Knock On Deaths Door (PUBLISH...

By AriellovesTOP

12.5K 858 91

Krystal Willard has always known that she was different. Beginning when she was a child she has bee... More

○Chapter One
●Special● Jason + Eli POV
○Chapter Two
○Chapter Three
○Chapter Four
•Special• Jason + Eli POV
○Chapter Five
○Chapter Six
○Chapter Seven
○Chapter Eight
Special POV ¤Jason¤
○Chapter Nine
Special POV ¤Jason¤
○Chapter Ten
Special POV《Mystic Killer》
○Chapter Eleven
°Chapter Tweleve
°Chapter Thirteen
°Chapter Fourteen
°Chapter Fifteen
°Chapter Sixteen

Special POV ¤Eli¤

406 36 1
By AriellovesTOP

I paced the hallway in the hospital waiting for the detectives to finish questioning Krystal.

What was she thinking? What possessed her to accuse some cop she didn't know of being a serial killer? And the way she looked as she attacked. She completely freaked out. I'm afraid for her sanity. Something isn't right with her.

"What's this note she was talking about? The one you gave to the cops?" I asked Jason who was also anxiously watching for the detectives to leave also. I don't know what to say about him. He's my best friend, like a brother to me and he's keeping secrets. Him and Krystal were arguing about something earlier when I got to her house, yet she texted him about her plan to confront this officer she was convinced is a killer. Is there something going on between them that I don't know? Are they seeing each other? I wondered as a sense of dread engulfed me.

"She says that she found it when we found Tiffany. I just saw it earlier though. We were arguing about bringing it to the police. She didn't want to and I was going to make her."

So that explains what they were arguing about. I thought in relief.

"And you believe her?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes I do. I think that note was from the killer. I'm just not sure if she is right that this cop is the person responsible."

I shook my head in disbelief. "Why? Why would this killer target her to communicate with? And you never did tell me, how did she find Tiffany in the first place?"

Jason looked away from me and that was the first sign that he was about to lie to me. He couldn't look me in the eye and lie. He opened his mouth so say something when one of the detectives emerged from the room. As he did Krystal's father came walking down the hall towards us.

"Where is my daughter?" He asked looking to me and Jason.

The detective stepped forward as the other one came out of the room now. "Are you Krystal Willard's father?"

"Yes. I am." He answered.

"We have a few questions for you. If you could just come with us for a moment please?" They led Krystal's father away and I walked back into the room.

Krystal sat on the hospital bed sullenly as stared off into space. Jason stood beside me. He reached out and touched her hand. "It's going to be ok." He said comforting her.

"They think I'm working with the killer." She said.

"What!? That's insane!" I exclaimed. She couldn't be. She wouldnt. Krystal wouldn't hurt anyone. I think she's just upset over her sisters dissappearance. With Tiffany going missing and then turning up dead it's bringing back all the emotions and fear of her own sister since they looked so much alike.

That still doesn't answer how she found Tiffany's body though. However no matter what I refuse to believe that Krystal has anything to do with a killer. She's just misguided and confused.

"We know that you aren't." Jason told her. "But are you sure that this officer Linux is the killer?"

She nodded. "I'm sure, it's him. Earlier when I met him at the custom auto body shop he brushed against me and I knew."

"Why were you at that shop in the first place?" He continued to question her like her answers were making sense to him. Why would brushing against him make her so sure that this man was the killer?

"At school I had another..." She stopped speaking and her eyes connected with mine before she looked away. "Never mind, just leave." She said without looking at either of us. She was absent mindedly rubbing her wrist and I noticed that there was a bruise there. I frowned, when did that happen?

Her father walked into the room and angrily barked. "Let's go now. You've caused enough trouble. I thought these days were over when your mom died."

Krystal frowned as she got out of the hospital bed. Her dad reached out to her and she flinched away. Her dad scowled as he drew his hand back instead of touching her. "Hurry." He said simply, and then walked out.

Krystal said bye hastily as she followed him. She doesn't like her own father to touch her. A sour feeling spread through my stomcach. I left the room and followed behind Krystal and her dad. She walked behind him head down while he walked briskly not saying a word to her or even inquired if she was ok. When they got into their car and drove away I turned to Jason.

"I think her father is hurting her. That's why she doesn't like people to touch her. That's why she's imagining all these crazy things about the killer contacting her." I told him.

He shook his head. "You're wrong, and she isn't imagining anything. The killer is contacting her."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just am."

I shook my head in frustration. "No you just want to believe that you are sure. You want to believe it because you don't want to face the fact that something is wrong with her because you like her." I said angrily. "She needs help and that starts by getting her away from the abuse."

"You don't know that she is being abused. You don't have any proof. And I'm telling you anyways that she isnt. That isn't the reason she doesn't like to be touched." He said calmly.

I pulled at my hair and paced frustrated that Jason wasn't willing to see the obvious right in front of him. I decided to change tactics. I needed answers to this one question and if he wouldn't tell me, our friendship would never be the same. "How did she know where to find Tiffany's body?"

"You don't want to know." He said turning away from me. I grabbed his arm and turned him back around to face me.

"I'm only going to ask one more time. How did she know?"

He stayed silent refusing to answer. Sighing I let go and walked away from him without looking back.

Authors Note

So this special pov occurs where chapter nine left off. Any questions or confused about anything, leave a comment.

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