||HIATUS||Lucy the Demon (Fai...

By SirMelonLord

35.8K 1.1K 411

Lucy has been ignored ever since Lasana came back to Fairy Tail. Finally she quits fairy tail and meets the O... More

Chaper 1 Leaving Fairy Tail
chapter 2 : My knights in shining Amour
chapter 3: glitter into gold
Special Chapter Part 1 :Christmass memory's
Christmass Memory's part 2
Author note:updates and OCs
chapter 4: Sky-kun,my sister
chapter 5 : Finding the Tide
Chapter 6: leave or stay
Chapter 7: The Academy
Chapter 9: <Insert title Here>
chapter 10 : Big Sister Rayna
Chapter 11: Meeting The Father
Gosh Darn
Im done

Chapter 8: Blue Morpho

994 39 12
By SirMelonLord

(Lucy's pov)

zander showed me around the campus and was telling me about the history and more about the academy while ushio was asleep in arms (in her fox form).

"So Lucy these are the classes you're going to take and here is the key you will use to get to cram school." Zander gave me a paper with a number, name and a map with a key.

"thank you Zander-nii, for showing me around, but where is the class i'm supposed to go to?" i asked.

zander smiled, "oh don't worry I'll sure to help you on the first day and if any of you guys to have any trouble Yukio, or any of the other cram students will help you," Suddenly his phone rang he had to answer,"will you please excuse me for a second Lucy." he walked out of earshot so i sat on a bench that was near me.

Ushio woke up and was playing with a butterfly when Rin came up to us.

"Hey lucy what are you doing alone?"

"oh im just waiting for my brother he's had to talk a call.he was giving me a tour of the campus" i said.

"well then after this wanna go grab a bite to eat," he suggested, " I know this great ramen place."

"Sure why not?"

Zander came back scowling," sorry Lucy I'm gonna have to go now i just got called in for some kind of emergency can we continue this later?" Zander implored.

"yes of course." I replied.

He sighed."well then see you next time,Lucy." and with that he left.

" Miss. Lucy Look at this strange creature i found i caught!" Ushio rushed to me with her hands clamped together.

"Can you show us this 'Strange Creature', Ushy."(A/n that's RIn's Nickname for Ushio)" Rin asked while he sanked down to her level.

She smiled and opened her hands. Soon enough the Butterfly she was playing with earlier flew out.

"Rin catch it it's gonna fly away!" she yelled.

"i am i am." he responded chasing after it.

"hey ushio why don't you go get a jar so we can carry it with us to the dorms?" i implied. She nodded and ran off.

I Saw the butterfly glide towards me. I reached out my hand to it and it landed on my index finger. I began to study trying to figure what kind it was.

black wings with a blue circle at the bottom maybe it's a blue morpho but they live jungles maybe a blue-

"So beautiful."

3rd person POV

Lucy looked over to the direction of the voice.soon enough Lucy's brown eyes soon met with Rin's blue one's and they both looked away quickly. Both of them were blushing a deep shade of red and were not saying anything to each other.

"I FOUND A JAR!!!!!!" Ushio jumped out of a bush a few leaves in her hair and a glass cylinder in her hand.

"great job Ushy. Lucy has the butterfly and all we need to do now is make some holes on the top and put some flowers in it then,presto it's done," Rin walked over to her and let out a nervous laugh, "Right Lucy?"

"Y-yeah ,right. I think it's a butterfly called the blue Morpho though they are native to any rain jungle." Lucy implied bringing the insect to the pair, "Can you go get some flowers for it, Ushio?" Lucy requested.

Ushio gave her a questioning look. "why would the blue thing need flowers?" she questioned.

"It needs them to get food." the blonde replied

the little girl nodded and ran back into the forest.

between There was an awkward silence between the two until Rin spoke up.

"I m-ment the b-butterfly was beautiful i was wondering how it got here i mean i've never seen it and-," RIn chattered on and on until Lucy cut him off.

"i understand." lucy said nodding. the silence continued.

Soon enough ushio came back with a little bouquet of flowers. "I BROUGHT FLOWERS!!" she ran to lucy and handed her the arrangement of flowers then ran to rin to get jar.

back to lucy

"how 'bout we go back to the dorms and i can make something for the three of us. Got any requests Lucy?" he asked

I thought about it for a little . " How about some kind of seafood."

"Your wish is my command now off to the dorms!" Rin exclaimed.


(also 3rd person)

"Stupid clown making me train all day" Sky grumbled as she walked with her younger brother into a tall building

"well it's your fault." Zander said.

"It's not my fault he doesn't have a sence of humor.It was only a harmless prank" She complained.

"You call releasing a Reaper in his office a 'harmless prank'" Zander Argued.

"he could've handled it he is a demon king after all." She mumbled.

"Mister Zander you're finally here your Miss.Reyna and Miss. Alice are already with your father" a young demon was at the counter with an earpiece on his pointed ear.

"New secretary? what did the poor kid do."The Half-demon girl questioned as the her brother pushed up his glasses and nodded.

"father doesn't like tardiness so he had Alice 'get rid' of him." he answered calmly.

they got into an elevator and went to the highest level. the doors opened up to a big fancy office that looked like Mephisto's but bigger and flasher. there were guards with gas masks and guns littered around the room. two blondes were sitting on two of four chairs in the middle of the room. At the window there was a huge desk and a leather spiny chair (that's just what i call em) turned to look out.

"Finally i was starting to get bored." the small girl in the far right turned around in her chair to face the two who had just .

The tenaged girl on the left gave the two a look of pity as they walked by. the spiny chair turned to revele the king of light, Lucifer

"good now it's time to discuss a small issue that has arisen.~" The spiny chair turned to face the window," What does this new child have to give to our cause? Now Skyer what do you have to report"

Skyler stood up and started to speak"Lucy doesn't pose any threat to the illuminati yet but she is showing progress on her controlling her flame-"

"i don't care if she can control those cursed flames. All i want to know if she what she will do when she knows of our cause" Skyler flinched at the angry tone the man.

" Father, if i may, but if she can control the golden flames she will become stronger and a greater asset to us." Zander suggested.

"i suppose that is all for now, begone."

The four silently left the room and shuffled into the lift.

"Stupid children, they're lucky i haven't killed them yet. But they do make excellent double agents against my disgraceful wife's Vatican."


YAAYY finally so much drama but it's all worth it

sorry for no updates i got distracted with other things *cough cough* Fairy tail* cough *

yep anyhoos i've decided to start trying to do weekly updates so look forward to that ( key word here is trying)


coment/ vote/ enjoy


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