Little Bit Of Hope (Zouis)

By KylesPage

18.6K 798 423

"Stay with me please." Louis said, Zayn looked down, "Always." More

Blank Page- Prolouge
School Blues- Chapter One
Realationship Drama- Chaper Two
Mixed Feelings- Chapter Three
A bit of what-cha-ma-call-it :P- Chapter four
Love at a Hateful sight- chapter five
Little bit of Everything- Chapter Six
Da Fauk- Chapter Seven
Love- Chapter Eight
Sadly- Chapter Nine
I know I'm Gunna Run Away- Chapter ten
Cool Kids Don't Dance- Chapter Eleven
Beat Them Day- Chapter Twelve
Rotten Love- Chapter Thirteen
Secrets Revealed- Chapter Fourteen
Prince Charming- Chapter Fifteen
Pretending- Chapter Sixteen
Fighting Begins- Chapter Seventeen
Playing With Feelings- Chapter Eighteen
Whoa- Chapter Nineteen
Sweet Dreams- Chapter Twenty
Silent Night- Chapter Twenty One
Unidentified Feelings- Chapter Twenty Two
Just Memories- Chapter Twenty- Three
Freaking Out- Chapter Twenty Four
So Happily- Chapter Twenty Five
Come Sail Away- Chapter Twenty Six
Half A Heart- Chapter Twenty Seven
Who Doesn't Love Drama- Chapter Twenty Eight
Hall of Fame- Chapter Thirty
Why Don't We Go There- Chapter Thirty One
Run- Chapter Thirty two
Family Meeting- Chapter Thirty Three

Crazy Thing Called Love- Chapter Twenty- Eight

256 18 5
By KylesPage

Sorry I want to say something to all of you,

1. A huge thank you to everyone, I'm amazed, I posted a story not too long ago, and one of you people that regularly vote for my story, voted for it, I was amazed, I was going to update on Monday, but I'll update today.

2. What song is this chapter named after, it is from my favorite band, I'll give you a hint, it isn't 1D or 5SOS, or even any pop.

3. What do you think of these chapters, I feel like they are bad.

Also dedicated to caffeinatedream she dedicated a chapter to her new story to me, I don't know why, nothing special to me.

"Louis, I have a plan so you won't have to see Zayn anymore." Liam said, bursting into Louis' room, Louis had just shut off his phone, Louis turned to look at his older brother, a dumbfounded look on his face, "What?" Louis asked, Liam walked over to his brother, "At school, plus I have to go to the hospital to get my arm looked at, there is a good chance its broken, so you are coming with us." Liam said, pulling Louis along.

Liam and Louis were in the backseat of the family two thousand six Grand Caravan, Liam was acting like his arm hurt a lot more than it actually did, in doing so, Louis felt bad that Liam was in pain, Geoff was driving faster to get to the hospital, soon they got to the part of the hospital that did things like broken bones, the non emergency part.

Louis found out they were at the hospital Sam and Zayn were at, Louis was originally going to slip away and see Zayn and Sam, but Liam knew this, faking out that he was in pain, needing his little brother, so Louis stayed with Liam, Liam knew this was all going to work out like he planned it.

So, Mr. Payne, your arm is in fact broken, now I need to ask, how did you do this, did you fall of a bike or a tree, fight with your brother, what?" The doctor, Dr. Sanders, asked, Liam smirked, "I was fighting with my brother's boyfriend." Liam answered, right then and there, Louis understood what was about to happen, "Okay, how old is this boyfriend?" Dr. Sanders asked, now that it was a fight, he was required, by law, to see if the fight was a minor and an adult, or two minors, "He has turned eighteen already." Liam answered, Louis got to Liam's height, "No, please, don't do this." Louis  wept into his brother's ear, making Liam feel bad for a few seconds.

"Okay, and your birthday eighteenth birthday has yet to happen, correct?" Dr. Sanders asked, Liam nodded, Dr. Sanders groaned, paperwork, lots and lots of paper work, "What is this boyfriend's name?" Dr. Sanders asked, Liam looked to Louis, Louis has successfully sat on a chair, bringing his knees to his face, he cried into his knees- why was his brother doing this, didn't Liam love Louis anymore?

Liam had asked Karen and Geoff to leave for the examination, so no one was there to comfort Louis, but Louis had a small card up his sleeve, wasn't much, just enough to keep Zayn out of jail, "Zayn Malik, he is here with his little brother." Liam said, Dr. Sanders nodded, writing something down on the clipboard.

"Don't trust him." Louis finally yelled, Dr. Sanders and Liam had both snapped their heads to Louis, "Why not?" Dr. Sanders asked, knowing about Louis and him, "He- He's drunk, maybe not very, but enough to forget things, he started the fight," The last part of the statement Louis didn't know was real of not, "Zayn was using self defense." Louis finished, Louis didn't know how much of his statement was true, all he knew what Zayn and Liam, his two favorite people, were both in pain, and he would do anything and everything he could to ensure that Zayn would stay safe.

"Is this true?" Dr. Sanders asked, directing the question to Liam, "I have had a few sips of my friend, who is eighteen, a few sips of his drink at his house, I didn't know it was alcoholic until afterwards, neither did he, so I stopped drinking it, I drank water for three hours, then had another friend drive me home." Liam said, Louis knew that was all a lie, Liam did too, his car was somehow in the garage, his pupils were dilated when he got home, and he wreaked  of beer, "Oh, is there any chance of you still having the drink in you system?" Dr. Sanders asked, Liam shook his head, "I don't think so." Louis had have enough of his 'perfect' older brother lie, he left.

Louis walked up the stairs to Sam's room, praying that Zayn was there, he just really needed his Zayn right then. When Louis got there, he peaked into the window, seeing an illuminated phone screen, a silhouette of Zayn on the wall behind him, meaning Zayn was on his phone, Louis didn't know what, Zayn's phone was a flip phone.

Louis walked in, "Zayn?" He asked quietly, Zayn turned around, then lead Louis out of the room, to the hall, "Hey babe." Zayn started, kissing Louis's temple, "What are you doing here?" Zayn asked, Louis shrugged, "Liam had to come get his arm looked at, its broken, but he's blaming the entire thing on you, saying that you provoked him, the whole reason you have the bruise and fat lip is because he used self defense, and since you are eighteen, a legal adult, and he is still seventeen, he is telling the doctor lies, and- and I don't wanna loose you." Louis had cried into Zayn while the two were in the hallway for a good two minutes, the entire time Zayn stood against the wall, hugging the poor boy, Louis was confused, wondering why Liam and Zayn were fighting so much.

"Shh, you're okay, you'll be fine." Zayn said, he was leaning against the wall, rubbing circles into Louis's back, "I'm sorry." Louis said, Zayn shushed him quietly, "Its okay, I'll be fine." Zayn said, Louis shrugged, "I'll go clean your eye and lip with a paper towel in the washroom, if you want me to." Louis told Zayn, Zayn smiled, knowing he was the second person, in a matter of hours, that Louis as cleaned up, but Zayn let Louis lead him in the the washroom, knowing it would help calm him down.

Soon Zayn and Louis parted ways, Louis leaned against the wall outside of Sam's room, then decided to walk back down stairs.

After Niall and Harry talked to the police, Niall looked into Harry's eyes, still seeing rage, Harry roughly grabbed Niall's arms, tugging him upstairs, Niall refused, making Harry see red, tugging harder, making Niall pull back even harder, they were up a flight of stairs at their outside flat complex, making them at the top of the first out of five stair cases, Niall gave one last tug, he slipped from Harry's grip, but his footing wasn't good enough, his entire left foot wasn't standing on anything, he was half way between the last step and the platform, the tug sent him tumbling down the stairs, a kid on his bike didn't have time to stop, rode over Niall's leg, Niall sat up, the kid jumped off his bike while it was still moving, he ran the few feet to where he had ran over Niall, "I am so sorry." He said, Niall nodded, "I'll be fine, just help me up please." Niall asked calmly, the boy nodded, before letting Niall put a good amount of his weight on the boy, Niall put some weight on the leg that got ran over, a loud crack happened.

"Uh..." The boy trailed off, looking behind them, seeing blood where Niall had landed, "I'm Nick." The boy said, Niall smiled, "Niall." He replied, "You get the hell away from him, bastard." Harry yelled, flying down the stairs, pushing Nick off of Niall, or at least trying, "No." Nick yelled, started picking up Niall, "I said get the hell away from my boyfriend." Harry yelled, grabbing hold of Nick's left arm, pulling on it roughly, "Make me, I'm helping him after you pushed him down a flight of stairs." Nick yelled, Niall had maneuvered himself out of Nick's arms, then tried to move.

Harry moved to Niall, kicking him to the ground, Nick got out his phone.


"Yes, I know I'm late."

"I saw someone who claimed to be someone's boyfriend, kick then hit his boyfriend, I'm scared Mummy." Nick then gave out their location, soon Nick's mother got there, Niall looked over, Niall had seen Nick at an Autism convention with Louis, Nick was Autistic, and saved Niall.


M'kay, meant to post this yesterday, but what do you all think of the story so far?

I don't wanna quit writing, but I don't want you all to sit through a 3k+ chapter, because that gets long and hard to break up if you need to leave the computer or whatever.

Okay then, well, bye.


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