The Santiago Cartel

By CocainePacino

816K 33.6K 4.6K

Growing up in the cartel has its perks... money, nice houses, fast cars, expensive clothes, and of course hoe... More

Mission "Blue"
Author Note
One: Can I Holla at Ya
Author's P.O.V
Two: Make it Official
Three: Missing You
Four: Party Life
Five: Trust Issues
Six: Mommy's Home
Seven: We Need a Resolution
Eight: Meeting Devil
Nine: Smoke Session
Ten:Lani's First Easter
Eleven: No Matter What
Twelve: Spilling Secrets
Thirteen:Sugar Pills and E.P.T's
Kissing on My Tattoos (Father's Day)
Fourteen: Butter on your Crip legs; dinner for two
Fifteen: Tell Him the Truth
Sixteen: Unknown
Seventeen: Love Like This
Eighteen: Lies and Deceit
Beat It Up (Halloween)
Nineteen: Round Table
Twenty: Christmas Surprises
Twenty-One: Changes
Twenty-Three: Hey Daddy
Twenty-Four: Mother's Intuition
Twenty-Five: Silencing the Guilt
Twenty-Six: Delivering the Pain
Twenty-Seven:Reality Check
Twenty-Eight:Resurrection of X
Twenty-Eight.Two: Resurrection of X
Twenty-Nine: Blueprint for War
Thirty: Papa's Baby, Mama's Maybe
Thirty-One:Nobody Asked Me
Thirty-Two: I'm Sorry
Thirty-Three: Sharp Shooter
Thirty-Four: Casualties
Thirty-Five: Mind Fucked
Thirty-Six: Shots Fired/Family
Thirty-Seven:Velcome Em Autsum-Rose Asiago
Thirty-Eight: You Should Be Here
Thirty-Nine: Dem Bitches Mad
Forty: Fuck Boy
Forty-One:Take Life By The Hand
Forty-Two: Santiago Family Vacation
Forty-Three: Threat
Forty-Four: Played
Forty-Five: Show no Mercy
Forty-Six: Fitting the pieces Together
Five years Later
00:Crashes, Digits & Stupidity
Happy Thanksgiving!
F yo excuses Pacino!!!


9.6K 426 81
By CocainePacino

The license plate caught my attention. I couldn't worry about that shit now. She'd get the proper burial this time around.

I shot a text to Ben and Jay. After this, we all needed a long ass vacation from this bullshit. I was thinking about moving completely away from Miami.

My phone ring, and I hit answer.


"I got our little friend. This nigga was heading straight to the fucking border. Good thing ya'll niggas got connects, and shit." China chuckled.

I was glad she got this bitch. It was time for this nigga to meet his maker.

"China doll, give that nigga the special"

She started laughing like a maniac, and probably had that weird ass look in her eyes. Diamond and Giselle were her babies. You knew she was crazy. She only fed them raw meat, but she starved them in between from time to time. D and G hadn't eaten in about 4 months. Feeding time bitch.

"My babies a little famished, so they'll appreciate the snack." She chuckled, and I could hear shots being fired.

"You shot him?" I questioned, turning into the hospital driveway.

"Nah, I just like watching the nigga dance every time I shoot a bullet his way." She chuckled, letting off another round.

"You ain't shit, but I'll catch your ass later on Chi"

"Aight, I know I don't say this shit often- but I love you nigga." she replied, and I could hear faint patter of feet.

Feeding time

"I love you too Mari"

We both ended the conversation, and I made my way towards the hospital entrance.

China Doll
I loved my job at times, but I feel like it's time for me to do some different shit in life. Something that didn't involve me taking lives. Granted, the pay was immaculate. However, I wanted, and needed a change. Right now it was time to roast this deranged mothafucka.

"If you gon kill me, you might as well do the shit now" he spat, glaring at me.

I laughed at the fact he thought I was going to shoot his ass. If he only knew what I really had in store for him.
I made my way to the pole that I chained D and G to.

"My babies haven't been fed in a while. They'll enjoy this dinner tremendously." I laughed, while in chaining them.

"The fuck you mean dinner? He snarled, looking confused.

"You see, these aren't just any ordinary pits doll. I've been training Diamond and Giselle since they were pups. Just the smell of blood excites them." I answered, winking my eye.

"And to think I had an ounce of pity for killing your dumb ass father" he laughed, and I shot him in the arm.

"Ahh, you dumb ass bitch" he yelled, and I shot him in the other arm.

Diamond and Giselle started to growl and salivate at the mouth.

"Calm down girls, you'll get your snack in a few" I spoke, while patting their heads.

"Any last words mothafucka?"

"I'll see your ass in hell" he growled, a smirk gracing his face.

"I vacation there bitch" I retorted, and let the chains drop.


The blood curdling scream that escaped his lips-was music to my ears. My babies would eat that bitch down to the bone.

I sent a quick text to the guys. I whistled, and D, and G came running. I wiped them clean, and placed them back in their cage. I felt a sense of relief wash over me. This shit was over for the most part. I shut everything down, and made my way to my car.
I stepped out the elevator and I could hear Cha, Jenn, Aug, Ben, and Jay all laughing and talking. I made my way towards the commotion.

"Are ya'll good?" I questioned, looking at all of them.

A chorus of yeahs, and an asshole came from Jenn. I shook my head at her foolishness. I didn't have time for the bullshit, or her attitude right now. I just wanted to get away and relax.

"Cha, yo fainting, shocked ass good?" I questioned, chuckling a lil bit.

She rolled her eyes and flipped me off.

"At least my baby was worried about me. Ole ugly light skinned ass self. I hope the baby has Jenn attitude and not yours" she retorted, pushing my chest.

I let out a small chuckle, and made my way to Jenn.

"Blue Blue, hey boo!" I squealed, mustering up the best girl voice I could.

The look on her face read pissed, relieved, and scared, but mostly pissed.

"I'm thankful you are okay, but the way my nerves are set up I don't want to deal with you. I'll ride with B and J, or Aug and Cha."

"I was doing my job though Jenn. Protecting you, and my unborn."

I placed a kiss on her cheek.

She nodded her head and side stepped me. I shook my head. I hugged Cha, and kissed her forehead. I dapped Aug, and asked him to make sure Blue got back in one piece.

I made my way outside, and my phone was ringing. I looked down and it was my backbone.


"She's pregnant son- but look-at it this way; it's all over and done with." She spoke, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

I swear this woman was psychic or something.

"No, I'm not psychic. A mother just knows, and you'll understand when your daughter is born"

"Ma, I ain't having no daughter. Nope, not even happening. I'll shoot somebody son out here for making my baby girl cry. Please, I don't need another Jenn." I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"You'll be happy with whatever the good man above blesses you with. I just called to say I know Raf died, but he left everything to the girls. His part of the Cartel, and everything he's ever owned is split between Gab, Lani, and China." She replied, sounding like she was puffing something.

"Ma, what you smoking?"

"Nothing" she mumbled, letting out a string of coughs.

"Kamila, what you smoking woman?" I shouted, hitting the lock to my car.

"Something" she answered, exhaling again.

"Something like what?" I questioned, cranking the car.

"Damn son, I'm smoking yo loud and drinking the rest of Aug Hen. Now who gone check me boo?" She laughed.

"You cut off from hanging with the girls. Got you sounding like some hoodlum." I grumbled, putting my foot in the gas.

"Slow ya ass down son. You got a woman and a child. I'll save you a blunt, or half. It depends. I'm already on the third one. That extendo, chile that did damage. But bring me some cookie dough ice cream, Mumbas, Peach Tea Snapple, and some Honey BBQ twists." She chuckled, hanging the phone up.

I looked at my phone and chucked it in my cup holder. My phone lit up and it was a text fro my mom.  It was a list of what she asked for with a cheesing emoji. I hated they showed her how to use texting.

I would deal with Jenn later. Right now I was focused on getting these snacks and figuring out my next few moves. Since all the craziness was over and done with it....I was considering putting this shit down for good.

I owed Jenn and my junior that much....

Hey babies,

It's been a long time coming. But it's an update. The epilogue is next. Sadly my first baby has come to an end. I want to cry-but I'll live. Lol. Thank you to everyone that's been commenting, voting, and adding my book(s) to their library. It's appreciated, I love you for rocking with me! Excuse any mistakes.💛 -C.Pacino

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