Clintasha : a different love...

Bởi thataddiction

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[new chapter is out! updated : 10/1/18] Natasha Romanoff, S.H.I.E.L.D's top spy and assassin gets introduced... Xem Thêm

p r o l o g u e
1 // Agent Barton
2 // Trainings and fights
3 // "Love is for children"
4 // shawarma? shawarma.
5 // Waffles with blueberry jam
6 // Clint the Forgetful Birdboy
7 // The Mission in China
8 // Sorry
9 // She's back
10 // Shawarma night
11 // The Party
12 // Roma...nogers?
13 // A mission with the Avengers [part1]
14 // A mission with the Avengers [part2]
15 // A Mission with the Avengers [part3]
16 // What?
17 // "OUCH!!"
18 // The Truth
19 // Clint's Party [part 1]
21 // The Nightmare.
22 // Coffee
23 // Ice Bucket Challenge
24 // Surprise
26 // Starbucks with Steve
27 // the last breath
THE END....?
28 // kisses, bird brains and a tickle war
29 // The Bird with a Plan
30 // "birthday s-"
31 // Mrs Barton

20 // Clint's Party [part 2]

334 26 3
Bởi thataddiction

Clint Barton POV

My fingers were intertwined with Nat's as we entered Stark Towers. I saw a 'Happy Birthday Clint' banner. There were balloons and confetti. There even was a disco ball and cool lights.

Tony greeted me with a smile and a hug.

"Happy birthday man!!" He said, while passing me a cup of drink.

"Thanks Tony." I smiled back.

Then, Bruce, Thor and Steve appeared. Steve tried to avoid eye contact and looked mostly on the ground.

"Hey brother, Happy Birthday!!" Bruce and Thor wished me.

"Thank you guys." I replied back, giving them a brotherly hug.

Then, Pepper showed up. She greeted me too. I smiled back as I took the present from her.

"Hey Clint, I'll go with Pepper for awhile. See ya." Nat said.

"Sure. Bye." I said before letting her go. Then suddenly, Steve came towards my direction.

"Hey..uh Happy Birthday Clint." Steve stuttered out, still avoiding eye contact.

"Hey man, thanks. And its okay. I know what happened that day." I said as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He looked up almost instantly and his eyes widened slightly.

" do?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"Oh. I'm sorry about what I did. I'm pretty sure you're angry with me. I can't forgive myself for what I did. Please forgive me." He apologised, looking guilty.

"Forgiven." I said as a smile was plastered across my face.

"Thanks Clint. I'm glad we're still friends, right?" He asked.

"Of course. How could I afford to loose a brother like you?" I chuckled.

He patted my shoulder and dang, those muscles sure do their thing. His pat felt painful. We then walked to the drinks and chatted.

Natasha Romanoff POV

It had been an hour at Clint's birthday party. Music's blasting, and its getting crowded. I had been chatting with Pepper all this while. I let Clint and Steve talk things out. But I have not talked to Steve ever since the mission. Then suddenly, my phone vibrated.

Text message from Birdboy ❤️:
Where are you? Btw, I've sort out things with Steve already.

I heaved a sigh of relief. Having Clint sort things out with Steve would make sorting things out myself so much easier.

I texted back, Hey Clint, I'm near the stairs. Wanna meet?

I took another sip of my drink as my phone vibrated once again.

Text message from BirdBoy ❤️ :
Turn around.

I did as Clint said, and only to find him standing there, with arms open wide.

"Hey Clint, where were you all the while?" I asked as we pulled back from the hug.

"I was chatting with Steve. Don't worry, we're okay now." He said.

"Oh." I said, my voice unknowingly sounding sad.

"Hey Nat? Wanna...uh...sort things out with him?" He said as a smile flashed across his face.

"But..." I stuttered.

"Don't worry, I'll be with you. And I'll help you too." Clint said as he held my hand.

Sadness on my face immediately faded into happiness.

"Thanks Clint." My heart feeling at ease.

We walked over to Steve, hand in hand.

"Oh...hey Nat." Steve stuttered out.

"Hey." I replied back. I took a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry for what happened that day. Please forgive me, will you?"
He pleaded, looking apologetic.

"Yeah. Forgiven." I smiled.

"Really? Aren't you mad?" He said as his eyes grew wider.

"Well, initially I was, but its been so long, so I forgive you." I smiled back.

"So we're all good?" Clint asked.

We nodded our heads in agreement.

"Okay great." Clint said.

"Hey guys, sorry I've gotta make a move. See you guys soon!" Steve said as he waved goodbye to us.

"Hey Clint, I think we should get going too." I suggested.

"Why? It's still early." Clint said.

"Let's go home....I'm tired." I lied.

"Okay then." Clint pouted.

"Bye guys. Thanks for today." Clint thanked Tony, Bruce and Thor as we made our way out.

We walked out, hands intertwined.

"Hey Nat, just asking, are you really tired?" Clint raised an eyebrow.

"Uh...." I said as my eyes were darting around.

"Nat, don't let me do the TT on you...." He said.

Confusion probably was written all over my face as he then explained,
"TT stands for tickle treatment."

I broke into laughter on how silly, but cute Clint could get.

"So are you really tired?" He asked again.

"Actually....I have a surprise for you..." I blurted out.

"Oh really?" He did the sexy smirk face at me that made my heart melt.

"We'll see when we get home." I winked as we got in the car.

He chuckled and started driving.

Minutes later, we reached.
We got out of the car and got to the door. It was nearing 8:30 pm and it was getting a little chilly.

We both walked in the house.

"So...where's my surprise?" Clint asked.

Astonished, I raised my eyebrow and said, "Oh come on, Clint. How thick-skinned can you get? It won't be fun like that. It's called a surprise for a reason." I said.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll go bathe first." He said as he made his way up. I could sense that he was getting impatient.

I cracked my brain real hard to think when I should pass him the gift.

Should I hide it and make him find it? Or should I just pass it to him? And should I pass it to him before pf after the dance?

THE DANCE!! I completely forgot all about it. I immediately walked to the music player and checked for the music.

'Slow waltz'. Hmm, that should be fine right?

I started to play the music as I got the box ready. Suddenly, I heard the toilet door open. That's fast.

I kept the box away and waited till Clint came out.

"Hey Nat, uh...whats with the music?" He asked.

"It's your surprise." I said, a smirk forming on my face.

His eyes widened and he started walking towards me.

"Thank you." Clint said, as he held my hand and his other hand at my waist. We started dancing to the slow waltz. Our eyes were glued to each other, never looking away. We danced around the house as the music played on. He let go one of his hand and I did a little twirl.

The moment was perfect. I wished it could last forever.

After twirling, he caught me in his arms and he looked in my eyes. He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"I love you." He said.

It was time.

I took the box that I had hid it all along, and gave it to him.

"I love you too." I said, as he slowly opened the box.

As he opened the box, I saw his eyes got teary. He carefully took the necklaces out and read it.

"It' beautiful. Thanks Natasha. Thanks for today. Thanks for the necklaces. You are the best present I could ever ask for. You are my world, my one and only." He said, hugging me tight once more.

"You're most welcome, Clint." I whispered to him, still in his warm embrace.

"Come on, turn around." He said.

I turned around as Clint put the necklace on for me. Then suddenly, he grabbed hold of my waist and he started carrying me around.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"You're my queen, I shall carry you to bed." He chuckled as he carried me all the way up the stairs.

" Clint, put.. me...down." I said, constantly laughing in between.

"N..not...yet." He said as he finished climbing that flight of stairs. I could hear him panting.

"Your Highness." He said as he bent down and did the cute thing.

I giggled as I crawled to my side of my bed. He soon came by my side and snuggled up close to me.

"Goodnight birthday boy." I said, as I ran my fingers through his hair and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Goodnight, Your Highness." He said, almost falling asleep.

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