter! Kay thanks!
- I think that is all I love you all and I will see you in the next update! Bye!

- Z Xx

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