Cindy Potter: Book One (Harry...

By xuelian

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Cindy grew up living with her godfather, Severus Snape. She originally lived with her aunt, uncle and cousin... More

Book One: Cindy Potter (Harry Potter Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 28

794 22 11
By xuelian

"Silence!" - Severus Snape


I stood outside father's classroom, hand held up to knock, and slowly lowered it on hesitation. I knew he was furious. He hadn't spoken a single word to me since the dungeon, three days previous. In class he made sure to pick on Harry more, effectively ignoring me, refusing to even glance at me. It had gotten to the point where I'd even considered asking Professor Dumbledore to let me stay with Harry for the coming summer vacation.

I raised my hand again. As I was about to knock, the door flew open. My hand froze in mid-air. I glanced up to see a smirking figure in the doorway. The figure stood tall, with flowing bleach blonde hair and icy eyes, holding a cane with a snake engraved on the top. All in all, a splitting image of Draco Malfoy. I found my voice. "You are...?"

"Lucius Malfoy. I see you've made quite an impression of yourself down in the dungeon." He sneered.

"H-how do you-"

"Oh everyone knows. The whole school is talking about how the great Harry and Cindy Potter fought against the Dark Lord-not that the both of you weren't famous enough before." He added under his breath. "Draco's told me a fair bit about you too. Strutting around the school-"

"Well your son's a liar." I interrupted in a frosty voice. As an afterthought I added, "I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Why you little-" I stared at him in challenge. "You know what, I don't even know what Severus agreed to look after a little brat like you. You do know that he only did so because of Dumbledore's orders, don't you? And the only thing he would ever feel for you is pity." He scoffed. My lip quivered but I held his stare. After a moment, he shoved past me and left after giving me one last scathing look.

I stood there, unmoving. After I was sure he had left, I turned to leave. He was right. Father always acted like I was a nuisance, and I was nothing but a burden to him, a painful reminder of my mother. He never loved me and he never would. I took a few steps when an hand grabbed my shoulder. I glanced behind me and saw Father standing there. I stared at him blankly. He nodded toward his classroom and walked away, motioning me to follow him. I slowly walked after him. We walked through the classroom and into his office. He say down behind his desk and I hastily took a seat across from him, bracing myself to be yelled at. After a moment of silence, he thrust something at me, making me flinch. I looked down to see a handkerchief. It was only then that I realized I was crying. I burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. At first, father made no move to comfort me, just say there awkwardly and expressionless. After a minute or two, he got up and walked towards me. I was stunned as he put his arms around me, hugging me for the first time. He held me, allowing me to sob for awhile.

After I had stopped, only letting out occasional whimpers, he walked back to his side. "I'm sorry I'm such a burden and a brat." I whispered. His face hardened. "And I'm sorry Professor Dumbledore made you take me in." Father's eyes hardened even more. "I'm sorry I look so much like her." Wham! I jumped a foot in my chair. Father towered over me.

"Who the bloody hell said that to you?"

"Well it's true though, isn't it? I'm just a burden. I don't listen to you, I make you angry and test your patience all the time, and, well, how could you possibly love someone like that?" Father's eyes grew murderously angry.

"I'll ask you one more time, Cindy Lily Potter. Who. Said. That. To. You." I gulped.

"Mr. Malfoy." I admitted. Father kicked the cabinet of potion ingredients angrily, causing a flask to smash and something greenish brown to crawl out. I screamed in horror, scrambling on top of father's desk and hopping onto him, practically grabbing on to him in a choke hold, so he couldn't pry my arms off. He used his free arm to point his wand at the broken flask and managed to get the contents back in. I awkwardly let go of him. "Um, I'm sorry for making you angry, I'll just go-"

"Sit down!" I sat obediently.

"Look at me." He said in a slightly softer voice. I hesitantly glanced up, and quickly glancing back down upon seeing his expression. "Do I scare you that much?" I immediately shook my head. He raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe a little."

He sighed. "Cindy, I'm not good with kids. But what Lucius Malfoy told you, it isn't true. I do care for you. I'm very proud of you too. I know I don't say it often, or at all, but I am." A tear rolled down my cheek. He hands me the handkerchief again. "I'm quite proud of the courage you showed in that dungeon. I know it must've been hard, when you thought it was I who wanted the stone.

"I'm sorry for not believing you." I whispered. He nodded. "But why were you so angry then?"

His face hardened. "You four risked your lives down in that dungeon. You could've been killed. I care about you, contrary to what you believe!" I sat there stunned. "Now tell me, did Dumbledore tell you about your mother?"

"Yes." I replied hesitantly.

He sighed. "I suppose you deserve to know. "Yes. I did love her. But I did something incredibly stupid that led to her death."

"What is it?" I asked hesitantly.

"You'll know when it is the right time. He held out a hand to stroke my hair. "You look so much like her. He reached inside the pocket of his robes and pulled out a moving photograph. Though I didn't remember mum well, it was clearly her as a child, with Father. Then, to my utter astonishment, a tear rolled down father's tired face. I handed him the handkerchief. "I know I haven't been the best godfather, but I will try, Cindy. I promise." I nodded and gave him a hug and he eventually hugged me back. After a moment, I stood up.

"I'd best be going." Father's expression morphed into a glare.

"Oh, no, I actually have some unfinished business with you, young lady. Although for good intentions, this is the second time this month you've snuck out at night and knowingly placed yourself in danger. What were you thinking?!" I opened my mouth to speak. "Excuses won't save you this time."

"But the stone was in danger!"

"Did you for a minute, consider checking my office when you thought I'd gone down the trapdoor?" I shook my head dumbly. Father advanced on me and I cowered in my chair. "Did you think for a minute about how your parents sacrificed themselves for you and how I would feel if something had happened down there?"

"You would care?" I said hopefully. He groaned.

"Did you hear nothing else, you silly girl!" I shook my head and hid a smile. He whacked me upside the head.

"Hey!" I pouted. He glared at me. "Just kidding." I grinned sheepishly.

"You're grounded for two weeks. I want you in my office immediately after classes." I frowned.

"Can't you punish me some other way?" I groaned.

"You have a problem?" He raised an eyebrow as if daring me to challenge him.

"Well I want to stay in the common room with Harry and the others, besides..." I trailed off.

"Yes?" He said sarcastically.

"Your bed is like a rock." I grumbled. He smiled coldly.

"Would you rather sleep on the floor?" I attempted another way.

"But where will you sleep?"

"The couch." I frowned.

"C'mon, don't ground me. Isn't there any way you'll reconsider?" I pleaded.

"You are asking for a caning, you little-"

"Will you lift the grounding if I do?" I asked hopefully. I'm was very eager as the last time I spent just one week being grounded, I was ready to tear my hair out with father watching me every second, asking me what I was doing everytime I had to go to the washroom. Father's eyes narrowed.

"You don't know what you're agreeing to."

"Yes I do." I shot back.

"I am extremely angry with you right now. You don't want to test me."

"Then do it." I stuck my nose in his face. His eyes narrowed even more. Grabbing my shoulder, he turned me and shoved me against the wall. I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against the wall. I felt him shoving my knee socks down and grabbing the stick. My knees started shaking and l struggled to stand upright. I feel a hand on my back as the first blow made contact. "Ow!"


"Stop acting like a child." I looked away from him. Currently, I was curled into the armchair, sulking. He raised his hand to touch my arm and I whacked it away.

"I am a child!" Father rolled his eyes.

"Stop acting like a bratty one then. You asked for it." I pouted. "I have a class and so do you. I don't have the time, nor patience to deal with this." He started to walk away. I frowned. I decided to test him. I buried my head in my arms and let out a loud sob. I could hear his footsteps stop. I sobbed harder, letting out little whimpers. I heard hurried footsteps heading towards me. I smiled internally. I felt a hand on my back. "Did I hurt you that bad?" He asked softly. I refused to answer him, continuing to wail loudly. He sighed and I felt myself being picked up, then set down on a lap. I looked up with tear filled eyes. "Does it still hurt?" I nodded. I saw a trace of a smile. "Good. It's supposed to." I gasped. "You don't think I've known you long enough to know when you're faking it?" I sulked, sliding off his lap, falling ungracefully to the floor.

"Ow!" I winced.

"Silly girl." He looked amused.

"Glad I entertain you." I grumbled. For the first time, Father burst into laughter. I watched in awe. "You can laugh?" He immediately stopped and glared at me. "Aww. At least now I can tell Neville you're not a monster." He whacked me upside the head.

"Say one word to Longbottom and I will ground you for a month." My eyes widened. "Good, glad you understand." I huffed in annoyance. I stood up and limped to the door. "Good luck sitting in class." I growled in annoyance, swearing to get even.

One more chapter left! Then possibly an epilogue or directly to book two!

Lots of love,

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