Where Secrets Lie

By Smilefunny777

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Sarah is a ordinary girl. Or that's what she thought. When suddenly she meets this guy name Zavior everything... More

Chapter 1 - The no name Boy
Chapter 2 - Master Zavior
Chapter 3 - Date check
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 4 - Lost within confusion
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 5- Wanted
(Sarahs POV) - Chapter 6 - All it took was one phone call
(Zavior POV) Chapter 7 - Answers, with more questions
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 8 - Mind Tricks
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 9 - Unexpected
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 10 - Nightmare?
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 11 - Get Set!
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 12- Rise and shine
(Sarahs POV) Chapter 13 - Emotional
(Zaviors POV) Chapter14 - Hopes
(Sarahs POV) chapter 15 - Sneak attack
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 16 - abandon ship
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 17 - Round one
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 18- Short recovery
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 19 - Home?
(Sarah's POV) Charter 20 - Hot
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 21 -Late night swim
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 22- Mission impossible
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 23- Confession
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 24 - No time for talk
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 25 - Ally or foe
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 26 - Training
(Zaviors POV) Chapter 27- Jealous
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 28 - Ex??
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 29- Once was a bitch, is now also a witch
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 30 - Cooking
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 31- Miniature
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 32 - 30 feet tall
(Jeff Ling Zoe's POV) Chapter 34 - Now we're moving
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 35 - Locked away
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 36 - The hunted house?
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 37 - A long maze through hell
(Unknown POV) Chapter 38 - Looking through the crystal ball
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 39- Face to face with what you'd call the Devil
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 40 - New exit route
(Zavior's POV) Chapter 41 - Greetings One
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 42 -Face to Face
(Sarah's POV) Chapter 43 -Cutting it short
The prophecy
Book Two??

(Jackson's POV) Chapter 33 - Sleepy Fog

32 8 4
By Smilefunny777

Hey guys!! One of my friends and one of my first readers @bestmelol suggested that this next chapter be in Jackson's POV. Please tell me what you think.


We've been running for awhile and I know that we'll been stopping soon. Sarah's getting hungry and Zavior is getting tried of carrying her, even though he'll never say that aloud. Neither of them plan on saying anything, their stubborn. Alex is a mystery. I can read his thoughts, but it's weird. He's always arguing with himself, like he's two different people. I ignore it, its probably a side effect of being turned. There's rumors that some people react differently when being turned.

I try and block their thoughts and concentrate on my own. The main reason I'm going is because I want to get closer to my brother. I didn't want to at first. It all just sounded girly and i knew dad wouldn't have wanted me to. But now I'd tell dad that he could go fuck his self. I also want to come along because I want answers. We all do. I want to know why Dad did all of what he did. I just don't get it. When I was younger, he was amazing. He loved us, or that's what I thought.

I shake my head, getting rid of all of Dad. I try and distract myself with my surroundings. The forest is slowly disappearing and the mountains are coming into view.

I'm too hungry to wait any longer. Sarah thinks.

I shake my head, knowing I'll have to speak up soon or I'll be listening to a hungry Sarah longer than I'd like.

Should I ask to stop for Sarah. I mean she maybe getting tired or maybe even hungry. Zavior thinks.

So much for trying to block their thoughts. I stop running, not able to take this any longer.

"I think we should stop." I suggest once I have everyone's attention.

At least now I don't have to say anything or would Sarah want me to say something? Zavior questions himself, while looking down at Sarah.

I roll my eyes.

Thank God. Now all I need is food. Sarah thinks hungrily, getting out of Zaviors arms.

I'd laugh aloud if it wouldn't make me look crazy. Sarah maybe shy, but she has great humor. Only if she'd let it shine.   

We aren't close enough. Alex thinks.

Shut up. He retorts to him self.

"I think we should walk some more and find a nicer place to rest and maybe even something to eat." I state trying to ignore Alex.

I look over at Sarah and I can see her eyes lighten up at the word food.

I do hope he meant human food. Sarah thinks excitedly.

I smile at her excitement. She's like a sister I never had and the way Zavior is hung over her, she may end up to be my sister.

Who the hell he thinks he is? Zavior questions.

My smile falls slightly, but I bring it back up and pretend that I didn't just hear his thought.

I start walking and Sarah is the first to rush along with me.

When i first met Sarah I thought she was one of Zaviors slaves, but that was when I thought Zavior was a monster. I didn't understand how he could lie about our dad all my life, but as it turns out he wasn't lying. It's all why I flirted with her when I first meet or that's what I believe. I felt this small pull to her, but I must of just been pissed off by my brother and I just wanted to mess with him. I don't know, who cares. Sarah's awesome, but I don't want anything more than a sister from her.

"I hope I get to eat something that a human would like." She's says to me.

She pauses and seems to realize what she said.

"Not that blood I bad, or anything. It's just not my taste and-" she rambles.

"Sarah it's fine." I say calmly.

She relaxes, her shoulders falling to down in defeat.

"It's good." I say reassuring.

If he wasn't my brother.. I'd.. I'd Zavior thinks, throwing empty threats.

As long as I've known my brother, he wasn't good at being jealous and he wasn't good at throwing threats who he knew he wouldn't actual hurt.               

I chuckle softly, which makes Sarah look at me curious.

Did I do something? Sarah wonders to herself.

I simple shake my head at her.

After walking for awhile we run into a cabin. The few trees the surrounds us must have kept it hided where we couldn't see it when we were running.

I don't think I want to walk into that. Sarah thinks worriedly.

No way it's safe in there. Zavior states to him self.

Go. Go. Go. Alex weirdly chants.

I've been able to block most of their thoughts for awhile, but their all thinking to much at once.

What the hell? I hear Sarah think to herself.

I look at her and see her looking behind me. I turn around to see something like a orange fog.

"Um.. Um guys.. That doesn't look so safe." Sarah states point at the strange fog, frightened.

"Its just fog, right." Alex says nonchalantly.

It can't. It can't be what I think it is. Alex thinks.

"What is it?" I ask Alex.

He probably was blocking our thoughts or he would have known I heard him.

He looks at me, fearful.

"I think we should run." He tells me.

He looks from the fog to the cabin. Probably judging what's best. I wasn't listening to his thoughts. I am too worried of what this fog is and what it does.

"Run!" Alex yells and runs for his life.

I quickly pick up Sarah and run.

Even with our incredible speed, the fog still catches up to us. It's like the fog knows we're running. I know it sounds crazy, but everything seems crazy for some reason.

We reach the door, to realize it's locked. We bang on it and it seems to be cover in metal. We bang harder in the hopes to not it down, but the fog has caught up to us.

I hold my breath in case the fog I toxic. Before I can tell anyone else to hold their breath, they start to fall to the ground.

I get down on my knees to see if they're breathing. I check their pulse and they seem fine. They actual seem like they're sleeping.

I look over in the fog, to find a silhouette of someone. Before I can really get another look, I begin to have the desperate need to take a breath.

Without thinking, I take a deep breath.

The need for sleep invades my every thought. Darkness slowly blocks me from seeing anything. The little voice in the back of my is yelling something at me, but all I could hear was the word 'sleep'. I quickly looks my balance and making the ground come closer to me. Before I hit the floor sleep fully takes over me and i peacefully fall into the darkness.

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