Just A Friend?

By ReadWriteLoveIt

44.9M 1.3M 672K

Will I Always Be: Just A Friend? {Book 1} *** {Teen Fiction #1} Ashton Thompson is everything you'd... More

Will I Always Be: Just A Friend?
British Vocabulary/ Terms & Slang Phrases
[1]: Bumps, Bruises, Best Friends & Bitches.
[2]: Fake Snow, New Girlfriends & NYE Kisses
[3]: Surprise Visits & Ticklish Moments.
[4]: Chick Flicks...Fantasy vs Reality
[5]: A Smack In The Face From Reality
[6]: Ben & Jerry Kisses
[7]: Family Interruptions & Friendly Spooning
[8]: Morning Glory & Hospital Visits
[9]: Plaster Casts, Play Dough & Prosecco
[10]: Broken Hearts & HOT New Students
[11]: Dinner Disturbances
[12]: Unexpected Messages & Butterfly Kisses
[13]: Pool Parties & Drunken Antics
[14]: Horrid Hangovers & Mysterious Marks
[15]: Flashback
[16]: Just Best Friends
[17]: Argument after Argument
[18]: WTF!!
[19]: Oh My God!
[20]: Mates & Dates
[21]: Setting Rumours Straight & Shocking Announcements
[22]: First Dates & Forbidden Kisses
[23]: Apologies & Confessions
[24]: Designs & Realisations
[25]: Secret Admirers & The End of a Tradition...well for one week!
[26]: A Tempted Moment
[27]: Tina Tantrums
[28]: Falling Out, Making Out & Damn Interruptions.
[29]: Smack
[30]: BFF Timeout!
[31]: Unhappy Birthday
[32]: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
[33]: Tuesday, is just Mondays Ugly Sister
[34]: Lyd vs Ash - Again!
[35]: Well That Was Unexpected!
[36]: Just Like Magnets
[37]: F*** You Reality
[38]: Never Assume, it just makes an ASS out of U and Me!
[38]: Extra
[39]: The Third Wheel
[40]: Just Follow Your Heart
[41]: Emotional Issues
[42]: Mixed Signals
[43]: BF Make Up/ BF Break Up
[44]: TFIF (Thank Fuck It's Friday)
[45]: No Man's Land, A Bottle Of Vodka & A Bag Of Frozen Peas.
[46]: Drunken Tales & A Cold Wake Up Call.
[47]: These Are My Confessions
[47]: His Confessions (ASH BONUS)
[48]: Waterworks, Revelations & Flower Meanings
[49]: Bitches & Ex-Boyfriends
[50]: Drinking Games & R-Rated Kisses
[51]: New Boyfriends & Family Heartbreak
[52]:Revenge Is Sweet
[53]: XOXO
[54]: Fundraiser Planning
[55]: Come Find Me
[56]: Finally Found What I've Been Looking For
[58]: I'll Be Watching You
[59]: Tattoo Reveal
[60]: But Who?
[61]: Faux Friends & Interrupted Kisses
[62]: Birthday Shock!
[63]: 3 Words...8 Letters
[64]: One Line Or Two?
[64]: One Shot or Two? (ASH BONUS)
[65]: Young, Wild & Drunk
[66]: Birthday Shots & Horrid Hangovers
[67]: Surprise Surgery & Baby Plans
[68]: Pink Or Blue
[69]: Let The Countdown Begin
[69]: extra
[70]: Final Preparations & Moaning Puppets
[71]: The Fashion Show - Swimwear
[72]: The Fashion Show - Formal
[73]: The Fashion Show - The Boys
[74]: The Fashion Show - Casual Wear
[75]: The Fashion Show - Date Night
[76]: Fashion Show - Surprise!
[77]: Backstage Revelations
[78]: And The Internship Goes To...
[79]: Let The Celebrations Begin
[80]: After Party & Future Planning
[81]: The Calm Before The Storm
[82]: XOXO Revealed!
[83]: You Have The Right To Remain Silent
[84]: Breaking Free
[85]: Cocktails & Confessions
[86]: Friends Are The Family We Choose!
[87]: Sealed With A Kiss
[88]: Quality Time With Family & Friends!
[89 - Part 1]: Last 24 Hours...
[89 - Part 2]: Hugs & Kisses
[90 - Part 1]: His Forever Girl
[90 - Part 2]: It's Not Goodbye, It's Cya Later!
[The Epilogue]
[Full Cast List]

[57]: Popped Cherry Anyone?

409K 11.1K 6.4K
By ReadWriteLoveIt

**Thank you @CatrionaRamsay for my lovely banner**

Waking up the next morning I couldn't have been happier. Last night was perfect, I didn't expect any of that to happen but it did, and I wouldn't change a single thing about it.

I turn over in Ash's arms to see that he was already awake smiling down at me.

"Hey." I say grinning up at him.

"Morning, how you feeling?" he asks me, his hand running up my bare thigh.

"A little sore but I'm good, thank you." I say blushing a little.

"No need to blush Lou, I've seen, heard and tasted every part of you now." He says grinning at me. "Although I do love that pink tint to your cheeks."

"Shut up." I say hitting him teasingly.

"Breakfast?" he asks and I nod hearing my stomach rumble.

I slip out from under the warm quilts and blankets and put my jeans on and my socks. I pass Ash his t-shirt I was wearing before putting my own back on then my jumper. Ash slipped his shoes on and grabbed the house key as I zipped up my boots.

"Ready?" he asks and I nod climbing out after him.

"As I'll ever be; I just need a brush, my hair is a mess." I say flicking my head upside down and piling it all into a messy bun at the top of my head.

"You look fine Lou I promise." He says grabbing my face and kissing me quickly. "Beautiful as always."

"Thanks." I reply blushing again.

We unlock the back door and head into his kitchen where his mum was making breakfast.

"Morning." she says smiling at us.

"Hey, how was work?" I ask grabbing two cups out the cupboard to make some tea.

"The usual, drunks throwing up and the odd broken bone, nothing major happened thank god."

"That's good." I reply as Ash puts the bacon under the grill.

"How was last night?" she asks and I grin.

"It was so much fun, thank you for helping Ash with the clues."

"You're welcome, I'm glad it worked. He was having a hard time thinking of places to hide things and rhyming words so me and Dana helped him a little. It was all his idea though, so I'll leave him with the credit."

I could see Ash blushing a little from where I was stood; walking over to him I kiss his cheek. "I do love that pink tint to your cheeks." I say repeating his teasing words.

After breakfast Ash dropped me off at my house with my roses so I could get ready for my day with the girls. He was joining his lads for a game of footy for a change, usually he had to hang out with his girlfriends on the weekends but as he's with me now, I don't feel the need to be glued to his side 24/7. Even though I love spending time with him.

"What you doing tonight?" he asks as we pull up at my house.

"Sleepover with the girls." I say smiling.

"And filling them in on all the details of last night I'm guessing." He says winking at me.

"Well yea, of course I'm going to tell them, they're my best friends. I won't go into too much detail though."

"Well I have nothing to hide about last night, was the best night ever." He whispers leaning over the gear stick towards me.

"Yea I agree, best night ever, thank you again."

"Not a problem, you're my number one girl remember. I'd do anything to make you happy." He says sweetly before pressing a kiss to my lips.

Before I knew it, my belt was being undone and I was lifted across onto Ash's lap; not once breaking our kiss. Well, that was until we were rudely interrupted by a knocking on Ash's window scaring the both of us.

"Prise your lips away from lover boy, us girls are waiting for the gossip, now scoot." Ayla grins, her face pressed up against the window.

I chuckle kissing Ash once more before climbing back onto my seat. "Thanks again for last night, text me after."

"You're welcome, yea I will. I'll message you once I'm done with footy."

He leans over and kisses me again before I climb out of his car. He taps me on my bum as I climb out, looking over my shoulder at him he winks at me and I laugh again before closing the door behind me.

"Oh my god you totally slept with him last night." Lois announces as I reach them.

Just at the moment my front door opens and Fin walks out, his jaw dropping.

"That was something I really didn't need to hear...ever." He says scrunching up his face at us.

"Sorry Fin." Lois says laughing. "Didn't see you there."

"Anyway, I now have to find a way of forgetting what I've just heard and erasing it from my brain." He says shaking his head. "Just tell me that you used protection Lyd? I don't need another baby sister pregnant just yet."

"We were safe." I reply and he nods.

"Okay good, I'm off. See you girls later."

We stumble into my house and I head to the kitchen to stick my flowers into a vase. I didn't want to bring Ash's with me; I knew I'd end up spilling water everywhere on the ride over.

"So...where did this come from?" Georgia asks holding up one of the roses as I fill up the vase with water.

"These are from Ash; they were part of my treasure hunt from last night."

"Ayla mentioned something to do with a game he did for you. Did you bring the clues with you so we can see them?" Lois asks and I nod.

I head upstairs with the girls following me and place my roses on my desk. The girls spread themselves out over my room with all their sleeping gear. My room was the biggest to hold our sleepovers.

"Oh my god, there's thirteen roses here." Georgia says from behind me.

"Oh yea...I figured that out last night as well." I reply laughing.

"Thirteen roses..."Ayla says intrigued before it obviously hit her what we were on about. "I freakin told you that he was your secret admirer didn't I."

"Yea, but I didn't want to believe it at the time. He admitted to it last night."

"Oh my god, that was Ash?" Lois grins and I nod feeling giddy.

"Everything that happened last night was just perfect guys." I say sighing lying down on my bed.

"Tell us everything." Ayla grins plonking herself next to me as the other two cross their legs at the bottom of my bed.

I sit up and grin at them all, "Well it all began with Fin picking me up from college..."

The next hour or so was spent filling them in on my treasure hunt game and showing them all the clues, then telling them about us dancing under the stars and cuddling watching The Notebook."

"So you did have sex with him last night then?" Ayla asks and I nod.

"Yea, it was amazing."

"I'm so proud..." Georgia says wiping a fake tear from her cheek... "Our little Lydia all grown up and finally a woman."

"Always with the dramatics." Lois says nudging her.

"Well I am in the theatre darling." She says strongly putting on the 'typical' British accent.

"Anyway, back to Lydia. So how did it happen? Where did it happen?" Ayla asks eagerly.

"Well we were dancing together and kissing, and the moment just took us away. We undressed one another and well you know what happens next." I say blushing.

"You did it outside?" Lois gasps and I burst out laughing.

"No, he'd set up a tent with a mattress, blankets and fairy lights in it."

"Oh how romantic, didn't know Ash had it in him." Georgia smiles.

"It was perfect."

"Hurt?" Ayla asks and I nod.

"Yea but not for long."

"You did use protection right? I know you said to Fin you did but..." Lois asks

"Well we didn't use a condom; Ash didn't have any on him. But I'm on the pill so we're okay."

"When did you start on it?"

"When we started dating so about two weeks ago."

"Some pills can take up to a month to be effective Lyd." She says and my mouth drops.

"Oh god. Do you think I'm okay?"

"Okay don't panic, let's just work this out." Georgia says calmly. "Were you on your period when you started it?"

"No, I'd just finished. Did I do it wrong?"

"You're meant to start your pill the first day of your period for it to work right away. It should have kicked in by day five, but you could be at risk right now." She says sighing.

"Oh my god. I need to go to the doctors...I need to speak to a nurse." I say getting off my bed panicking.

"It's the weekend Lyd. You'll have to go on Monday."

"Everything is probably fine and we're just worrying. Just don't stress okay." Ayla says pulling me into a hug.

"So...you need to give us more details about last night." Lois grins changing the subject, but until Monday I would worry.


It's almost half eight on Monday morning and I'm about to 'try' and get an appointment with the nurse. Try being the operative word, it's bloody impossible to get an appointment these days.

For the first few times I called I got the engaged tone, then I got put on hold. Why is hold music so shit, and they're always the same songs. After being on hold for ten minutes I managed to speak to a receptionist who kept asking for me to tell her why I needed to speak to the nurse. I kept repeating that it was private and I'd like to speak to her. After insisting a few more times I got upset, well I was more angry than emotional, stupid nosy woman. I just asked if the nurse could ring me back as I wasn't telling her why.

Ash was outside just as the nurse rang me back, I walked out the front door and held up my finger to him saying I'd been a minute.

The nurse basically told me what the girls did and said that I should be protected and to keep taking my pill like I should be. If I don't get my next period I need to call back and make an appointment.

As I got to the car Ash could tell something was wrong. I was quieter than normal. I'd not seen Ash yesterday, me and my family ended up taking a trip to visit my Granddad. He's still on the mend and getting better every time we see him. Then we spent the afternoon at Charlie's with Grace and the twins.

"Everything okay Lou?" Ash asks as we make our way to college.

"Yea, I think so." I sigh running my hands through my hair.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I was just on the phone with the nurse." I say quietly and Ash's head whips to mine before looking back at the road.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, well I don't think so anyway."

"Lou you're not making any sense."

"Okay, well as we're in this relationship together you should know. Well I was taking to the girls on Saturday about our night together and they asked me if we used protections..."

"You're on the pill right?" he asks and I nod.

"Yea, that's what I told them."

"So what's this got to do with anything?"

"Well I've only been on it for two weeks, when we started dating. They said that we might not have been as protected as we thought."

"What? Why?"

"Long story to do with pills and dates, so I got scared. I rang the nurse this morning and she told me that we should be fine. That it usually starts working after five days but as I didn't start it on the first day of my period like I should have this months could be invalid."

"Oh my god."

"I'm so sorry Ash."

"No...no it's not your fault."

"It is, I said we didn't need condoms because I was on the pill...if anything has happened because of me..."

"Well then we'll deal with it okay."

I turn to look at him and he smiles reassuring at me. "I'm not going anywhere Lou."

"Good, me neither." I sigh.

We finally reach college and Ash pulls me into a hug and kisses me sweetly. "I'll always be here okay." He says and I nod before kissing him again.

"Now stop panicking about it and just remember how amazing the night was and how much fun we had okay."

"I will. It's not a night I'll ever forget Ash."

"Me neither. Now come on, we're almost late."


I reach class just as the bell rings. Ayla had already placed the costumes from the storage cupboard on our station so I could get straight to work on these introduction outfits. I still had the rest of the fundraiser to organise seeing as it was this weekend and there was still so many things left to finish.

"You seen the new xoxo message this morning?" Ayla whispers and I shake my head as I finish the stitching on one of the dresses.

"What does this one say?"


Our clue today is that everyone knows that miss goodie two shoes has always been the biggest green eyes bitch around.

Always the BFF never the GF.

XOXO I'm watching you.


She says reading the piece of paper before passing it to me as I place my needle safely down.

"These messages are getting weirder and creepier every day."

"I know. They're not making any sense or pointing out who it could be." She says softly before looking sadly at me.

"I don't want to know." I reply, not liking the look she was giving me. That clue did hit me more than the others...was it me they were on about? Ignoring the feeling of dread that overcame me, I pick up the dress and hang it up to see what else needed adding or altering.

By the time lunch came around I was practically drooling. I was so hungry as I'd missed breakfast due to me calling the doctors and being too nervous to eat. I was paying for it now though; I wanted to eat everything in sight.

"How much paper this is stupid xoxo wasting." I say picking up another piece of paper that was lying on the floor.

"I swear I feel like I'm part of a bloody detective series here. What's this one about?" Ayla asks.

"There's a picture of cherry with someone poking it with a needle." I say showing her the picture. "Oh there's writing on the back." I say as we walk into the diner.


We want to say congratulations to our miss goodie two shoes on finally popping her cherry. ;)

XOXO I'm watching you.


I read the note and it felt like a bucket of ice had been thrown over me, for some reason it literally felt I was reading about myself.

"What does it say?" Ayla asks and I silently pass it to her.

"I'm getting scared now that it could be me they're on about Ay." I whisper as she reads me and she nods slowly.

"Yea me too babe." she replies quietly, I could see her fear for me in her eyes.


.....Shit is about to hit the fan with our xoxo group!

So, I just wana say as for the whole 'pill' thing and if Lyd is protected or not, I'm not 100% sure. I researched what I could but I'm not a nurse so I could be mistaken with some of the information I put here :)  

Anyway, I just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who is reading this story, I'm still so overwhelmed by the response I've had for it. I can't wait for you all to read everything else I've got planned for this...even it's there's not much left. 

Everything is going to come to a head soon and it's not going to be pretty...any one want to make some predictions now??

So I've had people commenting that they're from South Africa, Australia, the USA, Malaysia....it's crazy how world spread this story is. I'd love to know where you're all from...I'm from Wales, UK. What about you?

Thanks for reading...x

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